Dragon Hunting

Alexei Mihaylov

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OOC First Name
Alexei was not in Scandinavia for his own pleasure, but in order to run an errand for an old friend of his whose free time was not presently so plentiful. Still, to visit such a beautiful region without pausing to take in the sights would have been a ridiculous waste, so after completing his business he headed into the nearest village of wizarding society and browsed its various shops, purchasing small gifts as and when they inspired thoughts of their potential recipients. His final stop was the menagerie, in which a small glass tank of miniature Swedish Short-Snouts lured another handful of galleons from his pocket. Really, he ought to have invested the money in a more reliable owl, but he was much too fond of Izolde to rid of her over what he considered endearing traits - and besides, he'd always wanted a miniature dragon. New purchase perched proudly on his shoulder, Alexei stepped back out on to the street, looking this way and that for anybody who looked as if they might give him directions to some more interesting sights. "Hollo!" he said, hailing the first boy he saw. "I am sorry - do you please speak English?"
As the holiday were slowly drawing to a close, Aion's seventh year would soon be upon him. While he'd considered his future prospects repeatly, moreso than he cared to admit over the last few weeks, Aion dissapointed himself with being unable to make a decision on what to pursue. He had only ever studied topics of interest, and while Astronomy and Divination were wonderful subjects for the Durmstrang, he didn't know whether there was any space in the wizarding world beyond for him, once his final year was complete.
Unable to sit around the castle any longer, Aion had removed himself and was now pondering around the shops alone, hands firmly in his jacket pockets. Usually he would have brought a friend, but he considered that on this occasion it was better if he were left with his own thoughts. With no intention of purchasing anything, Aion began to browse the magical stores. Last time he'd come through these streets he'd left with bags full of artifacts and merchandise, but he was convinced he'd be able to resist this time.
Aion had just stopped to look in the window of the menagerie, and the corners of his mouth lifted as he observed the minitures dragons on display, each one perfectly identical but all with a mind of their own as they played. He was lost in thought as he watched the creatures, the rest of the world far away. It took him a second to realise he was being spoken to. As Aion looked up, he noticed a boy looking back at him "I..I'm sorry?" Aion asked, unsure whether it were he that the boy was talking to. "Do you need something?" He asked again, as the boy remained fixed on him.
When the boy replied in English, Alexei brightened - if it were possible - even more. "Yes! I am here only for today," he explained, tickling the chin of his miniature dragon, who did not seem all that pleased to be riding on the shoulder of a human. "Are you from these parts? Could you tell me if there is, er, something to do, perhaps? For tourists?" The Russian wasn't confident he'd phrased his enquiry correctly, and made a mental note to brush up on his English. Besides, he would need to be fairly fluent if he stood a chance of being employed in New Zealand, which was absolutely where he intended to relocate, just as soon as the opportunity presented itself.
It was only now that Aion realised there was a dragon sat on the boys shoulder. He smiled as he pet his new creature, "Beautiful, aren't they?" He said, watching the small beast pad around unsure of what to do next. The Swedish Short-Snout had pale blue and silver scales, and Aion was proud of his dragon knowledge.
What was there to do for tourists? Aion's current school was situated in the middle of no where, they were lucky enough to even have some shops to visit! "There's no really anywhere to go, unless of course you like to trail the mountains on the outskirts" He smiled. He'd spent more than a few afternoon's wandering around the forests and mountains trying to get a glimpse of creatures in their natural habitat. "If you like dragons," he continued, "maybe we will find some?" It was unlikely, but what else could you do in a place like this?
"Yes! Very," Alexei agreed, splitting a beam. It was a shame, he felt, that his parents would not share this boy's fondness for the little dragon, but the Russian was long beyond caring whether or not he pleased his mother. He'd learned many things of her over the last few months, and though his respect for her remained, it was fair to say that he no longer revered her with quite the same enthusiasm. At the boy's suggestion, Alexei started. "Real dragons?" he asked, a look in his eye that could have been perceived as excitement, but was closer to fear. "I do not know. Er, would you suggest this?"
"As real as that one on your shoulder. What's his name?" asked Aion, his eyes still focused on the little thing. "If we get really lucky we might even spot a female Ukrainian Ironbelly" he fantazised. He'd only ever seen those in drawings. They were one of the largest know dragons in the magical kingdom, and Aion dreamt of one day riding one.
"Of course, it would be very dangerous" Aion said matter-of-factly. He was enjoying teasing the Russian a little. It wasn't usually in his nature to do so but all this talk about Dragons had made him feel overwhelmingly powerful.
This boy looked a little older than himself, and Aion reassured himself that if anything bad was to happen, this boy would know even more than he about how to defend them. "Do you go to Hogwarts?" he asked. Due to his limited English language he wasn't convinced, but if he did maybe he could help Aion in the future.

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