Closed Doing Better This Year

Anisha Khatri

Competitive | Snarky | Bookworm | 6th year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2046 (15)
After losing her first duel last year in the tournament, Anisha was determined to do better this year. She had been a little sad not to be asked to take over for Monday, as Indi had once led SDA and she had hoped to follow in her footsteps. She had decided not to look into who it was and instead focus her energy on improving. She had lost her hard-earned duelling streak last year, but she could still win for sixth and seventh year if she tried her best. She dragged a practice dummy to the middle of the room and started firing various spells at it, mostly to warm up. She had hoped to ask someone to train with her, but she wasn't sure who to ask. For now, the dummy would have to do.
Being asked to be the new SDA leader was a rather big honour. She had immediately accepted it and felt rather eager to get started on it. The duelling tournament would be the easy thing to do, and she'd set the wheels in motion to get started on that, but other than that it was for her to play with. This was going to go well, she was going to manage well. She stepped out of the SDA room and spotted Anisha practicing. Beating her in their duel had felt good, even if she hadn't then won further. "Careful now, I don't want you destroying the dummies I have set aside for the SDA," She said boasting easily, hoping that from what she'd said Anisha would figure out who the new leader was.
Anisha felt a spike of annoyance at the sight of Savannah, and it only increased when she opened her mouth. It took a moment for her meaning to hit home, but when it did, Anisha felt furious. "You? Really? You win one duel and you get to take over?!" She asked, whirling around to face her. Then she caught herself and turned back to the dummy. She shouldn't show how much it upset her, she knew that. But it wasn't fair, this was supposed to be her legacy. Her sister had run the club! And now she never would. Savannah was in her year, so there was no chance of her takng over from her. Anisha grunted and gave the dummy a kick out of frustration.
Savannah smirked slightly at Anisha's reaction, this was exactly what she'd hoped for, to annoy her. Because she didn't understand why the girl had always tried to be nice and friendly. She didn't get it. Thought there was truly no point in being like that with people. Savannah watched as Anisha kicked the dummy. "Wow, someone has some anger and jealousy problems they should work on. I'm sure it wouldn't look good for you head girl chances if I go around saying that Anisha Khatri has anger problems," she teased.
Anisha took a deep breath, counting to ten in her head. "I don't have problems." She snapped. "It's just- it's just unfair." She said, not turning to look at Savannah as she said it, speaking instead to the dummy. She did turn her head slowly when Savannah mentioned her head girl chances. Was she really that obvious about her desire for head girl, or had someone talked? Was it just a shot in the dark? She frowned. "Who says I want to be head girl?" She asked, crossing her arms in an attempt to seem composed and casual.
Savannah wasn't sure how it was unfair, but she knew Anisha did have more wins than she did. Perhaps even it caused her to reconsider her current tone towards her. "Oh please," Savannah replied with no humour in her voice. "It's okay to want things Anisha," she told her. She couldn't say for certain that she'd known that Anisha would want it, but it just made sense to her that she would. She was a high achieving Gryffindor, she was someone who won things and did well in classes.
Anisha scowled and looked at Savannah as she spoke, not sure what to make of her now. This almost sounded... nice, at least nicer than normal. Anisha didn't trust it. She eyed her. "Fine, I want it. Are you going to mock me for it now?" She snapped. "Or is it another thing you're going to take from me?" She added, the words slipping out. She knew Savannah hadn't actually taken anything from her, but it was how it felt.
Savannah was glad to have Anisha say it and then laughed lightly. "You think I'd want that?" she said with a shake of her head. "I like being prefect, I like having this club, but head girl, please," she said. "Imagine having to be actually nice to the headmaster, or having to answer questions from first years," she made a face as she said it, like the idea was more than a little repulsive. She knew she had to do a lot of these things as a club leader and prefect, but at the very least she could be a little less, do a little less. "I'd rather be squeezed to death by a Devil's snare,"
Anisha frowned a little when Savannah said she didn't even want to be head girl. She watched her for a moment. "You have to answer questions from first years as a prefect too." She said after a beat. "It's really not that different. Besides a fancy new badge and having to give a speech..." She sighed, shoulders slumping a little. "Fine, I believe you. But can you go tell the headmaster real quick? Because I honestly don't think you get a choice. You just get the badge and you gotta do it." She sighed, blowing some hair out of her face. "How did you figure out I wanted it, anyway?" She asked in a slightly quieter voice. It was unnerving, having someone she didn't like read her that easily.
Savannah shook her head. "You don't have to" Savannah replied. She didn't think they had to as prefects, they just had to not lose points or be super rude. "Do you want me to?" she then said, almost completely serious that if this girl really wanted her to, she would tell the headmaster that she didn't want it. Savannah had never been afraid of professors and she tough most of them were pretty useless. "Well, you achieve highly in classes, you like winning, I can tell you're happy to be prefect, and you're a gryffindor, Gryffindor are ambitious a lot of the time, so, head girl," Savannah said with a little shrug. "It just makes sense,"
Anisha snorted when Savannah said you didn't have to be nice to first years. "Pretty sure it's what's expected of you." She said, feeling surprisingly amused. She balked a little at her question and quickly shook her head. "No! No, don't do that. It'll sound like I made you." She said hurriedly. "It's a fair game, right? And if you get it I guess we'll both be miserable." Anisha sighed softly as Savannah mentioned things about her, all true. She supposed it was difficult to spend six years in the same school and not know each other somewhat. "Okay, I guess I'm predictable." She said, turning back to the dummy with a small sigh. "My sister was head girl, I don't know if you remember her." They had been in third year back then, Anisha was pretty sure.
Savannah gave a little shrug indifferent to telling or not. It was just the same to her, whether she did or didn't speak to the head master. "I'm also a ravenclaw, figuring things out is kind of our whole deal," she replied as if it was obvious. She shook her head. "I didn't really pay attention to that before," Savannah replied. "But it's not the end of the world to not get it. Like it's a pretty pointless title anyway," she added with a shrug.
Anisha rolled her eyes slightly when Savannah said she was a Ravenclaw and that was why she figured it out. "You guys aren't actually smarter than the rest of us." She muttered, aiming and shooting another spell at the dummy, this time a trip jinx. It hit squarely. Anisha wondered how Savannah couldn't have noticed who the head girl and boy were, but there were probably more people like her who just didn't care. "I know. It is pointless." She said with a sigh. "She ran the SDA too." She added more quietly, grudgingly. She didn't want to explain herself to this girl, but she also kind of did.
Savannah rolled her eyes at the statement, because she knew that Ravenclaws were generally smarter, they maybe didn't win all of the time, or get the best grades, but she knew it was because to Ravenclaws, largely being the best wasn't what drove them. She watched Anisha cast a spell and then nodded a little. "Oh," she replied when Anisha said that her sister had held the position which Savannah herself now held. No wonder her attitude had changed. "Legacies don't matter," she replied simply. "In even ten years time, people will see my name and won't care to know who I was while I led this, It doesn't matter," she could tell that it likely did matter to Anisha, but she was trying to press that it really didn't matter.
Anisha didn't know why she had revelaed something personal to Savannah. She hated the Ravenclaw, at least disliked her. It had been easier to just be angry with her and dislike her. She kept shooting spells at the dummy, glad that she seemed to hit it somewhere every time. She needed to be on top of her game for the next tournament. She snorted at Savannah's words. "Easy for you to say. Let me guess, you're an only child?" She asked, glancing at her with a raised eyebrow.
Savannah hadn't expected that reaction to what she had said, she gave a little nod. "Yeah, I am," She replied. She gave a little sigh glancing away from Anisha and then back at her. "With good reason too, my parents are pretty useless, I was the mistake they didn't repeat," she didn't feel great about admitting this to the one person who she really didn't like, but it was also fairly harmless. Nothing more than stating the fact about herself.
Anisha had been focused on the dummy and turned around in shock when Savannah said her parents were useless. She was frustrated with her parents sometimes, but she would never say something like that. "Wow. I mean, I'm not your biggest fan but I don't know if I'd call you a mistake." She said, trying to joke a bit though she felt like it fell a little flat.
Savannah rolled her eyes at the reaction and then too at what the girl said. "Please," she said with a bored tone, indicating that she did not need the platitudes from Anisha. "My point is that, yes, maybe I'm an only child, and maybe no one expects anything from me, but, legacy isn't everything, and in a few years time no one will care about how I led a student club,"

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