Early Risers Assemble!

Tybalt Archer

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2" Sturdy Ivy Wand with Vampire Blood Core
9/2019 (42)
It was a little early, just around six in the morning and the school was pretty much dead. There were a few students walking around, somewhat aimlessly it would appear. One of those was Tybalt Archer. A young Gryffindor teen who had too much energy and not enough activities to get rid of it. As he was wandering the halls, brand new Polaroid camera hanging around his neck, he found the peace and quiet of the early day to be fairly calming. It was nice. It seemed like a nice reminder that he was back at school for another term. One step closer to graduating but still pretty far away from that. He was excited, as was the norm for the Gryffindor, but this was not for any usual reasons, in fact he had no plans for the day, that would require him to be that excited. He had woken up, bright and early and just gone out. Gotten dressed quickly, in the usual clothing though it was more creased and the jumper even seemed a little big. He was much taller than when he'd first arrived, but his height was a slow thig and he still was one of the smaller people in his year. The jumper was a little unnecessary, since it was summer, but the early morning air which seemed to be carried through the incredible castle had a slight chill to it, and since he was more used to warmer weather it meant the teen was cold. The monochromatic had no plans for the day, his calendar was free and he liked that. With the sort of full on term he'd have a free day or so was very welcome. But Ty had recently found that staying still and doing nothing were not things he could really do. It seemed that as his confidence grew so to did his energy. Which did end in him taking on more and attempting to do more. Trying to always be better than himself in the previous term, or year.

Which was why, as his stomach grumbled loudly again the teen deserted his walk and headed to the Great Hall, it was maybe a little early for breakfast, but he didn't care, he would wait until it was time, and he could therefore eat. The hall was relatively empty. A few people heads in books dotted along the four tables. Scattered, silent. While Ty now knew which table was for each, he always spent a small moment being sure of himself. He did of course settled on the Gryffindor table. Which only had one other person sitting at it. Near the entrance to the hall. Ty made his way along the table glancing to the ravenclaw one as he did. Nothing. Same with Slytherin. He had hoped, as he sat down that he might see B. His secret sort of possible girlfriend. They'd spent such a great time together at the Yuleball and then at his cousin's Christmas gathering, that coming to school where they would have to hide, pretend to just be sort of friends, wasn't exactly going to be easy. He wanted to tell everyone how amazing B was. How amazing their night had been. But he had kept his word, and kept quiet. But this early in the morning, this would be a good time to at least be able to sit together. But alas, the boy was alone. With the first of the breakfast appearing on the tables. He helped himself to a large class of orange juice, placing the camera on the table and began to eat. It was early, but he liked the silence. He liked the idea of having the rest of the day being completely free to do whatever Hogwarts presented him with an opportunity to do.
Rose was lying down in bed. She was was staring up at the ceiling. It was very early n the morning. She hadn't slept much during the night. Things were complicated with her father. Wen she had visited him and seen hm for the first time during the holiday she had been so happy to see him. She had forgiven him for everything. She had loved the feeling of his arm around her. She had wanted to have him look at her with love in his eyes ever since she was a little girl. It had been the most amazing feeling in the world and for once things had been going well. It was only half ways through lunch when things had gone wrong. Thankfully Kyle had been there or else she didn't know what she would have done. She was slightly embarrassed that he had seen the argument but what as done was done. She did feel had that she had reacted the way she had it in fairness she hadn't been expecting it in any way.

Rose sighed and sat up. She couldn't sit stay in bed anymore. She was too restless. She was actually quite hungry. She got out of bed and changed into a warm track suit and t-shirt. This was going to be a lazy day for Rose. She might even play some piano. She hadn't played it in a long time and she was sort of missing it. She hadn't really drawn anything either since that just reminded her of her Papa and she didn't like thinking about him. Luvie either for that matter. Walking out of the common room she made her way down to the Great Hall. The halls were quiet. She had spent the holidays going from place to place, no way was she going home with those two. Sighing she liked into the Grat Hall and headed towards the Gryffindor table. She sat down and got herself some cereal. When she had poured herself some cerea and milk she looked around at her surroundings. At the other side of the table and bit far down she saw Tybalt. She hadn't talked to him in ages and she wondered how he was. "Hey Tybalt"She said smiling
Tybalt was not overly bored on his own. In fact, he took the time to take a picture of his breakfast. He didn't know why, his breakfast was not that interesting, but he felt curious. The Polaroid pictures were enchanted to move. So he was sort of wondering what this picture would be, if it would move or would it stay stationary. He was enjoying his new camera. It had proved him with some excellent pictures so far. Which was good. He might lack the capacity to see the pictures to their full extent but it didn't mean that he couldn't enjoy them. He loved taking them, looking at them. Just owning pictures made him feel good. The picture printed and as he waved it in his hand, he let himself glance around at the hall. It was no more full than when he had arrived. In fact it appeared to have emptied more, if that was possible. He gave a happy smile to himself. He loved this sort of alone time, almost as much as he enjoyed being out and about with his friends. He knew that soon the rest of the school would arrive. Slowly they would trickle in, and his silence would be so much more broken. But at least he might be able to see B. there was an odd thought lingering about his mind, to spend the day with her. To try to spend the day with her. He missed her somewhat. Being in different houses and them being secret made it difficult to even start off. Made it difficult for him to figure out how he was going to even get her alone so they could study together. He thought pictures. A picture with the time and place at the back, but that seemed a little silly. A little like Ty had watched one to many spy movies. Which he had, but that didn't wasn't something he wanted to bring up. Not really, or at all.

However the shuffling and movement close to him brought his bright blue eyes away from the appearing picture, and to a girl who then proceed to greet him. Rose! He smirked slightly at the use of his full name. He looked to the picture and saw that it was just a slight shaking, like his hands had been shaking and that was the movement. He then glanced back up at Rose, "Most people just call me Ty, Rose." the teen said with a bright grin, not meaning anything by what he said just stating a fact. He found that he had somewhat lost touch with Rose. Which he minded slightly. She was a nice girl. He liked her. "But, Mornin' Rose" he said with same strong southern accent as he always had. It had yet to fade properly. Only when afraid did it really fade. "How are you this fine day?" Ty lifted a bit of his toast and taking a large bit of it. He wondered what she had been up to. He had invited her to the party at his cousin's but, he hasn't minded her not turning up. He was sure that she had her own family to be with. "How were your holidays?" he asked as he shoved another bit of toast in his mouth. "You must've been real busy last term. I barely saw you! But the better question here, is what brings you to breakfast so early?" the teen laughed slightly, speaking with his mouth slightly full was not overly polite, he knew that but he didn't overly mind. He was young, it was early, and while he had no plans for the day, an early morning catch up with Rose to start of would not be too bad. He liked her, and wanted to be sure that his friend was doing all right.
Rose's last holiday had been rather stressful. She hadn't stayed in the same place for long. She had moved from place to place. It hadn't been hard finding places. She had plenty of money and she had stayed in New Zealand for the holidays. It had been lonely spending Christmas alone, but in fairness it was something Rose was fairly used to. Nearly all her life she had spent most Christmas' by herself. She had usually had Lucie but no way was she going near her. Rose wasn't sure what she thought of her surrogate mother anymore. They had both gone behind her back. She didn't care if it had helped her Papa, she still felt betrayed and it was going to take her a long time to get used to or even accept the idea of the two of them together. Rose shuddered, she didn't even like thinking about it. She just couldn't accept the idea of them together. She had always had them seperately placed in her mind. She clenched her fists, was she being unreasonable? Probably yes but she just couldn't get her mind around it for some reason. Needless to say both Lucie and her Papa were furious and upset with her. They had scoffed at the idea of her not returning home for the holidays which had made Rose even more determined to succeed and she had.

She realized she had just been pushing her cereal around the bowl. Tybalt or Ty as he liked to be called seemed to be in a good mood. She was glad that he was happy, she realized with a start that she had never apologized for not turning up to the party but she really had been in no mood to go and she had been trying to save her money and trying to find her way to Ty's house would probably have cost a lot of money and she wouldn't have been able to buy anyone presents. "I'm so sorry Ty, I couldn't make it to your party, thank you so much for inviting me though"She said smiling.She didn't really want to give him the reason as to why she hadn't been there "I'm ok I suppose"She said smiling before looking down at her cereal, she really was bad at pretending to be happy. "How are you Ty?"She asked trying to turn the attention away from her. Rose quickly realized Ty liked to ask questions and she didn't really want to answer any but she couldn't just ignore them. "So, so"She said shrugging her shoulder,not adding much "How was the party? Sorry again that I couldn't come"She said looking up at Ty and smiling. "I was bored in bed"She said truthfully "I just wanted to get up and I was hungry"She said grinning and finally eating some of her breakfast cereal. She looked down at the camera beside Ty "You like photography?"She asked pointing towards the camera.
Tybalt had passed a good holiday, he liked his holidays, but it was better now that the family was happier. It made all the difference, really. The archer luck had somewhat gone away. Nothing truly terrible had happened in a while, and for that the teen was glad. Everything was sort of in order. His issues now dealt with things far more normal. He had his best friend back, he was making more friends, he had his cousin outside of school always waiting for him to come round. Ty had always enjoyed the house that his cousin had. He feared the day it would be finished and that he would move on. Happily however the young teen sat in those early morning hours with his friend Rose, a girl he did not see all to often but did like. She was quiet, much more reserved than him from what he could tell. She and Kyle got along really well from what he could tell. It was funny how now he noticed that. Before, he hasn't given it too much thought, but he knew Kyle a lot more now, and wouldn't mind if those two ended up getting together. That was unless, as Tybalt thought about it, they were just really good friends, like him and Indiana. Where there was very little possibility of anything more than friendship. He didn't really know. Only time would tell. He looked at her as she apologised for not being able to go to his Christmas thing. He shook his head at her. Finishing his bit of toast, and giving her a smile. "It's all right" he said, "You had family and stuff. Don't worry about it! I invited everyone. My cousin, whose house it was, doesn't have any family, 'part from me, and my parents, so we had a party" Ty said as he took another bite of the toast. Giving a little smile as he did so.

With a small smirk, "You suppose?" he gave a little laugh, but he figured that she probably had a difficult time. Maybe that was why she was so reserved. Ty didn't know. "Well, hopefully breakfast with the ever amazing Ty will make you feel better" he said with a smile and a small laugh. He knew that he was stretching things a bit, but Rose was a friend and he didn't like his friends being upset. "I am doing pretty well! Nothing like an early morning to predict a good day" Tybalt said with a smile. He took another bit of toast and gladly ate it. She then asked how the party had been. Ty nodded at this. "It was good fun. So much food. My cousin is quite the chief." Tybalt took the glass of juice and gladly drank it. Drinking it right down to the last drop. "And really, don't worry. You'll come next time! You'd like my cousin. He's super quiet, but he loves music. Denies it to no end but I've heard him humming. Says it's calming" Ty was always a talker. He just talked and talked. He let himself carry the conversation so the other person could just be distracted, if they wanted to be. He put the glass on the table and ran a hand through his messy and unruly hair. Nodding along with her. "I was just up. Was studying last night, and I fell asleep earlier than normal, then up early, got hungry." he shrugged. He then smiled at her question, and looked to the camera. Nodding with a bright smile. He brushed his hands against his jeans and took the camera, raising it and taking a picture of Rose.

"Yeah, I love it. I work on the Yearbook, as the photographer." he explained as the picture printed instantly. He took it in his hand shook it lightly as it appeared. "It's just one of those things that I do. That I stumbled into. You still doing music?" he asked her, before sliding what actually was a really pretty picture. "Very photogenic!" he smiled at her again, letting the blue eyes drift from the picture to her. "What electives have you taken?"
From what Rose had remembered, Ty had seemed very shy and quiet, boy had things changed. It was a good change and the new Ty was a welcome change. She had once been a lot like him but she had become more reserved lately. The new Ty made her smile, even giggle a bit. He was funny and he kind of cancelled out her quietness and brought out her more giggly and true side. She was usually like this with Kyle. He always brought out the funny side in Rose. She hadn't talked to him in a while and she had to admit she missed him. He was her best friend. She had been spending a lot of time alone lately, just walking around the place, looking at all the things and places she could draw. She was just too stubborn to draw lately or play the piano. Her life sucked without them though. She was becoming a social recluse which was so weird because usually she had been the center of everything. Everyone had known her and gone to her advice. She had been the one helping people. It was frustrating being in this situation. "It sounds fun, wish I could have made it"She said smiling sadly. It probably would have been a welcome distraction.

Rose grinned "Lets hope so"She said laughing. It was a nice feeling, laughing. She hadn't laughed properly in ages. She supposed it was better to get up early then stay in bed till twelve o clock. You just felt lazy for the rest of the day and usually did nothing productive. Where as when you woke up early , you were ready to face the world. She took another spoon of her cereal before pouring herself a glass of milk. "Yummy food so"She said smiling. She loved cooking. She didn't do it as often as she could or should. She wasn't sure if she had any talent at it either. Rose nodded "Music can be very calming"She said taking another spoon of cereal. Music always calmed her, it was one of the few things that did because she had a nasty temper when she got going. Rose hadn't been doing much studying lately. She probably should have but she was a bit distracted lately. She shouldn't let that affect her grades though. Oh well she would get started again soon enough. She was surprised when he took a picture of her. She hadn't been expecting it. "Oh cool, I love the yearbook"She said smiling, she really did. She really appreciated all the hard work put into it.

It was a very cool camera, the picture printed straight away. "Yeah, not as much but I still do it. I'm in charge of the Conglormerated club but to be honest I haven't been a very good leader"She said looking down at her breakfast and sighing. It just hadn't been a good year for her. "Why thank you monsiuer"She said smiling, it was a nice picture. "I choose Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures"She said, she really wanted to see the muggle world through the wizard's world. She thought it would be very interesting and she really liked taking care of animals even if they were magical "What about you?"
Indiana was excited for classes to start again this semester, though she was going to miss the Ancient Runes classroom she was excited for other classes knowing her best friend would be there. Plus she had friends like Bituin who would be in her choice classes with her, which was exciting. Indiana was coming off from the break on a high. She had an amazing time visiting with her siblings during the holiday. Getting to hear about the matches which her siblings had played against very well known teams across the world. She found it all very exciting and very cool, she was jealous of what they got to do. But she was also loving school, she had had an amazing date with her close friend Preston Paine at the Yule Ball. That had been a wonderful night, though she wasn't sure where it really left them. She was slightly confused on her feelings towards Preston. He was a wonderful guy and she felt it was just that she hadn't given him much though before the ball. He had been nervous which had made her all sorts of nervous as well. He was a rather good looking guy. But she didn't think she was ready to be anything more than friends with anyone. She wanted to make sure she'd spend more time with him, she thought about sitting with him in one of their classes might help. She was sure she'd have a class without her usual classroom partner, Tybalt. They hadn't seem to pick all the same elective choices, she could only hope Preston would choose the same ones as her.

Sighing the girl rolled over in bed, her thought had taken her in many different directions on her one day without classes. The only two days she didn't have class were Tuesday and Saturday. It was a difficult schedule not having the weekend off but she figured it would be worth it, she was excited for her classes. So much so that her mind woke her up early that morning. Looking around the room the curtains were still drawn on most of the beds in the third year dorm. One girl wasn't there it looked like, but Indiana was too groggy to remember whose bed it was. Getting up the girl headed to the bathroom and got herself ready for the day. She pulled on a pair of jean shorts and a simple blouse. She didn't need her uniform that day as she wasn't going to classes. She was thinking of heading down to the pitch to get some extra flying practice in, but she was going to have to check the schedule of practices first later to make sure no teams had a practice. Her stomach growling the girl decided to head down to the Great Hall. It wasn't too early now that she had taken her time getting ready, she was sure that a few others would be getting their breakfasts as well. Taking the long walk down the the Great Hall the girl enjoyed the views from the windows as she made her way down. Summer in New Zealand was always wonderful she thought. Entering the Great Hall she saw a few people sitting at the Gryffindor table and she made her way towards them. Once she got closer she could hear a very familiar voice. "Tybalt! You're back from break!" Indiana said probably louder than she needed too. Running up to her friend she gave him a hug despite the difference of him sitting down and her standing. Pulling away she saw the other face at the table. "Rose, you as well!" She said moving over and hugging the girl. Indiana couldn't remember the last time she had spent time with Rose. It had been too long.
Ty figured that he had always been like this. Incredibly friendly and open, had been kind and the sort to try hard to improve other's days if it appeared to him that he was the one having a good time and they were not. Which was why, sitting with Rose he was happy to hear her laughing, and happy to see her smiling. He looked at her with all seriousness, as she said she hoped so for next time. "Nah, you are going to be there. Even if I have to drag you there myself" he said sternly, though a few seconds later he broke into laughter. Taking a bite of his toast as he did so. Of course Tybalt was not being serious. He liked Rose a lot and he wanted her to come and have fun, but he knew that people sometimes had other things to do, and he understood that. He didn't mind that. He was happy to just be sitting with her right now, pretending and joking about a next time that she would also not be able to attend. But Ty didn't mind. He was always okay with it. He liked Rose, she was kind and fun, but she had other friends besides him, and she had family or something close to it too. You could never tell with people nowadays, and Ty knew some people might be as fortunate as him, or as unfortunate as his cousin. Finishing the slice of toast, Ty wondered if it would be such a stretch to be able to justify having another. Or another few. He wasn't sure. He wasn't exactly going to be stressed out by eating a lot, he did a lot of sports but he didn't want to appear overly greedy first thing in the morning. After pondering it for a few more seconds Ty shook his head and grabbed another bit of toast.

"True that!" Tybalt said, in response to her saying the food was yummy. "So yummy. I swear all I do at hogwarts in eat and study." he gave a small chuckle as he took another bite of the toast as he said that. Listening as she said music was calming. He wondered if that counted for all types or just some. "Well, I must be different then, cause music gets me all excited. I end up dancing around. And doing stuff like that. And by dancing I mean bonoucing cause I am not a gifted dancer" he gave a little dance on his chair as a demonstration. Even though it looked incredibly silly. And made little sense. Other people would've thought him made. The people in the great hall would find his energy a little annoying for so early. But Ty was smiling happily. The bright blue eyes brimming with the joy he felt. He was trying to improve Rose's morning by being his usual overly excited self. He nodded as she said she loved Yearbook. He did too. He really did love it. It was good fun. A lot of hard work but fun. He looked at her with a smile, as she took about the club she was in charge of. "The year is not over yet. You have to time to change things. Organize something right now, with me. I'll give my expertly amazing opinion." he had noticed that her smile had dropped slightly when she'd talked of the club. So while he was a little joking, he still kept his usual smile and incredibly jovial tone which was really helped by his accent. "I speak only the truth ma'am" he gave a small salute as she thanked him for the picture, grinning as he did so.

Tybalt then realized that he was probably doing considerable more classes than others. Well then. He laughed slightly. Just as he'd been about to reply when he heard a voice call to him. Looking over, giving Rose a smile as he did so. He noticed his closest friend making her way over to them. "Indiana!" he exclaimed in the same sort of fashion as she had greeted him. He would've gotten up but she had been quicker over to them, giving Ty a hug as he sat, she then also greeted the other girl before sitting with them. Ty took a bite of his toast, before going back to what they were talking about. "And I'm doing Muggle Studies, ancient runes, divination and arithmancy. So all of them apart from care of magical creatures really." he gave a laugh, as he really thought about it. "I have a pretty full on time table. So which do you like best Rose?" then with a glance at his best friend, he grinned at her. "What brings you here this early? Never pictured you as the kind of person to be up so early" he then raised his camera again, not bothering about his dirty fingers this time and took another picture, of them both. It might get annoying after a while, his constant pictures, but for now, he didn't give a sh1t.
Rose had to admit she missed her Papa. They had just been reunited and bam they had dropped a new bombshell on her. In front of guests also so she hadn't been able to react in the way she had been feeling which meant she had a lot of anger still inside her that wanted to let rip. She missed Lucie more. She had been in her life the longest and she really missed talking to her. She didn't know what to do and she had no one to talk to. Ty distracted her from hr depressing thoughts and she laughed at what he said "That would be interesting"She said whilst laughing. She started imaging the encounter and she really couldn't think about it without laughing. She doubted he would actually do that or if there would be another party. She wondered would things be good then. Would she have accepted the idea. Would she be happy. Right now it was just stubborness keeping her from seeing eye to eye.

Rose laughed once more. She really couldn't remember the last time she had laughed so much. She was taking a drink of her milk when Tybalt decided to demonstrate some of her dance. It resulted with her spitting out her mild because she was laughing and he got milk on his clothes "Mon dieu, I'm so sorry!"She said quickly getting some napkins and handing them to him "You make me laugh too much"She said grinning "Well it depends on the music, whenever I play the piano it calms me but I love dancing music also"She said. She was more into classical music but she did love her pop music. She owned an iPod and she loved listening to music. Classical would be her favorite though. Rose smiled "See it's a group for many things, so its hard to organize one thing.."She said thinking carefully. There were so many smaller groups in the one group. She had joined for the music but there was also cooking and art etc. She really liked the picture, she wished she was into photography. It looked really fun and she loved having pictures up on her wall.

Rose looked over when she heard someone call Ty's name. She smiled when she saw Indiana, she hadn't spoken to the girl in a long time. She remembered that she was nice though and Rose was happy to see her. She was slightly surprised when Indiana gave her the hug but she returned it with a squeeze of her own. "Salut Indiana"She said smiling when they broke from the hug. They then got back to the original conversation. She eat some more of her cereal whilst listening to Ty. He really had picked a lot of subjects "Wow, that's a lot of subjects, which is your favorite?"She asked curiously. She had hated divination and arithmancy. She hadn't minded ancient runes. Maybe she should have kept it one. "Muggle studies, it's really interesting"She said smiling, finishing off her cereal. "What about you Indiana, what did you pick?"She asked smiling, drinking some of her milk. Thankfully she had put the glass down when Ty surprised her by taking another picture "You do love taking pictures don't you"She said grinning.
Indiana was glad to see her friends back in the castle, she had missed them very much during the evenings when she would be alone in the Common Room. Of course she had spent much time out doors with her friend from Ravenclaw, going to the pitch and such. But she had missed Tybalt's laugh and smile. She always thought he brightened up a room. She noticed a great change in him this year. He was much more friendly and outgoing than he had been during first year. Then he had been more timid and tinier. It made her wonder if he was growing confidence because he was getting slighter taller. It was a funny thought and she was glad that they were more on the same height level now, it was easier to look at him. Smiling as she gathered food on her plate the girl listened to the conversation about classes Ty and Rose were having. She knew at one point one of them would ask her to join in so she waited as they finished the conversation she had interrupted. She was hungry after all. The girl noticed the new camera Tybalt carried around and figured he must've gotten it as a present from his parents over Christmas. She had gotten mostly new Quidditch things as her siblings were getting a lot of free stuff being Professionals and they didn't need it all.

Then Rose asked her about her classes and she had been about to answer till she saw Tybalt picking up the camera. Smiling the girl waved at the camera while the picture was being taken. She shook her head at her best friend. And she wondered when the fascination of the new camera would die down. Though she was used to his taking pictures of everything and anything, usually they weren't photos of her. Especially not early in the morning. "Pretty much the same as Tybalt, but I'm taking Care of Magical Creatures rather than Muggle Studies. Being a muggle once, I think I understand them," the girl said to her friend, muttering the last bit. She wasn't fond of the idea of studying muggle things as if they were some odd creature which wizards needed to comprehend like a monkey at the zoo. But she knew Tybalt had enjoyed the idea of the class, and how easy it would be, therefore she never voiced her true opinions on the class. "Excuse me sir, but I do believe the reason we even met was because I was up earlier than you!" The teen said to her best friend, he made it sound like she was lazy, which in the morning she usually could be.
Most people might've been annoyed at the fact that someone had just spilled milk over their clothes but Ty didn't mind. It was mostly on his jumper and while it was a little chilly he really didn't mind. Rose was happy. She was laughing, smiling. He felt better. He shook his head. "It's no worries Rosie!" he gave her a smile, to reaffirm that it was in fact fine. He didn't mind. He was the kind of guy who treated clothes as simply a necessity nothing more. He wasn't going to be the next Louis Vitton or anything. "And I believe there is no such thing as laughing too much. In fact you aren't laughing enough." he said as he pulled off his jumper. Causing the already messy brown hair to appear to grow in size. Spiking out at more ends than before. If this was meant to be a good hair day well then he was and going to be winnif any prizes that was for sure. Ty had found that when he made others happy, that made him happy. He hopeless tried to flatten his hair but as always it was to no avail. "Sometimes, I think a bird could nest in my hair and I wouldn't even notice." he gave up, ruffling his own hair ruining whatever work he might managed. "You'd tell me, right? If birds were living in my hair and I hadn't noticed you'd let me know, right? I'm trusting you with this task. You have no choice on the matter." Ty laughed, before reaching over and refilling Rose's glass with milk. He thought about it for a bit, he had never organized a group of anything before. And he didn't know much about the Arts club. What that included. He didn't know what was doable, and what was not. "An open mic night." he said, thinking out loud. "My da's brother's wife's sister was always organizing open mic nights at this country bar back in Georgia." Ty shrugged slightly. Not minding if in the end his suggestion wasn't taking but sometimes a person needed just one thing to begin thinking of other better things. Ty was happy to help Rose. They were friends, and he believed that she was a great president of the club. The professors must have seen something in her to pick her.

The bright blue eye of the teen were a stark contrast to his lightly tanned skin, not that he ever noticed but, he noticed in the pictures he took of himself, that even with his own vision, his eyes were a stark contrast. He smiled at both girls, glad he had some company so early in the mornig, he had hoped for some but honestly hadn't expected it. He nodded as Rose said he took a lot of classes. Letting Indiana also state hers before giving both a smirk, and sitting up straighter, "I'm not just a pretty face!" he said pretending to flick hair from his eyes, and making what had once been called the duck face. But he didn't hold that for long before breaking out into laughter. "See, I was going to take Care Of Magical Creatures, but I'm pretty sure I'd end up like wanting to see Dragons and then wanting to keep a dragon, which my mama would not be happy about, so I took the safe option which doesn't end with my mama wanting to kill me. That being Muggle Studies, which is p1ss easy." he had never been good with animals. Which was really why he hasn't picked the class. "Plus imagine me trying to tell creatures from one another with my awful eyesight." he gave a small shrug, laughing ever so slightly. On that morning he had put on his glasses. It was a little early for the contacts. These glasses fitted him a lot better, he often forgot they were even there. "And my favorite, oh I like them all. I like the Divination professor, so that. That's my favorite." even though he knew nothing of the course really, just maybe what it was about. He placed the camera on the table after having taken the picture. Wiping his hands on his now already dirty jumper, before taking it. Giving Rose a little smile. It was once again a good picture of the two of them. "I do indeed Rose, and I will stop, when y'all stop being so pretty so goddamn early in the morning." he forced his accent a little more. Sounding more southern than he did in normal conversation. He had always loved taking photos, this new camera was just good in the way the photos were instant. Glancing towards Indiana as she spoke he feigned shook as if this was completely new to him. "You might be right my friend. You might be right" he put more of an emphasis on might than any other word, taking his toast and biting into it. Chewing quickly. "That doesn't matter now. I now get up earlier. Do y'all have plans for the day?"
She couldn't believe he had made her laugh so much that she had spilled milk on him. She never remembered laughing with him like this before. He had definitely got more outgoing and Rose was really glad he had.If she was ever in a bad mood he was the person to go to. He had already made her feel a hundred times better. "I'm so sorry"She repeated, she felt terrible though she did smile at the nickname he gave her. She really liked it. She laughed "Well I'm sure there won't be a shortage of laughing"She said finally finished off her cereal. The hall was starting to fill up more. The place was gradually getting louder. She watched over her glass as Ty pulled off his jumper, making his hair stick out. Thankfully her hair was naturally curly so it looked okay a bit messy where as Tybalt's was just sticking out everywhere. She giggled into her cup "You have my word"She said seriously before laughing once more. "Merci"She said as he filled her glass. She really did like milk, juice she wasn't a fan of. Rose contemplated his idea, it would be good for the musical part of the group but the other sections not so much. She would definitely tuck that away in her head though. "That would be good for the singers and players but there could be some people who aren't comfortable or don't think they can sing"Rose said "But thank you for the suggestion"She said smiling widely.

Rose was all brown. She had tanned skin, brown hair and eyes. She never burned in the sun, just got browner. Her hair did sometimes get lighter in the same but he eyes were always the same chocolate brown. Rose smiled once more, her face was going to start hurting soon from all the grinning and smiling she was doing. She found the duck face pose hilarious. She really hadn't been expecting this in the morning. She had been expecting a lonely, depressing, short breakfast and she would probably just go outside and mope around the place. She was so happy she had decided to come down here. She agreed, muggle studies would probably be easy peasy and interesting, a good combination. Indiana did have a point, some people would look at it that way and she hoped it didn't turn out like that. Rose smiled, Ty did have a point, magical creatures was fun, she loved animals and the magical ones were amazing.Rose had never understood divination, she didn't get it at all. Rose smiled, he was a cutie. She was glad she was friends with him, Indiana too. They had both brightened up for morning considerably and she would try to remember this day when she was feeling depressed. Rose sighed, taking an apple "Nope, I was preparing for a pretty boring day"
Indiana was glad that she'd gotten out of bed early on her day off from classes. It meant she had time to spend with her friends. She really liked Rose and wished the girl wouldn't disappear so often so they could spend time together. Sometimes Indiana felt like she needed a girl to talk with, now that her sister had graduated and was gone. There was Bituin but she was always busy studying for classes or practicing for the Ravenclaw team. It'd be easier to talk to Rose, and she trusted Rose more having known her longer. Laughing at the face Tybalt made the girl poured some juice in her cup before grabbing two pieces of toast butter already applied. She ended up rolling her eyes at her food though when Tybalt swore. She figured it was something he was picking up from his older cousin. Of course, she didn't know the guy hadn't even met him. But who else would influence Tybalt to say such things, not his parents surely. He tried giving the excuse of not telling animals apart but she had found that none of them had similar shapes. They were all vast and had a range of mythical looks about them. But he had made his decision, she wasn't going to try to change it. It was interesting after all having one class without him. She wondered how he'd gotten on in Muggle Studies without her. Indiana looked at her best friend trying to see past his laughter. She couldn't tell if he was really feeling happy or if there was longing behind his eyes. Shaking her head she was determined that she'd been seeing things. Despite the feeling she'd been having that he was being more secretive and hanging around as much lately. But she decided to blame it on the new semester and classes starting up. "Oh Divination I like her as well. Very sweet!" She said about the Professor. The class would be pretty interesting she'd thought as well. They were going to learn to read tea leaves. Which bothered her a little bit being American and not ever drinking tea and finding it very sour.

Indiana smiled at her friend's compliment and at Rose who seemed surprised at the number of pictures Tybalt took. She was used to it, and once around Tybalt long enough everyone would get used to it she figured. Though it was new, the camera that printed the moving pictures instantly. She found it cool and wished she'd have one of her own, of course Indiana would probably forget about it after a few days her disinterest in carrying it around being the cause of that. Picking up one of the photos she looked at it. It was the one Tybalt took of himself. She found it interesting, the picture on repeat. It was curious to her that the pictures she'd seen were typically in black and white. Like the ones her siblings had taken with their team and given to her. It also made her curious the way that Tybalt saw the world. But she was pulled from her thoughts by his actions. She reached across the table and hit him in the arm feigning being upset with him at his words. The topic changed again and she listened to Rose's answer, which would be very similar to hers. She hadn't planned anything but she'd been hoping to go down to the pitch since she was up so early and get some flying in. She wished one of her friends here was a keeper so she could practice shots. But alas Tybalt was a beater and Rose wasn't one for Quidditch it seemed. "I was thinking of heading to the Pitch maybe sometime before lunch. Other than that it seemed like a fine day to spend out on the lawn."
The teen had never planned anything for the days he took off. Well, the days he had no classes and nothing else to do. It was going to be a rare occurrence for the next few years, as his timetable stayed pretty full, and he had things to constantly keep him busy. Which would be good for him. Ty wasn't the type to stay stationary for too long. He did things to pass the time. He tried hard to ensure that he was constantly busy, but at times, times like these he wasn't. And that too, the young teen was perfectly okay with. He noted Rose's point, with a small nod. That sounded logical. Ty was not a great singer, he wasn't so good at that kind of thing. Didn't stop him singing every so often, but he rarely, if ever did in public. He grinned at her, giving a small shrug. Not sure what else he could suggest it was his only idea, and while it wasn't very good, it was currently the only one he could give. He wasn't sure what the girl really had in mind. In any case, the teen would always be happy to help. "Ah, well, I guess you're right!" He gave her a nod, "If you need any help Rose, I'd be more than happy to give you a hand" He gave her a smile, meaning what he said seriously. He liked to think of himself as a good friend, and he didn't mind spending time with Rose helping her out, if she needed it. He knew that he wasn't the most ideal person, but Ty always thought nothing could go too horribly wrong. He then glanced over at Indiana, who agreed with him about the professor. He nodded at her. While it was really far to early for him to be able to say which of the classes he preferred, of the most recent ones, she had stood out to him. As had the Arithmancy professor. Both just seemed super nice. That opinion, he realised might change as the year progressed and the year got more difficult. Or there was just more work to be done. Despite this, Ty was still incredibly excited for the coming term, for all the things that he would learn over the next few weeks. it was incredibly exciting to him. There was no other way of putting it.

Tybalt had to admit that making the two of them laugh, and more specifically Rose, who just seemed a little more down than most, made the teen happy. He had spent the first week pretty busy, but it didn't stop him getting what he called pangs of longing. He missed having B by his side. His eyes glanced to the Ravenclaw table, carefully and quickly scanning the table for any sign of her. Maybe even invite her over to sit with friends. But, he knew she wouldn't. Ty had really enjoyed their time together at the Yuleball, and then again at his cousin's house. As they glanced at the pictures, he kept his eyes glancing to the Ravenclaw table, but this was short lived, after Indiana hit him, playfully in the air. He looked to her, pretending to be angry, though his angry face, was just him essentially scrunching up his face, it didn't take long before the boy broke out into laughter. He put down his bread. And actually thought about his own question, he didn't have any plans. he had the sort of spirit that rarely needed plans. He just liked doing things. Walking around, and just finding things to do. Creating things for him to do. He had thought about quidditch during the day. "See, I would've headed to the pitch, but, I spent most of the afternoon yesterday flying. Trying to get faster." He said, briefly thinking of the time he'd spent racing B. "I'm terrified of heights, so, going fast on a broom is still my idea of the first level of hell. I can go pretty fast, but, still." Ty was a lot less scared now. He believed that the fact he flew slower was his slightly less good broom, and that he was still a bit afraid every so often. But, it seemed necessary to mention that. "See, I was like you Rose, I had no plans for today, so I was preparing for a boring day." He picked up a glass of juice that he had poured for himself. "Still haven't come up with what to do today. Might go exploring." He put down the glass, and grinned at them. "I don't know what yet, but come on, look at this castle. There has to be secret places all over. We should try to find them"

This is awful, sorry.
Rose had never had a best friend before. She had been too busy taking care of everyone else to really make a proper friend. Plus she had liked the time alone. She could draw,sing, play the piano whenever she wanted and for however long she wanted. She wouldn't have any interruptions and she enjoyed making other people happy, it made her happy seeing other people happy. It was a nice change coming into Hogwarts and actually making genuine friends. Sure she hadn't exactly been active, socially wise but she had managed to make a few friends. All she had to do now was tighten the ties she had with those friends so they would stay friends. She really had to work on that part because she was failing rather miserably at that. Here she was talking to two people she had spoken to in ages. She was slightly surprised they were still nice to her especially after her long absence. She smiled "Thank you Ty, I will remember that"She said happily. It would be nice to have a second opinion on things. Plus she appreciated the fact he offered in the first place. Rose smiled at Indiana "I just never got divination"She admitted, it didn't matter how nice the professor was she would just struggle in class.

Rose would love a camera which took instant pictures that moved. It was pretty amazing and she'd love to get one herself. She found the moving pictures really interesting to look at. Spending time with Ty and Indiana really made her realize how she had missed spending time with friends. She hadn't laughed this much in ages. She picked up the picture of herself, it was strange watching her move. She liked it though, the one of Indiana and herself was a nice one too. Rose would have liked a copy but she didn't think you could copy a moving picture. Rose wasn't a big fan of quidditch. She wasn't the sporting type. She had good co-ordination and an athletic build but she just didn't like sports in general. Quidditch being one of them. She hadn't liked it in first year and was glad she didn't have to do it after that. Indiana and Ty both seemed to like it though, she couldn't remember that last time she had flown on a broom. "You don't like heights yet you still like, even play quidditch?"Rose asked incredulous. Fair play to him was all she could think. She did like his suggestion, it sounded fun. This castle surely had some great places to explore. "That sounds like fun, what do you think Indiana?"She asked smiling

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry its so late :correct:

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