Early Afternoon Roamings

Georgia Rose

OOC First Name
Curly 14 1/2" Sturdy Alder Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
It was one of those roasting afternoon's in this small hillside town in Southern France, when the walls of the buildings seemed to radiate heat and not a soul was seen walking the streets as the sun sat at it's highest point in the sky. She had wandered off from her adoptive parents who lay poolside of the villa they'd rented out for the summer. Georgia had thought about spending time with them, but when the drinks had started being poured she'd just decided nope to it. She'd knew that close to the muggle town, there was a magic town, or well, a magical part of the area, they were surprisingly close to Beauxbatons, and it made sense that scattered in amongst the hills of South Eastern France there were little magical towns. For one she had been certain that someone in her potions class had talked about just that, which had been half the reason she'd agreed to come. Ever since her discovery of her magic her adoptive parents had left to decide whether she joined them on their holidays. They were perfectly fine people, but with too much money and too little sense. It was likely a good thing that Georgia was just so capable. She didn't even bother to tell them where she was off to before the girl stepped out the house heading towards the medieval town of Eze which had an abundance of magic just flowing through it.

Georgia made her way through the twisting paths and streets, she could feel the heat beating down on her, a thin layer of sweat building, but everyone whom she had seen walking looked the same. The heat was almost unbearable, but she pushed on, darting from one bit of shade to another, thankful for the water she'd brought with her. Since it was summer, Georgia had opted for more summery clothing, her sunglasses keeping back her fringe, a loose light colourful t-shirt, shorts, though instead of usual gladiator sandals she'd worn her trainers, they were far more comfortable, and Georgia felt less restricted in her movements when she wore, considering the steepness and the amount of steps she was glad of this. The beauxbatons girl was one of the few walking the streets, it wasn't quite peak tourist season and it was the middle of the day, when most would opt to stay indoors because of the sheer heat of the town. She spotted someone and as if running away from them, she darted down another street and ran at a slow pace until she skidded to a halt in front of house window. The girl took a few moments to get her breathe back, before heading down a different street walking up many steps, she spotted what seemed like to be a family wandering the streets, so she avoided that street and headed up some steps, heading back into the older parts of the old village, the more magical areas of the town, emerging from a side street onto one of the main road.

Georgia spotted a family with a blonde boy trailing behind the rest of them, she noticed they weren't paying much attention so she walked right up to him, the boy seemed bored and she felt like this would a good use of her time, "Pssttt," she muttered to him, "Ditch the adults, follow me," she told him in rapid quiet french, motioning to a street not far from the one she'd emerged from. They were in the magical streets, blocked off from the muggle parts but aside from some nice architecture they were pretty boring, this family was probably sticking to the main streets, she was sure that she could show him a better time, even if she herself barely knew the town, she wandered away from him, motioning for him to follow her, "Come on,"
With each step, Jean could feel the sweat dripping down his back. He was convinced that his mother had put a spell on him, one that had achieved her goal in getting him to come out with the family for some shopping. For most of the summer, Jean had been off doing his own thing, spending little time with his brother who had been voted the Best Quidditch Player and was enjoying bragging about it. It had gotten to the point that he had nearly bewitched a practice bludger that they had in the home to knock his brother in the head. It would have been worth the trouble he'd have gotten into with the Ministry. It was difficult to not be jealous of his older twin. Lucien seemed to get everything that he wanted with little effort while everything was a struggle for Jean. Today, of course, his mother had convinced him that she'd allow him to choose where they would grab a snack while in the wizarding town. As he trudged along a pace behind the large group that was his family, he was sure that she had forgotten. His sisters were in an enthusiastic conversation with their mother. Jean forced himself to listen, regretting it instantly. They were talking about a musician that they liked. The boy couldn't stand the music. Kicking at a rock, Jean watched it skip down a few steps.

Looking ahead, Jean spotted some more clothing stores ahead. He'd already been dragged into a few as his mother and sisters tried on outfit after outfit. He didn't think he could stand doing this for much longer. The heat continued to beam onto his head and he brushed his hand through his hair, simultaneously burning it and filling it with sweat. Ugh, he thought to himself. Hearing someone speak to him, Jean was convinced that the heat had made him delirious. The Gryffindor paused, his family not even noticing that he'd fallen even further behind. A few paces away was a girl gesturing towards him, beckoning him to follow. Jean froze wondering why she was calling to him. He knew that he didn't know her, had never seen her before. He knew that he'd be in huge trouble for following someone he didn't know. Magical parents always warned their children of the dangers of hags and enchantments meant to lure children from their parents. But, Jean was no child and the girl didn't look anything like a hag, so with only a moment's more hesitation during which the boy pointed to himself and mouthed 'Moi?', he followed. When they were only a step into the side street, at a point where Jean felt he could turn and run if she turned out to be mad, he stopped. "Do I know you?" he asked in French, his eyebrows furrowed. "Never mind. I know I don't. Why did you call me over?" he questioned.
The girl couldn't help but laugh slightly as the boy pointed to himself in surprise. She nodded grinning at him, motioning for him to follow her. The girl knew that it was a little strange her doing things like this. She didn't know this boy at all, she'd never seen him, all she knew was that he looked bored and was a wizard. She too was pretty bored, and so this was the perfect combination. She shook her head at him, "Nope," she said in french elongating the word as she said it, though the boy confirmed it himself, and then at his question just shrugged, "You looked super bored, trailing behind your family," she told him. There was so much within this small old medieval city, between the magical world and the muggle, it was a town with both and she was happy to just have run into someone who seemed like he was as up for fun as she had been. The girl grinned at him happily, before wandering away, "Come on, let's go explore" she told him, as she darted down another smaller streets, where there was plenty of shade, and flowers climbed the walls, though the shade didn't bring too much relief from the heat. She couldn't help but feel like the magic in this town was just bouncing between walls, that it could be honestly felt in the air. She glanced back checking to see if the blond boy was still following her.

Georgia had no idea where she was going, the streets were pretty silent apart from their footsteps they were far from the crowds, and the small houses which were built within inches of each other were mostly closed off to block out the sun and warmth of this summer's afternoon. She emerged from the small side street, just big enough for two to walk beside one another and it was a small circular place, with a well at the centre. She glanced back at the boy and she walked around it, there were plants, flowers growing on this, magical plants. She leaned on the wall and looked down into the well. Before, picking up a nearby rock and then a second one for him, throwing it to him, "Throw it over your shoulder, it's good luck," she told him, though it was probably more important to have money to do this, but Georgia figured it didn't really matter, it wasn't like it really brought any luck. She glanced at him before smiling broadly and then throwing it over her shoulder. She liked having fun, she liked doing things, and her boredom ceased now that she had someone to bounce off, and he didn't look half bad either. He resembled a lot of the people at Beauxbatons, Georgia didn't always fit in with that crowd, but she'd never really fit in anywhere, so she wasn't too bothered, it didn't matter to her, she was her own person after all not one of the sheep.
Jean wouldn't lie. He had been extremely bored with his family. Everyone was doing what they wanted to do, and as usual, he was dragged along for the ride. The Gryffindor trailed slowly behind her, looking back to see if anyone had come back to look for him. Realizing that they probably hadn't noticed his disappearance yet, Jean jogged to catch up. "Wait up" he called out in French. His voice had deepened a lot over the break, though there were still times when you could hear his old voice. Jean hated it and couldn't wait until his body sorted itself out. Jean had come to this town before, numerous times in fact. But, he had never explored it. The boy was pretty sure that this was a wild goose chase. There couldn't be anything that interesting here. Other than the girl. She was very interesting. Jean let her stay in the lead so he could watch her. He was certain she was magical. They'd been in the magical section after all, and she wouldn't have been able to enter otherwise. There were enchantments that would have led a muggle to believe that the magical part was just a series of burned out buildings and houses, the result of a fire years and years ago that no one had the heart to build over.

There wasn't enough space for them to go side by side anyway. At least, not until they reached the clearing. Stepping forward, Jean got another, better look at the girl's face. Nope, he definitely didn't know her from anywhere. He took the rock from her, a smooth black one. "Are you sure it's supposed to be rocks?" He turned it over in his hand, sure that she had it wrong. It was usually money that was used for that sort of thing. Jean had a small bag of knuts in his pocket, but he decided to go along with her. He pretended to make a wish with his blue eyes shut and then got ready to toss the rock. At the last moment, he made a real wish just in case there was any stock in this sort of thing. The Gryffindor didn't want to miss out if there was. He heard the rock crash into the side of the well before landing in what sounded like deep water. He peered down the hole before straightening up again. "Jean Snow" he introduced himself, a smile on his face and his hand out for her to shake.
Georgia had heard him called to her to wait up, but now hadn't been the time for that, she continued through the streets with him just following behind her, the alleyways so quiet that she could hear both her own footsteps and his so she knew that he was following her. The girl only glanced back when they had made it to the clearing, the well in the centre and she handed him the rock, she knew that mostly people threw money into the wells, to win favours from the gods, so that their wishes would be granted but she didn't believe in that. What Georgia believed was that the gods would reward not because of cash given but because of kindness down, something had to have been done to merit the wish, "Just go with it," she told him closing his fist around the rock, and looking at him in a manner that almost begged for him to trust her on this small and inconsequential thing, it wasn't like the gods even existed to grant their wishes, so it was all in the believing it might be true. She smiled at him as he prepared to throw his rock and did the same, given him one last smile before throwing hers over her shoulder at the same moment, making a wish in the last second, not turning round until she heard the rock fall into the water, moments before a second sound of the same nature.

Glancing at the blond boy's outstretched hand as he introduced himself to her as Jean and she decided to ignore his hand, and instead just leaned in to give him a more traditional French greeting, kissing the cheeks, only once on each cheek, since that was mostly how it was done in Monaco and in the southern regions of France. It was when she pulled away that Georgia introduced herself in french to him, "Georgie" she might be called Georgia, but when speaking in French it came out as Georgie, "Georgie Rose" she smiled at him as she told him her full name. She was a little surprised when he had held his hand out, "You don't go to Beauxbatons right?" Georgia concluded in a bright tone, it sounded like a question, but the inflection on her words were so lightly it could've been mistaken for a statement, "Come on, I don't imagine we have long till your parents kick up a fuss about you being gone," she told him, before taking his hand and then dragged him down a different alleyway, "We have to keep quiet" she reminded him with a small shushing noise, "We'll go to the gardens," she decided, darting down another street letting go of Jean to break into a light jog, she hoped he would keep up.

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