Drage Herrogard 3

Bearse smiled, a rarity for him, and walked forward to shake Valcan's hand. "It's a--long story. I'd be happy to tell it to you, perhaps over drinks?"
Valcan was quick to shake Bearse's hand, giving him a quick smile and looking around to Sophia and Estrella. "Perhaps a bit later- Although I am assuming you would like to speak in private?" He glanced pointedly at the two girls. "There is a meeting at my ministry that I must attend- As Minister, there's always meetings- But I would be delighted to have a drink later. Of course, you're invited to stay here, although if you would rather meet later somewhere else I am fine with that too." He clutched his papers for the ministry, waiting upon Bearse's reply.
With Valcan in the room speaking with Bearse Sophia sat down at the table and went back to eating her breakfast, which was almost as cold as the expression on her pale face.
Estrella's eyes narrowed at the man who had entered the room, knowing that she recognized him from somewhere before. The name should have clicked for her, but hunger overrode her brain power as she nearly croaked, "Persephone!"

The house elf appeared, her manner dignified and proud. "Yes, Miss Estrella? How can I be of service?"

"Could I get some breakfast? Possibly eggs benedict?" She winced as her stomach growled. "Pretty please? And a glass of orange juice too."

"Of course, Miss Estrella," Persephone replied, disapparating with a pop.

Estrella made a point to sit down far away from Sophia, her breakfast brought to her quickly. Enthusiastically, she dove into her breakfast, finding it the most delicious thing she had ever eaten.

Realizing that she should probably be acting like a lady, she dabbed at her mouth with a napkin, finding it hard to break her lower class tendencies. As she ate, she continued to wonder about that corridor with the portraits- Who else was down there? And what did Valcan have to hide with his office, anyway?
"Later sounds fine. I have some purchases to make this afternoon." He checked the time piece on his wrist. "I'm staying at the Hogs Head, if you could owl me there?"
"Very well," Valcan replied, nodding, "I shall see you there then. But I really must be off. Feel free to stick around as long as you choose." With a glance towards both of the girls, he disapparated from his dining room, leaving the other three behind.
Sophia moved her golden eyes to rest on the man named Bearse as he asked his question. She knew he looked familiar and suddenly it clicked. "Did you used to work for the school?" she asked blankly, her face expressionless.
"Correct, Miss Stark," he smirked, stressing her name. He turned his head toward Estrella. "Miss Drage." He glanced around the room before adjusting his time piece.

"How is everything at dear Hogwarts? Enjoying your time away?" His black eyes were cold, a sly smirk on his face.
"To be quite frank no, I am not enjoying my time away. I would much rather be at Hogwarts now." Sophia displayed only the slightest bit of annoyance as she looked at the man, not trusting him one bit.

"So, is this why you left Hogwarts?"
Estrella replied, "You were co-Headmaster once, right?" nodding to, if she was correct, was Bearse Prosinian. "I do not know what to think of my time away." It was truly the first time she could call a wizarding place her home, and was not sure what to deduce from it.
"A pity Miss Stark," he sneered, dismissing her. He ignored her question and instead addressed Miss Drage. "Your grandfather is a good man, Miss Drage. You'd do well to use your time wisely and learn all you can from him." He neither confirmed nor denied whether he was still a headmaster of the school.
Sophia rolled her golden eyes and returned to her breakfast. She was almost glad to be ignored by the man, as she did not trust him a bit.
Estrella was unsure how to reply to this, pestering again, "I definitely recognize you from the school." Her eyes were wide, although her expression appeared neutral, as she took a less-than-delicate bite of her eggs benedict.
His time piece buzzed silently against his wrist. "Consult your grandfather," was all he said before he disapparated away.
"What a cheerful chap," Estrella said, rolling her eyes to no one in particular, even though Sophia was sitting right there. Finishing off her breakfast, she drained her glass of orange juice, smacking her lips together at the tangy taste of it, and without a word to the girl she had just found to be her cousin, she strode off back to her room, wondering if she would be able to fly her broom around the fortress. It was big enough, in any case.
Sophia listened to Estrella leave but showed no sign of noticing her at all. When she was gone Sophia looked down at the table, setting her utensils down. She could not help but think about what Valcan had said to her earlier about her true grandfather dumping her father on his doorstep. My grandmother was Valcan's twin, she thought to herself.

Suddenly Sophia found herself wanting to learn more about the family. Standing up she began to make her way rather quickly toward the Library.

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