Everybody and their dogs!

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Takuya Blaze

Wizengamot Interrogator
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Well, lets see. Takuya needs friends, maybe a love interest or a fling, those kinds of things.

Takuya is basically a very moody person, he hates it when he is shunned by the Muggles who wander the Wizarding World, and needs some Wizard Friends who would treat him as an equal.

If any of you are up for this, just let me know.

Leah is annoyed by muggle borns, but if you kept it a secret..... :p
I have Alexandra Finnigan, if you'd want her for a love interest. She's really nice and goes with whatever, she'd be easy to get along with because she doesn't like muggles that much either.
Sounds great, both of you. And Leah, just as long as she doesn't go all evil death eater on his ass, I'm fine with it. o-o :D
I would have gave Snow as a love interest or something, but Takuya and Snow has the same surname! lol. So if you want, they could become cousins or something. :D
And Snow's muggle born too, anyway
Sounds like a really great idea, Snow. But we would have to wait a while to get a topic started between Takuya and Snow. And sorry about stealing your last name. Didn't really check if it was taken.. :r
I don't think I ever rp with you. So I got a couple guys and chicks. Friend or a Foe?
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