Erm Two at A Time

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OOC First Name
Introducing the one, the only

I've been looking over which characters have very little planned for them and need a bit more here and there, and while I'm sure there are other one's besides Shiloh, he's a pivital character in my main girl's life, and i feel he deserves to have more of a group around him than his mildly ungrateful Niece. So this is my baby Shiloh.

He is a muggle, yes, but his niece is Prue Armstead, who attends HNZ. He came to have legal guardianship when his brother and brother's life partner died in a car crash, leaving the girl with no one but him. Being a bit awkward, and rather offstandish, he and Prue often butt heads. He is a protective gentleman, who wants what is best for the girl but can't really express that well. He is very sweet and gentle, and often times can be seen in watch adverts because he is a hand model. I've got very little for Shiloh right now, as he and the person I'd recently planned for his final did not work out (nothing bad, we just got them together and didn't feel the spark), so he is open for all aspects. I know he doesn't have a character dev or anything (I'm a lazy butt head) but I'd like to start hashing that out with roleplays. Of course feel free to look at my tracher for other charries, but right now I'm looking a lot for my baby here!</COLOR>

I'm going to go ahead and add in another beauty of mine, and her name is

Laura is from an Irish-Catholic family, and for her entire magic schooling her was home-schooled. The whole of the family is rather friendly, and they love being around each other - they are fairly loud even in public, but separated from the family Laura is a bit more reserved and bookish. She enjoys reading and can't help but become so engrossed in a book that she can't even hear a train coming. She absolutely loves to be outside in the autumn air and have a heart to heart or read - but it doesn't mean she is a sappy romantic. Laura can be sarcastic and quick witted is she needs to be - and often times observes people to be able to hit their most sensitive buttons if it is called for.

All in all she a typical young woman. Currently she lives in Ireland - but If there is a good enough reason for her to travel i can imagine she would! I've really gotta work on developing her character better through friendships and relationships if possible!

I have Toffee Delacroix who is just a happy go-lucky girl, she loves the world and everything is sunshine and lollipops. She attended Beauxbatons, but moved to LA afterwards, trying to chase dreams - she's probably tried a little bit of everything. Toffee hasn't been fully developed, but I can imagine her getting stuck in a rut, in a dead end job in LA, it not turning out what she wanted it to be, so she would've picked up and moved to NZ.
Donna my love I would love to give them a try! He'd find her fascinating just because she's magical - and besides that she's blonde haired which is his M.O. He loves that! <3 We can talk more on skype about when to set something up!
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