Enjoy the Night!

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Jazmine Della-Robbia

part-veela ♦ concord inc. president
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Yew Wand with Doxy Wing Core
3/2018 (37)
JazzyMae Smile smiled as she walked into the Great Hall. This was he second Yule Ball, and she hoped she could enjoy it without any annoying happening to her. She knew that over the break her famil would be settling some stuff. She was glad about that, but she just hoped that Klaus did not turn into a drama queen. She just wanted everything to be like how it was before. JazzyMae walked over the the table full of treats and punch. She poured herself a glass and she grabbed a caldron cake. She had no had anything sweet in a while. She had become more interested in how she looked, and she had dropped the amount of sweets she ate. She walked over to an empty table and sat down. She knew one caldron cake would not throw off her whole diet. She set her drink down and took a bite of her caldron cake.
Felicity roamed the great hall wearing a light fitted dressed and ballerina shoes she thought would look perfect with her dress. It wasn't as expensive as her other classmate but she didn't mind it one bit. Her mom did well enough for providing her with something just as amazing, she was actually happy about it. So this year really was her first Yule Ball having missed the prior two she decided this year she come with a friend. Unfortunate she made no plans so she came alone and wander around on her toes only to see a very familiar face right near the snack table. "Hey! I remember you, Jazzy right?" she moved towards the girl and gave her a wave, "I haven't seen you in ages!"
JazzyMae looked up from her pastry. A familiar looking girl had started to talk to her. She swallowed the bite of food she had in her mouth. She quickly cleaned her teeth with her to his and smiled. "Felicia!" she said happily. She set he caldron cake down and went to big he girl. It had been so long since she had talked to a girl she knew. It seemed that she had been surrounded by boys. It was nice to see a female familiar face. "I know! How have you been?" she asked Relicia sitting back down. She was happy the night so far was going well.

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