Open Doll's Tea Party

Yuelia Rossingol

Sixth Year | Duelling Champion
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 14.5" Sturdy Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (31/05/2045)
Yuelia resembled a doll herself, seated elegantly on a blanket under trees in the park. Her dress was old fashioned and frilled, with a pretty blue cloak around her shoulders, and a collection of three well cared for dolls (and one well loved and worn elephant) seated around her. The elephant had pride of place in her lap, for of course an elephant was not typically a convenient guest at teatime, but Yuelia would not leave him out of the celebrations.

She had a plastic tea set that had been enchanted to be prettier - however her father was not the best at making things pretty, as he was more practically minded. Still, he'd tried, and Yuelia was happy for that much. "More tea, Lady Harmonia?" she made a point of asking, pretending to pour the pot in to the cup in front of the blonde ringleted doll. She couldn't help but frown, realizing she had to lean over to manually move her doll's hands to have her drink. Her father was busy today, else he would have done it for her. She couldn't wait to get to Hogwarts. Then she could learn to animate all her dolls herself and feel like she truly had company. Maybe one day she could even make them talk, too. It would be her own words but that didn't bother her too much.

"Happy birthday to me," she said, quietly, taking a tiny forkful of cake and slowly chewing, patting the much loved Mister Trumpets as she did.
Mercury held her mother's hand as they walked through the park, Neptune attached to the other. It was a nice day, and walking around the park was her favorite activity. There were so many things to look at, and she wished to collect some more flowers to add to the collection at home, currently sitting and drying in their stacks of books. As her mother took Neptune to the slide, Mercury looked around the park and saw a beautiful array of yellow and purple flowers. She glided over, kneeling down as she opened her satchel and placed the flowers inside. In her focus, she heard someone talking nearby and noticed a girl who looked around her age. Hearing the word birthday, her eyes raised. "Is it your birthday?" she asked curiously, plopping herself towards the girl.
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Yuelia went to correct Rhapsodia, opening her mouth to say 'but of course you know that, you were invited to my tea party after all,' before quickly realizing that of course it wasn't her doll speaking, after all she was just musing on the fact that she did not yet know how to animate them with magic. Indeed, it was a girl about her age instead sitting near her. Yuelia blinked, tilting her head. From the little interaction she'd had with others since starting to go out in the world, others didn't quite seem to get her. But perhaps it had just been a bad experience before.

"" she replied, simply. She knew she was going to have to get used to having her birthday away at school, although it was at the very end of the Hogwarts school year at least so she could go home to celebrate with her father afterwards. Birthdays had always just been Yuelia and her father - and garden parties with her dolls. She would have just stayed home but they were going to go shopping - and her father had promised they'd buy candies. "My friends and I were just having tea." There wasn't actually any tea, only a bottle of water, but that didn't matter so much. "The flowers here are pretty, are they not?"
Mercury's eyes widened as the girl confirmed what she had heard. "Happy birthday!" she declared, giving the girl a smile. Mercury looked around at the dolls and thought it was interesting. She was never one for dolls, having preferred using her imagination to tells stories with imaginary friends because then she could control the whole narrative. "You have some very beautiful friends." She wondered if the girl treated her dolls like she did her friends, giving them names and personalities and stories. Mercury looked back at the flowers and quickly nodding, picking a dainty purple one for the girl. "You could place on in your hair. It is your birthday, after all," she added, offering the flower to her.
Yuelia was surprised. After her less than stellar trip to Obsidian Harbour, her father had pointed out that people, were in fact, selfish and cruel, and always only looked out for themselves. It was a little strange, coming from a man who made potions to make people healthier, but she didn't question him. However this girl was nice, offering her a flower and complimenting the ladies. Maybe some people were actually not mean and selfish.

"Oh, that is very nice of you." She quickly dug around in her picnic basket, which was primarily empty, but she had a few chocolate frogs, and she knew it was polite to share. The ladies couldn't really eat them, anyway - they were trying to watch their waistlines. She held the wrapped treat out to the other girl. "Would you like a chocolate frog? My father packed too many."

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