Everyone Else Is Doing It

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Keith Mercer

Well-Known Member
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Okay yes I know like every female and their dog is preggars on this site, but I kinda need Keith to knock someone up before he settles down again. o_O :erm: =))
I want to carry on the pureblood line and have a character that I will be able to RP with as a pureblood. So calling all female Purebloods. :p

Keith is in a relationship now, but pretty soon he won't be. He's going to be pretty choked up about thinking he was going to be a Father again and then finding out it wasn't his. So! He's going to get out for one night, or a week, or a month or so (whatever suits your character) to get his mind off Avory. During that time, he accidentally gets them pregnant. If there is anyone even available and not pregnant that would be awesome. :lawlz: What I want to happen then is she have the baby, but dump it on him. :rofl:

So if there are any takers, that would be super! ^_^
Aww I have a 19 year old Pureblood :r =))
I have Leah… She’s mid twenties, a pureblood who doesn’t actually practice magic :lawlz: and she already has a five year old son. BUT that fits in well with the plot cause if she does get preggers she’ll be heaps pissy (she doesn’t want another child, you see ;) ) and quite easily dump the baby with Keith =))

Maybe at first she could be a like a shoulder to lean on but then they get closer??
Haha, whatever you want though.
LOL I'm not quite sure 19 is an appropriate age for a 39 year old. =)) It's only like 5 years older than his daughter. :lawlz:

Leah, that sounds good. ^_^

!! I also have another idea that could probably work if the need be. Maybe say it happened a couple of years ago and he only discovers he's the father now. That way the baby will be a little older. Then he can reunite with the Mother and they spend a little time together until he realises he's only trying so hard for the baby's sake, then she leaves it with him.
I have a topic in Obsidian, if you wanna join?
They could meet there but it's entirely up to you.
Keeping your options open... Cynthia is a Pureblood that practices magic... :r
I'm thinking 23 might also be a bit young. :lawlz: 25 is barely scraping what I think would be suitable for Keith.

Well actually, if Keith could get a young woman, he would. =))
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