
Katheryn Kingsley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Maple Wand 12'' core of female Kelpie Hair
Katheryn Kingsley walked through the streets of London. It had been quite some time since the slender redhead had been in Europe. Kat was visiting her sister and brother-in-law for a few days. They needed her to watch the twins because they both had Quidditch games. Katheryn was happy to do that for them. She loved her little niece and nephew though she was glad that they were not her children. Kat wasn't ready for all of that. She was happy just enjoying her career. The Broadway actress had arranged to be absent from a single show with the producers. They had been accommodating to her wishes as usual. They knew that they needed her in their show. When Kat landed the role as Ariel in The Little Mermaid, she hit the big time. Her performance made her an overnight success. Ever since then, Katheryn had no problem finding an acting job. In fact, many producers approached her before she had the chance to audition. It was everything that she had always dreamed.

Last week, Katheryn had been visited by a director after one of her shows. He had told her that he was casting a movie, and he had a part that was perfectly suited for her. He had given Kat a script to read and told her to call him at the end of next week. It had been a very odd experience for the twenty four year old. Screen acting was much different from what she did on Broadway. Still, she was reading the script and considering the option of this movie. They would begin filming once her current run in Wicked was complete. Katheryn hadn't told anyone in her family yet as she wanted this to be her decision, not theirs. Katheryn was still thinking about this as she entered a quiet coffee shop near her sister's house. The atmosphere was nice. Soft jazz music played lightly in the background as Katheryn walked up to the counter. "Uh..yes I will have a venti Espresso." she said when she was asked to order. The young woman waited on her coffee to be made. After picking it up, Katheryn went to a small table by the window. There she sat, sipping her coffee and watching the traffic on the London streets.
Since he had decided to take a break from his band, Sebastian Rossi had felt freer than he had in a long time. He had missed being able to get up and go, choosing whether or not to stay in for a night, and writing music that he knew not a soul would listen to. Sebastian had forgotten what it was like to write for himself, a feeling he enjoyed with all of his being. There really was nothing like the self satisfaction that came with writing a song that didn’t necessarily fit into your ‘style’ or ‘genre’ but that was so good that you didn’t even care. Even holding down a part-time job was fine with the blonde haired man. He loved the small potions shop that he worked in with only 3 others – the owner, his pregnant owner and one other. It was so homey and the customers so friendly that it didn’t feel like work. Sebastian had been unsure about the whole thing at first, but his grandmother had convinced him that her old friend needed an extra hand with his daughter soon to be on maternity leave. So, it had been difficult for Sebastian to accept the weekend off that Mr. L had forced upon him even though he knew it meant that the elderly man would be covering the shifts himself. The man had threatened to hex Sebastian and the look in his eye had reminded him so very much of the one his grandmother often wore when she was being serious. It had to be a generational thing.

Apparating to London, Sebastian had quickly stepped into a rental shop and within half hour he was riding away in a scooter. He knew he could easily rely on apparating and disapparating everywhere, but the French boy loved the feel of the wind and traveling at high speeds. Shades over his eyes, he spent the next hour just riding and enjoying the scenic view and eventually turning onto a quiet street and looking for a parking spot. Taking off his helmet as he dismounted, Sebastian tucked it under his arm as he walked towards the door of the coffee shop. He pushed open the door, liking the place quickly. Any place that smelled that strongly of coffee knew what it was doing. He lifted his shades as he headed for the counter, the dim lighting in the place making it difficult to see otherwise. “Café au lait please…large” he said, his accent heavily French now with a subtle mix of Italian and American even deeper underneath. He spent most of his time speaking in French since he lived and worked there. Taking a sip of the drink as soon as it was handed to him, Sebastian raised it in cheers to the woman who had made it. Spotting an empty seat in the window facing his rented scooter, Sebastian slipped into the seat, putting his coffee down so he could take a book out of his pocket. It was a small tourist’s guide and Bas wanted to figure out where he should head to next.

Katheryn's icy blue eyes turned towards the door as a young man entered the coffee shop. The red head frowned ever so slightly. There was something oddly familiar about his face, as if she had seen him before. She reverted her eyes back to the scene outside the window as he stepped over the counter to order. Kat couldn't shake the feeling that she knew him from somewhere. She pursed her pink lips in annoyance at herself. Katheryn picked up her expresso and took a small sip of it. The tart liquid burned as it ran down her throat. It was still too hot for drinking. The familiar boy came near her, taking the chair opposite her. He did not make any sign of recognition towards her that she could tell. Still, that nagging suspicion pulled at the back of her mind.

It was another five minutes when the realization struck her as to where she knew this boy from. A smile lit her face gradually. "Sebastian? Sebastian Rossi?" she said, uttering the name that she had finally placed with the face. There had been a time when Katheryn Kingsley had attended Beauxbations instead of Hogwarts New Zealand. It hadn't been for long, just a few years. That was where Kat had met Sebastian. They hadn't been close or anything, but they had a few conversations. He had been all involved with some girl if Kat remembered accurately. "I don't know if you remember me or not....Katheryn Kingsley....I went to Beauxbations for a few years." she said reintroducing herself to him. It was odd to find him here, in this quaint coffee shop of all places.
Looking at the book, nothing seemed to interest Sebastian because he wasn’t particularly in the mood to go visit any of the touristy places that were in the area. He picked up his drink, taking a quick sip at the perfection that was his drink. Flipping through the pages, Sebastian looked at the list of places that played live music. He recognized a few as being places that he had played with Ares Moon. He wouldn’t be going to any of those places, not really wanting to run into anyone who might know one of his bandmates. Sebastian hadn’t written to any of them and he was sure they wouldn’t be happy to hear that he was in their local haunts but couldn’t be bothered to send an owl. With a mental shrug, Sebastian closed the book and cupped his drink with both hands. He looked down into the cup, daydreaming a bit until he heard someone call his name.

Looking up, Sebastian looked straight into the face of a pretty redhead. He was certain that he knew her from somewhere. Once she introduced herself, Sebastian nodded his head, recognition in the form of a smile crossing his face. He didn’t remember her from Beauxbatons, though that wasn’t much of a surprise to the man. He had only had eyes for one lady during his few years at the French school. He did recall seeing the girl around New Zealand, at the mall and in the shops several times. Oddly, it wasn’t her hair that he remembered. It was those eyes of hers. He easily remembered looking into them once before – those eyes were soul-searching. “Hey” he greeted her, a friendly tone to his deep voice. “It’s been a while since Beauxbatons. How are things?” he asked, picking up his cup in one hand and helmet in the other and moving a bit closer to the woman. It was times like these that he was wished that wizards and witches could be open with their magic since it would make carrying all of this so much easier. The coffee shop was fairly quiet and he didn’t want to disturb anyone by carrying on a loud conversation though. Taking a sip of his coffee after he’d settled himself into the seat, Sebastian waited to hear how the woman’s life had been since graduating from school. Up close, her eyes were even more striking and Sebastian had a difficult time looking straight at them.


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