Donna says I should name this after her

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Sloane Halliwell

Owner of L.U.M.O.S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Rigid Birch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core

Agrippina Vetrova
Agrippina is a very kind soul, she often does favours and good deeds for others, helping them, taking care of them and anything she can to make sure they are comfortable. She values close relationships with others and in particular those who share her affections of closeness and people. Agrippina often expects the best in the future and works hard to achieve it. She believes that a good future is something that can be brought about, she does not believe in fate because of this and is more comfortable having a say in the way her life will turn out. She is not an overtly spiritual person because of this and though she strives to understand people, she can be a little closed off to the spirituality of others, often actively turning against the beliefs of others if she sees it as an inferior purpose. Agrippina is an inherently creative person. Creativity is strong in her family and basically, Agrippina is never satisfied with doing things the simple of easy way. Thinking of new ways of doing something is crucial to who she is and she is never content with doing something the conventional way if she can avoid it. Agrippina often generates ideas or behaviours that are novel or unusual and these often make a positive contribution to her life or the lives of the people around her. Along with this is her curiosity. She is interested in anything and everything and is always asking questions. She finds most subjects and topics fascinating and likes exploration and discovery.
Friends: Agrippina is generally nice, so friends couldn't be mean to her. She wouldn't really have any problems being friends with people who were mean to others, but she doesn't like those who are generally down on blood status. This would not dissuade her from being someone's friend, it would only mean that she may sometimes bring up the issue or refrain from mentioning it all together. I would like for her to have a best friend. Preferably a girl, but that is not strictly essential.
Enemies: People who try to force her into decisions or tell her that her way of thinking is wrong. Basically, Agrippina is a hypocrite.
Love: I don't like to plan finals so early in the mix, but I have done so if I believe they will develop into a certain thing. So I won't say that I am closed to the idea, but if you have anything for this, or just a fling what have you, let me know. Only males apply please, I don't really see her as having a romantic relationship with a girl.

Eddie Applewhite
Eddie is a decent kid when he wants to be, but often thinks himself to be quite a bit funnier than he actually is. He likes to laugh and tease, bring smiles to other people and seeing the light side of everything. He likes to make jokes, at his own expense and at other peoples and sometimes can't tell the difference between what's actually funny and what's just mean. He never backs away from a challenge and is very accepting of others, often to the point that he forces them into corners. He will speak up for what he believes is right even at the penalty of trouble and often acts on his convictions despite what he may or may not actually believe. Eddie often approaches life with excitement and energy, he never does anything half way or half heartedly and likes to live life as an adventure, feeling alive and activated. He is very much full of zest and doesn't mind helping others to feel the way that he does. He is, however, very clumsy and often trips over his own feet if he isn't paying attention. He drops things frequently and can't navigate a stairwell to save his life. Though he is open and always ready for action, Eddie finds himself quite awkward around girls and often messes up in front of them out of nerves or just general clumsiness, though he's not easily embarrassed by any means. He's quite honest about himself and his capabilities, but is easily prone to exaggeration when he feels that the need arrises for him to be so.
Friends: Eddie is a bit insufferable, but I would like him to have some like-minded friends maybe, people who like adventure and the sort. Maybe just a close-knit group? One or two?
Enemies: Though Eddie likes to think he is friends with everyone, I know this is hardly the case. He's hard to handle and can be very annoying, it won't be hard to have someone dislike him, not at all.
Love: I do have a final for him, despite what I said for Agrippina, but these two were just perfect and I love it and it's amazing (you know who you are, i love you) but I won't say no to flings and as he will be bi-sexual, I also wouldn't say no to some experimenting either.

Sam Daugherty
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Sam was born and raised in Christchurch, New Zealand. She didn't see much of her parents growing up, causing her to form a very strong bond with another girl in her situation, Ben. They spent a lot of time together as children and sort of fell into a kind of friendship, moulding them into the close girls they are today. Sam is pretty outgoing, and judges people quite harshly. She has high standards to which she holds everyone to and doesn't like to be separated from her best friend. Though Sam participates in studies at the moment, she knows very well that she will never concentrate enough to actually do work and so she spends most of her waking hours with her best friend. If Ben ever felt threatened, Sam would come immediately to her aid and ensure that she was safe, as she knows Ben would do for her. Sam is not an inherently nasty person, but the only person she cares about in her life is her best friend and she would do anything for her. She has a compulsion to always be with her and though she doesn't always do the right thing, she would never want to intentionally get her friend into trouble. Sam is sometimes considerate of other people, but is always considerate of her friend Ben. She is a very different person when they are alone and likes to be much more open and honest when in her company. On her own however she is more reserved and prone to lying and being the centre of attention simply because she craves the closeness that she feels with Ben. She makes an effort to include herself and Ben into most situations she finds and is prone to sudden bouts of energy that cause her to start an impromptu dance party.
Friends: Honestly, I can see Sam being a hard person to befriend. She already has Ben and she sees that as all she needs, however I could see her finding some kinship with people who are like her, maybe people she can have dance parties with and hang out in the dorms. I do want her to broaden her horizons a little.
Enemies: It is not hard for Sam to find enemies and its more likely that she will grade them an enemy before they grade her as such. All they have to do is look at her in a way she doesn't like and it's automatic disapproval from her. She's rather sensitive deep down, though she'll never admit to it.
Love: This is going to be difficult, because to be quite honest I don't know if she'd ever look at anyone long enough for any mutual feelings to develop. She's the kind of person who would get bored easily, but I'm definitely open to some suggestions.

That's all I have right now, if you want to rp with any of my other characters, let me know!
Professor Sloane Stark
Abbigale Raven

Adresteia Dragonslayer

Aeryn Lucas

Agrippina Vetrova

Aleksandra Kaster

Alexei Vetrov

Alexia Mckenna

Alexis Cavanaugh

Alodiah Lancaster

Amy Applewhite

Anastasia Von Klampenverb-Popple

Athena Kuya-Tine

Aurelie Ramsey

Basilio Raven

Blaise Chevotet

Brande Murphy

Cameron Freedman

Camille Jones

Camille Parker

Carah Denton

Carlisle Ramsey

Carter Kaster

Catalina De Santiago

Celeste Hayes

Clara Hayes

Clementine Mitchell

Daelin Lesley

Davalynda Lesley

Davina Lesley

Demeter Lesley

Dina Stanley

Dmitri Lesley

Dwaide Lesley

Ebony Aerius

Eddie Applewhite

Eldridge Ramsey

Elias Milonas

Ellington Hayes

Elroy Forrester

Emilee Smith

Emily Hayes-Magonus

Felix Urie

Gabrielle Carmichael

Gemma Antolini

Hannah Aurelious

Hayden Bane

Hayley Jones

Hazel Kaster

Henri Keto

Imogen Nightingale

Isla Smith

Izabella Raven

Jacob Kuya

Jakobe Hitachiin

James Corby

Joan Wheatley

Joana Denton

Jonathon Ramsey

Karli Cavanaugh

Kat Donovon

Katya Balik

Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart

Kialla Smith

Kiara Tine

Koboshi Aiko

Kumiko Tanaka

Laurent Nightray

Lewis Davids

Lucas Martinez

Lucy Kaster

Madeline Ashford

Maggie Applewhite

Marcus Becker

Maya Corby

Mei-Ling Freedman

Meredith Belrose

Michaela Dragonslayer

Mikayla Blade

Miles Ackerman

Missy Benson

Mitica Constantin

Miyusaki Grimm

Nadia Kaster

Natsumi Hitachiin

Nimue Bevin

Olwen Bevin

Orsino Antolini

Paisley Hayes-Smith

Parker Smith

Patrick Cavanaugh

Ptolema Dragonslayer

Quyn Phantomive

Rachele Rothschild

Rafaelle Kaster

Rai Mckenna

Rebecca Koshiba

Richard Mckay

Rosa Antolini

Rosalie Bevin

Rosalie Leydon

Rosemary Aston

Shiloh Denton

Siani Rydderch

Sofie Caris

Sonia Vanderberg

Stellan Myser

Stephanie Stark

Svetlana Altukhova

Taylor Blare

Teresa Marshall

Tressa Kaine

Ursula Kaster

Veronica Meredith Boneheart

Wade Ramsey

William Kent

Willow Jaye Hydran

Wynter Mckenna


Yue Aurelious

Yuna Hitachiin

Zane Preston
[th colspan="5"]Teigan's Characters[/th]
Oh my Teigan, how many characters have you got?! It would make my day if you could say they are all active! xD
They are all fairly active, yeah. xD

For Agrippina, Kayleigh Hunter (3rd year Slytherin) can be an enemy. Kayleigh is blunt and honest, so if she doesn't agree with Agrippina, she'll let her have it.

For Eddie, Daisy and/or Asher can be friends. They're both first year Gryffindors. They both love adventure, though Asher more likes playing and play fighting ect. Daisy would love his clutzy-ness, and would mock him endlessly. And Casimir can easily be an enemy for him, I can see Casimir killing him in his head, and learning hexes and practicing on Eddie. Anyways.
Dear Teigan,

I would like to RP with Henri.

Jeremy's RPer :r :p
Agrippina and Kayleigh
I think Agrippina and Kayleigh would be so much fun to do. Agrippina hasn't often come across people that don't see things the way she does, or at least agree to try and placate her. She mostly hangs around her family after all so it would be good for her to be in an environment where just because she thinks they should believe it, doesn't mean that they will.
Eddie and Asher and Daisy
This would be hilarious for so many reasons. I do want them to be friends, because it would come into play majorly later on when his sister comes to play. Who doesn't like a little rivalry between friends when one's sister gets involved? :r Daisy would be nice to have as a friend I think, he's generally pretty poop around girls after all and I doubt he would like her future final too, so that will be fun to roleplay.
Eddie and Casimir
Hahahaha, yes please. Eddie would not like Casimir at all and I want to see him get hexed, it would be funny, because though this would be bullying, Eddie doesn't believe in bullying and so wouldn't call it that!
Henri and Jeremy
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Dear Cyndi,

As per your request, topic has been started:
please let me know if it is to your satisfaction.

Henri's RPer

:r ;)
Dearest Henri's RPer,

It is. Thank you.


Ok sounds awesome ahaha. Even split? You take two to start, I'll do the other two.
sounds about right! I'll take Eddie and Asher and Agrippina and Kayleigh
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