Empty Classroom

Sophia Stark

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sophia had walked up from the Dungeons to the Second Floor Corridor. It was one she did not frequent and thought that it might perhaps have an empty classroom she could use. She walked swiftly down the corridor and up to a random door in the middle. Putting her left hand out Sophia grasped the knob and turned it, pushing the door open and stepping into a thankfully empty classroom.

Closing the door behind her Sophia moved her golden eyes about the classroom, taking it all in. The desks were sufficiently dusty, and the chalkboard looked as if it had not been used in at least decades. She smirked and removed the messenger bag from her torso, setting it down on a chair and opened it. Sophia removed an old, dilapidated book from her bag and set it on a desk. Opening the book, she searched through the pages for the section she wanted.

"Here we are," she said to herself as she stopped on the page she wanted.

Patronus - A silvery-white, conjured creature created by using the Patronus Charm. The Patronus is used against Dementors and Lethifolds. 

Expecto Patronum conjures a Patronus, a silvery phantom shape, usually that of an animal, which is the embodiment of the positive thoughts of the caster. A Patronus will drive away Dementors.

In order to cast a Patronus, one must say the incantation whilst concentrating upon the happiest of thoughts.

Happiest of thoughts Sophia thought to herself, wondering what in the world she would think about. She did not entirely expect to cast a Patronus today, but it would be nice to see any hint of success. But what happy thoughts do I have? I suppose I can think of Ford.

Ford was the closest to happiness that Sophia currently had. They were not currently dating, but they had dated. To make things wonderful, Ford had just broken up with Kaela, quite publicly, for her without even realizing it. Sophia smirked and concentrated on this fact, remembering hearing Kaela run off down the corridor.

"Expecto Patronun!" Sophia said quite forcefully as she pulled her wand from her pocket with her left hand, flourishing it before her. She opened her golden eyes, not surprised to see that nothing had happened.
((Ignore this post.))
Professor King had been on his way to the Headmistress' office to discuss various matters of concern when he heard somebody attempt the Patronus Charm in a fairly loud voice. He paused a moment, thinking at first this was another professor summoning their patronus, but why they would have to summon one was beyond him. Aside from this, the voice seemed much younger than that of any Professor currently on staff and this added to his confusion.

Unsure of who was casting the spell and why he started a quick paced walk in the direction of the spell, forgetting about his prior intentions of visiting the Headmistress. Unsure if he should be concerned for somebody's safety, and forgetting he had given Sophia a book on the Patronus Charm he held his wand in his cloak pocket. Though he didn't figure he'd need it, it was better to be prepared.

Approaching the classroom in question he withdrew his right hand from his robe pocket and keeping his wand by his side he put his left hand on the door knob and turned it slowly then opened the door.

Professor King stood in the doorway staring at Sophia. The book he had given her open on a desk and her standing, attempting the Patronus charm. He smiled to himself and shook his head, "I should have known."
Sophia was just trying to gather happy thoughts when Professor King opened the door. Turning, she moved her golden eyes to focus on him. Her expression was plain, but her cheeks were slightly pink. "I suppose I was too loud then," she said matter-of-factly.
"I suppose so also." Professor King responded, walking into the room and glancing around, ensuring to close the door behind him. "So this is where you practice normally, is it?" he inquired, surprised that Sophia had chosen an old classroom to practice a patronus charm, as opposed to another location where somebody was less likely to find her.
Sophia narrowed her eyes at the Professor. "No," she said icily. "The Room of Requirements seemed to be occupied. It appears that it is not quite a secret room anymore. Nearly every student knows about it." This fact greatly angered Sophia, as she had much liked having a place to go and be alone. Now she was reduced to using abandoned classrooms.
"Right, well I suppose wherever nobody else is works." Professor King stated, ignoring Sophia's obvious attitude towards him. Stuffing his wand back in his cloak pocket he walked towards the book and glanced at the page it was opened to, "Would you mind if I asked the memory you felt was your happiest?"
Sophia sighed softly and looked down at the book. "Being with Ford," she said quietly, not sure what the Professor would think of this answer. She was sure it was not nearly happy enough. Sophia was not a very happy person, so the Patronus was exceptionally difficult for her.
Professor King raised an eyebrow at Sophia's response, "Though that may have been your happiest moment in the recent past, there must be something mroe powerful you can remember, even before Hogwarts." he offered, trying to help her, but knowing he was not supposed to be doing so necessarily.
Sophia considered the Professor's words and turned her thoughts back on her childhood. Although she had always enjoyed brewing potions with her mother, it was not a particularly happy memory.

"Professor, what is your happiest memory?" Perhaps if I know what his is it will give me an idea.
Professor King had not expected this question, (Nor did his role player <_< ) and therefore was off guard when asked, "You have failed to answer my question." Professor King started, "However, the moment I most commonly recollect are the summers I spent out of Hogwarts, listening to my Mother tell her wild stories and watching Quidditch with my Father. The moments you can't buy and that certainly never happen again once they're gone." Professor King explained with a smile, now being forced to recollect those days but suprressing many other emotions.
"You did not ask a question Professor, you simply stated that you were sure I had a stronger memory than the one I was using." Sophia smirked at the Professor. She was trying to think of happy memories, but she did not have ones like the Professor did.

"It seems you had a wonderful childhood Professor," Sophia said sincerely. Although she had much enjoyed her childhood, it hardly seemed like a childhood at all in comparison to others'.
(((That is unfair, you know that was a Nick error and not a Prof King one >:p )))

"I suppose it could seem that way." Professor King said, "I'm sure yours so far too has had some very happy moments."
[My post still stands. I have made errors that were purely mine and not Sophia's, but they were forced to stay.]

"Suppose would be the correct word Professor. While my childhood has not been horrific or anything of the like, it has not been particularly happy thus far. At least, not the kind of happiness needed to cast a Patronus."

Sophia frowned, her mood suddenly dropping. What if I am unable to perform a Patronus because I lack happy memories?
"Suppose is the correct word in this instance, I cannot decide how everybody in the world would view my childhood." Professor King replied, acknowledging that Sophia was making mention to their discussion about supposing things. "Even if your childhood was nto filled with happy memories there must be one that no matter what sticks out in your mind. A moment by which you compare all others perhaps?"
Sophia looked up at Professor King with a perplexed expression. "A moment by which I compare others? Professor King, my life is not filled with happiness, quite because I choose it not to be. Happiness it not what I value and strive for, and is not important to me. Perhaps the Patronus Charm is simply impossible for me."

Sophia no longer seemed sad at all, and no longer was sad. Her pale face was a deadpan expression and her golden eyes stared serenely at Professor King.
Professor King moved towards the table on which the book he had lent Sophia was open. He took a seat by the table and looked back at Sophia. "Ms. Stark, if there is anything I have learned about you over the past three years it is that if you want something bad enough you'll find a way to get it." he began honestly, "The fact that you've given up on yourself begs the question of why you have done so."
Sophia stared at the Professor for a few moments before letting out a small sigh. She sank down to sit in a chair and averted her golden eyes to the floor. "For the first time I am doubting myself. This is not me, you are right Professor." Sophia looked back up at the Professor. "I simply do not know what to think lately."
Professor King softened the expression that had been on his face only moments earlier and stared at Sophia. He didn't know what to do, he wasn't an expert in any sort of psychology and he certainly had no idea why Sophia would doubt herself now of all times. He did not, however, allow these feelings of uncertainty to overwhelm him or show, instead he spoke. "If I may be so bold, Ms. Stark, why do you doubt yourself now, and not on the countless other occasions when something much harder faced you?"
Sophia considered Professor King's questions and wondered what the answer was. She was not precisely sure, but the first thoughts that came to her mind were not things she wanted to say to Professor King. The only times when Sophia had been truly happy in a joyous way was with Bruin. Now that Bruin was out of her life as a friend and now her enemy, she was not happy in the least. Well, she was happy with Ford, but in a much different manner than with Bruin.

After letting out a small sigh, Sophia turned her golden eyed gaze back on the Professor. "I do not know," she finally said, unsure of what else to say to him. She was uncomfortable with simply considering her true feelings, let alone sharing them with Professor King.
Professor King frowned with this reply, it was not the profound or completly open reply he had hoped for, it wasn't even helpful. He then realised that he should not have expected so much from Sophia. Though he desired to assist her, he could not if he did not know what was wrong, or anything about the situation at hand.

With a slight nod Professor King stood, "I fear then, that I cannot help you. I supose this is something you wish to, or need to do on your own." he informed her calmly, not being at all upset.
"Right, of course," Sophia said softly, not really surprised. It seemed that a lot of people were abandoning her lately. Of course, she could have entrusted Professor King with her thoughts and feelings, but she feared the results. Trusting others had not done well for her thus far.

"Well, I am going to continue to practice some spells. I suppose you may stay if you would like, but I cannot see why would you want to." Sophia did not seem sad per se, but she was definitely not happy.
Professor King acknowledged Sophia's remarks and turned towards the door, "Since I cannot help you right now, I will leave you be, but if you ever desire assistance, you know I am willing." Then, he walked towards the door and opened it, stepping out into the empty corridor once again and leaving Sophia with her thoughts.

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