Drunken minds speak sober thoughts

Jacob Thomas

Active Member
Jacob was excited to see Caysi today, he just couldn't keep himself busy until she actually came. There was something that she said they needed to talk about, but he didn't know about what. Jake wondered threw the house, walking up and down the stairs, texting, calling people, eating. He really wanted to see Caysi, and his whole family was quite annoyed by it. He felt that there was some secrets being kept from him, he wasn't to sure about it but he had a pretty good feeling. Jake heard the doorbell and darted for the door, nearly knocking everything down in his path. " Hello there." He said smiling at the door.
The blonde walked around her house, holding her cellphone close to her body. Should she cancel with Jacob? What would she do? Of course Caysi had to tell Jacob that she was getting married... tomorrow. Caysi couldn't believe that she had even kept this from him for this long. She sighed as she put her shoes on, she was going to go and tell him. The blonde got to her car and blasted the music, it was the only thing to occupy her from turning around and going home. Caysi got out of her car, literally slow motion walking to Jacob's front door. He must've heard her call pull up because before she even pressed the door bell he was at the door. " Hey Jake." She said smiling.
Jacob smiled as he looked down at Caysi, " Come in." Jacob opened up the door all the way so that Caysi could step in. " How about we go on a drive in my car?" He asked taking the keys from the bench that was close to them. Jake nodded and headed for his car. He opened the door for Caysi and then walked over to his side, climbing in through the door. Jake put the car into drive and sped off. " So, Caysi, what was this thing that we needed to talk about?" He asked looking over at her. It was probably nothing too important, some little girl detail stuff.
Caysi walked into the car after Jacob. How was she going to tell him that she was getting married? And that the wedding was tomorrow? Caysi could see that Jacob was madly in love with her, but she was inlove with someone else. The blonde couldn't even bare to look at Jake when they were driving, up until the time he had asked her the question. " Oh, uh.." Caysi looked down at her engagement ring, still wondering why he wouldn't have guessed with the ring on her finger. " I'm.. getting married..." She coughed out.
Jacob stoped the car as soon as he heard the words come out of Caysi's mouth. " What?!" He yelled at her. " You couldn't have told me this before? You had to tell me right now?" He looked at her. Jacob wanted to scream at Caysi, what had she done? Jacob pulled into the nearest parking lot and put the car into park. " What the f***!" He said looking at Caysi. " I can't believe this.. this is sh!t." Jacob said slamming at dashboard. " Whatever, I'm taking you home." Jacob said pushing the gas as far as it could go. He couldn't stand to be in the car with Caysi as he was still trying to hide the fact that he was madly in love with her. "Get out!" Jacob yelled as he stopped the car in front of her house.
Caysi looked at Jacob, " Woah calm down." Caysi said as she looked back out the window. " Yeah, take me wherever you want." The blonde was so mad, she didn't know why Jacob was being such an a$$hole. " Just drive." Caysi said sternly. She didn't think that she deserved that kind of reaction. " You know what Jacob, I thought that you would be happy for me to get married, I don't get what is happening, I think getting married would be great." Caysi spat out. Caysi saw that they were arriving at her house, she didn't care that they were moving, she opened the door and got out of the car. " Thanks for nothing Jake, I didn't know this is how friends we're supposed to re-act when something great happens in the other friends life." Caysi said with tears brimming in her eyes, she slammed the door and walked away.
Jacob got out of the car and ran up to Caysi, so she couldn't move another step. " You know I am always there for you, but you can't expect me to like every decision you make". Jacob stood there wishing Caysi would stop crying but at the same time he was too hurt to feel compassionate towards her. She's getting married in less than 24 hours and she decides to tell me this now, how could she even think that I would be ok with this, if I were her friend why didn't I get invited, how could she of held this in until now. Jacob thought to himself.
Caysi watched as Jake went infront of her, who was he to stand infront of her? "Give me one good reason as to why you don't agree with this decision, and get out of my way" Caysi said as she went to the side of Jacob. I thought he would be happy She thought. " Can you get the f*** out of my way?" The blonde nearly screamed. " Jacob, for the last time.. get.. out.. of my way." Caysi yelled. He really needed to get out of her way before she slapped him.
Jacob took hold of Caysi's hands, putting them into a lock. " The last thing that I wanted to do was to make you upset, and I know that you expect me to support you through everything and I do have my reasons I just don't know if I'm ready to admit them to you." Jacob replied. He leaned in to hug Caysi.
Caysi pushed Jacob out of the way, why would he lean in to hug her after she just got a lecture from him? The blonde pulled her arms away from Jake, " Well do you think that I'm just going to sit here until you have the b@lls to speak up?" Caysi replied. " I don't have time for this." She said as she walked by Jake.
"Caysi!" Jacob yelled Caysi's name in hopes that she would stop and turn around to look at him. " Caysi, I'm in love with you.. how hard can that be to say?" He mumbled under his breath hoping she couldn't hear.
Caysi looked at Jacob, " What?" The blonde said making her way back to Jake's car. " Repeat that again." The blonde demanded. Did he say what I thought he said? Caysi questioned herself.
Jacob sighed as he turned around to look at Caysi. " I'm.. in.. love.. with.. you." He said slowly so that she could catch all the words. " That's why I can't accept that whole marriage." He said looking at her sadly.
Caysi walked over to Jacob. " Oh Jake.." She said rubbing his cheek. " You should've told me before." Caysi looked away fcrom him. She had to take a few deep breaths. The blonde felt her knees weaken, her feet lead her to the stairs leading up to her house. " Jake, I never knew..." She shook her head. " Still, that doesn't change anything." She shook her head.
Jacob watched Caysi's reaction, she seemed to take it pretty hard. " Not my fault that I fell in love with you." He replied. " It's very hard to tell someone that you love them." Jake said as he sat down beside Caysi. " We could just run away now, together... you and I." Jacob said looking down at Caysi.
Caysi wrapped her arms around herself, it was quite chilly out seeing as it still was March meaning autumn. " Trust me, love is something that I know a lot about." She sighed. " Jake... we can't... I'm getting married tomorrow." Caysi said looking up at him. " This doesn't change anything." She sighed and shook her head.
Jacob sighed as he looked down at Caysi. " Caysi what do you want me to do? Fall out of love with you? That's very hard to do, if you say you know anything about love." He replied. " I'll be there tomorrow to support you, but don't expect me to like it, or to fall out of love with you." He said madly. " One last kiss Caysi, one last kiss." He said looking down at her, grabbing her face. Jake put his lips softly on hers.
Caysi listened to Jake as he spoke. " Whatever Jake." Caysi said wiping her eyes. " I knew that you loved me.." The blonde laughed. " One last one." The blonde said as she put her lips on his.
Jacob ruffled with Caysi's hair. Jake picked Caysi up and put her into cradle position and carried her into the house. He took the blonde up into her room and closed the door. He soflty placed her on the bed, and started to kiss her on the bed.
Caysi kissed Jake back, she knew where this was leading to from the beggining. She let Jake take her up to the room, what was she going to do? Loose him or just have some fun? Caysi started to kiss Jake back, which lead to clothes being taken off.


Caysi woke up in the night right beside Jake, both of his arms wrapped up around her. She looked at the clock, he needed to leave if he wanted to get a good sleep before her wedding tomorrow. " Jake, wake-up." She said rubbing his muscular shoulders.
Jacob woke up to the pleasant sound of Caysi's voice waking him up. " Of course, I'm up.. I'm up.." He said opening his eyes. Caysi looked amazing, as she always did. " See, this is how it should be, me and you in bed together." He replied. " Wait, not like that.. but you know what I mean." He cheekly smiled. " This is how two people who really love each other express stuff like that." Jake said. " I want to be the one that goes with you to bed at night, and wakes up with you." Jacob replied, grabbing Caysi closer to him.
Caysi looked over at Jake. " Yeah, I know what you mean.. but I'm getting married tomorrow, so that's not really going to work out." The blonde tried to explain. " Jake, I know that.. you know that I love you, but your not the one that proposed to me, and asked to spend the rest of your life with." Caysi said to him as she was being pulled closer to him. " Jake, you won't be that person because you were too late." Her green eyes looked up into his dark brown eyes.
Jacob sighed as he rubbed Caysi's shoulders. " Does it really matter that I was late, I'm here now." Jacob said kissing her neck. " I do want to spend the rest of my life with you, even when I was little I knew that." Jacob said leaning over Caysi and looking at her. " But, I'm bigger than that, ths guy must be real special since your putting up this whole big fight about him, but I do have you now." He laughed, puting his head back down and kissing her.
Caysi rubbed her head, Jacob was giving her a headache. " Jacob, get it straight, it's not you.. it's him." Pretty cliche, but it was true. " Please, just leave this? Just come tomorrow." Caysi said before kissing Jacob back. She would do anything to keep him, he was one of her bestfriends, she had never lost one of her best friends before.
Jacob pushed Caysi closer to him. " I want to spend the last night of your single life with you." He said as she pushed the hair out of her face. " Let me atleast do that." Jacob said sitting up in the bed looking at Caysi. He stood out of the bed and picked her up in cradle position. Jacob took Caysi out on the balcony and placed her softly in the canopy, " Look at the sunset" Jake said putting a blanket over Caysi and himself.

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