Erm, Where am I?

Felix Garcia

former hnz nurse | father | prankster
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 15" Unyielding Elm Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
<FONT font="georgia">Felix Garcia had woken up and found himself lying on a beach in northern New Zealand, wondering just on earth his simple, small night out had led him to this place, this beach. A beach that was incredibly far from the country he called home and coincidentally the country this entire thing, whatever it was had started in. It had been a truly long time since Felix had drunk quite like he had over the past few days and nights. His memory consisted of small amounts of blurry images, loud noises and lots of alcohol. It had all started on the Friday after he'd finished up for the day and had found himself on week long leave. He didn't know what day it was now. It had started simple with him and a few of the guys in his platoon having a couple of beers on his friend's balcony in central Madrid. The next thing he remembered was leaving to meet up with some of his old school friends from his time at Beauxbatons at some magical bar in Madrid, and that was it, the rest of the night was a blur. The next thing Felix had been aware of was waking up on a beach, the beach he was still lying on and with the use of his apparently still working phone had located him in northern New Zealand. Felix had no memory of how or when he'd decided to go to New Zealand. The man found as he lay on the ground that he could barely move, everything felt like lead and he was unendingly pleased for the shade of the dark rain clouds limiting the brightness of what he assumed was morning.

Attempting to sit up had been proved difficult, that was why despite having been awake likely close to a half hour he hadn't yet moved at all. He was trying to figure out if he was still drunk, or if he was about to be really, really, just so incredibly hungover. The sort of hangover where he honestly felt like dying would be kinder. All in all, it really just left him feeling like if he tried to move too much too quickly he would just vomit all over the sand he was laying on. The familiar sea air smell filled his nostrils with every breath, he took a long deep breath focusing on the smell of the air as he attempted to get his bearings. How on gods good earth had he ended up here, just how? Having been in the Spanish army since the age of eighteen he had built a fairly high tolerance to alcohol and hadn't either blacked out or felt hungover in years, not since graduating from Beauxbatons. Being hungover didn't end well in the army, the six in the morning wake up calls did not agree with heavy drinking, and the higher ups didn't care if you were vomiting you had to continue. Felix had very quickly learned to moderate to not have to experience running a ten kilometre track in the hot Spanish sun with his pack full and on his back. He usually drank in moderation but apparently not during this weekend. Felix had just no clue what had happened at all over the last few days.

The sound of sharp yapping from what could only be a small dog forced Felix to really take notice of his surrounds. He sat up quickly, startled and immediately regretting doing that action as his stomach protested strongly. He groaned in pain loudly wrapping one arm around his stomach. It took all of his might to not vomit all over himself right at that precise moment. He looked for the origin of the sound and his eyes settled upon his side where the was a little dog looking straight at Felix. Felix glanced around the beach but couldn't see anyone else, the owner of the dog was clearly gone. He reached out, surprisingly sluggishly to him, his body appeared to not be responding well at all to what he was trying to tell it to do. He placed his hand on it and petted it, and the dog responded with a happy little bark, which Felix winced at just too loud a noise for his delicate brain right at that point. It was a really incredibly small dog. He had been about to shoo it away back to it's master but was interrupt as an onslaught of memories suddenly hit him. He came to the realisation because of the memories that there would no owner wondering around looking for this little dog because he was the dog's owner. He had at some point between Friday night and now bought or somehow got a dog. "What the hell happened to me" he muttered in Spanish in disbelief as he forced himself to sit up completely and then took the little dog in hands, holding it up to his face. It was a cute little dog, barely bigger than his hands. He couldn't believe what he appeared to have done. What on earth had happened, how on earth could he have been persuaded into getting a dog. The dog barked happily again and began to lick Felix's face, that obviously made Felix smile happily, his current state briefly forgotten.

Now that he was sitting up the man realised that he'd probably had crazy few days and so, forced himself to check he still had everything else, placing the dog down on his lap so that he could check himself over. He found his wallet thankfully, his phone that seemed undamaged though the case was a little sticky and upon closer inspection he realised it smelled like vaguely like cider. He did appear to be missing a jacket or jumper of some kind he couldn't remember if he'd started on Friday with one, he was sat on the sand in just a white t-shirt, faded blue jeans and his dog tags worn around his neck and under his t-shirt. He still had his shoes and socks though they were beside him rather than being worn that made sense seeing as he was sitting on a sandy beach. He leaned forward slightly with a heavy sigh, rubbing the back of his head. Felix felt sickly, dizzy and his head was aching, he felt as though with each passing second he was getting worse. He would never ever again he drink that badly. His time in the army had largely removed most of his crazier antics but it appeared that for just one night he'd just let it all go. The man was incredibly pleased that he was on leave and did not have to worry about being back in training for another week. He was sure it would take him more than a few days to get over this absolutely killer hangover. The little dog in his hands appeared to be falling asleep as it was snuggling up. He decided that the little dog had the right idea, he just needed to lay down a little longer. So, slowly the man lay back down on the sand, placing the little what was clearly a puppy of some kind on his chest and just closing his eyes. Thinking that a little more sleep would go a long way.
Naomi had had a stressful night at work, and decided that the best way to calm herself was to go for a walk. A lot of the time, the blonde would just dive into a book and dream of fantasy lands, but her mind was too busy for her to concentrate on reading. She was tired after running around St Mungo's, being a healer was a never ending job, with no rests or breaks. But, after lying down on her bed for an hour, tossing and turning, and the sunrise shining through her curtains, she knew that there was no way she was going to fall asleep.
There was a beach not far from where she stayed. Naomi changed into comfortable clothes, and sand shoes. She wasn't planning on swimming so early in the morning, but it would be nice if she could walk through the water without having to carry her shoes.
As Naomi arrived at the beach, she noticed that the morning sun was quickly being hidden away by dark and angry looking rain clouds. She wondered if it was actually going to rain, as she knew New Zealand weather was incredibly unpredicitable. Naomi shrugged her shoulders and continued to walk along the beach, enjoying the fresh air. She had her wand with her, so if it were to rain, she would easily be able to quickly dry herself off.
The last few months had left Naomi feeling lonely. She had made some good work friends, but their relationship never carried on outside of work. Christmas was coming soon though, and she was grateful as she loved spending time with her family, especially since she moved out.
Naomi's thoughts continued to speed through her mind as she thought about a specific illness someone had at the hospital. She couldn't quite get her finger on it, and every time they thought the person was getting better, or they thought they had a break through, they would end up worse than before. It was baffling, and it was what was keeping her awake. She knew that they would solve what was wrong, but it was frustrating to not know what it was yet. A loud yapping sound caught Naomi off guard as she looked around the beach. She hadn't realized that there were others on the beach, and she was right, it was quite empty. But in the distance, she saw a little dog in front of, what seemed to be, it's owner. Something about the man didn't seem right, he was moving slowly, and lethargically. She continued walking closer as the man put his head in his hands, and she wondered what was wrong with him. Perhaps he had been kicked out, or just had brain freeze from an early morning swim. As Naomi neared closer, the man lay himself back down, the puppy on top of him. Naomi was confused, but concerned, so she picked up the pace and jogged until she was close to the man. He was breathing fine, so that was a good sign. She knelt down next to him, observing him for a few moments before breaking the silence. "Are, are you okay?" She asked, concerned.
The small and barely noticeable weight on his chest was surprisingly comfortable, the hungover man was using the small weight to remind him where he was and to ground himself. Something to focus on considering how terrible he felt, he was willing himself to not vomit again, he knew that people would eventually start filling this beach and he didn't like the idea of vomiting front of people he didn't know. He was glad the little dog on his chest had stopped yapping it seemed like him to have fallen asleep, and he could just sleep in peace on this strange morning, at this end of this long weekend in this completely different country. He was glad the morning was cloudy and the air was cool, it was working wonders on his aching body, helping soothe his pounding head. That was honestly, he vowed, the last time he would ever drink that much, drink to the point where he could barely remember his weekend, that had led him to getting a new dog apparently, to stop him from apparating to a country he barely knew with no idea where his friends were or where he barely spoke the language. It was just insane, this entire thing was just insane, the memories in his head made no sense, but he had no one to blame that himself. He felt sick to his stomach, Felix felt like he could feel every drink he'd had, every bit of food he'd eaten over the weekend, just taunting him, jabbing him, making him feel like the entire world was conspiring to give him the worst possible wake up ever. He was glad that he'd been alone, admitting to anyone, or figuring out how to talk to anyone would be beyond his capabilities right now and that wasn't just because his english was pretty poor. Felix just would rather lay there in silence and pray or sleep this monstrous hangover away. Surely, if he slept long enough it eventually would, or would go enough away for Felix to figure out how to get home. He would eventually be fine, he was sure, it was just how long it would take. Everything would've remained fine had it not been for the fact that a voice spoke, just beside him. The boy was startled by this, having not heard the person approaching, but un-keen to try with any person considering how he was currently feeling.

Felix opened his eyes, blinking several times as they adjusted and then groaned slightly as light filled his sight and his head ache peaked, the growing brightness of the day doing nothing for how incredibly unwell he felt. He brought a hand up slowly and just waved this woman off, movements still slow. Felix put his hand on the puppy sitting on his chest and picked it up, holding it in his hand with ease, as with a great amount of struggle the man pulled himself up into a sitting position so he could better face this woman. He was trying his hardest to not be sick, he was holding everything back to not vomit all over himself, or on her. He was just trying to make sure that he stayed looking relatively normal, but he doubted it was working, if he looked anything like how he felt it wouldn't be good. Felix knew that he hadn't actually answered the woman's question, so after more than a few deep breaths he turned slightly, so that he was facing her, and with as much of a smile as he could muster in his condition said, "I'm okay, I'm just hungover," he spoke in rapid Spanish, before remembering that this was not Spain but was New Zealand. He frowned slightly, furrowing his brow as he attempted to remember what the english was for everything he desired to say, his sister had always been better at languages than him, "I okay, drink too much, head sore, vomit," he was picking words out because his mind wasn't working as well as it could, not that it would've been good at this if he wasn't hungover. The dog in his hands seemed to be waking up slightly, but instead of letting it wake up, he placed it carefully and slow on his leg, so that it could rest some more, no sense in forcing a small dog to be awake when it seemed so tired, goodness knew when and how he'd gotten this dog. His gaze flicked back up to the woman, " I really in Nueva Zelanda?" he couldn't remember the english world for New Zealand, he just had to hope what he said came close enough. Felix just needed confirmation that his phone had not been lying to him and this beach was indeed in New Zealand, he just needed this person to confirm how badly he'd f##ked up.
The man in front of her had waved her off, but Naomi wasn't that ready to give in. She was beginning to suspect what the matter was, and tried to suppress a smile as it became more apparent. Naomi watched as the man sat up slowly, and took a couple of deep breaths, but her expression turned into slight confusion as the man spoke in what seemed to be Spanish. Knowing some Italian, Naomi recognized the nouns, but wasn't sure of the context. Although she could probably guess, given the state of the man. Naomi began to shake her head to show that she didn't understand, but she watched as he found some English words to describe how he was feeling. Naomi nodded her head, wondering if she should help him. Her house wasn't too far, and she could mix up a quick concoction to take his hangover away. Her thoughts were interrupted by the man asking if he was in New Zealand. Naomi tried to hide a smile as she thought about how crazy this guy's night must have been if he didn't know what country he was in. Nodding her head, Naomi at least knew how to say yes in Spanish. "Yes." She responded in Spanish. She felt sorry for the guy, and wondered how the dog got involved. Naomi decided that she was skillful enough to look after herself if anything were to happen, so she was going to help. Standing up, Nao looked at the man. "Do, you, need, erm," She paused, "help?" She asked slowly, 'help' in Italian. Naomi hoped that the word was similar in Spanish. She held out her hand, to show she would like to help him.
The confusion which clouded Felix's mind did seem to want to give way, he was pushing through it, a little dog in his hands, and absolutely no clue how or when he had decided to come to New Zealand. It wasn't exactly a bad thing, he had time off, and it wasn't like he'd have to pay for a flight, but still, he was in New Zealand and honestly had no way of explaining it. He looked at the woman in front of him, she had a kind, warm face and he couldn't help but be grateful that the person who had spotted him hadn't been someone else, someone far less friendly. Someone who wouldn't have taken too kindly to Felix's hungover state. He knew that if he vomited all over her, she wouldn't be too happy and so Felix was breathing as deeply as he could praying for the nausea to pass, she in front of him confirmed what he was already certain of, and then sighed deeply, he glanced as she stood up, and then extended a hand to him, speaking some words in english and then in italian, he wasn't particularly good in either language, but he was able to figure out what she'd said, from the little she'd said. He nodded at her, no sense lying right now, when it was blatantly not true.

Before taking her hand, he took the dog off his legs and held it in one hand, using his other to take this woman's hand and pull himself to his feet. He groaned and winced as he did so, blood rushing to his head, making him dizzy, the headache increasing, and his nausea threatening to make an ever so blunt appearance. It took him a few minutes but soon he had stood to full height, if a little bent because of the hangover, he pulled out his muggle phone from his pocket and glanced at the time, "Café" he said slowly, "Coffee?" he knew that he needed coffee, he needed lots of it, he needed a hangover cure, but right now, he would settle for coffee, he didn't even know if he had muggle money that wasn't Euros. He had muggle money back home in Spain, but he didn't think he had any New Zealand dollars, Felix sighed a little, giving the woman in front of him a weak smile, "My name, Felix, eh, I am Español," he introduced as he attempted to figure out his english, which was far worse now that it would be when he was sober, though that wasn't by much. Perhaps, he was figuring if he sat down for coffee, sobered up to an extent he might just be able to piece together his night, and figure out what had happened, or where the dog he held in his hand was from.
Naomi smiled as the man accepted her help. Naomi didn't have a lot of muscle, not nearly as much as the man had, so it was a bit of a struggle for her, and she could feel her arm straining. However, it did not take long for him to be standing upright, and Naomi held her hand on his shoulder to keep him steady - though she wasn't sure how much of a help that would have been. However, she made sure she was standing away from the direction of his mouth. She would not be happy if the man upchucked all over her; it was something she didn't think she would ever get used to, no matter how often it happened. Nao loved the little puppy that the man was holding, and she wondered if should hold it while the man sorted himself out. However, he asked for coffee, and Naomi nodded, knowing that she could probably slip in a hang-over cure. She smiled back at the man who introduced himself as Felix, nodding her head, understanding he was spanish. "Naomi." She started. "English." She mentioned, a small smile. "A little bit of Italian." She said, showing 'little' with her finger and thumb. "Come." Naomi offered, beckoning with her hand after letting go of his shoulder, and showing the way towards her little house. He didn't seem that dangerous, and given his state, she doubted he'd be able to do anything. If he tried anything, Naomi could easily take him out with her wand, and then wipe his memory. She felt confident that nothing would happen though.
Felix had always been told of the hospitality of those in New Zealand by his sister who had recently moved, but Felix was almost a little impressed by the way this woman, Naomi, was acting towards him, confident, seemingly unfazed by his state and obvious problems. His muddled and confused brain making no sense of what might've happened, but hoping that when he sobered up and was able to think about what had happened he might be able to figure out what had led him to this distant country. From what he knew about his sister current dealings, she wasn't even in this country right now, having taken a few months out to explore the surrounding islands of the pacific, which mean he wasn't here for her. Still for some reason and just somehow he had just ended up in this country so far from his own, he had no sense of what could've lead him to this of all places. Felix however nodded at the woman, still holding the dog in his hand and following her as she told him too, walking just a step behind her as he did so, his body aching and stiff from whatever had happened.

The problem really was the language barrier, Felix spoke French and Spanish because of where he'd grown up and where he'd gone to school which meant he could most of the time understand Italian despite not being able to speak it, but if she only knew a little that wouldn't help either. His english would just have to be what he delved into to try and talk to her. But, for now he just followed in silence holding the dog with both his hands and managing to smile brightly at the little guy, muttering in Spanish to it, the headache still pounded and his entire body felt numb but he was just focusing on the dog and on the woman helping him, "You vives on playa?" he strung together in a mixture of the two hoping that she might be able to understand him, turning his attention away from the dog. He wasn't sure what else to really say, he wanted coffee and had been fine with the idea of going to a coffee shop but it appeared as though she was taking him back to her house. Felix was definitely grateful for all the help she was giving him, "You are muy amable,"
As Naomi walked slowly, leading the man towards her house, her mind went to wondering what the man had gotten himself into the previous night. The fact that he didn't know what country he was in had said a lot, but the blonde wondered if he'd ever remember, because she was sure it would be a funny story. Naomi herself hadn't often gotten drunk. She had seen a lot of people doing silly things when they were drunk; especially her sister who drank a lot. And she knew what it did to the body. But mostly, Naomi hated being out of control. She needed to be able to control her body, and make it do what she wanted it to do. She didn't mind having a wine, or some other drink with dinner, but as soon as her arms felt heavy, or she started hiccuping, Naomi would stop. Still, sometimes it was good fun watching the things people did when they were no longer in control.
Naomi looked back, to make sure that Felix was still okay, and still following her. A small smile grew on her face when she saw him talking quietly to the little dog. She had no idea what he was saying, but it didn't matter, the way he was handling the dog was too cute. Naomi hadn't expected her morning to go like this, she was sure that after a nice walk, she'd be able to fall asleep. Walks always de-cluttered her mind, but this situation definitely made her think of other things than work. She turned back around, and continued walking, her hands fumbling with her messy hair as they walked in silence. Naomi looked back at the man as he spoke to her, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion. She hadn't any idea what he had said. 'Vives' sounded similar to 'live' in Italian, but it was a bit too much for her to string together what he had said. Naomi bit her lip. "Erm, sorry, what?" She asked. It wasn't often that Naomi dealt with anyone who was Spanish, so it had never crossed her mind to learn it before. The last sentence he said sounded familiar, so Naomi assumed he had called her nice. She smiled at him, appreciating his comment. She had always been kind to people, and she never really understood meaningless anger or rudeness. He needed help, so she was going to help him. She would have done with anyone. They arrived at her house, and Naomi opened the little gate, before leading him down the path, closing it behind him. She invited him into her kitchen, pulling a seat out for him, and putting water in a small saucer for the dog. Naomi then got to work, grabbing things from here and there, working on a small potion for the hungover man.
Clearly this language barrier was proving to be something else between himself and this girl, Naomi, and he fully expected her to be the sort of person who at this point would ask him to leave, but she didn't, she didn't understand what he said but this didn't cause her to turn him away and just ask him to leave, which he had to be grateful for, each step was a struggle and the man was regretting getting up from where he'd been laid out on the cold sand, dog sleeping softly on his stomach, where he might not have been the most comfortable but he had been lying down and just able to calmly take each moment of the day, not having to muddle through English to figure it out, but the man knew this was his own fault for somehow ending up on the other side of the world when he should be tucked in his bed in Barcelona, when he should be sitting beside his own toilet puking up his guts instead of trying desperate to not be sick over this woman who was so kindly helping him, or even just back where he could go to the coffee shop at the end of the road and drink a good cup of espresso coffee from the ever endearing waitress behind the bar.

Felix followed her down the path and into her kitchen, where he kept the dog held in his arms, such a little thing, and he just glanced down at it with a small smile, just wondering what on earth had happened. He pulled out his phone as he took a seat and wondered why it was appearing to not work, his phone worked most of the time around his own magic, it didn't work well, but if he really needed it, he just put the wand away and everything was fine, but this room it just made the phone basically not work at all, perhaps this Naomi was also magic like him. He smiled a little at the saucer before placing the dog down in front of it and muttering to the little guy in rapid spanish, only glancing up at her with a little smile, "Thank you," he managed to say in heavily accented Spanish, the only english he really remembered, "Erm, paper, eh, write?" he spoke slowly, finding the right words and then motioning with his hand, writing in the air, his written english wasn't too much better than his spoken, but he figured that might help if he was really struggling to know what to say, but he knew it would likely be hopeless, he was fighting off the headache, and the nausea, just trying to stay awake, "You Work?" he asked, essentially trying to ask what she did for a living, but only knowing the word work.
This would be so much easier to make if she could use magic. Instead, Naomi had to make the remedy for his hangover by hand. She wondered if she could just use it, and tell him he was hallucinating when he asked her about it. But, that was a silly idea, and incredibly dangerous. So instead, Naomi bustled around the kitchen, grabbing and mixing all the things she needed and turning on the kettle for his coffee. Naomi turned around at his request, nodding her head and popping out of the room for a second to grab what he wanted. She didn't have any normal pens or pencils, all she had was quills and parchment. Shrugging, hoping he wouldn't find her too weird for having them, she went back into the kitchen, and offered them to him. Naomi wondered what a muggle would think of using that equipment, but she chose to not explain it and went back to making the coffee, and slipped a little bit of the hangover cure into the mix.
Naomi took the drink over to Felix, and sat opposite him, nodding her head at his question. "I heal." She started off simply, before realizing that wasn't the word muggles used. "Umm-" She started, quickly trying to think of the word. "Doctor." She answered, hoping that she had used the correct term. "And yourself?" Naomi asked curiously; and also because then maybe he'd forget her saying that she healed people like a mythical elf.
Felix took the quill and parchment, given that he was raised magical and was a wizard, these two things were nothing more than normal to him, he didn't even question being given them as items to write with, and it took him a few moments to be able to even clutch the quill and he kept giving up as he attempt to fix his mind and figure out what on earth had happened, how he had ended up on such a place, so far from home and just completely clueless about what this was. Felix put down the quill and massaged his temples as he barely kept in the growing nausea, which had seemed to disappear for a little bit, but really clearly hadn't. The man looked up at her as she handed him coffee and he couldn't help but smile grateful as he wrapped his hands around the mug and blew the stem from the top wasting no time in sipping the liquid, it didn't taste as coffee usually tasted to him, but he figured that was the New Zealand-ness of it, coffee back in Spain was a whole lot better than this.

Felix looked up at her statement, this was a strange way of saying it, not a muggle way at least, and then glancing down at the parchment and quill and back up at her, he was slowly pushing his way to understanding what was going on. As the question was returned to him, he just nodded, taking another sip of the coffee as if to get himself ready to speak, "I medic in army Españolas," he then said, "I heal too," Felix added with a shrug as if to indicate that he knew what she was, before then just grabbing the parchment, quill and ink and very carefully writing the word out in spanish, bruja before sighing slightly and writing the word in french, sorcière hoping she could understand that, as he looked back at Naomi with an expression that could only be understood as he knew, this language barrier was really proving annoying, he wished he'd payed more attention when his sister had been learning english, and then a thought occurred to him, he took a long sip of the coffee, feeling more than a little better and then pulled the parchment back towards himself and wrote, beauxbatons if she was a witch she would understand it, if not it was the ramblings of a likely maybe still drunk or very hungover spanish man.

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