Elizabeth Darcy

Elizabeth Darcy

Full Name:
- Elizabeth Darcy
Date of Birth:
- December 14
Current Age:
- 11
Basic Appearance:
- She is tall brown hair and eyes.
- Personality:
- Brave and has to deal with her family her personality is outgoing and always active no matter what nothing gets her down she plows through things.
- She lives with her dad who gets started to drink after her mother died for her mother was a death eater.
Area of Residence:
- I live in New Zealand now hopes to go to Hogwarts new zealand to get away from her father used to live in London
Blood Status:
- Mother was pure blood, and Father is a wizard, so, Half-Blood?
- british
Special Abilities:
- Has none just plain well she does know how to make guys fall for her and huge flirt and can cast dark magic
Interests or Hobbies:
- her hobbies are guys
Additional Skills:
- dark magic
- flirting and dark magic
- everything else

Describe your character in three words:
- evil, flirty, and girly
Favourite place to be:
- her mom grave
- none
Hogwarts House:
- Hopefully slytherin
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- dark arts and potions
Best school subjects:
- Not there yet
Worst school subjects:
- Again, I'm not there yet
Extracurricular Activities:
- dark stuff
- not there
Current Job:
- Nope
Plans for your future:
- Too young to care
Your Patronus:
- If I had a patronus, what would it be? I think it would be a wolf
Your Patronus memory:
- the day her mom showed her the mark
Your Boggart:
- an auror
Your Animagus:
- lion
Mirror of Erised:
- her mom would be alive and proud of her
A page from your diary:
don't keep one it for wimps
Welcome to HNZ, Elizabeth. I have a few questions. :)

How does Elizabeth feel about her father drinking?

How did Elizabeth's mother die?

Why did Elizabeth and her father move from England to New Zealand?

Elizabeth is eleven years old. How did she get to be so interested in boys at this young age?

Where did she get the experience to make guys fall for her?

How can Elizabeth use dark magic when she is only eleven?

Why does she enjoy being at her mother's grave?

If she happened to be an animagus, why would it be different from her Patronus animal?

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