Don't Want to keep you Hanging

Tara could feel her eyes heating up. she loved spending time with dymetris but right now all she wanted was to be on her own with some paints and a fresh page, she doubted that the resulting picture would be worth anything more than owl cage lining but it would help clear her head. she wished that she was older and stronger, that she was able to make decisions knowing that she would have to disappoint someone. her head said she should ether tell her family and face the consequences. or go back to india and have a proper indian life, but her heart disagreed, it wanted to stay with dymetris, in new zealand. "I want a proper relationship too" she said knowing that it was the full truth. "but the culture in india says the family arranges things like that." she stuttered feeling the first tear run down her cheek. she quickly brushed it away, but she knew that it was too late, she could feel many more coming. "I know what i really want but i said the first time i met you that my family may cause complications but we still went ahead honestly i thought it would be a couple of years before those complications caught up but apparently not" she said in one long sentence, gasping slightly for breath once she had finished.
Dymetris heaved a sigh. "Your right, I can't blame you for this" he said holding onto her all over again. He wipe away the tears, he felt utterly bad for making her cry that way. he would never dream in a million years to make a girl cry, so he felt bad, dumb, and hurt. This was the unexpected anger no one saw in him, the first time he actually let it show and out of many someone to show it he let it out onto Tara. "I am so sorry I don't want you to cry, least not because of my idiotic behavior. Please do what feels right, if you want to wait that's fine. But I'm not waiting, I'll let my parents know by letter" he hugged her tight, or tight enough but still not hurting her at all. "Your world so different from mines.."
Tara was glad that Dymetris wasn't going to pressure her into telling her family. she closed her eyes as she felt him wipe her tears away. she tried to smile at him, and sort of managed it, but is was a little damp. she felt his hold on her tighten and tightened her hold on him. "there is no need to fret about it, I know many people find the whole arranged marriage thing strange. you do what you feel is right, and i will do what i think will be best. she said still holding him tight. he didn't want to loose him, and would do all she could to keep it that way. "My world may be different from yours, but I would like to get to know your world better, it seems different and interesting" she said wondering what secrets and customs are around in Russia.
"Strange doesn't even cut it, more like wrong. My parents taught me your life partner is the most important person in the world. They went through trials but stayed together no matter people judging them. They said it was hard time for them." he did not relax, their disagreement made him tense. He look away thinking bout his parents all over again. "But nothing promise forever...I guess that's what they taught me too" his smile held a less cherry feeling to it. "Anyways, your classes how you think you did last term?" he switch the subject. No point drowning their whole conversation about their relationship difference. he was to young to think about it really, he felt stupid all over again.
Tara didn't think that it was wrong, but she did believe that your life partner was one of the most important people, she nodded agreement with Dymetris on that point but didn't say anything. she felt a little bad for crying, as she didn't like hurting others, and she could tell that she had done that, but she couldn't help it. "sorry" she said apologising for both the tears, and for not being able to do what she would have liked.
she was glad that he changed the topic to classes. "I think i did okay in the classes last term, but i currently need to choose what classes i am taking next year, which ones are you doing?" she asked. she had a couple of ideas as to which she wanted to do but she wanted to get some ideas of what others were doing.
"Oh, right forgot you were a second year" his smile spread more, he was bringing back that happy feeling they had before the conversation went down hill. "Well I didn't take anything last term so I went with Divination this term. Next Year I'll probably go with Ancient Ruins since I didn't take any last term" he spoke about his extra classes. They were riding up his back once again. He had to take his lessons serious or he'll be shift back to Russia with his parents. They did not kid around when it came to grades and school for Dymetris. the only son and child, expect that to happen no matter.
Tara smiled as Dymetris said that he forgot she was a second year, in truth when they were together she often forgot that he was a year older than her. "I was thinking about doing those too. divination seems interesting, and i heard that the runes professor is really nice." she said knowing that that was probably not the best reason, but she didn't have a better one. "how did you find it" she said, wondering what it entailed. she could feel the atmosphere returning to its normal relaxed feel. she looked up at the sky and saw that there were some clouds. she leaned back on her elbows so she could see them better.

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