Entering the New School

Hazel ColdBlood

Well-Known Member
Hazel walked into the walls of Dumstrang for the very first time, her trunk having already reached the dormitory. She groaned at the thought of sharing a room, she hated the thought. She had always been treated like a princess and she hoped to receive the same treatment from those around her. She was glad to be able to study in Dumstrang, at least for a year and make some valuable friends before she is transported to leaving hell of HNZ to dwell with the dirt of mudbloods, blood traitors and half-breeds.

Walking to the dinning hall, she had to admit, Dumstrang had its style and class. The walls as well as the halls were lavishly decorated with portraits, painting, armors and torches. Taking a seat beside another girl whom she had been noticing the entire day and who seemed like the kind Hazel would like, she served herself as she listened to the speech of the Head teacher.
Angelica was yet again on this ceremony for first years, wearing her simple but expensive dress for the night. Angelica didn't bother to wear the school uniform for she hates it, plus, the headmaster said thats he can wear anything. How she loves attention. After the headmaster's speech the food burst out into the long tables, Angelica noticed a girl beside her. She hesitate at first to introduce herself but it was for her benefit anyway, "Hello, I'm Angelica Toralba." She said in her merry-fake-tone and smiled fakely.
Hazel threw a dirty look at a boy sitting in front of her who charged at the food grabbing everything he could.He looked like a hungry wolf who hadn't seen food for centuries.She hoped that this boy was one ugly oddity to the Dumstrang students.She would be damned if they all were like him.Pigs.

Hazel heard the girl sitting beside her address her."I'm Hazel ColdBlood,"she said assessing the girl's fake tone."You don't need to put on the fake charade.I prefer people who smile least as I don't do it much."she told the girl Angelica.She did not return her smile but thought her own response was civil enough.
"Well, Hazel ..." Angelica trailed off, she wasn't expecting a first year to be like this. All her friends are so sweet they can be eaten by a whole army of ant. "Your good on looking at people's personality, I say your on the right track of being here in Durmstrang." She said positively. Well, Angelica doesn't like first years as they think Durmstrang is for sweet students but she prefer this one.
Hazel had succeeded, at least in terms of Angelica, she was on the right path but it had just begun. This was the lowest point one could be in the wizarding world and Hazel wasn't going to be here but head on the path and be the highest one who would look down at others. With this thought, she smiled at Angelica revealing a dimple on her right cheek. "Thanks" she spoke, truly meaning it for once.

Swallowing some fat free salad she asked Angelica. "What year are you in?" It would be nice to have an elder friend that shared some common thoughts with Hazel thus she decided it would be nice if they shared a conversation.
She smiled cheekily at Hazel and returned to food grabbing, she took a muffin, chicken and mashed potato and placing it all on her plate. Even Angelica likes to eat, she eats with sophistication with it. Hazel then asked what year is she, "I'm in 6th year going to be 7th year." Angelica told her and took another spoonful of mash potato and gracefully ate it. "So, which family are you from? ... I mean everyone here is famous for their families." She asked while sipping on her glass of pumpkin juice.
Hazel chewed on some chocolate pastries as Angelica said she was in sixth year. Hazel had to accept it that this girl, Angelica knew far more magic than her and was of course lot elder thus she was the perfect way she could come to learn about Dumstrang and other things related to the school. When she was asked about her family she replied after swallowing her small bite of pastry.

"My dad, Zacvro ColdBlood was The Head of Magical Law Enforcement five years ago in the Bulgarian Ministry"she told Angelica, proud to have a good family background. "But he died"she said simply, not a single emotion showing on her cold yet beautiful face.When she was young, at the age of five when Zacvro died she had cried and felt sad but Hazel had learnt very well to control her emotions since then.

"My mom, Rosemary is a famous theater artist having done the plays like 'The Banshee that Killed' and 'The Death on Halloween'" she told Angelica wondering if she had heard about Rosemary. She would have if she had any connection with entertainment in the wizarding world for Rosemary was world famous and had done several plays in different tongues. "What about your family?"she asked Angelica curiously.
Angelica listen as Hazel told her that her father was the head of the magical law enforcement but died. Her eyes widen as Hazel said that her mother is a famous theater artist, "No way, your mother is a theater artist? ... No wonder my grandmother on my mother's side likes to see every play in the theater." She exclaimed, Angelica was always brought to this kind of event even though she hates theater acts. After Hazel's story she asked Angelica's background, she had memorized all the information on her family and was proud of it.

"My grandfather on my father side is a former Wizengamot, my grandmother is a former healer in St. mungos, my uncle is a professor here in Durmstrang and my father is a wizarding business man." She paused for minute to take a breath and she smiled at Hazel then continued. "Then on my mother's side, my grandfather is the former minister of magic here in Bulgaria. My grandmother and mother is a house wife." At last her story ends there and only there. "I think that's explains why I'm rich." Angelica took a sip again on her glass.
Hazel smiled as Angelica spoke about her grandmother loving plays, Hazel loved them too as most of them were classics while a few were modern ones. She heard as Angelica told her about her family. Hazel considered herself having so many relations, she had her answer, she would have died by now.

"I don't have anyone on my mother's side, her parents are dead and she was the only child. I was never told if she had any cousins or about anyone on my father's side. Even Father was the only child" she explained her small family. "Have you got any siblings?"she asked Angelica. Hazel's entire family had the history of having a single child, the same went for her.
Angelica nodded slightly as she understand her mother's parents death. "I understand." Angelica said taking a bite on her muffin. Hazel then asked if she has any siblings, Angelica swallowed her food on her mouth before speaking. "Well, I was going to have one but died when its still on my mother's womb. She accidentally slip on her bathroom." Angelica prefer to call the baby as an 'it' because they never knew of its gender. "How about you?" She asked back, biting on her muffin again.
Hazel nodded as Angelica said that her sibling had died. "No, as I said my family has always preffered having one child" she told Angelica. But she couldn't be sure if Rufus and Rose would get themselves a baby or not, then she would a step-brother or sister. How much the thought annoyed her. However hopefully they wouldn't get a baby, they hadn't married, that didn't mean that they couldn't have a baby, Hazel knew that of course, she was much matured to understand all of that.

She had always thought that Rufus didn't want to commit to her mother. She didn't know the reason that was stopping them from mairrage but whatever it was she would be happy to have Rufus stay far from her. The man scared Hazel to death, he was so dark and evil and he acted on Hazel without mercy and Rose never stopped him.

"So what do you in school besides studying" she asked Angelica.She had made a mental note to not join any babyish clubs but if there was something worth learning in the extra cirrciular activities, Hazel would surely be interested.She would also love to join Qudditch team, she had flying in her blood and had been flying on a broom since childhood and had always been good at it.
She nibble on her muffin while listening to hazel, Hazel's family prefer to have only one child. Angelica raised one eyebrow secretly, her family wouldn't want just one child they prefer many as possible to be male that can pass the family last name. But its their lost that they stop on a girl and that's her, Angelica's uncle doesn't have any kids at this late as he and his wife doesn't have time for each other because of work.

Angelica stop nibbling when Hazel asked what she do besides studying, "Well, me and the other team practice at the pitch and them after that I meet my friends and hang out anywhere." She told her and took a sip on her glass. Angelica is on the quidditch team and she is a chaser, funny that she was the only girl in the team, all are males.
Hazel served herself some chocolate pudding, the perfect dessert for her because it had always been her favorite. Taking some, she had to agree it was really delicious and she could rest assured that in no time she would gain many kilograms of weight. To avoid that and stay in the slender seductive figure she currently had she decided to eat low fat food starting from tomorrow. After all, Hazel burnt much of her energy every day so that wouldn't be a problem.

Hazel listened with interest as Angelica spoke about the team. She hoped she would be allowed to play for she simply loved the game. "How does a team select you? Tryouts?"she asked the elder girl taking in some more of the pudding. "And who are your friends?"she questioned her. If Angelica's friends were like herself then Hazel would like them. She would even be able to judge Angelica in a better way by checking out her friends.
"Hmm..." She trailed off and then continue, "Yeah, you have to be fit and everything to pass their try outs." She said a matter-of-factly. Of course she had to try outs but she was the only fit girl to try out, every girls in Durmstrang hate to have scratches. Angelica took a tart on a plate near her and started on it gracefully, Hazel then asked who is her friends. "Well, that would be the girl's in this school ... there are only few girl's here, some of my friends are boys." She told her and continue eating her tart.
"Oh" she said a bit disappointed. There was only two weaknesses that Hazel faced. One being her mom's evil boyfriend Rufus and the second was lack of physical strength. She would easily be able to catch the snitch since she was so light and accurate in vision however she couldn't protect herself or jog or do any sort of exercise. Any things of that nature would lead into fainting.

"Yeah, noticed the lack of girls" she said with a smile. Hazel was not dying to make friends but company was necessary at times. Thus she thought it would be nice to meet Angelica's friends sometime and see if they were worthy of being in Hazel's company. Surely Angelica was worthy and hopefully her friends would be the same. "Can I come in your next hangout?" she asked trying not to sound eager but she was.

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