Open Everything Has Changed

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
Matt had known it would be strange, returning to Hogwarts in such a different role, but it really was even weirder than he had imagined. No matter where he went in the school, all he could think of was how he was now in charge of all of it. He had the strangest urge to patrol all the corridors early in the morning to make sure everything was still where it was supposed to be. He doubted Katherine had ever felt that urge, she had always felt so in control. Matt had already mistakenly walked towards his old office twice, and the school year had barely started. His new office had a lot more room for all his books though, which made it look a lot tidier. For now, at least. He headed into the professor's common room, heading over to make himself a coffee. While doing that, he spotted a few old things on the bulletin board and decided to take them down. New year, new start.
Most of the time, returning to Hogwarts after the holidays was a matter of falling back into routine. So little changed from year to year - the only big upheavals Kahurangi had experienced in the last decade at Hogwarts had been her promotion to Head of House and the birth of her daughter. This year, though, things were different in a brand new way. It didn't affect Kahurangi, not really, but Matt being promoted to Headmaster was a big change. It was a career move she hadn't expected, and though she was happy for him the thought of her oldest friend becoming her boss was a strange one for certain. She hadn't been able to catch much time alone with Matt beyond a quick congratulations, and she couldn't help struggling with the worry that that would become the new norm. Her social calendar had shrunk dramatically when Hinemoa was born, and between that and Matt's new responsibilities it was entirely possible that their friendship would wither with time. So it was a relief when she managed to catch him alone in the common room, grinning at the sight of him. "How's it going, boss?" She asked him with a cheeky elbow, abandoning her plan to get a cuppa. Hassling Matt came first.
Matt had been quite lost in thought, so he didn't notice Kahurangi coming up to him until she elbowed him. He winced, that always hurt a bit more than she probably thought it did. Kahurangi was a lot stronger than Matt. "Please don't call me that, I don't think I can handle the weirdness of it." He said, grimacing a bit. "But... it's going well, so far. Nothing exploded yet on my watch."
Kahurangi couldn't help the fondness that spread across her face at Matt's reaction. No matter the change in status, Matt would always be charmingly his own earnest self. "Yet, eh?" She smirked, hands slipping into her pockets. No matter how many years passed, something about being around Matt made her revert to how she had felt when they had been students together so many years ago. "Guess I'll have to add a few explosions to the Runes curriculum to properly welcome you." She teased.
Matt laughed softly at Kahurangi’s question, shrugging a bit. “It’s Hogwarts, I think something would be wrong if things didn’t explode occasionally.” He joked. He groaned softly at her next joke, shaking his head. “Not you too. Amy already started at Gambol and Jape’s, she has a new headmaster sale.” He said with a roll of his eyes. “Nice to know I’m supported.”
Kahurangi chuckled fondly at Matt's comment, nodding. "You've got me there. I doubt I could outdo the 'expulso' lessons in Charms anyway." She teased, thinking of the part of her schedule that was set aside for very firmly avoiding specific parts of the school so as not to have to put up with the noise. She laughed at the comments about Amy, smiling. "Hey, that's the best support she could offer." She teased lightly. "She's making sure you're prepared for the worst..."

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