Closed Doing A Little Better

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader let out a tired breath, there was a thin layer of sweat on his brow. He held up a hand to Goku and indicated that he’d truly had enough. Training with him, learning to fight was difficult, but he knew it would be entirely worth it in the end. He hadn’t been that good at it to begin with and the last few months had been pretty bad as Vader’s sleep had been non-existent. Today he was a little better rested, the sleep at his surprise birthday, was seemingly resetting him, though since he hadn’t slept through a night. He kept on his feet and went to his stuff, he took out two water bottles and then the little box of grapes and then sat down on the ground. He motioned for Goku to come sit with him, holding out the spare bottle of water to him. ”Every time I think I’m a little better, you kick my a$s,” he had a faint smile on his face despite how tiring it had been.
Goku was a little tired after brawling with Vader, which he was getting a lot better. Goku was exhausted after the session, and when Vader held up a hand to stop, Goku gave a curt nod since he too was finished for now. He walked over and sat down next to Vader, gratefully taking the bottle of water. He opened the lid and took a small drink of it, to ensure that he doesn't choke. Goku chuckled, "Well, I am a step below black belt, so I am still holding back a fair bit. Doesn't mean that you aren't wearing me out though." Goku took a towel from his small back and dabbed his forehead with it. Goku glanced over at Vader, giving a light smile toward him. Even now, he looked good, tired but good. He was really growing into the prefect badge. Not that Goku would admit that right now.
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Vader took a small sip of the water, he felt quite tired, but it wasn’t the same exhaustion he normally felt, it felt better, he always felt better after spending time with Goku, even if they only trained a little. ”Yeah?” Vader asked a cautious smile, even the slightest bit of knowledge that he was wearing Goku out a little was nice, it felt good to know he was getting better. He looked at his sparring partner, letting his gaze move around the boy’s face, catching Goku looking at Vader, much like how Vader was looking at him. He felt his cheeks blush lightly and he glanced away quickly. ”Grape?” he held up the little box, holding Goku’s gaze better.
Goku nodded, "Yeah, of course. I don't like lying." The Slytherin took another drink of water, and glanced over at Vader once more. He could have sworn that he saw Vader blush a little bit. Or maybe the redness was from being tired. He looked back down at his lap and smiled to himself. He could hope that he saw the blush and assumed that it might be for him. Vader offered him a grape, which caused Goku to lock eyes with him. He nodded, "Thank you, Vader." He took a couple from the box, and popped one into his mouth. After he swallowed, he looked toward Vader one more, giving him a small smile. "You know, I like spending this time with you."
Vader felt himself smile more as Goku seemed to assure him that he was improving. He smiled at him, letting a proud warmth on his features as he looked to Goku. It seemed that Vegeta was laying off a bit, but he didn’t want to stop now just in case. He took a few grapes for himself. The statement made him both smile and blush deeply, and he looked at Goku a little shyly. He liked spending time with Goku, whether fighting or not. ”I like it too,” he answered, looking up at him, and giving the boy a little smile. He liked it a whole lot. Every time he was with Goku he liked it, his heart felt warm and he just wanted to spend more time with him. ”Thanks for coming to my birthday party,” Vader had enjoyed it, but it had been nice to see Goku there. "I know it probably wasn't much fun for you, but it was nice to see you,"
Goku, the more he kept looking toward Vader, taking in the features, the more he thought that maybe, just maybe, Vader felt the same way about him, as Goku felt about Vader. But, it would be foolish to act on that, not without absolute certainty. "Maybe we should do more together than just teaching you self defence," Goku chuckled, before taking another drink of water. Though, it would be nice doing more than that. Studying, or in general. That was coming from his own yearning to spend more time with his crush though. So, the intentions were a little more than friendly, though if it was just the latter, Goku would gladly have that. Vader thanked him for coming to his birthday party, which Goku nodded, "I wasn't expected to get an invite, to be honest. I tend to stick to myself, opposed to a few others. But, I only went because I wanted to see you surprised over that celebration. That and it was your birthday of course."
Vader found himself nodding before he could stop as Goku suggested they spend more time together. He wanted to, he didn’t want to hide that. ”Yeah, we should,” The time he spent training with Goku was fun, despite being hard work, so the idea of spending time where they could just spend time together was welcome in his mind. Vader paused a little though, ”Wouldn’t your brother mind if he saw us?” Vader asked, clearly eager to spend the time, but unable to help think of the primary reason they were even spending time together. He had already thought about when he had time to suggest that they do something. He took small sip of his drink, unable to help the little glances towards Goku with the little smile on his face. ”Whens your birthday?” Vader hoped it hadn’t already passed, he hoped he could do something for him for his birthday it would nice.
Goku could not help but laugh softly when Vader agreed, but then brought up the subject of his brother. Of course, that would be one of Vader’s concerns. Goku shrugged his shoulders, “It wouldn’t matter if he cared or not. After all, I can beat him to a pulp.” Goku only spoke the truth on that, since no matter what Vegeta thought, Goku would do what he wanted. Although, Vegeta accepted his sexuality. Goku dated a little bit back in Japan. Boys and girls. None of that mattered. “I could ask you the same thing, but replacing brother with girlfriend,” Goku knew about Vader’s dating. It wasn’t hard to figure out, since Asphodel King was in his house. “Oh, my birthday is in September. Fun fact, I’m the oldest of the triplets, and Vegeta is the youngest.”
Vader couldn’t help but smile softly at that, the thought that it wouldn’t matter if vegeta didn’t like it, Goku would still want to hang out. His expression fell slightly as Goku returned the question about his girlfriend, his checks blushed lightly, ”Oh, it wouldn’t matter either,” he said quickly, repeating Goku’s words back to him, ”I don’t think we’re going to last anyway,” Vader looked back up at Goku with a little smile, he hadn’t really brought Pho up a lot, he didn’t really want to think about Pho when he was around others, especially Goku, since in his heart he knew he was lying to her. ”September,” he always forgot that Goku was a triplet, ”Do you do much for your birthday?” he asked, it was a pity that his birthday had passed and he couldn’t return the favour to him by doing something for his birthday.
Goku cocked his head to the side as Vader blushed, and then said that it wouldn't matter. It wasn't going to last? As much as Goku wanted to ask why, the Slytherin decided to keep his mouth shut on it. It might be harmful to dive into it. "Either way, I hope whatever happens, it works out for the best, for you." Goku meant that with sincerity. Though, when Vader asked what he did for his birthday, The Slytherin looked away for a moment. He shrugged his shoulders. "I am normally in class on my birthday. So, I don't do much of anything. My dad and siblings send gifts but that's it." Goku was not too big on parties since he was one of the loner types. "Parties aren't my thing, actually."
Vader smiled a little at his statement, ”Are you seeing anyone?” Vader knew he brought up his girlfriend a lot, most of the time to try and make sure no one thought anything else of him, but Goku hadn’t really talked about it, and he was curious for a couple reasons as to what Goku’s life outside of this was. It was partly why, he felt quite keen to get to know him outside of these four walls. He had to imagine Goku had someone, in Vader’s mind there was no way, that he couldn’t, after all, he was so cool and nice and cute….not that Vader would say any of that out loud. He was a little saddened that Goku didn’t do anything for his birthday, Vader tended to not, though Ava liked to do things and he was always grateful. ”Maybe when your birthday rolls back around we could do something, not a party, but like we could have cake in the kitchens?” Vader knew it was far away but he thought it would be nice to do that for him.
Jigoku shook his head when asked the question. Last time he dated someone, it was during the time he was at Mahoutokuro. Goku answered, "No, I've not seen anyone since I left Mahoutokuro. I dated another boy named Shigeru. It lasted about eight months until I changed schools." Goku shrugged his shoulders. Sometimes he missed Shigeru, but for now, the two remained distant friends. A part of him believed that he still remained friends with the boy was because the two shared the same culture, and wrote to each other in Japanese. After all, English was not Goku's first language. He had not struggled with it since his first year. Having cake in the kitchen did sound a lot more pleasant than a party. "Sounds like a good plan to me. As long as it isn't vanilla cake. I hate vanilla." Goku chuckled, since that was true. He was not a fan of vanilla cake at all. It was just so bland.
Vader nodded, and tried his best to hide his slight surprise at the news that Goku had dated a boy….it was good wasn’t it..that was good for him...he would be better placed. But if Goku hadn’t bbeen interested in anyone since then, he certainly would be interest in well… any way. The gryffindor ran his hand through the sweaty heair and sighed slightly, he was just letting himself get his hopes up and he just needed to focus, there wasn’t any way that Goku would ever like him like that, he knew this, it would have to bbe the case. Vader looked up at and felt a little more positive about the future, he would put a mental not to not bother with anything vanilla. That he would just have to get something else, or maybe he could ask Lillian to help him out, he could make them himself. The gryffindor just nodded, ”Okay, when your birthday rolls back around, we’ll do something,” he knew that that was pretty in the future but it was just a future future plan, there would bbe more in the mean time. Vader smiled a little at him, ”I should get going, the work doesn’t stop,” he said with a shy expression, ”You probably have other people you want to spend the time with,” the boy said. ”Same time next week?”

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