Dusk's Beginning

Jarrett Vyhnal

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14" Sturdy Hazel Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
Practicing for the Transylvania team was not even as hard as Jarrett has imagined it to be. Jarrett had been so angry and jealous over Astoria and Tristane, it just made his beating skills just a tad bit rougher. At least this time he did not beat up the seeker, whom scared him just a fraction. Jarrett was still ignorant to the fact that the seeker was sleeping with his sister on a regular basis. Jarrett landed his broom and he went to the locker room where he showered and got dressed into a black band shirt and a pair of jeans. He didn't feel like going anywhere today, but the weather was nice enough to go out somewhere. Jarrett didn't want to go home to where he would deal with Astoria. He was just so jealous that he did not even want to look at Astoria. He was afraid that he was going to blow up at her. Sometimes he wondered why she had not moved out of the house just yet, but Jarrett could not even think of a reason. At least he could have that it was his house, his rules thing. He used it over his sisters, why not using it over her too? She lived with him, that meant that she had to do what he said, when he said it. Although that was not true though. Jarrett was thinking this as he left the stadium after the practice, bidding goodbye to the other beater of his team, Styx, who had to get home to his wife. The guy was younger than him and was happier with a wife. Jarret just could not see it, and he was completely jealous over the man. It was not fair to him. Everyone else got nice things, and not him. Jarrett didn't think it would ever become fair for him. Jarrett let out a sigh as his legs carried him over to the sidewalk like they were set on a destination, yet they truthfully did not know where the hell they were going to. Jarrett didn't care at all either.

His long legs carried the foul-mouthed beater over to a bench where his purple toned eyes closed yet they could not be seen clearly under his sunglasses. What was he doing with his life? Valera had to be unhappy with the way he was acting. There was not much he could do about it. His jealousy was overriding his common sense, screaming in his head, and there was no way he could tune it out. Lucius said that he ought to confront Astoria with the way he felt, but Jarrett was positive that he did not have any sort of feelings for Astoria at all. He just hated Tristane for making him feel and look like an ass, well a bigger one that what he already was. Tristane was this big hero, and then there was him. Jarrett had too many problems, too much anger, no one would want to be around him. Jarrett was positive that Lucius would not even want to be around him that much, because of all of his anger. Jarrett needed some therapy, but he tried that, and Jarrett was sent away, saying that he needed to forgive and forget. It sounded a lot like his younger brother Camden that he never thought of, and that he never wanted to see again. Even Camden made him look bad. Everyone made him look bad, and it was getting to be annoying. Jarrett was not a bad guy, he just had issues with everything and everything. Jarrett opened his eyes as he looked around, hoping for a distraction.
Rurik Hensel sighed deeply as he closed his locker containing Quidditch supplies. After a long day of practice all Rurik wanted to do was relax for a couple of hours before he headed home. Practice was never long enough for him these days. Rurik constantly needed to keep himself busy. If he didn't he would often get bored or begin to lose his mind slowly. Rurik had always been that way. He liked to keep himself busy so his mind wouldn't begin to wander and whatnot. There was always so much floating around within the depths of his brain. Rurik pulled a shirt over his toned body and finally stood up from the bench he was seated upon. He might as well get going. Sitting around all day in the locker room wasn't going to do him any good. Rurik figured if he took a walk around the town for awhile he could pass some time before he had to go home. There were things that needed to be done there like the dishes. But Rurik preferred not to be doing housework at the time. Rurik headed out and wound up on the sidewalk. 'I guess walking around here won't be too bad.' Rurik thought to himself. His hands absently sunk into the pockets of his jeans as he searched for a cigarette. Rurik did indeed smoke. He hated that he did but it helped him relax. Rurik searched and searched but unfortunately was unable to locate one in the pocket he was searching for. Perhaps his movement was hindering him from finding one. Or he was just out of them. 'I'll just buy some more I guess...' Rurik sighed and headed to the nearest store he could locate by memory and not actually pulling out a map for. Sometimes Rurik wondered if he was tired of being a lonely bachelor. He could handle a family one day. But the question was, when? When he met the right girl or when he felt like he could handle being married. He did meet a girl the other day. Kamaria? She was cute. But she was a bit young. Father's normally detested the thought of older men dating their little girls. Rurik didn't know how much he wanted to press his luck with a Zhefarovich.

Rurik saw the neon sign of the store he had been hoping to find and quickened his pace a little bit. He went inside and purchased himself a some sprite and cigarettes. The moment he paid for his purchases he left the store and returned to the sidewalk. Up ahead he spotted a bench. That would be an excellent place for him to just sit and waste time. Even if it was already being used by someone. Rurik didn't really care if someone else was there or not. He wouldn't bother them if they didn't bother him. But when Rurik neared the bench he noticed that the person sitting on the bench was familiar. "Hey, Vyhnal." Rurik greeted Jarrett as he pulled a cigarette out of the carton and lit it. The moment he pulled it to his lips he inhaled. Jarrett played on the same Quidditch team as he did. He was a beater. Rurik had never really spoken to Jarrett before but he didn't see him as a bad guy or anything. He greeted him by his last name simply because he felt like it was rude to really speak to a person using their first names unless one knew them well. Rurik knew Jarrett barely enough to use his first name just yet. Rurik blew a cloud of smoke out of his mouth and motioned as if he was asking Jarrett if he was allowed to sit. "What brings you all the way out here?" Rurik questioned. He knew nothing about his teammate so he didn't want to come to assumptions. Maybe he had a girlfriend or a friend he was meeting. Or perhaps he had nowhere else to go. Rurik did remember the tabloids saying something about he and another Quidditch player named Astoria living together. Rurik couldn't even come close to acting like he knew what was going on. So he didn't assume anything.
Jarrett could only do so much, and he wanted to be distracted as much as humanly possible, but it did not appear like he was going to be able to. All he wanted to do was to have nice things, and have a nice life. But he never did, and he never got anything nice. Nothing. Jarrett was just tired, and that was it. He was just tired. However being a beater was helping him out greatly. Jarrett felt like having a drink, because it is something that he preferred to do anyway, since it was the only way to really take away the pain that he was constantly in. He was no longer having to worry about being homeless, but he hated the fact that he still could not get over how he was feeling anyway. Jarrett wanted something to drink, perhaps a trip to the bar. Where was Lucius when he wanted to get hammered and wasted? He needed someone to get with him and they could go for a drink, he didn't care about anyone or anything, but he wanted to invite the next person that he saw. However as soon as he thought that, he heard someone greet him with his last name. His eyes looked up from behind his sunglasses, and he saw one of his teammates. Hensel, but he didn't know his first name. Jarrett was never that personal with the people on his team. And he was smoking too. That did not really bother him at all. Jarrett had a few anyway, every now and again. Mostly when he was drunk. He loved the taste when he was drunk. But when he was sober, not so much. "Hey Hensel," greeted Jarrett in a rough tone, but not a mean one at that. There was no reason why he would be mean at all toward his fellow teammate. He seemed like a cool guy. He was a Chaser, so he was rather good at playing. At leas that was to him anyhow.

"I am just thinking about hitting a bar up, getting wasted, drinking until I don't feel feelings anymore," shrugged Jarrett. He was starting to wonder if he would join in everything. Hensel seemed like a good guy, both had unusual eyes, only Jarrett hid his because his were purple, not gold. He would gladly switch eye color with the guy. At least he answered about what he was doing all the way out here. Then again he was not that far from the practice field, was he? Jarrett just wanted to be able to have some fun. He just wanted to be doing that. Having fun. Could Hensel help him out? Perhaps he could be a really good friend. Jarrett stood up from the bench and stretched. "So, how about it? Want to join me and hit the bar? I'm sure that if we drink enough, any poster with a woman on it will melt into someone hot." Jarrett motioned toward a bar that was a block up, and wondered if the guy would join him for a few drinks. He was sure old enough, so why not? There was no harm in it, and Jarrett was completely straight. So was Hensel last he heard anyway, so why not? There was no harm in it. He could gain a really good friend too.
<COLOR color="#000">Rurik breathed out and let out a puff of smoke along with it. It was strange that he hadn’t really spoken to Jarrett before this. They had been on the same team together for quite some time. What kept them from speaking this entire time? Perhaps it was just because Rurik wasn’t too sure of Jarrett until recently. He needed some time to get to know people a little but before he opted to trust them. Rurik considered Jarrett to be a pretty good guy even if he had a nasty temper at times. ”Sounds inviting. I haven’t been drunk in ages.” Rurik admitted shamelessly. He wasn’t the best at handling alcohol so he didn’t drink as much as most people his age did. It was an every once and awhile thing with him. On top of being a lightweight, Rurik was also a social drinker. He liked to have someone else there if he did drink. It was weird. But it explained a lot about why Rurik was rarely seen drinking. Jarrett on the other hand seemed to be different. Rurik was sure he had seen him drinking quite a bit lately. Perhaps something else had been going on in his life to make him drink like he was. Rurik had half a mind to question him on his behavior as of late. But was it really any of his business. ”I’ve never been to this place before; I hope their drinks are good.” Rurik admitted as he followed after Jarrett. He wanted to sound like he drank more than he did. He was more of a smoker. Which was probably worse off for him to be addicted to, but it wasn’t like he could choose what his body became addicted to and what it didn’t. He made the decision of trying them both at least once and one of them stuck while the other one didn’t. Entering the bar, Rurik found himself surrounded by the familiar smell of food, smoke, and beer.

Rurik sat down and ordered himself a beer. Although he had abandoned the cigarette he had been smoking a little bit before he entered the bar, that didn’t stop him from lighting up another one. He brought it to his lips and breathed in. Then he turned to Jarrett. He was curious to see what Jarrett would end up ordering to drink. Or even eat. The thought of food made Rurik think to himself carefully. Some onion rings sounded delicious right now. Rurik ordered some of those too when his beer arrived to him. Sadly it would be a bit before they were ready. ”So, you get dumped or something? I know it’s none of my business, but I’ve never seen you drink as must as you have the past couple of weeks. Unless you picked it up as a new hobby or something.” Rurik admitted. His tone was light. As if he was letting Jarrett know that he wasn’t judging him or trying to be rude about it. He was honestly just curious. He had seen Jarrett with girls a few times, but not so often so it was hard to tell. ”So. You meet our new couch yet?.” He took another puff of his cigarette. He was curious now. What was his reasoning behind his behavior? Or did he really just find a liking to alcohol? Rurik wondered if he drank enough if he would begin to like it too. But he wasn’t sure if he wanted to test out that theory too. Just one night of drinking was probably going to be more than enough for him. He just hoped that if he did have a hangover it would be treated quickly because he did have things he needed to do tomorrow. Plus then there was practice. They had a new coach. One that apparently tolerated no bullsh*t. But Rurik had yet to meet him.​
Jarrett found himself craving some smokes, but he would have to get some drinks first. He needed something like that first. Jarrett wondered why he had not befriended Rurik before this. He seemed like a good guy, so eh thought that they should have spoke or something before this. He would have to rectify this. Jarrett hopped up from the bench and he thought that he would lead the way. "I feel you, dude. I need to get wasted. Life just sucks lately." He didn't want to go into detail, and he was sure that Rurik would not ask anyway. Who would want to hear about girl problems? Jarrett just needed something right now, and he was sure that this man would help him achieve it. Jarrett was not a light weight at all. It took a lot to get him drunk but that was because Jarrett was normally drinking beer. Jarrett straightened the glasses on his head and he waited patiently for the man to be following him before he walked toward a local pub. Jarrett hoped that Rurik was not homosexual. He didn't want to be hit on while he was drinking. Jarrett looked over at the boy before he walked into the pub, but holding the door open for him. Why would he do that? No one did that anymore. Except for that fairy boy. "Alcohol is alcohol. It tastes good no matter what." Now Jarrett sounded like an alcoholic, but he didn't care. He just wanted to melt away. Valera knew how to take care of herself, as long as she didn't land in jail. He went over to the bar where Rurik went and sat down next to him. Rurik lit up another cigarette, and knew that this guy was a chain smoker. Jarrett didn't want others to really see him smoking, but he only did it when he was hammered. Jarrett ordered a firewhiskey, and he looked over at Rurik whom ordered a simple beer. Maybe he needed to warm up?

He received it and he started to just chug the liquid. It burned his throat on the way down, but it was still amazing. He could fill the buzz by the time he was done with half of the glass. When he was asked if he had been dumped lately, he disregarded the question for a bit so he could order himself a greasy burger with everything on it. He needed to drink and eat something to avoid throwing up. He finished off his first glass of firewhiskey and ordered another one on top of the burger. He turned in his seat where he looked at Rurik before he shook his head. "I got to have a girlfriend to be dumped. I'm just sick of feelings and emotions and sh*t. My past finally caught up with me. I do something nice for someone, and get f*cked over." Once he got his burger, he downed it within a few moments before he started on his second glass of firewhiskey. "What has you drinking? Girl troubles?" He raised his eyebrow, and it was easily seen over his sunglasses. He wondered what the other man was thinking about, since he was drinking now. He didn't notice if Rurik drank like this, but it was kind of new to him. Jarrett always loved his beer, but it was recently when he hit the harder stuff. He was asked if he had met the new coach and he snorted as he slurred a bit, "Why no. I don't even know his name." He shrugged that showed that he didn't know who he was talking about. Jarrett hardly paid any attention to the coach. Just one loud mouth to the next telling them what to do. No need to know the name. Jarrett didn't care if he arrived late to practice. The other players probably wouldn't care either. Jarrett continued to drink his second glass, wanting to get as drunk as possible.
Rurik shot Jarrett a look. He barely knew the guy, but he kind of wondered if Jarrett was a borderline alcoholic or something. Especially if he thought all alcohol tasted good, no matter where it was at. "I strongly disagree my friend. It is not the same, and there are a lot of drinks that taste like crap. But that might just be because I don't drink very much." Rurik admitted. He wanted to know why Jarrett would do that to himself. Even if he was overstepping his boundaries with the dude a little bit. It wasn’t like they were friends. But they were teammates. Rurik figured he had a right to worry over someone who could affect how his team played within the next couple of years or so. They went inside the bar, and Rurik was almost horrified to see the way he was drinking. Rurik almost felt compelled to take the alcohol away from him. But it wasn’t his place. Plus they both came here to try and get wasted and forget their woes. Rurik received his own drink along with a plate of fries and he grinned. The fries sounded far more appealing to him than the alcohol did, but it was kind of hard to get drunk off of French fries. Jarrett started to elaborate in his problems Just as Rurik had taken his first chug of firewhiskey. "Maybe you should elaborate exactly what your talking about. Who f*cked you over? If you want, we can probably get the entire team to go beat this punk up or something. If it would make you feel better.” Rurik suggested as she shoved a couple of French fries into his mouth. As a team, he figured the others would be more than willing to kick someone’s butt if it helped Jarrett out.

Rurik smirked when Jarrett asked if he was having girl troubles. "No. I’m doing pretty well in the lady department. It’s actually family troubles that have me down.” Rurik thought of Kamaria for a brief moment. He didn’t have issues with her. She wasn’t really a problem. They were moving at the exact pace he wanted them to. His family situation however, was a mess. But he didn’t know if he could explain that to Jarrett without getting his family into some trouble. Jarrett could be one of those men that liked to squeal on others. Apparently Jarrett had heard nothing about the new coach. Rurik knew he was going to be surprised. Rurik was actually intimidated by him a little bit. "His name is Isaac Snow, and he is kind of scary. He’s big, and he’s got scars like…all over the place. I think….we’re about to be pushed harder than we ever have before. Seriously.” Rurik almost laughed. He was kind of dreading the next practice. He had no idea what to expect when it came to this new coach. Rurik liked to play, but he didn’t want to be overworked. Especially not if it didn’t help them win. If it did though, maybe some intense practices weren’t too bad of a thing.
Jarrett raised an eyebrow when Rurik said that he did not drink much and that he was disagreeing. However Jarrett had been around for some time, and he knew a lot of places, and drank a lot of drinks. He was lucky that he did not received anything that tasted bad to him anyway. Jarrett gave a shrug to his shoulders and he said, "You just need to get out more, pal. There are many drinks out there, and many taste like you are drinking sweet nectar. Though it would knock you on your ass sometimes." Jarrett knew this from experience now. He could show this guy around town, show him a good time, and then just talk. They were teammates, and Jarrett needed some friends on the team anyway. Jarrett slowed down a bit of his consumption of alcohol. He did not want to slip and fall to the ground and make a fool of himself. That was not what he was trying to accomplish. Jarrett was asked who screwed him over, and he had half a mind to spill everything, but something stopped him. Finally, he breathed out, "This girl I like. A lot. But she is happier with someone I cannot hope to compete with. I mean, this guy is perfect. Even his face. It makes me want to break it. Everyone loves him, I hate him." It was true. He hated Tristane with a passion and nothing could change his mind on that detail. It was just the way he was, and Jarrett let out a sigh. He did not want anything to drink now, he now wanted to just throw up. Wait, he was having issues keeping his alcohol down, but he was somehow managing. "So, we can go beat him up for being mister perfect." He snorted at the pleasing thought.

Jarrett could almost feel jealousy when Rurik said that he was doing well with the lady department, and wondered if he had someone special anyway. He looked down and heard that it was family troubles. He commented, "Care to elaborate or do you need to be hammered before you spill those problems." Although he was not sure if he wanted to know the problems or not. He had thoughts on the issues, but he did not really get involved in those problems since he had enough of his own. But if Rurik was willing to listen to him whine and complain, then he could extend the same courtesy. He took another drink of his firewhiskey, and he looked down at the counter before he wondered who the coach was. As soon as he took a drink, he heard the name Isaac Snow. He choked, and started coughing so much, he did not know if he was going to need help or not. Finally catching his breath, he looked over at Rurik and he uttered, "That Isaac Snow? His son is a raging psychopath, and his daughter lives in my house. I am so screwed if he ever finds out." Jarrett had feelings for Astoria, and it was obvious with the way he was acting. It was a good thing he had his sunglasses on or else Rurik would see the fear in his eyes.
Rurik wanted to laugh at Jarrett. They had been on the same Quidditch team for years now, and Rurik was now just taking the time to get to know him. Jarrett was a pretty funny guy. But he did have Rurik worried about him being an alcoholic. "Getting out or not, I don't think I'll ever be into alcohol as much as you. I hate the feeling I get once it all wears off for me. Especially the headaches. Ugh." Rurik turned away from Jarrett and shuddered at the very thought of suffering through another hangover. He hated them with a bloody passion. Unlike Jarrett who must be immune to them by now, with all the drinking that he did. Rurik knew that it was unhealthy for someone to drink that much, but at the same time, Rurik smoked a lot so he really couldn't talk. As Rurik worked on finishing the drink he ordered, he listened to Jarrett talk about how he liked this girl a lot, but the girl was into someone else. Basically, Jarrett was being consumed by his own jealousy. It was eating him up inside, and unless he worked to control it, the jealousy was going to swallow him whole. Rurik lowered his drink and sighed. "So you're jealous because the girl you like, is into someone else? Look Jarrett, no one is perfect/ This guy has to have a flaw, some dirty secret he's kept hidden well. Just keep that in mind." Rurik told his new-found friend. It was his belief that no one was perfect. Even this wonderful perfect guy had to have some kind of baggage. Rurik was urging Jarrett to figure out that he could us this method to try and get this girl to forget all about this perfect guy and go to Jarrett for comfort or something. But did Jarrett really and truly like her?

"On my family troubles? Ha, sure. But you better not be one of those sissy kids who run off to the authorities all the time. Let's start with the fact that my aunt is a raging psychopath. She hates me, yet every time I'm in some sort of trouble, she seems to magical know about it and pop up to lecture me about it. Plus, my cousin is the Deputy Minister for New Zealand, and he's like, all into this Snow, and my family freaking hates the Snows. Which I don't blame them for because they're all a bunch of f*cking trouble starters. But now my family is fighting with one another and I'm stuck in the middle of it." Plus there was this whole thing with this weird ass Iulian guy that came out of nowhere. Pretty much his demands were that you needed to join him or die. Rurik flinched when Jarrett started to choke on his drink. He must have known Isaac Snow or something, because he started to react very oddly over the name of him being mentioned. "Yes that one." Rurik was confused. Did he know that many personally or something. But then it came out, and Rurik's eyebrows furrowed. He heard one thing and pretty much one thing only out of all of that. "Holy sh*t, you like Astoria? Oh my god dude, no wonder you're miserable! You should just let the other dude have her, she's a b*tch, and she'll make you nothing but miserable." Rurik told Jarrett, not really caring if it sounded mean or not. Hot or not, some girls were not worth the trouble. Jarrett wanted to be a happier man, and chasing after this wasn't going to do it for him.
Jarrett chuckled when Rurik said that he would never be into alcohol as much as Jarrett was. He was just into it because he had no other choice. It was the only thing to drown his feelings. He did not want to face them anymore. "I just drink until I cannot feel anymore. I hate having to feel so much. It is the feels man, the feels." Jarrett had lost all sense of whatever it was what made him feel so sick, and that was feelings. All of them, he hated them and he just did not want to deal with the, anymore. Jarrett asked for another firewhiskey, and he did not know how many he had so far. Jarrett was hammered right now, and he was this one guy that was going to end up drinking himself to death if he had continued to do this, but he knew his limits. Well, not right now that is. Jarrett listened to the words of his new friend. Yes, he was calling him a friend right now. He thought that there had to be some dirty little secret. "I will find out what it is! Then she will be all mine." Jarrett was slurring really bad at this point, and one would not know what he was talking about if they did not understand his accent at all. But luckily, Rurij was able to or else they would not be having this conversation right now. Jarrett was starting to wonder what his limit on drinking was. He took a small break when he felt like he was going to pass out so he set his glass on the counter in front of him. Jarrett looked over at Rurik through his sunglasses and saw that the man was moving side to side. His vision was going, that was perfect. He made sure to grip the counter to keep himself from falling.

Rurik went on about his family, and that his cousin is into a Snow, and a Deputy Minister for Magic, and he was really unsure about that. His family hated the Snows, but he wondered if he hated them either. Jarrett snorted and he said, "I would never blab to the authorities. The only time I see the authorities is when I get my sister out of jail. But damn dude, that really sucks." He was telling the truth. The guy’s troubles were really hard, and he did not know what to say about them, but they just sucked. He was glad that he did not have any sort of drama like that. He had his own. But he listened to the guy talk, and it was better than nothing at all, right? Jarrett could be a good person. He finished off the glass of firewhiskey that he had resting on the counter. "Oh my god, Rurik I am dead. I like his daughter, and she did not make me miserable until that miserable fairy came into the picture. Maybe I can get her dad to make her break up with him and date me." He tried to get up, but he failed miserably. He instead crashed to the floor and he lifted up his hand, "Maybe tomorrow..." Jarrett then drifted into the land of unconsciousness. He did not even know that Rurik would have been kind enough to take him home after that. Jarrett just drank himself too much, and he would end up cutting back when his memories start to go.


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