Elephant in a China Shop.

Flinn McCarthy

Active Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14 Essence of Unicorn Hair
Flinn wasn't sure whether he should be excited or not. It was beautiful here, but it wasn't home. He missed the green fields of Ireland. He missed the cows and the sheep, and the rocky burren. Most f all he missed his Mother. He worried about her, living all alone on the farm. He'd tried to get her to live with one of the Aunt's, but she insisted that she was fine, being independent and she didn't want to leave the animals. He was worried about her, she was strong, but he didn't want to think of her being all alone.

He wandered through the halls of the castle. It was elegant and beautiful, everything he wasn't. He was strong, and reliable, not pretty and delicate. He was afraid of touching the place, it was like apalace in here. He wished his mother had let her go somewhere else, but she had insisted. His Father had gone here. He remembered his Father, and he couldn't imagine him in a place like this. He practically fled outside. It was very warm here, and he felt all wrong in his blue uniform. He'd have to butch it up a bit. He turned back to look at the castle. It was nice enough, he'd have to get used to it. He'd been glad enough of the bit of French he knew, his Mam had promised that she'd teach him more this summer. The students here all seemed effortlessly beautiful and graceful, he felt like an elephant trmaping in a china set. He just needed some air.

He lay in the grass, watching the elf-like students basically gliding through the school. He closed his eyes, trying to block them out. He just wished that it could all go away, that he could go home. He hadn't talked to any of the other students yet, it was kind of intimidating. He breathed slowly, gently, relaxing and letting all of his troubles go. He had done this ever since he was a child. He thought through the past fwe months. He hadn't wanted Hogwarts, he'd heard there was an emphasis on blood there, and he didn't know what blood he was, his mother was a half-blood, but his Father hadn't been sure what he was, he'd been an orphan. He'd wanted to go to Durmstrang, but his Mam was worried that he'd get caught up in dark magic. As if. He wasn't that type of person, he'd wanted to go because he thought it would suit him there, but no-here he was-Beaubatons. Even the name was girly.

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