Closed Early Birds Without the Worms

Rosalind Montgomery

Strong-willed | Kind | Bookworm
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
The weather had been tending towards more rain recently, but the past day or so Rosalind had paid close enough attention to know the Hogwarts garden was in need of some watering. It was a Saturday and she'd gotten up early expressly for the purpose of getting down and attending to the garden before the sun heated things up too much. As such, the sun was new in the sky as Rosalind hummed cheerfully to herself as she used the levitating charm to carry the watering can. There was nothing like gardening to put Rosalind in a good mood. After all the confusion with knowing what classes to take and what classes not to take, it was good to get back to basics. "There you go, drink up," she said softly as she took hold of the can and began to pour it herself onto the roses. Rosalind hadn't quite gotten the knack of gently tipping the can with magic yet. In her own world, Rosalind didn't notice the other person in the garden nearby.
Thomas always had a mixture of feelings whenever he returned to Hogwarts. And this time around it was no different if he was being honest. The boy had woken up early in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep, as much as he wanted to. Thomas decided to make his way down to the gardens, deciding to tend the gardens a little. He had noticed it needed a little tending to, especially during the break they just had. The Hufflepuff boy had been kneeling on the ground, where anyone could hardly see him. He had been in his world, taking out any sort of weeds he could find nearby. As he had been removing the weeds, he had been lightly hit with a wet sensation on his shoulder. He quickly stood up. "Sorry, didn't mean to be in the way!" Thomas panicked softly, as he didn't mean to be in the way.
Rosalind's eyes widened immediately. "Oh, sorry!" she said quickly, tilting back the watering can to stem the flow, even as Thomas was starting to stand up. Recognising Thomas though, she felt a little less tense - if it was a stranger it might have been more awkward. "Hey Thomas, sorry about that. I really didn't expect anyone else to be here this early," Rosalind stated a little sheepishly, looking at the wet patch on his shoulder with a pang of embarrassment. "Are you alright? I didn't get you too wet, did I?"
Thomas quickly shook his head. "N-no, it's okay. My fault for hiding in between the roses" Tom says quietly, his cheeks heating up a little from embarrassment. Maybe he should've done something earlier to let them know he was underneath the rose bush trying to fish out the weeds, though that was a lesson for him for next time. Thomas looked around his body, seeing how drenched he could possibly be. "Hmm, nope, I think I'm okay"
"Oh, don't be silly! It's not you fault," Rosalind said, perhaps a tad bit condescendingly although she meant well. "I was away with the fairies. And oh, good. I wouldn't want you to have to change clothes because of me." Rosalind smiled warmly. "It's nice here in the mornings, isn't it?" she reflected. "I mean, it's nice anytime, but it's quieter and you can watch the plants slowly wake up to the sun." Rosalind looked at the roses and other plants with a fond gaze.
Thomas still felt like it was his fault for being in the way. It was usually always the case. Him always being in people's way. He shrugged, still feeling a tad embarrassed about him being wet and again, in the way of her watering the plants. Thomas nodded at her question. "Yeah its nice. Quiet too when you just wanna get away" Thomas says softly with a nod. He liked the quietness of the mornings. The castle was always chaotic and crowded. He liked getting away from all of that and spend his time in gardens or just outside. "Do you spend your time in the gardens a lot?"
Rosalind nodded in agreement. "Exactly. I mean, I like people, but sometimes even I need some breathing space, you know?" Rosalind smiled and then listened to Thomas' question. "Oh, yeah, I love it here. I love taking care of the plants and watching them grow! Sometimes I miss my own garden at home but I don't know what I would do if they didn't have a garden here at Hogwarts. It'd be a shame, I can say that much." She paused for a second, about to ask Thomas if he spent a lot of time in the gardens but remembering the times she'd spotted him there. "I see you around sometimes," Rosalind admitted shyly, "but I don't always know if you want to talk.'s both a community thing, but a private thing too, you know?"
Thomas nodded quickly in agreement. "Y-yeah, I totally agree. The castle can be quite loud and crowded at times" Thomas says quickly with a nod. He didn't know how people managed to be in the castle most of the time. If he was being honest, he'd only be in the castle if he needed to eat, do lessons or sleep, otherwise he'd be outside out and about, in the common room or in his dorm when it was quiet. Thomas nodded as Rosalind spoke, agreeing with what she was saying about being outside. He did enjoy his time outside. Tommy blushed a little in embarrassment when she had said she had seen him in the gardens a few times. "I don't mind talking to be honest. I'm more of a listener than anything to be honest. But am good with talking too" Thomas says with a small smile and shrug. He didn't mind talking to his classmates and he was slowly opening up to the idea of it if he was being honest.

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