Dom needs a life

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Dominic Thatcher

Well-Known Member
12 inch, Eucalyptus, Essence of bunyip fang
Hello... I have been inactive recently and am trying to start RPing again..
Dom need some friends, maybe another enemy and of course love interests.
What do you think of Leah as a love interest?
I have Valkory. She's 17 and finished at school.
She's a bit of a .. erm.. So an so, though so she might not be right.

I also have Beth Bastone, a third year Ravenclaw.

If either of those interest you, let me know.
She's not in HNZ, she's home schooled; However, Sanctuari could be a friend, or more. She and her Twin Foster Sister just moved here from Honduras. She is sweet and kind, and very caring. Though rigth now she is distant from a lot of people. A male friend would do her good though.
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