Closed Everything You Know

Sango Arai

charms mastery • making my own way • exacting
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Curved 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Cherry Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Sango had always known what she wanted to do after graduation. Charms had always been a subject of fascination since she'd started going to school, and so it was no wonder that her goal was to eventually work on Experimental Charms. But working in the Japanese Ministry hadn't been her goal straight after graduation. She wanted to make sure that she was well ahead in the field for her age before she started working for the ministry. And so she'd decided to work on her mastery. Her mentor, however, had given her a goal to find a study that she wanted to focus on and specialize in. Which was how she found herself traveling and eventually ending up in New Zealand.

Sango had chosen to work on studying incorporating certain charms into dragonhide materials. Dragonhide was well-known as heavily impervious to spells, which was why it was such a great material to make protective clothing with. It would, however, be useful if the charms could be spelled into the material such as growing or shrinking charms. Or perhaps adding layers of protective spells on the material. There are so many possibilities. Unfortunately, she didn't know nearly enough about dragonhide or dragons to start researching how to incorporate charms. Which is why she'd reached out to a research center and requested a meeting with one of their dragonologists over lunch. Now, she just had to wait at the table for the dragonologist in question to arrive at the restaurant as she sipped on her drink.

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