Estelle Winters

Estelle Winters

New Member
OOC First Name
Ok this is going to sound a bit insane, what i am trying to do here is basically connect this character here to my demon hunting giant monster fighting Mabinogi character of the same name however there are a few things that might help me out in making this fair.

First of all, player characters from mabinogi are essentially immortal spirits who can reform their bodies in a soul stream every time they physically reach the age of 20. What i am doing here is basically, She won the war and gave up fighting then moved to this world to relive her childhood and learn more. Creating a new physical body of a 10 year old.

This means that she will be no more powerful than any other character, nor will she have access to the various weaponry from her original world. I customized her after myself and always wondered how things would turn out if magic really existed and i really lived through all those adventures. Then i ask myself what happens next? A lot of the information below concerns her old physical form rather than the current one and hence not applicable to her current body but she gets to keep her personality, and past skills

And so here goes, i really hope this gets considered. :p :p

Estelle Winters

Estelle Winters is a 5000 year old Immortal spirit who fought in the 2nd Fomor War between the kingdom of Ailech and their allies and Cichols shadow forces in another world. She is the co-leader of the Wings of Faith Guild and the one who defeated Glas Glabheim. Throughout her life, she has trained in almost every combat skill available at the time including alchemy, magic, close combat, Horsemanship and most notably archery. She has an extreme, almost fanatical sense of determination and this coupled with initial sense of inadequacy led her to dedicate
herself to combat so completely.


In her old form, Estelle had long dark brown flowing hair recognisable for the bangs and kept out of her eyes by a orange hairband given to her by a close friend during her trainee days. She is almost always seen wearing her armor which includes a skirt for easier movement is made of mythril but dyed gold. Her thoughtful golden eyes fit these perfectly and her slightly short and feminine build give her an almost cute appearance. Under the armor however are the marks of countless scars and bruises earned from a lifetime of fighting.

In her new form however, she has kept most of her former physical capabilities on hold and instead formed a much younger, 11 year old body with a lighter brown hair in hopes of appearing less menacing to the general public. After all, There has been no fomor activity for the past 200 years and thus no reason to run around waving a sword around or alerting the common people. In a way reliving her childhood is her way of killing off the boredom and perhaps learn something useful if ever there were to be a 3rd fomor war back in her world.


Estelle is determined, content and quick to react to provocation. Years of trying to save friends from death then being trapped in a hellish zombie filled parallel world has only reinforced her already fierce loyalty with her friends. Watching past memories of herself has led her to loosen up on the whole professional killing machine image and led her to cherish every moment she has with her friends, and perhaps have some fun with them. Unfortunately Estelle finds fighting and killing fomor soldiers fun after all the misery and death they have caused making her seem strange to most. Killing simply doesn't bother her anymore. The total victory seems to
have cheered her up a lot and these days she is often seen with a smile and a very positive outlook on life.

Notably she seems to view humans as, extremely scary compared to the giants and elves of her world because it always seems to be humans who come up with new improvements and methods. These generally (according to her) result in increasingly advanced weaponry. As she was originally human, she takes pride in this.


Estelle's birth family is unknown, but her bond family are members of the wings of Faith. An entire Group of Immortals who by now have mostly drifted off to other worlds in search of adventure as the fomor threat to their world has long gone.

Other Capabilities.

Being an immortal spirit otherwise known as a Milletian, Estelle simply returns to the soul stream when killed. while she could technically bring out her old abilities, Milletians are not allowed to directly interfere in humanities natural struggle between good and evil as even if she makes a difference, the sad fact is that it would likely lead to future humans forgetting about the harsher days or worse relying on others to solve their problems.

And so, eager to relive her childhood (again) and meet new people, Estelle has done her best to push her strange past aside and hopefully be normal for once. (Well maybe if you consider a fun loving little girl with an interest in combat tactics as normal)


Full Name: Estelle Winters
Age : 5000+ (physically 11)
Birthday : december 21st
Gender: female.
Personality: Focused, determined, Serious, hot tempered, fun loving,
Occupation : freespirit
Hobby: war, participating in war, playing games including video games
Parents: unknown, was a war orphant
Hair color : light brown.
Eye Color: amber/gold
Build: average
Height : 4'10''

How on earth did she get into hogwarts?
was apparently magical enough to be noticed when she turned 11 physically
Hi Estelle,

Have you had the opportunity to review our Site Documentation ? I think it might be helpful in your beginnings to develop your character.

Many of the ideas you outlined in your post, while certainly intriguing and exciting, do not follow Harry Potter canon and are quite outlandish, even for this forum. HP canon is something we try to adhere to as well as we can, and even special gifts that are possible within the universe require administrator approval.

I wish you the best of luck in your character's development,


P.S: Have you introduced yourself to our community yet? Also: if you have any questions or concerns about this site, feel free to PM me at any time. ^_^

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