Early Morning Run

Grae Kanu

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Phoenix Feather
Early morning, there was a cool breeze in the air. There was a low lying mist. It was cold. It was close to freezing. There was a clearing sky, with a rising sun in the east. The sharp blue eyes of the Durmstrang fifth year, were watching the slow waking earth. Magical to say the very least. There was a quiet air and there were very few things awake. But this did not mean he was as asleep as they were. Quite the contrary. Being back from home, meant more training. Harder training to get back into shape. Despite already being in shape. To most, it was almost like doing too much. But with little people around him at school, it was a good way to pass the time. And it did help for quidditch. He was just standing for the time being. Watching as the sun rose hitting his face slowly. Filling it with the smallest of warmth. It was a weak sun after all, there was no making any warmer. The German knew the cold. He was very used to it. Playing quidditch in the dead of winter meant that any other form of coldness could be handled. But, Grae Kanu, was not out in this morning to just stand around. he was taking this early morning to go for a run. While in actual fact Grae had not yet been to bed, it seemed logical to wake up by going for a run. It was a past time he actually enjoyed. That and Quidditch. While he studied a lot, it wasn't a past time that he actually liked, it was just one he did to be sure for good grades when he did his OWLs which were at the end of the year. It didn't matter if he had months to study for them, Grae wasn't the kind that could leave it to last minute. When it came to his grade it was then or never. So, he'd been studying most of the night. While it had been pretty long and boring, and had left his head absolutely buzzing with information, it made him smile at the thought of doing in the exams he would sitting, and knowing that he would do well. There was no denying with the amount of work he was already putting in that good grades were close to inevitable. And that was a good thing. As much as he cared little for desk jobs, he had to keep his options open. He had to be sure that he could do anything once he left school, and not be limited to whatever his grades actually got him into. It wasn't like he was a stupid Durmstrang keeper. With the amount that Grae put into his work, it was clear he was more than the loner jock. Although he was sure that even with friends he'd be able to do, stay up all night and go for runs. He actually wasn't too sure, he had so few friends there was no real telling if he'd be able to.

Starting back up into his jog, the cold morning breeze seemed to pick, but, Grae was well aware that it was just him running creating the extra wind that he was feeling. It was easy to run at a steady pace. Not too fast, and not too slow. Just running. The durmstrang, kept his bright blue eyes fixed on the floor as he ran. Unable to really figure if looking at the floor while running was a good thing or a bad thing. He did glance up every so often, but his eyes stayed down. Fixed upon the dark green grass of the grounds. It was the best thing to do first thing in the morning. Grae Emile Kanu, knew nothing better. He had taken to going running in the morning at least twice a week. But, his life during the christmas holidays had not reflected the one he actually lead at school. he was a lot more talkative. Which wasn't hard considering, Grae just didn't speak at all. he made little conversation with anyone. He didn't think it was worth his while. He wasn't mean, and generally wasn't hated, but didn't make enough of an effort most times for others to want to return the favour, which was another thing that Grae was perfectly happy with. He saw little point in it. Friends weren't something needed, more just wanted. And while being alone almost all the time lead to Grae having no one to talk to, it was no more than what he was used to back home. It wasn't their fault and the durmstrang boy was by no means at them. He just wished for at least one person to talk to. But, even Grae knew that would not happen for a long while. He hadn't met anyone he had wanted to open up to. Not one person in his five years at the school, had made Grae consider talking. He hugely doubted this would change much. He continued jogging and noticed someone else, who also appeared to be jogging. It looked like a girl, he just ignored it, and return his eyes down. The next time he looked up, he noticed that he now was running only a little behind her. Grae knew that this would be the perfect time to make conversation but, he didn't. He just kept his head down and kept up the pace. However a sharp pain in his leg, made him wince and cry out slightly in pain, before stopping and without looking up sit down on the cold grass and rub warmth into his leg that had just caused him pain. He was pretty sure the girl wouldn't have stopped for someone like him. No one ever did. He probably wouldn't have. Which was what he told himself, but it was a lie, Grae would've stopped. He gave a small sigh, and was unaware of the girl now near her. For if he had known he would not have been muttering swears in German underneath his breath​
Gwenneth-Adrie stood at the door to the grounds. A smile graced her face as the early morning light light the sky and ground. Every morning was the same, she'd start out before most of the other occupants of the castle were up. Stay out running till the sun came up and head back in for a quick breakfast of the food she kept stocked up in her dorm room. She streched out her legs before she took off at nice jog, the winter birds were already up and calling to each other, which gave her a sense of not being alone. Not long after she took off at a heavy run searching for that feeling she got while flying. All muscle running, feet just hitting the ground, going so hard and fast that it was impossible to think. It never lasted long but it was always enough, she could get away and it was almost like being home.

The feeling this time didn't last long mostly because she had this weird sense she wasn't actually alone. Glancing behind her she noticed another figure that seemed to be out for a run like her. Her pace slowed down and she could hear the person coming closer, and she waited for whoever it was to start a conversation but was suprised by a yelp coming out from behind. She stumbled to a stop and turned around seeing a boy sitting on the ground nursing his leg. "OH, crap. Are you, are you okay?" She said having to switch into english as she had been thinking in German for her entire run so it just came out in German.
German, was the durmstrang's first and favourite language. He'd learned it from his Grandparents who spent their time teaching him all the different grammar rules. Once starting at German muggle school, it had been pretty clear that Grae had been a lot further ahead in the language than the others. And while this hadn't proved very good since most of the other boys had spent their time beating the crap out of him, he had at least had the ability to correct them every time they had said something wrong. Which albeit hadn't helped him much, but it had helped Grae feel better about it. Shortly after learning German, his grandparents had set about teaching him english. Since it was the first language his mother spoke. Not that it would make a huge difference, since his mother had not once remembered who he was when he visited her. That had been fairly easy to begin with, but when he'd started school, and people had bullied him because he didn't have a proper mother, all he had were grandparents, it had been pretty hard to be faced with the woman he called his mother, and for her to be afraid of who he was. But as the healers claimed each time, the memories could come back at some point. Something that despite 12 long years the boy still clung to. The hope of his mothers mental return. Nursing his leg, while swearing in German had cast his mind back to how it had been in the earlier days, when he'd only spoken German. It was as a second voice, that was also in German spoke, followed by English. It took a moment for the Durmstrang boy to realise what she'd said. And which language had been which both, just sounded so alike for him now, that and he just knew both so well, he could speak one thinking it was the other. And vice versa. But, it was odd to hear his native language. The language he adored and would always adore. It was the easiest of all the languages, Grae thought, and while he could really only speak the two, he had no real interest in learning any of them. German was a perfectly amazing language and any other language, including English was secondary and not necessary. However not expecting anyone to have checked to see if he was all right, all Grae could really feel was a sheer sense of embarrassment. he was a quidditch player that hadn't stretched properly. That was poor. He knew he would be okay, but, it wasn't a great way to start the year. By no definitions. But, it was also something that he now knew to avoid at all costs.

The head of the boy glanced up at the girl who'd spoken to him and the German still in his head had instantly made him feel more comfortable with her. Which was why, there was a small smile, that did not actually look forced. Nor was it. Grae wondered if the girl would actually believe that. "It's fine" The soft gemna of the boy sounded as he looked from the girl to his leg. The bright blue eyes lingering slightly on the blonde in front of him. He wasn't sure what else to say. How else to keep the conversation going. He was most definitely not a conversationalist, but sitting on the ground with his girl standing in front of him, appeared to want something more than just It's fine. An almost avoiding way of saying I'm ifne, not that he wasn't talking about he was feeling, but more how his leg felt. And while the pain he felt in leg, he felt throughout, the leg would be fine. If in the long run Grae would be fine, that was subject for serious debate. "You speak German" Were the only words the German boy could find. Obviously spoken in German. Since it was clear it was also her first language, Grae really wanted to speak to someone in that language. it made him feel at home, and that was a difficult thing to achieve since even now at his actual home, it felt less and less like home. But, German reminded him of better times. And while not bitter with how things had turned out, it didn't mean he wouldn't want to go back to easier times. His eyes once more glanced up at the girl, wondering if she would be staying or going. He knew that she was in his year, but new. She was familiar, but not too familiar. he hadn't ever properly met her, but there were reasons for this. Other than he didn't spend enough time in places where other students went. However, it was pleasing to know she spoke German and English and unlike most actually waited to see if he was okay. "YOu don't need to stay. I'll be fine" Grae muttered nodding. He didn't want her to stay if she didn't want to. Grae would hate to impose in that sense.​
Gwenneth-Adrie shook her head has he said it was fine. He looked like his leg was bugging him alot more then he was going to let on to her. Walking back towards the guy she knelt down and glanced up asking premission to feel his leg. It was easy enough to get a knot in the muscle but it could be more serious such as Shin Splints. Her hand moved over his shin of the leg that hurt looking up to his face for any sign on pain. Though her mother had been a muggle, and a librarian, she had read plenty of books while she was alive and taught her daughter alot of things about healing different things. Of course her mother was gone, and magic cured most pains that any one person endured but Gwen knew she still needed to dectect what was wrong with his leg. "Of course. I'm German," she replied back to him like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Of course a smile was on her face at speaking German and having someone know it as well.

"Does this hurt alot?" She adding alittle pressure to a muscle that was on the side of the his leg. Gwen was hoping it would, having pain there took away the thought of having Shin Splints but instead just a pulled muscle. A shake of her head was what he received when he said she could leave. "Right, and you'll get yourself back inside withour causing yourself more pain. Certainly," she said to him looking up and taking a better look at him. He was in a few of her classes during the first semester. His name was on the tip of her tounge but she wasn't exactly sure of it. "Gwenneth-Adrie," she said her right hand reaching forward while the other rested in the cold snow getting colder and colder. She was doing it on purpose, sure her hand had bad blood tranfer in her hands it would mean her hand would be colder so she could rest it on his leg to ease the pain afterall he already did well to heat it up and get the blood moving to start healing. Now it needed to be cooled so the swelling wouldn't be bad.
There wasn't something in him, which rejected help from those that he didn't know. But he took a while to use to people and things, which generally meant that if anyone ever offered him help he would generally turn away and hope that he would be able to manged on his own. Even if this meant that he eventually was stuck a lot more than he had been. With his kind of family he had had to learn to do most things on his own. It wasn't something that he hated, but more something that had become in built. The Durmstrang boy, couldn't help but feel like this girl now in front of him, currently helping him was one of the people who was really the opposite of someone like him. Able to offer and take help without much difficulty. Which was different for the Durmstrang boy. He had found he could give help a lot more than he could get it. He just sat on the cold ground and let the girl do whatever she wanted to do. Unsure if it would in the end help him. With his grandparents, and his mother, Grae was not exactly in tune with the rest of the world, and the ways in which it cured things. he didn't really go to the hospital as much as most others. He went to specific places, and it was never for him, this was no about to begin, just because he'd wrongly stretched. It was such a silly thing, he knew. An athlete like him, should know how to properly stretch, but that was really the problem with Quidditch, there wasn't much running involved so the use of legs was a lot less than just in general. It was why, Grae went running and why despite this, he would be out running in the next few days. And why despite a slight injury he would still go about his day as nothing had gone wrong. It wasn't obvious to him that she was German. Although pleased, he thought that was an odd turn of phrase. For all he could've known she could've been from Belgium and just spoken very good German. Grae thought when it came to countries and where people were from there was no of course. But, it made him smile that there was someone in Hogwarts from his home country. He wondered where in Germany she stayed. If they lived close by that would mean for more talk of the cities, but Grae decided it wouldn't be a good question. It would be pretty pointless, and he hardly wanted to be the barer of pointless points or questions. But, then he had little ideas about how to keep the conversation going, or even if this between them was a conversation or if it was a failed attempt at something close to conversation. Either way, for Grae it was not going well. Upon asked if it hurt, a lot, Grae could only screw his face slightly and then nodded.

It was not often that Grae was in pain. He was usually helping his grandparents there were in pain. Since neither of them were of magical blood there was little that Grae could do to help them. They were just feeling the slow effects of time. And Grae would be the one left to pick up the pieces as they slowly faded away. Forever alone, he knew he would be. Especially if he kept up his ways at school. There would be little hope for him, after the years at school in terms of having people around him, if he didn't start now. But if still pointless, would the people even still wanted to be his friend in a week, month, or year. It was all too odd. He didn't like it, and so, he had never bothered with anyone. "It'll be fine" He insisted in German. Despite having just shown that it really wasn't. But it was more his automatic phrase, the only words he ever spoke more than once. He was however feeling a little more comfortable. The german really did help. He felt at ease. With his bright blue eyes really showing how he was comfortable, and how it almost seemed like a forgein concept. She then introduced herself as Gwenneth-Adrie. Grae was unsure as to if that was her entire name or just part of it. It was something he wanted to know, since he wanted to respond accordingly. But, then in another way, he figured that he could just not respond at all. Accept her help and then just leaving, but even now, Grae could not do that. The durmstrang boy took her hand and shook it slightly, while taking a random stab at the name. "Grae Kanu" He also wondered what other people thought of his name. If they liked it. Or If they hated it. He just wanted to know what people thought of his name. It was about the only thing he cared about other people caring. It was odd, since it was just his name, but to Grae it was the only part of him that had been decided by his parents. The only thing of them both left, apart from his heart beat and genes. "Thank you." he added, smiling at her almost shyly. Not knowing if she would be walking him back to school, or if she be on her way. Either way, Grae, was thinking of his own route back to the school.​
Gwenneth glanced up to his eyes as he instited it going to be fine. She never had been turned down like he was doing now. She felt like a person ready to help and excited and there not being anyone to help at all. She nodded her head and didn't respond, either he was able to take the pain or didn't realize how much he could damage his leg, prehaps even beyond the help of magic. That was a scary thought and Gwen shook her head to rid the thought. The muscle hurt him and she figured he pulled the muscle there in his leg and has he shook her head and quickly moved the other to his leg placing it over the muscle. Her hand automatically squeezing his to keep him from pulling away from the coldness.

"Oh I'm sorry, Gwen van der Linde," she said telling him her last name this time around, or course leaving out most of her first name. Gwen's eyebrows were pressed together in concentration. Glancing up at his face for a reaction she wondered what he was feeling. "Leave my hand. It'll help it from swelling. I'm pretty sure you pulled the muscle, better then a Shin Splint that's for sure," she said concetrating on his leg. They couldn't stay out there all day, soon the warmth of her legs would melt the snow under her and soak her sweats, and the same for him. They could freeze and she needed to go see Jack before her first class, though surely he would understand that she was just helping Grae. Jack didn't have the best reaction to her telling him about Alois, however, so maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to be late, but that still gave her a good half hour to help Grae to the Hospital Wing and make sure he was going to be fine. She didn't want to move him just yet so she kept the idea in her head for now.
It was ever increasingly clear that turning down the girl's help over and over wasn't something that she was used to. But turning people down was all that Grae was used to. He didn't turn down girls because they made very few advances, but it was when any person tried to speak to him, his bluntness and tone of voice always seemed to say that he really wasn't in the mood for talking. Speaking to the girl, who spoke his language, made his tone less blunt. It made him comfortable. Which considering this was something never often felt by the Durmstrang fifth year, it was a pretty wondrous thing. He was of course going to act civil with the girl, since she'd helped him out. In a sense help was sometimes necessary, being a person to really understand that kind of thing. It wasn't like the Durmstrang had to personally deal with all his mother's antics, and he wasn't the only one to deal with his grandparents, who were old and not fit to take care of someone silent. If he hadn't had help there would be no continuing his education. But, Grae had been left with only the holidays to be with them, and it worked fine for him. It was hard, but manageable, and it was just like being in school. School was hard but manageable. Most would argue that the silence, lived in by the German Durmstrang was not a way to be in school. Most would find the aloneness too much to bare everyday. But, with so many people around him, and the books with him, he barely felt alone. In fact, it was a great feeling for the Durmstrang boy. Sitting in the corner, watching and listening, it was the easiest way to get anything done. To know what was going and how best to react to it. But it appear that was his method, and it was probably not the girls. Although he would never say it, the girl was most definitely pretty. A blonde German girl. Usually the type of girl he would have small crushes on, but that was no longer him. She would be the type to already have a boyfriend. And that would be fine, it would mean he'd probably never ever run into her again. Depending on how protective the boy was. He looked at her, confused when she said, her name again. A long name, It made Grae feel odd, considering how odd his name was. It was a colour. Spelled in a slightly different fashion. But not many really knew his name, so he was able to keep it a secret.

It was becoming clear that the girl wanted him to show some form of pain. And while he had a high pain threshold, her putting pressure on his leg wasn't something that helped. He could help but show the pain on his face. He wanted to reach out and take her hand, but promptly stopped those thoughts when she told him to. He knew it would help the swelling but from all the ice around him, he hardly needed her to be applying pressure. But instead of doing anything, he said nothing and just sat in the snow. He was grateful for her help but was now bored of just sitting around. He knew it was his own fault for pushing himself too hard so soon, but he could hardly not. he was on the quidditch team, he had to be in the best shape possible. And this wasn't too hard to achieve when it was considered how much work he'd put in before. It was just keeping it all up and not losing track of what he was wanting to achieve. It wasn't a perfect boy, but more just a happiness and thinking time. Despite being continuously alone, there was nothing better than running on a cold morning to think over the bigger decision. And it wouldn't be as weird if he was to suddenly start talking to himself. Say a few words to think things over. Answers to the questions that he was asking himself. The moments in which Grae spent running in the cold mornings was the times, where he just wanted to think. The bright blue eyes glanced up at the girl, Gwen, and wondered if that too was her reason for running at such an early hour. It wasn't his place however to ask. "You can go." Grae repeated, reaching to a small mound of cold snow, and building it up. Clearly getting it ready for putting on his legs. "People will wonder where you are." Grae was trying his hardest to not appear mean or distant, and as much as he'd enjoyed her company, he was sure she had friends to go back to. People who would actually show a little more appreciation for help. People who would be nicer on the surface. He made no notion of thinking that people would be worried about him. he doubted anyone would even notice if he wasn't their. It was a sad truth, but it was a normal one. One, the Durmstrang boy didn't even mind.​
Gwen knew she couldn't tell him, but his constant turn down of her help hurt. As a Ravenclaw back in Hogwarts Scotland she had been the studious type but always there as the shoulder for friends to lean on, till last year when she finally needed the favour in return, yet no one was there for her. She knew it wasn't right to feel pain at being turned down by someone she didn't even know, yet she felt that connection with him sharing a common past. She only knew Alois who spoke German but wasn't really German. He was her best friend, weither Jack liked it or not, but her feelings for him were actually more she had Jack and couldn't explore her feelings for Alois any longer. With Jack it felt very secure, he was older and was there to protect her from the constant spell flinging in the halls, yet she felt cheated. He wasn't around much and she still had Ravenclaw habits and stayed in her dorm most of the time. She heard rumors of him spending time with other girls, and going off the castle grounds on the weekends. He was a seventh year, so there couldn't really be an issue with it, but yet he'd go with girls she didn't even know and he barely knew. It made her wonder what went on between Jack and his "friends" sometimes but she never asked, she couldn't. Gwen wasn't the jealous type, just curious. She knew pain, and Jack knew that, so she just wanted to know if he was doing the same thing to her that's happened in the past. Like she was preparing herself for the final admitance that, yes her relationship between her and Jack didn't match up, and he was seeing others.

Gwen pulled her cold hand from his leg and let go of his hand. Licking her lip she realized the mistake as the cold bitter north winds bit them for him. "No one will miss me, I'm of next to no importance, so it is easily done. I run everymorning, no one questions me, they know I've been out here all morning," she told him as she leaned back her eyes scanning his leg over. Gwen wasn't sure if he'd be able to get himself back inside alone, not in the deep snow and limping. But she'd have to wait to see if he could do it himself, afterall people were suprising. Atleast Grae was trying to be a civil person about his want for her to go away. She could always continue on with her run and come back this way to see how he was. Teachers would miss him in classes if he never came back in and she couldn't leave without checking on him, the possibility of him being stuck out in the cold alone was pending. No, she'd have to see him inside, or she'd always blame herself for a loss of a toe or something.
Finding it increasingly hard to believe that a girl like Gwen was stick around when he had been pretty much close to horrible, wasn't something he was used to. It all in all, made him wonder if she had problems of her own. But he doubted that greatly, she was just a smart, and kind blonde durmstrang. And he was just the loner kid, with striking bright blue eyes and a silent attitude to match. It hadn't surprised him that she'd had no idea who he was and that he'd had no idea who she was. That was different now. She knew his name, and he knew hers. That was the first stage in friendship. Or so, Grae thought. It wasn't difficult to say that this durmstrang was really out of practice when it came to making friends. It wasn't like others before her hadn't tried, he'd just managed to stop them from getting much further than the name stage. The girl did seem like she really wanted to be his friend. Like she wanted to speak to him, like he was meant to speak to her. But, it wasn't ever going to be like that. After this, the durmstrang boy knew he would turn and walk in one direction and she would walk in the other, to her friends, however many she had, boyfriend and forget all about this meeting. It would really factor little into his day. And to hers. But, it was the start of his day, and while usually not, he was grateful for the company of the girl. Sure, had he been alone, he would've done the same. But, at least it wasn't just him and the regions of the the durmstrang grounds. Empty and silent. Still and cold. Grae was for once, glad the company the german girl seemed to have. It was definitely new. It was definitely something he didn't actually mind. In fact he was almost open to it. Ready to maybe become friends with her. But, as he thought this, the alarm bells rang in his head. He had to be sure, he had to know she wouldn't just flake on him. That she wouldn't just bail at any opportunity. He needed to be able to feel like he could trust her before he did anything else, and this was hard to do. He had only just met her, and for him to feel like he could trust her, more times they would have to meet, and while part of him wouldn't mind if she wanted to be friends, a part of his strongly believed that after this she would have no interests in ever being the bright blue eyed boy's friend. Never would she want to say, yes, he's my friend. It wasn't like he would wish to impose himself upon her as a friend. So, it would be all down to her. All of it. And whatever the outcome, Grae would be glad of it. Either one.

The words she spoke took him by surprise. "I highly doubt that Gwen. Someone will miss you" Grae spoke almost as soon as she'd finished speaking. He doubted that a girl like her, that looked like she did lacked in friends. But, he hardly knew her. As she hardly knew him, so looks maybe deceiving. Grae didn't think he had what girls looked for. He was scruffy in his clothes. He had stubble which made him look a good few years older than he actually was. But, it didn't even factor into his life. He didn't care. The girls weren't interested in him mainly because he was so closed off. And so quiet. It was not something that the other sex seemed to like from a boy. He could understand it, but then in the same sense someone like Grae made a great listener. He would never interrupt, and he never tried to give his advice. he just listened and let the person make the decision for themselves. Not that many people spoke to him in that sense. Few people spoke to him in general. But it was because he made sure they didn't. If things were to change, he knew that people would realise his good qualities far outweighed the ones on the surface. But they were just that, on the surface. Growing slowly tired, and cold from sitting in the snow, Grae, slowly got to his feet. Careful to apply little pressure to the sore leg. He was slightly unbalanced, but with a small pressure put on his leg, and just fighting throw the small amounts of sharp pain, Grae began to walk back towards Durmstrang. He didn't know if the girl would follow or if she would just continue on her morning. Grae almost hoped that she would, and with this small thought, he stopped. Almost falling over, into the snow but able to stop himself. He looked round to her, the bright blue eyes clear against the bright morning. "I could use a little help" He said. Smiling ever so slightly, and hoping that she would not actually mind helping him. He could walk most of the way, but an added support was always good. And right now he literally needed just that.​
Gwenneth didn't know what to take of the guy on the ground infront of her. It was early Janurary and he was hurt and in the snow but pushing her away. Having something to hide was always a good reason to push people away, that was why she seperated herself from Alois when it was clear they were already so close. Too close. He hadn't given her much space to breathe during their first day together, not that she asked for it. Not till she went on her run and he came with her. She had to constantly try to include him into her thoughts and she found it annoying to say the least. Her crush on him had been bad, which was why she ran to Jack. Jack who she wasn't sure she could trust though he seemed to love her. She was no veela like either of them but yet Jack himself said she made him feel like the non-veela. If only he could see her then, covered in a light spray of snow her hair everywhere, she was a sight.

He pushed her away for long enough and she watched as he stood and moved away from her. She wasn't ready to chase someone when she could barely hold on to the three friends she did have. Of course he didn't know that, none of them would miss her this morning. Atleast not till she was late with meeting Jack. She looked off to the distance, the rugged hills covered with snow. The sight was pleasant and something she always enjoyed while running. His voice startled her and Gwen turned her head and found him stopped not very far away looking back for help. A smile passed her face and she quickly became the Gwen everyone saw, the one that hid her fears and cold memories. His German had brought out the side of her she hid, the one that came out during her run everymorning. The one that would cry when she was alone over her lost and pain. A dead mother, lost friends and a broken heart, nothing was really healed as she had lead on it to be. "Of course, Grae. To the Hospital Wing then?" She asked him she got up and came up to his bad side, holding out her arm for him to hold on to if he wanted. It actually reminded her alot of when she'd help old ladies down the stairs of the Library her mother had basically owned. The old men were always to prideful to let her help, but the Old Ladies enjoyed her company down the stairs very much.
There had been a brief moment when the durmstrang boy actually believed that he'd managed to push the girl enough away to not even want to help him. It was quite an achievement even in his books if he'd managed that. It wasn't every day that he managed to make a girl so quickly give up. But, the durmstrang boy was still used to it. He still knew how it felt. He still knew that it was something that would've happened inevitably, so if it had been in the form of how this had happened or later down the line Grae wasn't bothered. He was sure some people were bothered by the fact Grae cared so little about his own friendships. Grae didn't have any, so he did not feel the need to continue them in such a fashion as others did. Grae was the guy in the school, who seemed to have anything he could want, but chose to not. Chose to be the loner, when he could well be on of the jocks of the school. On top of the ladder, but Grae really cared little for it. He cared little for the people around him. It was only his family that he cared about, and even that wasn't exactly great. A smile did appear on the boy's face as she spoke and came to his side. He put his arm around her, and while not applying to much pressure was glad for the extra support. He however had few intentions of going to the hospital, but as the girl had said it, it seemed fairly logical. A good place to go to be sure that nothing was actually wrong with Grae. To be sure that everything was and would be okay. To just check things out. Grae however did not actually speak his response to the girl, instead, he gave a small nod and kept walking. Slowly of course, he didn't want to make things worse for his leg. Or for her. Too much pressure would lead to him having to lean on her more, and he didn't want two people having to be checked out at the hospital wing. But, he hardly knew the girl, it was still pretty beyond him why she would bother with a guy like Grae. Where it was so clear he didn't want her help, but kept using it anyway. A guy that pretty much spoke bluntly about anything and everything. Obviously she didn't really know him as of yet, their was still a lot for her to find out, but he hoped it never got to that. "Thank you for your help Gwen" Grae said in German. He wasn't sure how to start a conversation. Although not actually as shy as people thought Grae just struggled with finding the right words to go with what he wanted to say to her. There actually wasn't much that he knew to talk about to people like Gwen. Or just people in general. "How are you finding OWL year?" It was a bad conversation starter, but it was the only one that Grae could think of. He was sure she was doing perfectly fine, but, it was nice to ask. To get some conversation going. Although the way that Grae had said it, was almost spoken in a way that was unsure of what he was saying. Grae just hoped she wouldn't find him too weird and would respond.​

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry about lameness and length, not feeling too good.
Gwen smiled back at the boy when she saw his smile, it made her feel alittle more comfortable when he put his arm around her instead of just using her arm for support. Hopefully no one would go off and tell Jack about this and though he seemed like he'd listen to her side he'd still hunt down Grae for an explanation. Gwen did not want Grae to get into trouble with her boyfriend, he seemed like an okay type of guy, sort of closed off to the rest of the world but everyone had their secrets. Prehaps Gwen could help him become a more social being, and more happy. She has never been a fan of people being depressed or sad for a long time. After her episode back in Hogwarts she decided she hated being sad and vowed never to be overly emotional about anything in that sort of way. Extremely happy would be a completely different thing. She went along at his speed making sure he did not hurt himself more, potions could do alot of things but sometimes Magic couldn't heal everything. "Your welcome anytime Grae," she told him honestly, though he may not really see it that way. Sometimes people had a hard time believing Gwen and she could never figure out why. She always meant best but sometimes people were too filled with doubt. "Oh it isn't that bad, but that's coming from a girl who used to be in Ravenclaw back at Hogwarts Scotland," she said with a laugh, though she tried to forget her past it was something that was hard to ignore completely and Gwen found the easiest way to not relive her past was to speak more openly about it. Which worked for the most part. Not wanting to pressure him into saying anything back she didn't reask the question but was hoping he'd still reply back to what she said and give her the answer as well.
There wasn't much that really made the Durmstrang boy completely at ease around others. This was actually one of those times when he was comfortable. It wasn't because he was with a girl, or because she had helped him, but more that she was a German girl. He loved German. He loved being German and he loved being able to call himself German. He was a patriotic kind of guy and this did show in the fact he would fight to the death for his school. It was an odd way, since this durmstrang boy cared little for the people within the school, but he cared for the school. He cared little about the people within the school and how much they meant to him. He cared about the school itself and it retaining it's pride while against the other schools. he didn't care if the other schools weren't as dark, since none of them actually did it. But, they were silly schools to not teach the dark arts in his eyes. It was a good subject, and he found it not only interesting but useful. He might never use some of the curses they were taught, but it would be good in a life or death situation. Grae was the type that was really a balance between good and evil. He knew that if push really came to shove, he would be able to cast a unforgivable curse. But he wasn't the type to run around trying to get rid of all the muggleborns in the world. Considering he had no idea what kind of blood he had. So he could've been muggleborn, but no one would ever know. The chances were as well, that he might have as an intition ended up having to kill the muggle members of his family. Something that the Durmstrang boy knew he could never do, despite seeing that it wouldn't technically be a bad thing. Just pointless and something he could never do. but, it wouldn't be like a boy as secretive as Grae couldn't keep something like that a secret. He could do it with his eyes closed. There probably would be a suspicion with most people, but it wasn't like they'd ever find out. If it took most a while to get his name then getting a detail like that would close to impossible. Grae's heart was undecided about what he really wanted to do with his life and it was probably a good thing. Too specific and he wouldn't be able to decide when the time actually came to it. But, he knew that it wouldn't be completely down to him. The grades he got, and what his professors told him would factor in also. He glanced up at the girl again. SHe had been a Ravenclaw, somehow he wasn't even surprised by this, it almost appeared logical that she would be one. Not that he liked to stereotype like that, just that she did actually seem like a Ravenclaw. He was sure that was the smart house. He would been surprised if they'd said the snake house. But, it would be an odd transfer from a calmish school like Hogwarts to Durmstrang. "I thought it would be harder. But, I've been finding it just like every other year." Grae just said. Carefully watching how he walked and careful that he wasn't putting to much pressure on the girl. "Just more work to actually do." Not that this actually factored into the Durmstrangs life, he spent so little time around others that he didn't really notice it. He had a little less time for quidditch, but as a fifth year, he would've done that anyway. He just thought that they'd played up how difficult it would be to be sure that the people who were slightly slackers but wanted to do well picked up their socks, which clear was neither him nor Gwen. "I'm not trying to brag, I'm just saying." He added before she tried to call him a smarty pants of call him silly for thinking it easier than most.​
Gwen smied up at the boy glad he was letting her help him. She always wondered how much pain boys were actually in when they hurt themshelves. Most were able to hide their pain alot more easily then what any girl could do. So she wasn't quite sure how much pain Grae was in, which didn't help her much. He didn't seem to want to put alot of weight on her, which might be a good thing in that he wasn't as hurt as it had first seemed and he just needed something to balance himself with. Or he could just not want to make her do to much work putting himself in more risk of getting hurt even more. Which ever be the case she decided to speak up about it letting him know what she thought about it. "You needn't be afraid of putting weight on me, I can handle it. I play Quidditch, and run; alot. You won't hurt me, I'm fit," she told him with a laugh added on hopefully lightening what she had just said so the mood wouldn't just go down. He seemed to have alot more to say then he let on she noticed as he explained to her how he felt about their fifth year. She had to agree with what he was saying about everything. Though it may seem like everything came easy to her in the subjects, it was just training from her previous four years as a Ravenclaw that had taught her really how to learn and remember everything. gwen knew not to talk grades with people as some would be suprised by the ones she had, not many here really seemed to care that much about what they got; which was something Gwen couldn't really adjust too. "No, I didn't think you were. I agree with you anyways. We got alot more work at Hogwarts then we do here. Everything seems to be easy, but it's kind of nice, you know?" She said back to him,she was glad for the conversation even though it may not seem like a very conventional one it was getting them closer and closer to the school.
The weight on his ankle was a little more than he knew it was meant to be but he was not going to complain, He was leaning on a girl. Now Grae had nothing against girls. He liked girls, but he was a strongly built quidditch player, and this girl while it was clear she rain, it was not as if it would be completely easy to just support some of his weight. It wouldn't be the easiest for her. And it was why he wasn't doing anything. Letting most of his weight go to the foot that was better and applying just enough weight on the foot that was hurt. He was however grateful thank ful of the girl's help. The students of Durmstrang tended to not bother helping those they didn't know the blood of. While no one at Durmstrang was muggleborn, the fact that Grae didn't really know what he was meant that while not muggleborn, he also wasn't a mixed blood or a half blood. Not to mention most just didn't help anyone else. No matter the situation. But here was a girl that had helped him with few questions and that he had to admit he both liked and was pleased about. Though he doubted thehy would be friends much longer than this trip would be. It wasn't because he thought she was unfriendly, more that the durmstrang boy found it rather silly to stay friends with people who would after a few years, months or days time, not want to bother. He wasn't taking in the possibility of a close friendship with someone. He greatly didn't see how it could ever work like that. It was true that Grae had never really had a girlfriend before. He'd never seen the point as it was pretty much how he thought about friends in generally. And it wasn't something that he actually planned on changing any time soon. It wasn't that he had anything against people, it was just with his home life, he was generally alone, and he was caring for his grandparents which meant he had little time to spare, and they were just proof to him, that making friends would be pointless, because in the end nothing would ever come of it. In years time, they would barely remember the others name And this what he couldn't get others to see. That making friends was as pointless as trying to count the amount of people at durmstrang that had a desire to be a deatheater, or trying to count the amount of people at Beauxbatons that were of Veela blood. It was pointless, although he seemed to be the only one to really see it as pointless. Most others just thought it was simple, friends were the key to happiness. But, Grae thought he was perfectly happy and he was friendless. But, he just nodded as the girl spoke again. He didn't think that Hogwarts got more work, it was just a lot harder he assumed. He glanced up and noticed they were near the school already. "Hogwarts was never a school that really interested me." Grae looked to the girl and then back to the school. "Durmstrang has always been the place for me. I much prefer Dark arts to much else." He knew that probably made him sound fairly evil, but he wasn't actually trying to be, it was just really how he felt. He somehow doubted the girl would be the same​
OOCOut of Character:
I suppose I should reply :p

Gwen sighed as the boy did not lean on her as much as he should. But still it was known that guys liked doing things themshelves so even asking for her help was a giant leap for men everywhere. She wondered who the guy she was helping really was, he was a typical type of guy but being new and from Hogwarts she wasn't a typical girl either. She disliked the dark arts which caused people to talk about her and why she was there, but Gwen was good at ignoring what everyone said. "Well, it was there and so I went, here I'm closer to home though," she told him about Hogwarts, but she wasn't actually certain on the distance, though it seemed a whole closer. Hogwarts was like another world from here, this school was alot more based on the realities of life, Hogwarts was all 'magic is so great, look what i can do!' type of place but Gwen had fit in well there. "Have you always gone here then?" She asked wondering about the guy with the strange name. Gwen was curious type of girl but she was afraid of trusting, it usually took alot for her to let people in. But Grae, Grae she could see being friends with, he was after all German, which made everything more comfortable. The language was one that people thought was good for yelling, yet it was a beautiful lanuage when spoken in normal tones and especially when talking sweetly to another person. Though Gwen was more feisty then sweet, dispite her outward apperrence, for her it was easy to act sweet and smile all the time. She's done the same all her life, and now that everything was getting worse it was still easy for her to be the one taking things in a relaxed manner even with stress running through her. "Honestly, you can lean one me more, I won't fall over. I was Captain of the team last year, the first fourth year Captain for Ravenclaw, I can hold my own," she said to him worried that he was going to hurt his leg even more. All his arm was doing around her shoulders was helping him balance, but he needed more help then just that, she knew.
The durmstrang boy was pretty certain he'd just sprained his ankle, but obviously he knew that it wasn't very practical for him to have done it so far out and away from the castle. He was somewhat glad there had been someone there, to at least get up off the cold ground. It wasn't like he'd not managed it, but it was a lot easier with aid. He didn't feel like he really wanted the girl's help, but it was good to have. There was little denying that alone, it would've provided a lot more difficult to do anything other than waddle back to the school, and end up at the Hospital for a lot longer than with the help of someone. Obviously, his leaning on the girl was fairly little. If it had been a boy or girl, Grae didn't want to have to be literally a burden for them. He hated having to depend on others. he was so used to others having to depend on him, that both literally and metaphorically depending on someone was a foreign term for him. he didn't think that others needed to be there for him. That wasn't his job, he was never to be the one that needed to be depending. It was such an odd thing. It made him feel odd and it made him feel weak. Why, he was more comfortable at home than he was at school. At school, there was a lot more than just him and his family that needed him, there was a whole side where if he did make friends, they would try to get to the bottom of Grae. It was something, he'd just watched friends do to each other, and the durmstrang boy was just not interested in opening up to anyone about his issues. Not that he had that many, but it wasn't like he had a desire for others to know them. It wasn't like he wanted the entire school to be aware of his close to muggleborn upbringing. He didn't know what he was, since his mother couldn't remember who she was, or who his father was, but since he'd been allowed in Durmstrang, it meant that he knew that he wasn't muggleborn. Which was a good thing. He was pleased to not be that. He knew now, learning about the dark arts was what he liked to learn, and since all the other schools didn't do it, it was a good thing he'd gotten into the one school that did. Obviously as a first year, the Dark Arts had been the lesson to fear, but he'd quickly gotten over it, and learned to embrace it. And that the durmstrang boy did. He gave the girl a small nod. "Yeah, there is no other school for me." Grae nodded again without glancing to the girl. "Although, I've always wondered what house I would've been in had I gone to Hogwarts" Grae glanced at the girl, he wondered if she would be able to tell which house he belonged to. In any case, it didn't really bother him. He was curious enough, but the girl was no enchanted hat. Which he was okay. She was a lot nicer to look at than an old hat. Grae looked back down at the ground and just sighed while she spoke. He knew that he should. "I don't doubt that, Gwen. I just feel more comfortable not leaning on you" Grae looked up, glancing towards the school in front of him. "It's nothing personal, I just don't like leaning on people." The german flowed nicely. As much as it made him a lot more comfortable it wasn't about to change how the Durmstrang boy actually thought. "But, I am grateful for all you've done. Not many are as kind as you."

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