Open Do you wanna play hairdresser?

Beatrice Grey

"Bea" | Minor Nuisance | American
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
12 (05/2051)
Beatrice grunted as Maggie pulled on her hair, trying to get it into a tighter braid. "You're going to make me bald," she argued, feeling like her forehead was already big enough. She had just wanted her hair out of her face, and her sister was a decent hairstylist. The Ravenclaw wished there were charms, which she was sure there were somewhere, that could help her do her hair without her twin's assistance. As Maggie tied a ribbon around the bottom, Bea pulled her now blonde hair braid over her shoulder. "Thanks," she said snarkily. "You know, it doesn't have to be the tightest braid in the world. I just wanted to be able to practice magic without it in my face."
Maggie had thought her braid looked nice as she finished up tying the bottom of her sister's hair. She sighed and plopped into an empty chair, pulling her wand out of her pocket. "You know, if you don't like it, you can do it yourself," she said, pointing her wand at the plait. "Accio ribbon," she grinned, watching as the ribbon started to come undone and float towards her hand. Bea managed to catch it in thin air and whine for a moment. "Oh, come off it. Just pull it into a pony or something. Better yet, do one of your figure skating buns. They look soooooooo attractive."
Logan had quickly decided which places in Hogwarts were cool and which places weren't. The library was definitel not cool, the same went for most of the classrooms. But the common room was cool, as were the kitchens and the student lounge. He liked that they had this place where they apparently could just sit around and play games, though he saw some people studying too. Why didn't they go to the library? He preferred going outside, but today the weather really wasn't right for it. He had grabbed an old weathered pack of exploding snap cards that was lying in a cupboard full of games. He looked around for anyone his age to ask to play with him, but quickly got distracted as he watched two twin girls bicker. They didn't look much older than him, but he knew they weren't in his year. He grinned, dropping down in a seat near them. "Can you do me next?" He joked, gesturing to his very short cropped hair.
"Hey, stop it!" Beatrice called to her sister, frustrated by how she was prone to teasing even from her own family. "The bun is a style for competition. It's not like your riding outfits are cute," she glared before pulling her hair up in a messy bun. A boy interrupted them, and Bea looked at Maggie before looking back at him. "You want her to braid your hair?" she asked, unsure how much braiding would take place with such short hair.
Maggie looked at the boy and then back at Bea. She wouldn't mind playing hairdresser with something that would be challenging to her, like short hair. "We could add all the ribbons. Do you like glittery or satin?" she asked, unsure if the boy was serious. Either way, she would do it if he wanted.
Logan couldn't believe the girls seemed to take him seriously.At least, the first one who spoke seemed to. At their questions, he laughed. "You know I was joking, right? I barely have hair." He snorted. "Besides, that's all girly stuff." He said, waving it off. "My sister might like that kinda stuff, but its not for me."
Maggie rolled her eyes as the boy denied any interest in getting his hair done. "I know plenty of boys who like ribbons in their hair, macho man." Sure, most of those "guys" were just guy horses, but it still counted, right? Plus, fancy British people had ribbons in their hair before hairbands all the time. She looked back at her twin and grabbed two strands out of the three she needed to rebraid her twin's hair.
Beatrice tried not to squeal as her sister grabbed her head and placed her hand on the side of her scalp. "What's your name?" she asked the boy, seeing as they had no semblance of who he was. "Does your sister also go hereeeeOW!" she asked before yelling as Maggie pulled apart of the braid too tight.
Logan wrinkled his nose slightly when one of the girls said she knew plenty of boys who liked ribbons in their hair. He doubted it, as he hadn't seen anyone like that at Hogwarts. He thought it was weird, but he decided not to say anything about that. He laughed a little as the other girl tried to talk to him and then got her hair pulled. "I'm Logan, and yeah she's in fourth year." He said dismissively. "I don't see her much."

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