Closed Dusty Pipes

Rhys Garner

freelance writer + apothecary assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2041 (18)
It had taken a couple of days, but Rhys had decided that he might as well have a look around and get to know the school a little better if he was supposed to be spending the rest of his school life here. The place was bigger than he had expected it to be and he finding some rather strange rooms. The next one was the rather old lavatory he seemed to have just wandered into. Instantly Rhys wrinkled his nose, taking a rather disgusted look around as he wandered towards one of the old taps, hesitantly turning it on with a squeak to find that it didn't even seem to work. What was even the point of having a bathroom if it wasn't even in working order? "Ridiculous," he instead muttered as he turned the tap off again. This whole school was just incredibly strange and he really didn't even know what to think of it anymore.

But the sound of the bathroom door opening behind him did surprise him somewhat, blinking as he turned around to see who it might be. He didn't think he had seen a sign on the door saying it was forbidden to be in here or anything, so he did hope that it wasn't someone who might get him into trouble for being in here.
Louis liked exploring the school, a lot. He figured he could spend the next seven years doing little else, besides maybe play Quidditch or some other sports. The boy had noticed the old lavatories a bit earlier, and had been thinking about them ever since. More and more, he thought that an old bathroom could be a very good place for something secret. Like a secret passage or secret room. Louis was happy he had found the room again, and went in eagerly. He was ready to discover something amazing. But to his surprise, a boy was already in there. He vaguely recognized him as one of his classmates, though there were so many of those that it was hard to keep track. Louis was sure this kid wasn't in Gryffindor, though. "Oh, hey." He said. "Were you exploring too?" Louis asked, looking around for any mysterious signs.
It only took him a moment to realize that it was just another student who had come into the bathroom, not a Professor or anyone who might be able to get him into trouble if he wasn't actually supposed to be here. So, Rhys relaxed again, simply shrugging his shoulders a little at the question. "Nothing in here. Just an old bathroom." Not that he was sure what else he would have been expecting in a bathroom. But this wasn't even a working bathroom and he did have to wonder for a moment why it hadn't been fixed and was sitting here all broken.
Louis grinned at the boy's words, looking around eagerly. "Surely it's not just an old bathroom." He insisted. "I saw it earlier and I've been thinking. A place like this in a castle like Hogwarts has to be hiding some secret, right?" He asked the boy, hoping he would see the logic in his words. "Have you heard the story of how Harry Potter discovered the Chamber of Secrets? I bet this is something like that." He said, moving into the room a bit more and starting to fiddle with one of the faucets. "You're in Slytherin, right?" He asked the boy without looking at him, as he was busy inspecting the faucet. "I'm Louis. Gryffindor."
Rhys just frowned at the other boy's words as he insisted it wasn't just a bathroom and there had to be some sort of secret. he was quiet as he simply watched the boy for a moment, utterly convinced that he wasn't going to find anything and this was just some old and broken bathroom. "Who and what?" He had never heard of either of those things before, the words and meaning behind them simply going right over his young head. And he was just even more confused as the boy begin fiddling with the faucets as if he was going to find something there. "Uh yeah... Rhys..." he was a bit surprised the boy remembered what house he was in, not that he thought it was the least bit important. This 'house pride' nonsense was just that and not something he was planning on getting all worked up about.
Louis turned around in surprise as the boy didn't seem to know what he was talking about, he looked at him in shock for a moment, before shaking his head. "Are you muggleborn? I mean, that'd be fine. I just forget not everyone knows about magic and history and stuff." He said with a shrug. "Harry Potter is like, the most famous wizard ever. At least, besides like Merlin and maybe Dumbledore." Louis started, wondering how he was going to explain this in as few words as possible. "He found a hidden secret chamber with a giant snake in it at Hogwarts. Not this Hogwarts, the one in Scotland." Louis explained. "Oh, and he found the entrance in the bathroom. I think." He said, suddenly a little worried he was making part of the story up to fit his own goals here. "Anyway, there has to be a reason they have this old bathroom here, right? They could fix it up with magic like this," he snapped his fingers, "or lock it or whatever if they didn't want us here." He added, scratching his chin in thought. "Wanna help me look for any secrets?" He asked Rhys, though the boy seemed a bit timid and shy. Louis added an encouraging smile, hoping it would help convince him.
Rhys stiffened slightly at the sudden question about his blood status. He knew what the word meant, of course, he did by now, but he still didn't really like the idea of being singled out. "Don't know," he at least answered truthfully, "Don't know who my parents are." Not his biological ones, anyway. But they didn't matter to him anymore, the Garner's were the ones who had adopted him, and, as far as he was concerned, they were his parents. Though he did deflate somewhat the boy explained what he had been talking about, giving him a rather strange look. "Why was there a giant snake under a school? And why was the entrance in a bathroom?" That all just sounded completely ridiculous and he wasn't completely convinced it wasn't made up. He gave the room around them another suspicious look at the offer to help look for a secret that was no doubt not even here in the first place. In the end, the first year just sighed somewhat, shrugging a shoulder, "We're not going to find anything."
Louis nodded when the boy said he didn't know who his parents were. That would make it tricky. "Oh, okay." He said, not really seeming phased by that. "I've never met my mum." He admitted, letting the boy know he kind of understood where he was coming from even if it was a little different. He hoped he didn't mind the comparison, especially as Louis didn't spend a lot of time thinking about his mother. He frowned at the boy when he asked about the snake, sounding like he didn't believe it. "Well, the school has the four founders and Slytherin put it there." He said with a shrug. "He didn't want muggleborns at school, that's what the snake was for I think." He said, thinking it over a bit. He sighed when the boy said they weren't going to find anything. "Well, not with that attitude." He said sulkily.
As far as he was concerned, he didn't think he should really matter if you were brought up outside the magical world or not. He was just as good, if not better than some of those who had been brought up around magic. The idea that he wouldn't be as good just because of his upbringing was a stupid one. He decided to brush off the comment from Louis about not knowing his own mother, it was not like he really cared about that. Instead, he quietly focused on the information about this giant snake apparently having something to do with the founder of his own house not wanting Muggleborns at Hogwarts. "And how was a giant snake supposed to help with that?" It was a snake, there were probably better ways to go about getting rid of specific people than a snake. But he didn't suppose this boy knew all the details, maybe he would have to go to the library and look it up himself. "I don't think my attitude makes any difference. You can't find something that isn't there."
Louis looked at the Slytherin and frowned a bit. "By eating them, duh." He said as he asked what the snake was supposed to do about muggleborns. "Or, I don't know, drag them down into his chamber or something. You know, bad stuff." He said with an easy shrug. "It's been ages, though." He added, in case the boy was a bit worried or scared. "Your attitude can make a difference if you're not looking carefully and miss stuff." He said with a shrug.
Eating them? "I think people might notice a snake eating students," it just sounded incredibly inefficient to him. It was only confirmed in his mind that the founder of his house was actually an idiot if he really thought the best way to go about removing Muggleborns was to sic a giant snake on them. Though, he supposed the emblem for their house was a snake, but still. "Sounds dumb," was all he concluded that part of the conversation with. And he wasn't completely convinced the boy wasn't just pulling his leg. "I just really don't think there is anything in here," he confirmed his own thoughts on the matter with a sigh as he ran a finger along one of the faucets.
Louis shrugged. "Of course people noticed, why else do you think I know about it?" He asked the boy, looking at him with a frown for a moment. He couldn't shake the feeling the boy didn't believe him, which was just silly. "Look it up, I promise it's real." He said with a shrug. He kept on searching the bathroom, tapping a few tiles with his wand. "You don't know that for sure." He said stubbornly.
"No, I meant like... they would notice if it tried to eat people so wouldn't be much use. That's why it's a dumb idea." And he supposed it hadn't worked very well as at least the boy was right about one thing, the snake had obviously been found out if he knew about it now. Though, Rhys was still a little unsure of if he actually believed the other boy or not. But he was quiet, watching the other boy walk around tapping things with his wand for a moment longer before speaking up again, "Not for sure, but it's unlikely." If there was some secret in this bathroom, no doubt someone would have found it long before them if the school had been around for that long.

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