Dont cross my path

Meera Gupta

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Academics were the most important part of school life but for one to be an all rounder they had to be good and active in sports, communication skills, leadership and of course social. Each year Beauxbatons had put aside a day when anyone who did anything good whilst as school was acknowledged and awarded. Today was that day and many people were looking forward to it. Meera Gupta, being the smart prefect that she was had been put as the head of the committee of people who were to help the Professors plan the event. Meera had always been good at academics and flying but it was only two years ago that she started involving herself in school activities and she had come a long way since then. After much thinking Meera had come up with the idea for the dress code for tonight's function. "Everyone will be dressed in blue" she said with a smile happy with the idea she had in mind. The other members involved in planning listened, some rather confused and then one finally spoke. "How can we go in school uniform?" Meera looked at the younger girl who had asked the question and grinned. "When did I say school uniform. I mean we should all wear anything that is blue. But of course the rules must be followed. All dress robes or dresses have to be floor length. This is a formal event and we have to keep it that way" she explained to the people sitting in front of her. After all the decorations and food were finalized and in place, Meera sighed with relief and headed to her dorm room to get ready.

Meera had an idea of what she could wear. It was a saree, a Indian clothing and it was part of the current fashion trend in India. Usually Meera avoided Indian clothes in school but this was just too cool to be avoided. She showed her roommates, Alice and Charlotte her saree and they both said it would look lovely on her.At six in the evening she left her dorm to make sure that everything was in place. Her knee length, long sleeved coat was giving everyone the impression that she had light blue dress on and Meera did not want to reveal her outfit just yet. After a few more minutes the event begun as the host, Professor Lucas from the school asked them all to take their seats. Meera who was standing at the gates and keeping an eye on everything removed her coat. Meera walked up to the front as she remembered that she had a few papers that Professor Lucas would need. She could feel eyes following her as she walked in her heels. Everyone was taking their seats. "Good luck. I'm sure you'll do great" she said with a smile to Professor Lucas. He was a new member in the staff and this was his first time hosting an event. Meera took a seat in the third line from the stage. All the people who were to appear on stage during the event had been asked to sit in front so as to reduce the chaos. Meera smiled at her neighbor Charlotte who was also her roomie and a prefect and hoped the function would go smoothly.
It had been quite a while since Sabrina Godfrey had transferred into the well-known school of Beauxbatons. Of course, being the daughter of a famous man in the industry didn't really help with her being the sociable girl, instead as the spoiled, home-schooled girl, and being who she was, Sab most certainly didn't like it and instead transferred. She felt more alive and free in Beauxbatons, although it was still a bit annoying that she wasn't that far from her parents, but then again she would have to deal with it for the moment, after all, she was already in her sixth year and would soon be graduating much to her happiness, and her parents' chagrin.

In Beauxbatons, Sabrina learned the importance of balance in everything. Academics, social life, relaxation, sports, adventures, and of course trouble. She may be matured in age, but she considers it as catching up to what she missed. Rumors had reached her ears that there will be a school function that will be held very soon, and of course, it would be her first and she's most certainly excited to attend. And of course, she knew just what to wear. It wasn't long before the day of the function came though, and to Sab's eyes, it was just another of the well-planned school parties. As she entered, Sabrina wondered if there will be anything interesting or exciting that will happen.
The event was running quite successfully. It had begun of course with the school song. The music club and the choir was very prepared to sing that on any occasion and everyone sang along and clapped happily as the song came to an end. Meera grinned as she watched the academics awards being distributed. The young first years were so cute as they walked up with smiles to get their awards. She had to ignore their cuteness because once they took their seats they began chattering and as they were sitting in the first row they were distracting Professor Lucas and the headmaster who was presenting the awards. "Please, keep quiet " she said trying to sush them. After a minute they realized their mistake and became silent. Meera stood up upon hearing her name and gave a small smile as she walked to the stage to get her award for being the fifth year topper. She had thought she would come second and apparently there was a tie. She grinned at her classmate as his name was called and both of them were given the same award.

Meera felt more confident in her saree and she was glad that it was a fusion of Indian and western style, especially the blouse. After a short skit from the drama club which was absolutely funny they moved to giving out certificates to the Prefects and people in the school Qudditch team. Just as Meera got up to get her certificate for playing chaser she heard the sounds of balloons bursting. This distracted everyone in the hall. The blue and white balloons decorating the hall were popping one after another. The eyebrows on her forehead came together as she frowned upset trying to figure out the cause of this. She could not have something spoiling the event. The bursting did not stop and it was continuing in a sequence along the hall. Meera got furious as she realized it was a prank. She looked at Professor Lucas for help because she did not know the exact spell to stop this kind of magic. He left the podium and gave out a few instructions to Meera and two other prefects. Pointing her wand at the bursting which was next in line to burst Meera did the spell and after a few seconds it stopped. Meera shot angry looks at a few people who were out of their seat enjoying the chaos. She could not figure out who had done it. She went up to the stage got her certificate and then her eyes landed on a girl. Her face was not familiar and what had made her stand out was her outfit. Knee-length? the alarm went off in Meera's head as anger rose in her. A few more awards were left to be given out. Meera asked someone to pass a message to the girl that Meera wanted to see her. She did not take her seat but no one questioned her because a few prefects were now standing on the sides to monitor everything.
Sabrina just sat still during the event, and for her, the event was just plain boring. People get called, people get on stage, people get their little awards, people go back to their seats. It seemed like a never ending routine for the night. It kept on repeating. Award this, award that, award her, award him. Seriously, she thought that going to Beauxbatons was more fun than staying at home, but frankly it seemed to bore her even more. Especially the ongoing school function. And she wished, oh, how she wished that she stayed out of it.

Sabrina didn't think that the awards were all that important, she never really paid any attention to those things, but then again, if she tried to do her best next year, she might even get a good grade, after all, she transferred in the middle of the semester, and it wasn't so easy keeping up, she also decided to ask if she could still join the quidditch team. She had the confidence that she could maybe snatch a position. Just then, balloons had started popping in the area, and Sab just couldn't help but stand up and look at the balloons as they started popping one by one. "Now that... Is a sight to see," she said with a little giggle. Now, things were starting to get interesting.

But then, a certain someone just had to ruin her fun by stopping the bursting of the party balloons. "Jeez, what a stuck-up," she whispered as she got near to the last popped balloon and brought out her wand from the purse, "I wonder how to continue that popping spell, after all, I wasn't the only one who enjoyed it," she wondered out loud before someone came near her giving her a message. Sab looked around and found the girl who stopped the prank that was apparently pulled by a student. The student said that the said girl was looking for her. Rolling her eyes, she made her way past the crowd with a sigh, wand still in her hand. "You called?" she said an irritated tone surrounding her voice as she approached the girl.
Meera eyed the girl in the knee length dress. The girl did not only have her wand out but was also laughing and enjoying as the balloons popped. Is she behind this? Meera thought getting more furious by the minute. Her messenger had finally been able to reach the girl. Meera shot a cold look at a third year who wanted to get out of his seat to congratulate his friend. Meera turned to see that the girl in the improper dress code had finally come to her. Meera frowned as she noticed that the girl was irritated by this. "Yes, I did" she said as she met the girl's eyes. Her eyes scanned the girl once again and then she asked "Why are you wearing a knee-length dress?" Meera waited for the girl to reply.

Meera scanned the crowd quickly. Yes, everyone but the girl in front of her were in proper dress code. Meera had made sure to check people as they entered. This girl seemed to have slipped in while Meera was busy with something else. She was not going to accept anything like being unaware of the dress code. "We put up the dress code notice a week back. Full length robes or dress in any shade of blue. I can see you chose to follow only the color part" Meera said, her tone harsh and authoritative. The event was finally over and people started moving from their chairs to the food tables.

Meera knew the workers would be waiting for her to tell them if anything needed to be refilled but it would be a while before she had to do that. Alice and Charlotte would be standing somewhere wondering where Meera was but if she let this girl leave then she would break another rule and create more chaos."I saw you, a wand in your hand and enjoying the interruption of the event"she added as she stared into the girl's face. If this girl had pulled the prank and she lied to Meera about it Meera knew well how to get the truth out of her. People don't achieve anything and then feel bored and jealous as others get awards she thought as she accepted a glass of non alcoholic champagne from a waiter passing by.
Sabrina couldn't help bit roll her eyes in response to the girl's statement following her question. The girl was seriously annoying and of course, Sab wouldn't be one to lose between their competition which only she knew about. A competition of who would be more annoying that the other. And of course, with this thought in mind, she couldn't help but manage a grin on her face, wondering how far this situation of theirs will go. "Simply because I want to wear a knee-length dress," she answer in an as-a-matter-of-factly manner.

"Quit looking around. The one you're talking to is right here," Sabrina snapped at the girl. Frankly, she was annoyed by the fact that her dress was pointed out wrong in the middle of the party and not during the start and of course, she didn't like that the other girl was looking around the rest of the crowd while they were talking to each other. "You said full length robes or dress in any shade of blue, just now right? I would like to emphasize OR at the moment. So, now, I can say that I haven't done anything wrong." she said with a little smirk on her face. Surely, Sabrina knows that with a simple mistake, tables can be turned, and it was seriously on of those times. "By saying OR, you're giving me the chance to choose. And I chose to only follow the color part," she stated snapping at the harsh tone present within the other girl's voice.

"And, apparently, I wasn't the only one enjoying the so-called interruption," she said with an annoying grin. "Actually, I call it a special number to cheer up this boring school event. Seriously, home-school is better that what you call school function. Seriously, the event and you are the same... Boring and much like a stuck-up," Sabrina was annoyed at the moment, and frankly, she didn't care what was coming out of her mouth at the moment, "And if you are thinking of blaming me for the prank, sorry, but you got the wrong person. You better keep your eyes peeled for another of those pranks, it'd be dangerous if you're not careful," Sabrina warned the other girl playfully. Of course, Sab knew that this would raise suspicions on her, but she didn't care about that, because, if the girl wrongly blames her, then the girl better be ready for the fight of her life.
Meera frowned as she watched the girl roll her eyes. If only Meera would have been in seventh year she would have easily put the girl in detention or something. The school insisted that prefects could only punish pupils who were younger than themselves. Stupid rule! she thought as she raised her eyebrows as the girl in front of her answered her question. What did she mean by simple because she wanted to? She was not the queen! She had to follow the rules and everyone was following them. Meera had no idea where this girl was coming from or who she thought she was but Meera was going to teach her a lesson. Meera narrowed her eyes down at the girl as she was told to quit looking around. "You!" she said angrily and pointed her finger at the girl.

Then as the girl pointed out the mistake in the sentence that Meera had just used, Meera stood there surprised with shock for a second realizing her own mistake. But no, it was not a mistake. "If you have any sense in that brain of yours you would understand that the 'OR' here does not mean a choice. It means wizard formal clothing like dress robes or muggle formal clothing like dress. The full length applies to both" she said angrily hoping that she would make her point. Everyone in the school had got that concept. Meera did not know if this girl had actually missed the point or was she just doing this to break rules. "You should have just home-schooled then Miss" she said looking at the girl in the face. Some people seemed to have realized the tension between them and their slightly raised voice. Meera did not care. She was a prefect and she was right. The girl, if she had any shame left would apologize or else Meera would report her.

Meera felt like slapping the girl for saying that the school event was boring. Meera had spent two weeks planning this and not every event could be filled with jokes and dances. Some things were serious but people like the girl did not seem to understand that. "People like yourself are just jealous. That is why you find this boring and think about cheering it up as you say with childish pranks" she challenged the girl. Meera wanted to get over with this. She was going to check if this girl was involved in the prank or not, if not she would be lucky but she was definitely going to be reported for breaking the dress code. "I need to check your wand" she said, her tone firm and final. If this girl said no to her request than she would just be in more trouble. "Let's see what spell you tried last, shall we?" she said putting her hand out waiting for the girl to give her the wand.
If Sabrina wasn't in a bit of a tight situation, the girl would have surely laughed at her opponent's reaction especially the way the other girl reacted to Sab's snappy attitude. Of course, her opponent wasn't backing out of this fight and sadly, Sab wasn't backing out of it either. "My, my, quite a hidden attitude we got there, Miss Prefect," the older girl said whilst shaking her head clearly showing an act of disappointment. "Should a prefect like yourself be pointing fingers disrespectfully as an example to other students? And it's especially rude to that to those older than you." she said with a smirk present in her features.

"Then you should have clearly said so, my dear," Sabrina told her. "The attire will be a choice between robes or dresses. Either way, both should be in full length and colored with a shade of blue," the older girl calmly said, together with her perfect British accent. If it was her family she was speaking with, they would have scolded her for lacking more complicated words and such, but of course, she just wanted to try putting her education to good use. "High-class sure has its perks," she thought to herself. "Don't you think that would be more clear and more precise to the instuctions you wanted?" she questioned the younger girl. "Oh! I've been through that. Maybe you should experience it too, and you'll become more able to do your job as a prefect," she said with a happy smile on her face just to annoy her opponent.

"Jealous, am I? And what am I supposed to be jealous of?" Sabrina inquired. Surely enough, the older girl wasn't jealous one bit. What was she going to be jealous of? Being a prefect? Claiming awards? Organizing events? Those just weren't her thing. "Well, would you find it better if people were sleeping in a school function rather than having fun?" It was a pretty stupid question to ask but then again, Sab just can't help but annoy the girl in front of her. "Ooh. Scary. Too bad I'm not giving it to you," she said, her tone battling with the prefect's. Sabrina wasn't going to back down from this, especially that the prank wasn't her fault. "Wingardium Leviosa," she spoke as she performed the spell on the spoon nearest to her, and with a flick of her wand, ended the spell. "I suppose you don't need to check it now since you already saw that last spell I tried."
Meera knew many people around the castle disliked her or were secretly jealous of her achievements but she hardly had any of them fight or argue with her the way this girl was doing at the moment. "I can enforce rules on anyone, older or younger" she said narrowing her eyes at the girl. "I am setting an example of discipline and responsibility for my juniors. Of course I don't expect you to understand since you clearly lack both" she said to the girl who she was simply tired of. She just wanted to check he girl's wand and be done with her role. She would report the dress to the Professor but for now she just wanted to join her friends. Meera rolled her eyes at the girl as she explained to her how the instructions should have been. Meera watched the girl perform another unnecessary spell. She hated this one, it was official. "that is exactly what will prove you are guilty" she said angrily. This stupid girl had dared to spoil the event that she had spent hours to plan. Thought she was being funny.

"Of course you're jealous. Of everything anyone has" she said as it made sense to the girl now. "Newbie as yourself without any friends and boyfriend. Seventh year and no boy to back you up, feeling lonely are we? Is that why you took the trouble to show off your legs? Oh sweetie, you could have just said so. I would have given you one of the invites to the elite parties"she said taunting the girl in all ways possible she could think of. She knew when she took this to the Professors the girl would have no way to prove her innocence but till then she wanted to make sure the girl knew who was boss.

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