Open Doing things on my own

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Lilith Ilves

To be loved, is to be seen.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (11)
Lilith wasn't sure whether her best friend would still make it to the ball or not, but she had decided in either case she was going, with Eoghan or not. For the first time she had decided to go into a social gathering of sorts on her own, rightfully so the first year was extremely nervous as she walked down to the Great Hall. She had chosen a simple white blouse and a black skirt with some black ballerinas, nothing too fancy but not the everyday clothes either.

As Lilith entered the room her mouth fell open, it was like home but not. She had to admit she missed the home winter, the snow and cold as crazy as it was to admit. To have this little piece of it, especially after the exam stress it felt nice. Clutching her necklace Lilith took some unsure steps further into the room, eyeing everyone around her not sure if she had it in her to open up conversations just yet. She'd observe, for now.
Sybil had been excited to see what all the fuss was about when it came to the Yule Ball. A lot of the older kids seemed excited with their dates and fancy dresses all picked out. She had never been to a ball and was a little wary about just how formal it would be. The name made her think of fairy tales with full ball gowns and boys with coat tails. But when she saw someone in jeans she instantly relaxed and felt less awkward in her own pants and button down shirt. The winter decorations on the other hand were as impressive as she had hoped they would be. But the heat outside made it feel more surreal and dream like than it was probably intended. She wasn't sure if anyone wanted to talk to her so she did a few laps around the hall waiting for something to happen. Of course the moment she looked up to watch the enchanted snow fall from the ceiling she walked right into someone. Well that was something alright. "Oh sorry." she said quickly, her face already heating up from embarrassment.
Lilith had been observing and just awkwardly rocking back and forth on her feet on the sidelines for a good fifteen minutes before someone slammed into her. Well less so slammed and more like just walked into her, but everyone got the idea. A small noise of surprise fell down from her lips as she turned her head to look at who was now very much in her personal space, not that it was always a bad thing but she was also nervous she had been on someone's way and would be an inconvenience.

Her features relaxed as her eyes landed on a girl that looked almost as out of depth as she felt in the situation. "Oh it's alright. I don't mind, I am sorry if I was on your way though, I didn't mean to." Her words were coated with nerves and were falling out of her mouth faster than she had intended them to. "I'm Lilith! You can call me Lili though, or perhaps an obstacle would be more fitting." Apparently her idea of fixing the nervousness she felt was to introduce herself and then make a joke out of it, or more like try to.
Sybil ran a hand through her hair. "No, no. It's my bad. I wasn't watching where I was going. I was looking up at the ceiling. I know it's just a charm but it's still quite striking." she rambled a bit as the other girl tried to apologize to her. She couldn't blame running into someone on the person who was standing still. But she finally stopped talking when she introduced herself. "I'm Sybil." she replied with a small smile. "Nice to meet you." she said with a nod. "I've seen you around but nice to make it official I guess. Even if it was a less than graceful first impression." Sybil laughed a little and rubbed her sweaty hands on the front of her pants to try and hid some of her nerves. "So how are you liking the ball so far?" she asked, trying to recover the interaction if she could.
Lilith could have sighed from relief when the girl did not blame her for their collision. She would have been mortified if she had been on someone's way. "Oh yes, it is very beautiful! Magic is quite amazing." Her words trailed off as she too looked up at the ceiling. Lilith smiled at her introduction, Sybil that was a very pretty name but one she had not heard often. "Yes yes, I have noticed you too around lessons and what not but it is nice to officially meet and get a name to the face. Also don't worry about it, my first impression so far of you is just fine." She laughed a little at her own words, perhaps not the smoothest ones but it should do.

"Oh the ball? It is a little overwhelming, but beautiful and hopefully it will be helpful in making new friends. Which honestly I'd consider it already have been, unless you of course are against the idea of friendship. Which would be totally fine, I won't be mad?" She could see the signs of nerves on the other girl too and it bore a little comfort to her own stumbles with nerves, but Lilith still couldn't help the small tint on her cheeks at the word vomit she had just laid on the girl.
Sybil finally seemed to relax a bit as Lili seemed as eager to chat as she was, and was already putting their awkward introduction behind them. She nodded in agreement when the other girl mentioned how overwhelming it was. Even at meal times it felt rare to have so much of the school present in one room at the same time. The chatter on top of the music was a lot to take in. "No!" she said quickly when Lili suggested the idea that she was against the idea of friendship, only to realize a second later that her choice of exclamation wasn't what she meant at all. "I mean no I'm not against it. I would like to be your friend." she insisted. "Honestly I feel like I haven't had that much luck making friends." she admitted sheepishly. "I always thought it would be easier when I got to school. Making friends. We're around so many people every day I just'd just happen." Sybil snapped her fingers for emphasis. She felt a little crazy for confiding some of her deepest fears so quickly to someone who was still a stranger. But that's how all friends started out as right? Strangers.
Lilith could have thrown up as Sybil said no, this was the end of her career as a witch. She'd move back home go back to muggle school and stray away from everything, until she heard the next words and the colour returned to her face with a smile. "Ah well then I suppose we were both in luck with the collision. Perhaps it was fate working it's magic, giving two girls a chance of friendship?" She felt a little shy saying it that way, as though she was giving a piece of her mind that made her vulnerable. Truth be told, Lili rarely spoke about fate to anyone because others often labeled it as silly and not real, but then again they lived in a world of magic so what was a little fate here and there?

"Oh yes, I grew up in a small town. Both my parents are magical but wanted to live among muggles and raise their children in there so my first years of school I strayed away from making friends, knowing full well that when I turn 11 I'd have to up and leave so was better to not make connections." She explained awkwardly, sometimes she felt a little ashamed of the way things had always been for her. Admitting that even though she grew up in a magical family the magic wasn't a big part of her up bringing. "And well then there's the fact that I have a rather low social battery and get nervous around new people so just making friends has been, well difficult and overwhelming?" The Ravenclaw really hoped all of this would make any sense to the other girl, if not then she'd cross that bridge next.
"Maybe." Sybil said with a nervous laugh. She wasn't sure she believed in fate but she liked the idea of it at least. It did make her feel slightly better about her rocky start at school. As if it was all meant to happen this way after all. She listened as Lili explained her background. One thing she really did appreciate about school is how everyone came from a different place and not just geographically. She gave the other girl a sympathetic look. It couldn't have been easy to go to school knowing you'd just have to leave. "I understand." she said sincerely and hoped she was able to sound as genuine as she felt. "My parents are muggleborn but I'm not very close with our extended family. I do see my grandparents on occasion but I kind of feel in the middle sometimes. Not as magical as some people but not completely muggle either." she explained but avoided bringing up her mother, or lack of one. "I was mostly homeschooled and I don't even have any siblings. I did go to the daycare in Obsidian sometimes but I never really got along with anyone there." she admitted. "Sometimes I think I just speak a different language than everyone else. Not literally of course."
Lilith felt like she was nodding a lot and maybe it looked stupid, but she felt like she needed to let the other girl know she was listening. "That makes sense, I was very close with my grandmother. I spent a lot of time there in my childhood since my parents were busy after my siblings were born." She explained with a smile. "Ah that too makes perfect sense and in a way I get the whole different language thing." Lilith replied with a smile. "May I ask, what has been your favourite subject so far?" There was a spark of excitement in her voice thinking about all the new things she herself had learned this year. Each subject was unique and held a world of it's own, she was eager to hear what Sybil found to be most interesting so far.
Sybil knew a lot of people looked forward to tonight because they had dates, or they wanted some of presents from under the tree, or even just for the delicious looking snacks that had been laid out for them. She had come tonight with low expectations but so far just making small talk with someone who seemed to understand her made her think that she might having the best night out of all of them. She smiled when Lili said she was close with her grandmother. She couldn't relate exactly but it sounded nice. "How many siblings do you have?" she asked curiously. It was impossible for her to ever have full siblings but sometimes she did wonder if her father would ever find someone again. She felt so relieved that the other girl seemed to understand what she was saying even when she wasn't entirely sure what she meant. "I really liked flying. I already knew how but it was nice to do it during a lesson. But I also really like history." she explained. "What about you? Are you excited to go home? Do you have any fun plans for the holidays?"
Lilith smiled at the question about her siblings. "Two, twins. They are quite the duo, Leo the older one especially." It wasn't a lie, that boy was everything she was not. Lilith had half a mind to pray everyday for her peace before the boy entered school grounds in a few years. Nodding at Sybil's explanation she couldn't help but feel a bit excited about the prospect of history lessons for herself. "I absolutely loved Astronomy, but that I knew from the start that I would. It is sort of a passion of mine. My grandmother used to take me to look at stars and I kind of just fell in love with the galaxy." If you looked closely she was sure her eyes would sparkle from the love she had for the subject. "However what took me by surprise was Transfiguration. I sort of just fell into a rabbit hole with it and it definitely is my favourite of all subjects. Oh and the Professor is good too, I really like his teaching, but even without that the art of the subject is just fascinating. I can't wait for next years lessons." Lilith explained excitedly, her voice took a higher pitch, only enough for her ear to hear or so she at least hoped.

"I am going home, my best friend Eoghan and his sister are coming with me, they live in Finland too so that is nice. I'm just going to show them around and spend time with my family. How about you?" The Ravenclaw was definitely looking forward for the up coming break.
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