- Messages
- 1,163
- OOC First Name
- Tamara
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Single (Looking)
- Wand
- Curved 10 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Is it a kind of dream,
Floating out on the tide,
</SIZE>Is it a kind of dream,
Floating out on the tide,

Elizabeth Bo Chatwin:
Bo -> By her parents when they are mad. Apparently Elizabeth is too long for yelling.
Elly -> By her Grandma, she will sometimes use this for herself too.
Elizabeth is currently eleven years old.
Elizabeth was born on the twenty-second of August in the year 2032 on a rainy day. Her dad got two speeding tickets while driving to the hospital. Luckily they were voided since birth is a special occasion.
Elizabeth works as an assistant for the Magical Menagerie in Obsidian Harbour. She loves this job and likes to learn about all the animals.
Jack Lucas Chatwin used to live in Australia, but moved to New Zealand so he could help Elizabeth with school. Jack and Christine divorced when Elizabeth was six. Elizabeth travels between parents each year. Jack works as a doctor in the local hospital. When he found out that his wife was a witch and so was his daughter he was shocked. Luckily for Jack he is quiet adventurous and after the first initial shock he was great dealing with his two witches.
Christine Baker lives in England, currently in the place Leeds. Suzan works as an obliviator for the ministry there. Christine uses her maiden name since the divorce from Jack.
MOM or DAD?:
Picking between her parents is hard. She loves them both equally. Both have negative assets, but also positive ones. Elly was really young when they broke up and they didn't fight with Elly around. Jack and Christine never made her pick between them, this way she has an equally amount of love for both of them.
Elizabeth has no siblings. She doesn't mind about this since the travelling between parents is hard for Elizabeth and she wouldn't wish that her brothers or sisters have to do the same. Since she grew up without siblings, she doesn't miss them.
If you travel each year you can't really have pets. Her mother didn't want any fur balls in the house. Well, that is how she names them. At her dad she had two turtles, but they were more her dads then hers. The turtles were named Squirtle and Blastoise named after two Pokémon. Pokémon are creatures from a Muggle cartoon show. The year before Elizabeth was going to Hogwarts her dad gave her a kitten from the pound. Elizabeth named the kitten Jynx.
Her bloods status is half blood her dad is a muggle and her mom is a witch.
The blood status of herself or others doesn't bother Elizabeth. She has never learned about any of them, or how they would be better.
The hometown of Elly doesn't exist that is because every time Elizabeth is settled she has to go to the other parent. That made making friends and acquaintances impossible. If she had to pick a place that feels like home for her it would be Hogwarts. Hogwarts has been the first place she is going to say at longer than a year at a time. Of course if she lives a year with one of her parents that place starts to feel like home, but it wouldn't count as her hometown.
Currently Elizabeth lives in New Zealand with her muggle dad. He is a doctor in a local hospital thus making enough money to sustain them both.
Following the river of death downstream?
Oh, is it a dream?
Following the river of death downstream?
Oh, is it a dream?
Elizabeth her hair has a hazelnut brown colour. It can look darker or lighter it depends on where she is.
Her eyes are a brown/hazel color, Elizabeth thinks that is awesome since it looks really nice with her brown hair.
She has one birth mark on her left shoulder blade it isn't bigger than a normal sized bead. She can't see it herself, but her parents has stated that it is there.
When you see Elizabeth you wouldn't say she was only ten. She looks a bit older, but she is a pretty small petite girl. Elly is 5 ft 5¾ inches or 167 cm long and weighs 55 kg or 121 pounds.
Elizabeth hates to be in hospitals and get treated by doctors. It is funny since her dad is one. He is lucky he lets her near, but then again it was never needed to check her blood type. When she was a baby her dad demanded some blood was drawn so he knew which blood type she was. It is A+, Elly knows this since she is attending Hogwarts. Her dad had made a medical list of contacts including her blood type so they could help her in case of emergency.
She is totally a lefty, they say that lefties are very creative and that is pretty true when it comes to her.

The signature is not her final one. She just needed one, thus she made one rather quickly.
Elizabeth has an elf like voice, it is very high pitched and people say the tone in her voice is nice to listen to.

Elizabeth has had her ears pierced since she was six. She mostly wears a simple stud or a small dangling earring in her ears. Elly wouldn't leave the house without a bag filled with her drawing necessities. In her bag are also a couple of band-aids and a basic first aid kit.
Elizabeth: English, Eh English, Did I say I could speak English? And do make up languages count? Then I can speak two languages. When I was younger I made my own language with odd letters and sounds.
Nothing, she currently knows off.
Elly gets motion sickness fairly quickly. She can stare at the windows and sit in front of the train or bus to make it less bad. Often enough that doesn't work and the contents of her stomach rise up. She carries bags to make sure she doesn't spoil someone their new clothes. Currently she uses a potion given by Professor Cliffeton which helps with her motion sickness.
OOC: Chloe Bennett, I know her from shield and I immediately liked her as a person.
There's a fog along the horizon,
A strange glow in the sky,
There's a fog along the horizon,
A strange glow in the sky,
Elly loves to draw and paint in her free time. She is a fan of sweets and pizza. Basically if you bring anything Italian foodwise Elizabeth loves it immediately. A good book on a nice summer day or a walk on the beach are things Elizabeth enjoys most.
Elizabeth hates people that tell on others and lie. Of course everyone lies, but you can't lie to everyone. Also she hates to eat potatoes, she hates fries especially. Somehow she has bad memories of eating fries and thus she dislikes eating them.
When Elizabeth is older she wants to become a healer in a magical hospital. She hasn't decided yet if it is in England or in New Zealand, but that is not something that she wants to think about now. If the healer side doesn't work out she might want to become an Auror. At Hogwarts she wants to do good for her house and maybe try out Quidditch. It just looks so amazing people flying on a magical piece of wood.
My parents, although they are separated. They are still good people and they did good with their lives. I want to give something back to society too.
My parents are both atheists, that is why I was not grown up with any beliefs. I am an atheist by almost default too.
Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous
Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible
People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. They are dramatic, creative self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist. They can achieve anything they want, whether it's about work or time spent will family and friends.
Elizabeth is a very charming, stubborn and creative girl. She can be quiet lazy, but at the same time she is pretty smart. She has a big heart and only needs a few friends to achieve happiness.
Some people find Elly arrogant, but that is because her dad is pretty rich in Muggle standards. In her whole eleven years she always got what she wanted and when she wanted something.
Elly had her first kiss in her second year in this topic.
She hadn't expected it to be so soon and sudden. She does like Elijah a lot and it made her feel all warm inside.
And nobody seems to know where you go,
And what does it mean?
And nobody seems to know where you go,
And what does it mean?

Elizabeth was in two muggle schools at the same time. One in England and one at her dads in Australia. The school were into the idea of doing each year in a different school. Luckily both of the school kept in contact so Elly could get the best possible school time as possible.
She finished her last year of muggle school this year. She was sad to leave both schools, but due to all the travelling she didn't make any real friends.
Due to the fact she didn't make any friends at the muggle school. She is kind of glad to go to another school and stay there for the whole seven years without moving. Hopefully she will make some long lasting friends and maybe even more.

She always aced anything with ease without doing much. Mainly because her dad and mother tested her a lot and she was a quick study. If the teacher gave an instruction once she already knew what she had to do.
Science and biology, but she loved the creative classes too. Only they didn't do creative classes often, something about not being important later on.
Elizabeth dislikes language classes the most. Somehow Elizabeth never liked them and mostly used the time to doodle something on her notepad.
Yes, once so she could go on an family holiday. When Elly reached age ten her parents went on one final holiday together as a family, it was hard on them and they argued a bit. Luckily it wasn't as much as they used to do.
Due to all the travelling Elly was not able to join any club. She had to leave each year again and thus no club wanted her.

She was class president for a year, in grade six. She was nominated to be president by a fellow classmate. Elizabeth didn't want to be the class president, she liked to do everything from her own back-seat position, but her parents forced her to do it. Calling it a good opportunity.
How can the light that burned so brightly,
Suddenly burn so pale?
How can the light that burned so brightly,
Suddenly burn so pale?

Curved 10 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Bending to its side, this wand is more difficult to aim than its straighter counterparts but provides character that some simply cannot pass by.
Wood: A complex wand capable of the most advanced magic, Elm does not often make a mistake or fuddle a spell - it is highly dependable to a well matched master.
Core: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
Flexibility: Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder

The fact that the wand is curved makes it more special. The wand is the perfect fit for Elly. She loves her wand and hopes it will last her a full lifetime. They say unicorn hair as a core is great for healing spells and charms. Elly hopes she will succeed in both those types of spells.
Elizabeth is attending Hogwarts New Zealand. Her mother didn't want Elly to go to the Hogwarts in the highlands of Scotland. She found it too dangerous and opted it was safer for her to in New Zealand.

Elly was nervous, yet really excited. She was ready to get it over with. Since she got the invitation the thought of which house she belonged in sprong into her mind. She didn't stop thinking about it ever since.
Elly grabbed her coat from the hanger and ran downstairs. Jynx her kitten was meowing furiously in it's travelling carrier. It was his first time in this cage and he wasn't enjoying himself. ''Calm down, Jynx.. Soon it will be over'' Elly spoke softly to the little window of the cage. Jynx replied with a soft meow and somehow he did seem more calm then before. Her dad was sitting at his chair and it looked like he had cried. His eyes were red and he had a box of white tissues next to his chair. ''Dad I will be back in all the holidays, this isn't forever you know.'' Elly her dad nodded and walked with her to the car. It was a twenty minute drive to nearest station. Elly and her dad were almost silent in the car, but at the end her dad broke. They hugged and Elly promised to write every week. The station was crowded and Elly manoeuvred herself between people to make it to the station. Elly walked up to the station and found the right train. The old chapter was closed now a new one had showed its head.
The train was busy, but it was not full. Elly found a little spot between people she knew, and she waited to go to her new school. Unfortunately Elly got motion sick, but she was prepared and walk away with a small bag in her hands. As soon as she was relieved of her stomach contents they arrived at the castle. The whole group of firsties was called together and they were left in front of a giant door. The door was massive, the word giant didn't really describe the door. They were called in and as soon as she set a step in the hall people were everywhere. Elly knew she was on of the first to be called so she waited till her name was called. "Chatwin, Elizabeth'' That was it, the moment she had been waiting for since she got her letter. Elly took a large breath and walked up to the hat. The leather of the hat was old, but it wasn't tattered. The hat was fancy and unique, the face creeped her out. But the folds made it less scary. As soon as she felt the hat on her head, she exhaled sharply.

Elizabeth is currently in her second year at Hogwarts.
Bright eyes,
Burning like fire.
<SIZE size="50">Bright eyes,
Burning like fire.

At first Elizabeth was a bit sceptic about her house. Before going to Hogwarts she met her friend Geovanna and they had spoken about Gryffindor a lot. Elizabeth wanted to become one really badly and the shock of not becoming one was a bit hard for Elizabeth at first. Now she come to terms with her house and she actually agrees with the sorting hat. She can level with her peers and feels at home in her house.
She has made friends in her house and her dorm buddies made her feel at home since the first day. Not counting the odd skeleton incident with Phoebe and Veronica. Which she sees as her friends.
Elly loves the castle and the surrounding places. The greenery and the lake, everything is new and lovely. She hopes she doesn't get lost, but she might find a new place if she does. Her dorm and the common room were really something new for Elizabeth. Although she is a bit homesick, she has found a new home in her new house.
Her first year flew by so quickly that Elizabeth didn't have time to stand still and think about this magical experience. Her lessons were easy to do and she found fun in making all the homework. Being rewarded with most points for Ravenclaw was an extra bonus to this magical year. She made some good friends and met some lovely people. All of her new found friends are close to Elly her heart. Having puked at the flying lesson made things a bit odd in her first year, but luckily Professor Cliffeton gave her a potion that fixed everything. She is grateful for all the things that he has done for her.