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Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Killian Borisyuk was glad to be home during the holidays, and wasted no time in getting up early that morning when he heard his son stirring. Having a son was not his first choice, but he didn't care either way. He does not wake up Amethyst since he was sure that her time rearing while he was not always home would have taken its toll on her. She might have needed more sleep than he did. He did the normal routine, taking care of the dirty work before he carried the infant to his chair so that he could feed him. Even though the baby had his genetics, he was still small in his father's arms. He had the help of his family, so that the family could work. It was odd that the next generation would likely bring them all together. Killian might not have ever thought of himself as a father in his lifetime, he was seemingly natural at it.

This was the void that he was missing that he never filled with any of his jobs. Kirill and Amethyst. As he looked down at his son that definitely had his mother's eyes, Killian started to wonder how many he could convince Amethyst to carry. He didn't want a big family, but he did not want Kirill to be an only child. He needed someone else to help get that energy out of him - unless his other siblings had children in the next few months. After feeding, the son drifted back to a light sleep. Kids could be like tiny bombs. One little move could set it off, so that was what he did. Not move.
Amethyst hadn't looked forward to a holiday the way she had this year, knowing that Killian would be home with her. She hadn't anticipated maternity leave to be so gosh darn exhausting. Her whole life was centered around taking care of their son, and herself when she had time. She wasn't sure how muggle moms did it. No magic to aid in rocking the baby to sleep while one took a nap - it was insanity. She was actually feeling a little glad to be going back to work in the new year. Finally some time away from the kid. Though she was nervous, time away meant that her son wuld be spending extra time with the other brothers. She knew them each well enough now that she couldn't imagine them as actual parents - except maybe Kieran.

This thought is what she awoke to in the morning, stretching to try ad find Killian in their bed. When she couldn't the woman groaned. She then got up and made her way to the shower. She needed one, it had been way too warm in the house last night. Even knowing Killian was most likely awake and in the house she couldn't help but feel a little like she should check on them. After all Killian was a new dad, what if some of the things he needed to do weren't intuitive to him.

Amethyst exited and placed on a thin bath robe before heading into the living area where Killian was sat on his oversized chair. "Good morning." She whispered, already noting that the child was asleep. "Hungry?" She asked, offering to cook breakfast.
Killian never knew how natural this was. Even just looking down at his infant. He was still small in his arm. There was no telling how tall this one would get until he was older. It was something Killian looked forward to, and dreaded. His job took him away from his son for a while, but that was the sacrifice that working parents had to make. Thank Merlin for magic for helping Amethyst get through the months without him. Did he worry about Kaelan and Kade looking after him when both parents were not around? Absolutely. He was also worried that Kirill would think that Kaelan was his dad. His green eyes looked up as he hear Amethyst great him, in a thin bathrobe. Looking good like that was how she ended up pregnant to begin with, but luckily, his thoughts were not on that.

“Morning, princess,” Killian greeted as he continued to hold his son as the infant continued to nap. Kirill certainly slept like his father apparently. Fairly hard after a meal. Amethyst asked whether or not he was hungry, but Killian interpreted it differently. “No, I gave him a bottle this morning, got him changed and cleaned up.” Now it seemed like he was a little more selfless than he was before, which might have been a good change on him, since he knew that with his temper, he was a tall red flag. He worked hard to keep it in check.
Princess. She would never get tired of hearing him call her that. Amethyst had never thought she would be one for pet names. Frankly at this point Killian could give her any silly pet name and she'd still smile and crinkle her nose at him. When he answered her she laughed a little, still keeping quiet. "Not him, you. Are you hungry?" She asked before shaking her head, she'd make breakfast regardless. She moved from the living area into the kitchen, and used her wand to get things together for some eggs and turkey bacon.

Amethyst didn't mind cooking but she always preferred when Killian did. He was just a better cook. He always made things the way she liked. When cooking for herself she was often too impatient, she didn't care enough to season it or cook her turkey bacon to the right crispiness. While things cooked she grabbed herself a glass of orange juice and started brewing some coffee.
Right, Killian had to think about himself too. Kirill seemed sound asleep so the part-giant got to his feet and went over to a bassinet in the living room, and carefully put him down. If it were not for his charms on enlarging things, they might have had to get a larger crib just to accommodate the kid. At least, that was his belief. For now, it seemed like things were not like he had feared. Still, the kid was still new. He stood back up straight and went to the kitchen. "I will probably get hungry if I start cooking. We both know who is the better chef around here." Killian truly meant nothing by it, since he had cooked for years and years, he knew what he liked, and had a fairly good pallete.

She seemed like she had already gotten the stuff out that she wanted, so the professor just took over while the coffee was brewing. "Are you worried about going back to work?" Killian asked, even though he already knew the answer. She would have him around one way or another now, so it would be easier for him to tend to her needs if he knew what they were. Killian was never an emotional man, unless one counted his temper.
Amethyst wasn't a bad cook, and she knew Killian didn't think she was a bad cook - he was really the best cook she'd ever met. She also didn't mind him doing the work for it. She decided to lean back against the counter and watch him for a moment, smiling gently like a fool in love. Which she was. She was absolutely a fool in love with Killian.

He asked if she was worried about going back to work and Amethyst shook her head. "Not really. I mean, a little. I'm worried about leaving the little one behind but... it would be so lovely to sleep with no one interrupting it." She said with a sigh. "Is that bad?" She asked him, hoping it didn't mean she was a bad mom. She loved Kirill she really did. But man could the kid scream.
Killian got to work on what Amethyst started. She had a smile on her face, which he did not focus too much on otherwise he might end up burning the food. She explained that she was worried, but she missed sleeping without someone interrupting. He chuckled and nodded, "It is not bad at all. That's why I wanted my brothers to help out, to give you a break and let you rest. Hormones are probably out of whack still." Killian did his reading of what to expect when she was pregnant, and right after, but not several months after. So, he was basing it off of assumptions. "That is also why I am getting up during the night when I'm here. I'd hate to see how bratty you would be sleep deprived," Killian smirked as he got the plates down.

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