
Hikari Izumi

Well-Known Member
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
"No, LOVES ME! and he's not a pervert. You're just jealous anyway."

Hearing those words being spoken by one of her classmates, Hikari Izumi cannot help but to rub her temples. That girl was really getting on her nerves. Sighing, fifteen year old Hikari, put her head in her hands. Her, jealous, of what? A non-existent relationship between a psychotic fan girl and her perverted stalkie. Hardly. No, what she was at the moment was tired. After having been up late studying for a test two nights ago, and then up late again last night making sure that all her homeworks were done, Well, Hikari Izumi was in a word, beat. The fact that it was six thirty in the morning, on a Saturday, sitting alone in the under a large tree with nothing but the noisy crowd around her and without having had coffee; didn't help her state of mind much either.

Hikari could honestly say she had no idea where those students got their energy from; they must have a stash of caffeine pills, or they had their own internal sugar making ability. But that would make them a plant, and they clearly wasn't one so… Shaking her head and groaning Hikari took off her coat, resigning herself to a sore back later. She was going to black out soon if she didn't lie down. To reiterate, four hours of sleep or less a night, school, sports and annoying male population in the school just did not mix well.
Jack woke up early for himself, considering that it was a saturday. He was in his 7th year, and didn't understand what all the stress was. The rest of his year seemed to be panicking every other second about work, but he, he was just attempting to try and enjoy the last few months of his crowded life in the school.

He couldn't wait until he was free of the school, free from the walls that enclosed him. Once he was out in the world, he would make a statement and become someone special. Namely a deatheater. He smirked at the idea and got out of his room. Leaving the building, he flicked his wand around, scaring a random few first years that seemed utterly petrified at the sight of a few sparks coming out of his wand. Smirking even more now, he wandered down to the forest, eager to try and find something to do.

As he approached the trim of the forest, he saw a few groups of students who seemed to be so awake for so early. Wandering through, he suddenly found himself staring up at some birds of prey, circling and swooping around ahead, trained to stay there and supposedly meant to be seen as intimidating. As he walked, looking up at the sky, he found himself tripping over someone slightly. Correcting himself, he smiled down at the girl who he had tripped over. "Sorry." He said, not really paying attention to the girl. He carried on walking and smirked down at the floor, not really noticing the girl.
Hikari was just enjoying her nap, relaxing herself, and relieving herself of the stressful life that she had had when she felt something, or more likely, someone tripped over her. She wouldn't mind it actually, if only she's not feeling annoyed and stressed for that day. And so, feeling irritation building up one her, Hikari slowly opened her eyes and looked at this unlucky person whom had just decided to bother her in her sleep. It was a boy, and not just that, he was the Jack Evans,a part-veela that was somehow famous all around the school.

Frowning, she decided to call the said boy's attention, not to go all hearts for him like the other girls do, but rather, to make him apologize once more, not like that small sorry that he did earlier, for for her, that one is not enough, no sincerity at all. "Be sincere when you say Sorry." She said, her voice sharp as her eyes were fixed on the older boy, however, despite the irritation that she was feeling, her face remained blank. "And do watch where you were going too, don't just walk around like a lost boy or a lifeless corpse." She added, standing up now, her sleepiness was already gone, no thanks to this boy that had woken her up, not intentionally of course.
Jack smirked at the girl and turned around to hear the rest of her sentence. "And, what are you going to do if i don't?" He asked, his tone mocking as he smirked at the face of the defiant and probably stupid person who decided to challenge him. His wand had already been in his hand, having flicked it around a few times earlier. "Whats wrong with you anyway? Its 6 o'clock. Whats the point of walking around, as cheerful as sunshine, ready for the day?" He asked, his tone mocking still as he stared her down, taking her appearance in. He raised his eyebrows, thinking that there was something familiar about her, maybe he had heard of her, maybe he had already seen her. Something about her stumped him. He didn't recognise her at all, but in his mind, he did. Frowning at this, he stayed silent and waited for her response.
Hikari frowned when she heard the boy's statement. He was really starting to get on her nerves, which is bad. Putting her hands on her hips, she decided to take the easier way to make the boy apologize, she had to talk to him and give him a piece of her mind, she wouldn't resort to violence, at least, not yet. "What do you think? I'm not stupid to go around and do a duel with you, that's a waste of time. " She said, her eyebrow raised in defiance. "And besides, only ignorant people don't apologize, too proud of themselves, people just like you I guess." She added, this time, picking up her bag that she had left lying on the ground.

She then have to chuckle when she saw the wand at the boy's hand, "And believe me, don't go around boasting about that wand of yours, you'll never know, it might get lost one time." She remarked, her tone a bit arrogant than her usual one. Now that she had actually looked at the boy closely and remembered that he was indeed Jack Evans, Hikari remembered her friend Gwen who's supposedly going out with the boy. She can't quite get it though, the boy seemed different from what she had heard, well, except for the dangerous part maybe. "What's wrong with you? What's the point of walking when you're not looking at where you're going?" Hikari returned what the boy had said, she can pretty much figure that she was starting to get on the boy's nerves, which she didn't mind really, in fact, she would love to see him get out of control. There's just something about him that really annoys her.
Jack smirked again at the girls response. "But im not ignorant, i apologised." He said, finding the whole situation amusing rather than annoying. He was amazed at how much energy someone could have so early in the morning and this girl's attitude fascinated him completely. He looked down at the wand in his hand and smirked again, wondering what a girl such as the one in front of him could do. Being in an older year, his magic would be more advanced and fluent, like learning a language. He shook his head in a resigning way, not willing to argue with this feisty girl who seemed too quick tempered and arrogant for him to deal with so early in the morning. "I suppose i should be looking where i am going." He said, finishing the statement off in his own head, a few more lines and a few curses added on the end. But, he wouldn't say those in-front of this girl, because he didn't even know who she was. He had a basic idea about her character, but there the ideas stopped. He knew from past experiences that it was best not to argue too much with the younger students so early in the morning, so took the 'i give up' tone, deciding to play it cool and not lose sight of his calmness.
Hikari crinkled her forehead and pursed her lips when she had heard the boy's response. HE was really annoying in her opinion. "You didn't, what you did earlier was not apologizing, people only apologize when they're sincere, if not, then you can't call that as an act of asking for forgiveness." She said, adding a roll of her eyes for a more dramatic effect. Hikari knew that if the boy did something, she cannot really win. But at least, she knows how she'll be able to defend herself, after all, what could be the help of being a werewolf if you can't be strong. And besides, studying in durmstrang, she had learned a fair share of useful hexes that she can use in such occasions. She may not look like it, but Hikari is a good duelist.

"Good that you understand then, honestly I'm surprised that you are so quick to give up." She then said, her eyebrows raised a little. Really, she had thought that he wouldn't even listen to him and just walk off, at least, that's how she views his kind. Well, Hikari is not really judgmental, but though she didn't like it, she can't really bring herself to like part-veelas like this boy standing in front of her now.
Jack laughed coldly and turned around. He didn't listen to what she said, and he couldn't be bothered to stand there and argue with this fiery girl. It was too much for him. He just couldn't be bothered. He started walking further and further into the woods and only once he was out of sight of the girl did he turn around and check she wasn't behind him. He smirked at the memory of her and sighed, wondering why some people in the school were so arrogant and full of themselves. He didn't know what it was, but something about the girl made him wonder if she was someone special. In his mind, only a few selective people were 'special'. They were his cousin, his girlfriend Gwen and a few of his mates. He didn't normally bother with the younger students, finding them out of place and too arrogant for their own good. Occasionally, he would teach them a lesson, but this girl wasn't worth the energy. So he thought...

(OOC: Sorry for the lame post... by the way, what was the plan again with them??)
Hikari sighed in relief as the older boy finally left. Honestly, she felt more comfortable now. Letting her bag drop from her hand, Hikari had once again laid down on the grass. Actually, she wasn't in anyway, intending to leave just yet, it was just too nice of an opportunity to pass. The place was quiet, and hopefully it will stay like that. No one to bother he and thsis weet solace that she was enjoying. And of course, no particular annoying part-veelas as well, especially that Jack person.

"Honto ni Adrie-chan, what did you see with that guy that made you like him, he's annoying.." She said, her voice a bit loud, but not really minding if anyone had heard her. She was actually confused as to the reason why her friend Gwen had chosen to go out with that arrogant Jack, she didn't get it at all. Groaning in frustration, she began to close her eyes, her hand covering it as well. "Anata wa baka desu!(You're stupid)" She yelled, hopefully no one would understand her then.

OOCOut of Character:
well.. I think it would be like, Hikari wouldn't really like Jack because she accuses him of being a best friend stealer? haha.. I don't really remember that much. :r
Jack smirked as he heard her insults to him come through the trees. He guessed they were aimed at him. Finding this girl more annoying now, he picked up his wand and flicked it in her direction. Sending a few random and mad curses and hexes her way, he sat back against the tree, waiting to hear or see what the final result of them was. Because of the use of silent spells, the curses were more likely to take their target by surprise, unless she was some ultra amazing mind reader. Also, being a quidditch player, his aim was so accurate that it was unlikely not to hit her. Smirking at the idea of her fate, he sat back against the tree and waited still. He was utterly bored and had planned to make some good conversation with this girl, but she had pushed him quite far now and he was fed up with it all, especially so early on in the day...
Hikari had had her eyes opened abruptly when she felt some tremblings on her surrounding, it was hexes being thorn at her, that, she was quite sure, luckily though, she had casted a temporary shield charm around her. The school was quite dangerous after all, so it was only logical for a student to have to learn to defend their selves, yet, the last spell thrown had caught her off guard, leaving a faint mark of red on her cheek. Fuming in anger,, Hikari stood up, wand at hand as she started to look for the said boy. Now, he had done it. He was really getting in her nerves now. When she found him, sitting with his back against a tree, she cannot help but to stomp her feet in frustration. "Quite gentlemanly aren't you? Attacking a person when she's not in front of you? Quite a cowardly act if I may say.." She said, one hand at her hips while the other on her wand.
Jack smirked as the girl came to find him. "Back again?" He asked, his tone mock pleasant. "Why do you jump to the conclusion that i was attacking you? Thats a little attention seeking isn't it? I was trying to seperate the leeches." He said, pointing towards the snogging couple who now that the girl had moved, were in full view. He had guessed that she would be back again for revenge so he had manouvered himself in a position that he could have easily been doing as his story suggested. Standing up, he pointed his wand at her now. "But now you are in front of me, and as suggested before, you have annoyed me. So, push it any further and i may have to be forced to send a few hexes your way. But only maybe." He said, deciding that it was out of his general attitude to attack a girl. However, this girl seemed to have pushed it particularly far now and if she crossed the line again, he would take no responsibility for his actions.
"Oh sure, it was not you eh? Then I wonder who it was. . And I'm not seeking your attention, never, it's probably you who was doing that. . you're too full of yourself. . obnoxious little..." She said with a scoff, both of her hands at her hips now, her eyebrows raised in annoyance as she glared at the taller boy. She had had to smirk when the boy pointed his wand at her, really, a real gentleman act to do. "What now? You'll hurt me? Do as you please...but don't expect that I won't fight back." She said pointing her wand at the boy too, it's tip resting on his chest now, though she was way younger, she had had a fair share of hexes that she knew too, so, despite the slim chances, she can still defend herself. It's not like she'll let the boy get away with what he had done without her getting her revenge on him.
Jack smirked at the girl as she placed her wand on his chest. Taking a step back, he conjured up around him, a protective bubble that she couldn't see. It would be very unlikely that she would know what he had done because he had used a silent spell and no longer felt any need to say the incantations aloud. He wouldn't hurt her unless she sent a few hexes his way. Still then, he wouldn't badly hurt her, it wasn't in his nature and he wouldn't wish to be responsible for something awful that happened. Smirking again, he ignored her comments and felt like laughing at the 2 of them, standing at the edge of the forest with their wands pointed at each other ready for a duel.
Hikari frowned as Jack stepped away from her, knowing him, how sly he was, she had had this idea that he had somehow tried to conjure up a protective shield around him, a coward in her opinion, but she figured that he wouldn't care nonetheless. Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she tapped her feet in impatience, she was getting really unnerved by the said guy, and it was getting rather frustrating as well. "Honto, how do I call a guy like this? annoying? Iie (no), troublesome, pathetic... he's obnoxious.." She muttered in her mother tongue, knowing all too well that he didn't have the slightest idea of what it was that she was talking about, and that had somehow brought some excitement in her.
Jack frowned as a different language was spoken by the girl. Realising that he had judged her far too soon for his normal attitude, he felt a pang of guilt at being mean to her before he knew her. However, how could he change it around now? What could he say or do to make it better? Her opinion of him had already been changed for the worst, it would be very hard to change it. Probably impossible. However, it was worth a try, and at the end of the day, she might know Gwen or one of his other friends. "Im sorry, we got off to a bad start." He said, his smile sheepish as he rubbed a hand over his forehead, feeling a headache developing. If this girl wasn't quiet soon, then he would just leave. It was too early. And now he was trying to be nice, he hoped that she would respond in a similar fashion.
Hikari raised an eyebrow when all of a sudden, this Jack guy that she was talking to had suddenly become rather nice, really, what was it that had gotten into him for him to actually act that way? "Are you seriously apologizing?" She asked incredulously, still not believing what it was that she was hearing. Maybe her opinion about him was indeed wrong, maybe there's more into him than meets the eye, but she wasn't sure whether she'll give the chance to actually know him. Maybe there was something about him that really makes Gwen like him then. "Shall I give you the benefit of a doubt?" She added, still having that twinge of uncertainty in her voice.
OOCOut of Character:
sorry for the REALLY late reply. . . :shy:
(OOC: Don't worry :) this ones late as well :jesse: )

Jack smiled at her disbelieving tone. "Thats up to you, but i know i would certainly prefer you too." He said, his shoulders giving a carefree shrug. He was tired and didn't need to fight. It was actually stealing energy from him by just having this conversation. This girl could assume what she liked, Jack knew he had a reputation, but in that moment, he didn't care. He didn't want another fight with someone. No, with his body under such strain, he couldn't bear to see another lifeless body carried away as a result of his temper. Massaging his temples momentarily, he gave the girl a weak smile.
It seemed to Hikari that Jack Evans was indeed sincere in his apology. At least, that was what it look like. sighing at the thought that she had judged him too early, she had decided that she needed to apologize as well. "I'm sorry for being rude too." She said as she plopped herself to the ground. Maybe there was a reason why her friend had chosen to go out with this guy, maybe she had just thought of him badly that it was affecting her opinion of him, or probably, there was still a chance that he was just pretending and acting to be nice. "I believe that a proper introduction is necessary, my name's Hikari Izumi, and you are?" She said as she extended her hand out for a handshake. She did know who the older boy was, but it was out of formality that they would introduce themselves again if they wanted to actually talk normally.

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