Open Ennuyé

Archer Thompson

Beauxbatons graduate ⋆ Model
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
11/2033 (28)
Archer was bored. He wasn't one to be opposed to doing nothing, hell he could spend an entire day just hanging around on his own and he'd be fine. But not today. Today he had quickly grown tired of it. He needed something to do, or someone to talk to. Either way he needed to spend his time doing something. Sure, he could do his homework but that wouldn't exactly count as fun. Plus he still had plenty of time to finish it anyways. Or start it at least. Figuring he wasn't going to find any of that by staying in his dorm the boy headed out towards one of the student lounges. Something was bound to be going on in there, or at least there'd be others to hang out with. The lounge wasn't extremely busy and the teen let out a small sigh when he didn't recognize anyone in there. Most of the kids he noticed seemed to be younger than him as well. Annoyed he let himself fall down onto one of the sofas and swung his feet over the arm rest at the other side, taking up the entire sofa on his own. It wasn't like anyone would mind. There were still plenty of unattended sofas around the room, and he figured if someone would have a problem with it they'd speak up. He crossed his arms as he got comfortable, hoping that something or someone interesting would come his way somehow.
Atala both loved and hated school. She wasn't going to be doing any fancy careers or anything when she graduated so she wasn't sure why she needed any of the fancy classes. Beauxbatons was so fancy and the castle as so fancy and the people all spoke so fancy. It was sometimes a bit too much for Atala who honestly did not have a fancy bone in her entire little twelve year old body. Her Papa tried to help, but nothing he did was ever very helpful anyway, he definitely tried but it really just wasn't enough sometimes. As much as she wished it was. Her Mam was a little bit more help since she'd actually attended Beauxbatons, but for the most part, Atala Lesley didn't like school.​
She eventually made it to the Student Lounge, which, again, was fancy like everything else in the building. Her brother would be attending soon and she was excited for that, but mostly she wanted him for the company, since it would be fun to have him around. She sighed, looking around and noticing an older boy who had taken up all the space on one of the lounges, and even though there were space at the other lounges, Atala wanted that lounge specifically, as it was the most comfortable, probably. She pushed on his legs that were hanging over the lounge. "Are ye gonna move or am I sitting on you?" She asked, making sure he knew she meant business, in all her second year authority on the matter. He was clearly older than her, but she didn't care. She wanted the comfy lounge. "I'll not have an qualms, promise. I will sit, I'm like a kitten and I'll... I'll um," she lost what she was going to say and waved it off. "Phooey, don't matter, I'll do it anyway!"
Archer had been hanging around the lounge for a while now and he was starting to get a bit disappointed about the fact that nothing interesting was happening. That was untill some kid came up to him and asked him to move so she could sit. Well, it wasn't as much as question as a statement about what she would do if he didn't move. The boy let out a chuckle as he sat up a bit straighter, leaning his elbows against the sofa to keep himself up but not saying a word. He tried not to laugh as the girl continued speaking. She started out pretty confident and it almost made him tempted to move his legs and let her have the seat right that second. But then she continued and started to sound a little more stubborn, even when she lost what she was going to say, and it reminded him of his sister. Archer let out a small laugh when she compared herself to a kitten, wondering whatever was going on in that head of hers. She seemed like she could bring some fun to his day. "You know what kid? I like your style." He smiled approvingly at her and moved his legs to clear the space next to him on the sofa. "Go ahead." He nodded towards the now empty side of the sofa. Perhaps now things might get a little bit more interesting, or entertaining at least.
Atala wasn't actually sure she could believe she'd been triumphant. Especially since he'd seemed like he didn't want to move at all. Well, that worked out much better than she'd expected. She jumped her the lounge to sit on it and pulled out her wand, ducking down carefully as she looked over the back and out the door. She saw the prefect who always liked to tell on her for sneaking out of the dorms and grinned. She hoped this boy wasn't a friend of the Prefects, because they would be awful as she carefully poked her wand over the back of the couch and aimed it at the Perfect, quietly muttering the trip jinx before ducking down. She heard a thump and snickered into her hand as the Prefect hit the ground with a yelp. Clearly she'd gotten the aim right. She'd had to practice a bit, because usually her aim was a bit off. As she looked over the back of the lounge though, she realised she'd actually hit one of the Professors and blood drained from her face as she quietly slid back as far into the lounge as she could. Sh*t, she hoped they didn't come and check her wand. She looked over at a book on the table and quickly cast Gemelitiar at it, watching it jump into a jewellery box. She hoped that if someone did check her wand, they would see only that spell and none before it. Damn, she'd really miscalculated that one. She hadn't even seen the Professor!​
Archer looked at the young girl as she took her seat on the sofa, wondering whether she had expected him to actually give up the space. He hadn't. Or at least it hadn't been his plan but the younger girl reminded him of his sister. He wasn't sure whether it had been the confidence she had shown at first or the stubborness that seemed to come after that but whatever it was it was as if he could hear Chloë say the exact same thing. The boy curiously observed her as she took out her wand and moved around. She was clearly up to something, he just had to wait and see what it was. He casually hung back on the arm rest of the sofa, trying to see who she was aiming her wand at. Before he could even pin down who it was she had already done the trick. The teen quickly pulled back his head as he saw the professor go down and stared at the girl in disbelief. Did she really just trip a professor? Had she meant to trip the professor or did she just have terrible aim? Nevertheless it was a stupid move. "Are you crazy?" He whispered to the kid when he watched her cast another spell, perhaps in the hopes that it would hide the previous one if the professor was to come and check their wands. "I don't think one other small spell is going to cut it." He continued to whisper as he peeked around the sofa and noticed the professor had now gotten up with a prefect's help and was looking around the room. Yeah, the professor definitely knew that she hadn't just tripped over nothing. If he had known the kid a bit better he might try to help her, but he wasn't yet sure if she was worth taking the blame for.

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