🌹 Rose Giving early roses

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
27 (31/12/2035)
Selene had come a long way since her first rose giving all the way back in first year. where she had relied on the yearbook and asteria had joined her for moral support. now her cat was just along for the ride, and she was learning to trust her instincts and thanks to her seer training she was getting better and better at being in the right place at the right time right now she was in the great hall. sheh ad just finished her breakfast and was ready to start her deliveries. just as she made her way towards the door she saw someone she was after. "Goodmorning. It's indra right?" she asked hoping that the girl would hear her and stop

Yellow for @Indira Khatri
Indi walked into the great hall and frowned at all the noise. She hadn't known what to expect this Valentine's day but this was some how worse than she expected. With a heavy sigh she walked forward a bit more before she was approached by an older student. "Uhh, yeah?" she said warily.
Selene knew that Indira was a second year, what she had forgotten was that there had been no roses last year so this was her first year experiencing the deliveries. but the overwhelmed look on the girls face reminded her that it was a lot to take in at first and she had been shocked during her first delivery. "that's great because I have a rose for you" she said trying to sound kind and as gentle as she could. before she extracted the yellow rose with a small meow of protest from asteria who was once again joining her for rose day and giving the flower to the girl.

You're so clever! Happy Valentine's
Love Salem

@Salem Lee
Indi looked at the rose for a moment, unsure of who could have possibly sent her one. It wasn't like she was that close with anyone at school. With a heavy sigh she took the flower and the note and read it quickly. She let out a small laugh she she read the note and saw it was from Salem. Of all the people to get a rose from she was glad it was Salem, she was funny and it was nice to know someone recognized her cleverness. "Um thanks." she said to the older girl who still seemed to be waiting around. Indi wasn't exactly was left for her to say.

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