Elijah Tine

Elijah Tine

musician | <3 Kynleigh
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
4/2013 (34)
Elijah "Eli" Tine



Full Name:
Elijah "Eli" Tine

Date of Birth:
April 21st

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
I am of average height, and I would say I'm a little underweight but I'm still young so it'll even up.
I have green eyes with a slight yellow centre. I have brown hair which is pretty messy and very much untamed.

I would say I'm very happy most of the time, I try to not let things get me down. I'm very into music, so I will quote or sing, if I think the time apporitate. I'm a bit of a trouble maker, and I like to rebel if I think things aren't right. I'm a really joyful person and I love life, but I will not tolerate people not being kind or evil towards me.

My Foster Mum
Her name is Lucy Williams, maiden name Davis. She's Australian. Lived in Sydney all her life. Homeschooled, all of her magical years. She is more or a house wife, who goes out every so often, I don't know where she goes. I don't care either. She doesn't really like me, I'm not her image of a perfect son. it doesn't help that she's blonde and loves blonde and I'm a brunette. Much prefer brown though.
My Foster Father
His name is Myles Williams, of Australian orgin. He has lived around Australia all his life. He loves to move and goes to a lot of places. I'm left alone a lot. I love it. I can put my music up full blast and dance, and sing all I want. He's a strict man, and isn't scared to displine if he see's fit. I'm not scared of him, but I don't like being in his way when he's angry.

I don't know much about my real family. Lucy and Myles say that they died, But I really don't believe them. Maybe they are. Though I once overheard Lucy and Myles talking about a girl called Kiara Tine, who'll go to Hogwarts in a few years time. Which is a reason why I don't believe them, but I can't understand why my parents wouldn't want me but want her. I dunno. I'm not all that bothered, they'll have had their reasons.
I also think that Lucy is pregnant, but I don't know, I can't hear much as I have my iPod in a lot. And plus it's not going to affect me anymore

I have pet cat. It's quite small and tends to follow me. His name is Ginger, for the fact that his fur is of a ginger colour, It's really quite awesome. And everyone thinks it's quite but it can be quite the vicious animal at times.

Area of Residence:
I lived in Sydney Australia on the outskirts of the town.
I now live at Hogwarts or will when I join.

Blood Status:
My parents are both wizards but Muggleborn so that makes me mixed blood.

I'm Australian but My family is from Ireland. My second name is Irish and means something I think


Special Abilities:
I don't know if this counts, but I can tell what a song is even if I've only listened to it for two seconds.

Interests or Hobbies:
I Love music. It's my life, really. I love it so much. I play the piano, and the guitar, the flute and a little violin, I can also sing.
I sing a lot.
I do also like Quidditch But I'm quite bad at it.

Additional Skills:
I think I just covered that, but Music!

Music, Playing instruments.
Removing myself from situations.

Not being totally crazy all the time. Not stopping talking about music when I get started.
Staying awake in classes

Describe your character in three words:
Awesome, Musical, Brave-ish

Favourite place to be:
Ooh, my favourite place. Well, anywhere where I can plug in my iPod and everything is totally cool

I have a few friends in Australia. We spend our time rocking out and discussing music.
It's bliss

School, BORING!

Hogwarts House:
I haven't been sorted yet, but I think any house, but not Slytherin, cause I'm not that evil. Or I don't think so

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
I hope to become the biggest thing on the HNZ music Scene. Ambitious, I think not!

Best school subjects:
I dunno yet, time will tell

Worst school subjects:
Same answer as Best School Subject

Extracurricular Activities:
Music, and my solo career. Or maybe when I get there I can start a band.

Not yet, I'm only 11! Ha ha ha

Current Job:
Profession Musical Fanatic, I don't get paid though.

Plans for your future:
FUN! & Music

Your Patronus:
Oh if I had a patronus, I think it was be a singing bird, because it can sing! Well all birds can, but this has it in the name, Awesome or What?

Your Patronus memory:
My Patronus memory? Thats easy, it would be the first time, I ever bought a cd, my very first. It was the first Linkin Park CD, I think, Hybrid Theory. Love them! I might be 11, but I went to the concert, totally the best concert EVER.

Your Boggart:
This is a slightly more depressing fact, my foster dad. He's not a nice guy. He really hates music. Like hates it hates it. He never used to let me play anything or sing, or even put on my music. It was why my foster mum bought me an iPod, cause then I can listen quietly.

Your Animagus:
My Animagus, it would be super cool to become one, but I think I would be an Eagle or something. Something really Cool.

Mirror of Erised:
In the mirror of Erised, I would see me with my guitar and 100,000 screaming fans behind me. I'd be in a band, and we'd be bigger than Michael Jackson.

A page from your diary:

Just Say Yes - Snow Patrol
This song is soo fitting right now. I got my letter for Hogwarts New Zealand. The foster parents were over joyed. They had always talked about the fact I'd go to Hogwarts like my parents. The ones I don't know. It's funny how they know so much about the people I've never met. I wondered if they know more about those two than they do about me. That would funny.
So Of course, I said yes. It didn't take a lot and with Snow Patrol Egging me on, it just helped. So I've packed, and my guitar and violin are packed. I can't wait to be able to play at school. Something I should maybe say is that, I'm going tomorrow. Which is why I packed so early. The foster parents went out so I took Myle's credit card. And I bought a flight to New Zealand. I leave early in the morning so I got to be ready. I'm charging the iPod on the laptop, they will be the last things I pack. It'll be so Awesome.
Oh damn, thats them. In the famous words, of Taylor Swift.
I can't Breathe With Out You,
But I have to.

This is a very good start. :D I have some questions for you.

Why does Myles dislike music? Does he like any type of music that Eli doesn't like?

Why did Lucy and Myles take Eli in?

At HNZ, neither Myles's laptop nor his Ipod will work (Electronics go haywire around magic.) How is he going to feel about that?

If for some reason Eli couldn't become a professional musician, what would be his backup career?

Why would Eli's patronus be different from his animagus form?

Why does Myles dislike music? Does he like any type of music that Eli doesn't like?
He doesn't like the type of music Eli generally plays. And he also believes that Elijah listens to music far too loud, so that annoys him. Elijah, likes all types of music. He has a small dislike for classical music,but he has nothing against and will listen to it. Myles, on the other hand loves classical music. At low noise level.

Why did Lucy and Myles take Eli in?
Well, Eli doesn't know this but they are actually his aunt and uncle. So he was left there as a child, but his "foster" parents made up this lie about them being foster parents towards him, so that he wouldn't be so annoyed knowing his parents had dumped him with family and never paid a visit. They also don't trust Eli's birth parents with children. So they would rather have Eli, than he having to live with them.

At HNZ, neither Myles's laptop nor his Ipod will work (Electronics go haywire around magic.) How is he going to feel about that?
Well, he was pretty annoyed to begin with, and his need for the electronics was big, but, he's grown adjusted to it. He makes his own fun and music now.
If for some reason Eli couldn't become a professional musician, what would be his backup career?
A struggling musician.

Why would Eli's patronus be different from his animagus form?
It would be different, because Eli doesn't believe that anything should be the same as anything else. The patronus reflects the memory which he uses to configure it, and the animagus, is the Eagle, because, in his mind he is strong and purposeful. And will do almost anything to be the best.


I assume Kiara is Eli's sister - why doesn't she live with Lucy and Myles, and why (if that is the case) did Eli's real parents keep her and not Eli?

Lucy and Myles are magic, yes? Did they ever worry Eli might be a squib?

What was your first accidental magic?

Who is your hero?

Do you feel lonely, or find it hard to make friends (not having any experience of real family bonds)?


I assume Kiara is Eli's sister - why doesn't she live with Lucy and Myles, and why (if that is the case) did Eli's real parents keep her and not Eli?
Well, when his mother was pregnant with him, it was a little before his parents were to be married, so it was a hurried wedding. And the couple weren't ready for a child so early on,. So they left Eli with his aunt and uncle, saying they were going on a holiday, but they didn't come back. When Kiara was born it was a little different, it was two years after, they felt ready, they'd managed to do quite well for themselves. Elijah's real mum has tried to contact him, but his foster mum has stopped this from happening calling her sister too unreliable. And they, while they don't show it often have grown quite fond of Eli.

Lucy and Myles are magic, yes? Did they ever worry Eli might be a squib?
No, because Myles is a muggle, and Lucy is a witch, and they didn't care much for where Eli got an education, just that he got one. So it didn't bother them much at all.

What was your first accidental magic?
I was playing the guitar while on a swing when I was about 6, and I wasn't watching what I was doing, and I fell, bounced on the ground, not hurting anything and the guitar was fine too. I should've broken a Bone with the way I landed but that's music for you.

Who is your hero?
There are so many. Erm, I would have to say the late Michael Jackson, because, looking past all the weird stuff, he wrote amazing songs and he preformed with the kind of passion I wish to have. So yeah most likely him.

Do you feel lonely, or find it hard to make friends (not having any experience of real family bonds)?
Well, at times. But I don't really mind. I have a few close friends. I have a best friend, Hillary. And really that's all you need. A few good friends and a close best friend.

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