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Alex Cullen

Well-Known Member
Rowan Wood 12"1/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
Yeah, I've actually been thinking (rare, i know. :p ) and yeah, anyway. Alex doesn't actually seem to have any enemies which i think's a bit weird seeing as he annoys absolutely everyone practically. :r:

so he sorta needs enemies, or at least one anyway.

anyone up to it?? ^_^
Yes xD
but on one of my first years,
Jemma Lape, she's in slytherin, and a complete b!tchhhh.
Hmmm would Mike be suitable?
Andromeda Fiorelli would be up for a good fight or something :lol:
The Werewolf could do with another enemy or two :p
Yay. Cool. :D

Umm, I think Mike would be ok.
Fancy an rp then?

Ok, Andy. Yeah, like a trillion more :oy:
Rp then?

Steph, sounds fun.
Should be interesting with a first year and fifth year. ^_^
Do you want to set up an rp somewhere then or you too busy?
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