Eden broken with no way to fix her

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Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Due to recent plots. Eden and Chase are now broken up. Is it for good? I am not sure. I am hopping not seeing as how I spent 7 months planning there wedding only to be told Chase is getting tosses into Azkban. :glare: Anyways, Eden needs friends. She has a few close ones but I am thinking more guy wise. Maybe there are guys out there who have always admired her but where to scared to come up to her until now. Friends first. Eden is broken and would not even know a guy was flirting with her even if there was a sign over his head that said he was flirting. So yea just post here or shoot me a pm. This is all sad and I am still heartbroken about Eden and Chase in RL. :cry: Don't laugh they where such a cute couple and I had there whole life planned out. Thanks

Elvera Le fey can be her friend, if you want. shes a fifth year claw and i think they have met a few times already. on the rune stand last year for a start
Yea that sounds cool. Eden always liked the girl.
Awsome. Do you want to start a topic or do you want me to?
Any sugestions as to where?
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