Closed Everything I need

Felix Styx

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Curved 17 Inch Swishy Larch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Felix had planned this well, at least, he hoped so. Given Lanithro's house was, probably about a million times, bigger than Felix's he had agreed to host the little Christmas party there. Since Lanithro had found out that Felix hadn't celebrated Christmas since before had and Lyra had broken up four years ago, so he'd been pretty determined to get Felix to a Christmas party. If Felix was honest, the last proper party he'd been to had been the Cade party about six or so years ago, that had gone really well. It actually had gone quite well for him, not so well for James though. Felix tried not to think about Lyra though, he was determined to have a good time and he didn't know what Lyra was doing, but he hoped she was okay, it was Christmas after all and Felix would never wish her any harm, not ever. "Lan, you're sure you don't mind all this?" He asked, being very muggle about his decorating. Besides, it wasn't like he ever really remembered to actually use magic most of the time. He'd lived with his mum for most of the last four years, so magic was generally the furthest thing from his mind in that respect. "If you actually want everyone to leave, you have to tell me first, okay?" He knew most of the people he'd invited wouldn't have a particularly high opinion on Lanithro, but he hoped, for the most part, it balanced itself out.​

xx- feel free to post as you go, not worried about order much, since there really aren't that many of us, if you think it makes sense to post, go ahead! -xx​
Celebrations weren't a huge thing to Falon, and though she enjoyed having Christmas and New Years off, she wasn't sure the last time she had gone to a Christmas party or 'celebrated' it. So, she was surprised to hear that Felix was having a party, and even more surprised that it was with Lanithro. The two of them seemed to be happy together, and it was nice that Felix had someone that doted on him and spoiled him, rather than the other way around; though Falon was sure Felix gave back just as good as he got. She didn't really know Lanithro that well, just that he was another one of Lyra's playthings, and that he had been a complete tosser at school, so she didn't really want to attend the party alone. She had asked Link to go with her. It wasn't a date, she had made it clear (and constantly reminded herself in her head), but she had asked him to play nice. Falon felt like it was probably going to be awkward between Link and Felix, but Falon and Link didn't talk much about their siblings. They didn't talk much at all, for that matter.
Falon had gotten Felix a small ring as a present, one that had Urie inscribed on the top, but nothing for Lanithro. She had a bottle of whiskey tucked under her arm as she apparated with Link to Lanithro's house, taking a deep breath and knocking on the door.
Link hated Christmas and had sworn he’d never celebrate it again after he left Hogwarts. He’d been successful for the most part as he hadn’t been home for Christmas in four years. However, the seeker found himself breaking that rule this year for Falon Urie. He’d been seeing her casually without a commitment for nearly two months though they never seemed to talk much, he did enjoy her company. Link had promptly thrown the invitation from Felix in the trash as soon as it arrived, having no intention of going to see the git that no doubt had something to do with Lyra’s sudden disappearance. At her request, he changed his mind, despite the fact that she denied this was a date. Falon had made him promise to play nice though so he’d keep his fists to himself tonight. He was only here for the gorgeous creature next to him. He’d be fine as long as he focused on her. Link wrapped an arm around her waist as she knocked on the door.
While Lanithro was sort of new to this Christmas thing, he still celebrated it for the past two years. This one would be the third, and he wanted Felix to really have a proper Christmas. His normal black and white themed living room was decorated with colors and lights, all for the holidays. The Christmas tree he got was at least 20 feet high, so Lanithro sat on his broom while hanging up the final ornaments. Company was not what he had in mind, but the get together wouldn’t be too bad, since he was sure most of his family wouldn’t show. Not many cared for this holiday season. Just did the whole gift thing and that was it.

Lanithro heard knocking at the door, and he lowered the broom down so that he could answer it. Lanithro walked over to Felix, giving him a quick kiss, “Don’t worry. I don’t mind and I will try to behave myself.” He wouldn’t want to kick anyone out, since he didn’t want to have Felix upset with him. If he needed some space, Lanithro could just go upstairs to his room. He approached the door and opened it, his golden eyes widened a bit to see not only Felix’s twin, who he expected, but with Lyra’s twin, someone he did not expect. “Come in, make yourself at home,” Lanithro greeted hesitantly, while walking over to Felix. One thing was for sure, Lanithro wouldn’t tolerate any violence. His house had too many windows, large ones at that, and he didn’t feel like casting reparo a hundred times.

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