🌹 Rose Giving Easy Being Green

Elise Ito

creative 💀 flighty 💀 a little odd
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Ebony Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (12)
Red rose for @Saturday Weeks

Elise knew there were plenty of people at school with family members also at school. After all she had her brother, and Dorian who also kind of counted even if they didn't share a last name. Regardless, it made her job easier as she made her way to the Slytherin table after already making a delivery to one Weeks. With some guidance she was able to find the next person on her list with some ease. "Hello!" she said brightly. "Are you Saturday?"
Saturday Weeks did not really care what today was, and she did not really notice what was going on from the deliveries. Saturday was just that sort of person. As she was picking at her food, she glanced up as a girl asked if she was Saturday. She nodded. "Yeah, I am. Why?" Saturday clasped her hands together in front of her.
Elise smiled, glad to have found another person on her list. She wasted no time pulling out the red rose from her basket and handing it over with it's note. "Well this is for you." she said brightly when the other girl asked why. She thought her purpose was pretty obvious.

- Sunday

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