Do as I Command

Theodore Snow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hawthorn Wand 13" Essence of Serpent Scale
Theodore pulled the dark blue curtains aside to stare out the window. It was snowing outside right now. Winter in France could be harsh at times but for the time being it was actually not too bad. Perhaps later he would ask Aleyha to go on a walk with him later. But for now, he has other matters to deal with. Even if he would prefer to just pretend like it never happened. But some of the family were worried about the trouble this could bring for the family if things were to get out of hand. They looked to him for decisions so it was his call on what happened. Theodore closed the curtains and turned away from the window. Astoria was already in the room with him, but he could tell by the look on her face that she didn't really want to be here at all. As the family's adviser she had to constantly shadow Theodore's every move to make sure he followed according to what his ancestor's wanted for everyone. Basically she was the equivalent of a secretary. But it was for a family thing instead of for a business. It was probably the most difficult of jobs because she was at Theodore's mercy for the most part. They never agreed on methods. Astoria favored one way and he favored another, Theodore often suspected that she sided with his sister. In no way did she idolize the Aurors, but she often complained or threw a fit when bloodshed or harm to someone was mentioned. Theodore figured that the only reason she stuck to the job instead of running like a coward, was because she was scared of Theodore. She knew very well that he could hurt her. He could hurt anyone he wanted. He was in charge. He didn't care if Antoine was her brother or not. "Where's your damn brother at?" Theodore questioned gruffly as she walked past her and sat down into his chair. He had summoned Antoine some time ago. But he had yet to show his face. He was on the run yes, but it took less than a moment to Apparate here. So what was keeping him? They didn't have all damn day. Theodore wanted this dealt with as soon as possible. The longer they messed around with this the more of a threat she could become to the whole lot of them. Theodore could be considered heartless for this but he frankly didn't care. She wasn't any of his business. This was Antoine's mess and he was going to be the one to fix it too. If he didn't want too, that was too bad. Theodore didn't care.

Astraea Essen. The mother of Antoine's three year old. To the others, she was a huge threat. She was a Daily Prophet Journalist. The family worried that her access to the news could bring them trouble, as journalists had a tendency to gossip. What if she revealed them to be Death Eater's? Other than good blood she wasn't really any use to them anyways. It was Antoine's job to do this kind of work anyways, so Theodore was going to assign him with the job of getting rid of her. If he wanted his son he could take him. If not he would execute him as well. It didn't matter to Theodore. It wasn't up to Astoria either, Theodore told her to leave her brother alone about this. But he knew that she was going to try and convince him of something. The part that worried Theodore about it was how close they were. Would she get through to him and make him change his decision. Theodore would do what he could to keep her from messing things up. Just because she had a good heart didn't mean that she had to go inflict it on others when it wasn't needed.
Astoria would rather be anywhere but in this office right now. Life had been good to her lately, but being here sort of killed any good feeling she might have had before. If it wasn't for her fear of Theodore and Aleyha and her desire to protect her brother, she would've left this job a long time ago. Astoria hoped to one day make her brother stop what he was doing to people, she just wanted her big brother back. Right now she could really use all the family support she could get. Antoine was the one person who didn't really treat her like crap, other than Taralynn. Even though she had been kicked out by her parents because of an unfortunate circumstance, things were slowly starting to look up for her. Jarrett had taken her in. Living with him wasn't as bad as she pictured it would be, even if he did piss her off sometimes. Whether the situation was ideal or not, at least she had a place to stay. She still had her job as a Quidditch player. She loved Quidditch. It helped her get out so much of the anger she was feeling about things. About her parents, about losing her hope for finding her true love bit by bit with every man that broke her heart, about all the killing her family did, about everything she was. There was so much for her to be angry about. There was a silver lining within her life right now though. A few weeks ago, she made a new friend. Tristane. No they weren't dating or in love but they were actually legit friends. He was really easy to talk to and he was such a sweetheart. Astoria did prefer guys who were a bit meaner but a sweet guy like that did some good for her. He helped her gain her confidence back that was lost when her most recent beau broke her heart just a little bit more. It felt good to feel somewhat confident in herself again. "I don't know." Astoria answered. She wished Theodore would stop pulling her brother further and further from being better. She didn't care that he supported the dark arts, or that he hated Aurors. but what she did hate was him killing others. He was losing his humanity and that scared her so very much.

Theodore wanted him to kill Astraea. Astoria worried that if he killed her his last chance at having humanity left would be taken along with it. While he was asleep there was something there. Something in him felt for her. But when he was awake he didn't remember. There had to be some humanity in there somewhere. But Theodore was going to make him lose everything if he had her killed, and...what about the baby? Would Antoine want to spare the baby? "Theodore you can-" He held up his hand to shut her up and Astoria shut her mouth. Even if she wasn't into children just yet, she didn't want this poor baby to have a messed up life like they had. He needed a mother. Antoine needed Astraea to give him something to stay sane with, he needed her to keep his humanity alive with him!​
Antoine Sciron Snow had been summoned by Theodore Snow, their so-called Head, to the Manor. He had been resting comfortably in Canada, away from the relentless Aurors when he had received the notification. Antoine may be the personal assassin for the Snow family, and he was good at what he did, Antoine did have a mind of his own. As long as he didn't do childish chores, then he would do as the boy asked. There was no reason why he wouldn't kill for Theodore, but he often wondered if the Head had killed himself. Perhaps he should show him how it is done. Antoine finally rose from the bed, before he shadowed himself in his black cloak, and removed himself from the country. It was very risky for him traveling out in the open, especially in New Zealand. His aunt had managed to gain control of that country and she held no mercy for family, even wanted for the sake of her job. Antoine eventually made it to the Snow Manor, where when others had seen him, they managed to back away one step. Antoine was not what one would call a normal Death Eater. He held no mercy, and was ruthless. He was cold and cared for basically nothing. He did as he was told, and he only showed some sort of commitment to his sister. He now believed that he had a son once he had a good look at that family tree, but there was not much he could do on it. Antoine continued to walk through the corridors, and he looked ahead with his piercing blue eyes that could make a giant shudder. Antoine did not have his wand out, so he was not so much as vicious, but he could easily harm someone with just his bare hands. It helped him become wanted after all.

The Death Eater walked into the room where his sister and Theodore were waiting. His eyes fell onto his sister for a moment, before looking down at Theodore. He folded his arms across his chest before he leaned up against the doorway. There was not an expression on his skeletal face, or on his pale blue eyes. Long, nearly bony fingers tapped his arm and contrasted against the black robes. The use of Dark Arts was taking a toll on him, and it was showing. That and lack of proper sleep. Which he would have to go to someone in the family to assist him with his issues. All he knew, he could be helping the Aurors find him, and Antoine was not willing to go to Azkaban. For any reason. He did not want to go, and he refused to go. He often fought for his rights, and he normally escaped before capture. One could only dodge them for so long. He continued to stare at the Head before he inquired, "Who do you need killed." Antoine got straight to the point, because he was needing some good quality sleep. He looked downright awful. Not that he personally cared on how he looked, he simply wanted to get his sleep in order, so that he wouldn't have any more bastard children. He had no idea what person would die, but he was sure that he was going to have freedom to do as he willed.
Theodore narrowed his eyes at his cousin. He didn't want her opening her big mouth again. Just because she had a conscience didn't mean she had rain on anyone else's parade. Astoria was not much more than a nuisance to him these days. Her job was kind of like an assistant. All she had to do was fetch things when Theodore requested them. Or find someone. It was easy but lately she had been making it more and more difficult. It was actually getting on the former Slytherin's nerves. All she had to do was do what he asked and stay out of the way. Not to mention leave her brother alone while he did his work. But she had to always step in the way. "I swear to god Astoria, if you mess this up...." Theodore shook his head and stared at her. His eyes were fill of seriousness. He wasn't playing around. Astoria and her brother meant little to him but mindless slaves so he would hold no regret in ceasing their existence. He just hoped that Astoria realized this. He could easily replace her. He met eyes with the brunette before he cleared his throat. It wouldn't be long before Antoine would be here and he didn't want her causing trouble with getting the job done. "Whether you like the idea of it or not, this job needs to be done. She could be a potential threat to us. Especially your brother. You don't want anything to happen to your you?" Silence. Theodore knew she didn't. Her brother was just about the only one she had left. Her adopted parents didn't really want anything to do with her or her brother. Her real parents weren't in the picture either. So Antoine was all she had left. Theodore knew she would do just about anything in order to protect him. Hopefully this would convince her to just let the situation be. When Antoine stepped into the room Theodore turned his attention from Astoria to him. Theodore felt like Antoine was loyal. He knew that he would get the job done with little question. He was far more tolerable than his sister was. The fact that he didn't seem to have a conscience like his sister did was comforting.

Theodore didn't hesitate to pull a photo and slide it across the desk for Antoine to take. It was a photo of Astraea Essen. He was pretty sure Antoine would know who she was, after all, he did have a child with her. Even if he didn't know about it until just recently. "I'm sure you know by now who she is. Astraea Essen. I recently came across the fact that she's a Daily Prophet Journalist. We were concerned that she might discover who we are and what we do. If she were to open her mouth, serious consequences could be given to us." Theodore explained. His voice growing more and more strong with every word that spilled from his lips. It was important that Antoine understood what those consequences were. Since he was on the run he of all people would know how dangerous someone like Astraea could be. Whether or not she did have a child with him. "Get rid of her. Do what you want with the child. Take him in as your own, give him away, kill him, whatever. He's not my problem." Theodore waved Antoine off. He could do what he wanted to do with his own child. If Antoine wanted nothing to do with him, whatever. If he wanted to take him in and subdue him to his lifestyle he could do that too. Theodore didn't care either way. As soon as Astoria opened her mouth to stop him Theodore glared at her threateningly. He was very close to firing a curse at her. She knew better than to keep interrupting.
Astoria was trying her hardest not to cry right now. The fact that Theodore was willing to let a woman die just because he was afraid of what she would say was ridiculous. Astraea had no right to be killed just for that. Especially when she had a child to take care of. A child who depended on her. Astoria feared that Antoine would listen to Theodore. He would agree to killing her. He probably didn't remember this because of the sleeping condition he had, but when he was in his dreamland, he really seemed to be attached to them both. After all why would he keep inviting her over and over again if he didn't like her? Astoria knew that there was something deep inside that heart of his. Something that wouldn't want her to die like this. But she couldn't explain how she knew. Astoria had never been in love. Chances were neither had Antoine. But here he had the opportunity to maybe find out. But Theodore was going to make him throw all of that away. There was no reason for him to do it either. Astoria wanted her brother to be happy and settle down. Maybe then it would keep him out of trouble and Astoria wouldn't have to worry about him every single day. 'I just don't know what to do....' Astoria thought to herself as she watched her brother enter the room. Her amber eyes quivered as she continued to fight back the fact that she wanted to cry right now. Yes, she was just that angry right now. It wasn't fair. Being in this family wasn't fair. Gabrielle had mentioned a few times that she wanted to defect from this family. By defect she meant disband herself from it. Leave and focus on better things in her life. Gabrielle had a family now that she worried about so she had a good enough reason to leave Theodore's rule. But Astoria didn't have much else other than her brother. Did she have enough in her name worth protecting? Not really. Astoria really had no where else to go right now. For a minute the brunette wished that her friend Taralynn was here. Taralynn would definitely have given Theodore a ear full or two. But she wasn't here and Astoria had to face this problem on her own.

"Theodore you can't be serious!" Theodore stood up from his seat as if he were going to hit her or something but Astoria narrowed her eyes at him, she was older than he was. If the little punk wanted to fight, so be it. It was when he had the others with him that she grew scared. Astoria could handle Theodore himself fine, but the rest of the family on top of it, no. The family itself really didn't like Astoria and Antoine. They were biologically the children of Isaac Snow. Whom was an outcast. He was a brute too. The family hated him. Astoria didn't know him at all, but if he was that bad she was glad that she and Antoine had never really met him since he was six years older than she was. Antoine might remember him, but Astoria didn't at all. Theodore handed Antoine a picture and waved him off. Was Antoine going to kill them both, or was he going to take the baby? Astoria feared that he might view the boy as a nuisance and kill him too. Astoria waited to see if her brother was going to agree and leave or if he had a complaint. If he left then Astoria vowed she would follow after him.​
The trained killer took the photo into his hand, and his eerie pale blue eyes narrowed upon it. Antoine knew this woman. Astraea. The one that he somehow had a very complex relationship with. She was one that he did not care about, love, or even like. There was nothing there. The last time that he had seen her, she exploded for no known reason to him after she kissed him. This was exactly why women were such a nuisance. He preferred to be alone, and to do what he believed that he was destined to do, which was kill. It was the only thing that he knew to do. That and remain loyal to the Snow family, and his sister. Whichever was stronger, one would never know unless they put it to the test. As a man without a conscience, he was dangerous to everyone he was around. All of his opinions were kept to himself. He feared nothing, because he quite literally could feel nothing, nothing but anger and rage. Even then it was hardly expressed. Antoine however had loyalties, and all should go toward what he was loyal to. Antoine briefly looked over at Astoria, before he crumpled the picture in his hand. It was a sign, that he was going to go through with it. To murder the witch that managed to make a mess of things, and he would have to debate over her son. Antoine uttered, "Considering the fact that she was afraid of a Death Eater, she may not be afraid of the consequence that will befall. Her fate is sealed, and I will kill her, however way I please." They were the darkest words that could have been said from someone that Astraea could have considered a friend. Someone that was going to kill her, and had no regrets. Antoine did not need an explanation. He knew that she was a threat to them all. She knew where he was, and how she could reach him.

Astraea's outburst just costed her the ultimate price, her life. He flourished his wand and made the picture turn into ash, and vanished the ashes. However he could do what he wanted with this kid. He narrowed his eyes at Theodore, looking as though he was somewhat aggravated, but it was not so. He suggested the ludicrous. Antoine murmured icily, "I don't believe in separating a mother from its child. He'll be buried next to her." As far as he was concerned, Orion was no son of his. He didn't know anything about the boy, didn't know what he looked like or anything. He was almost certain that the boy's blood was not pure, so he wouldn't be missed. Antoine did not have a complaint in what he was told to do. Without wasting anymore of his time, and Theodore's, he started to walk out of the door. He did not need to be here, and somehow he had to find out where that little witch lived. Sometimes it did not take too long for him to find his target, but other times it took him a while. It all depended on where they were. But his first clue was that she worked in the Daily Prophet's offices. That told him a lot. He would have lots of fun with this. Antoine was going to make that woman pay. For something that he wasn't too sure on, but he knew that she was not going to live for much longer. Little did he know, there were higher powers at work. The last thing that he wanted was Astoria going off and trying to stop him. Once things were decided, it was hard to change his mind.
<COLOR color="#000">Astoria had to fight back tears. Never in her life she had been as disappointed in her brother as she was right now. He was actually going to go through with it and kill that woman. Although the meeting between Astoria and Astraea had been brief, Astoria had actually spoken to the women a few times. Astraea actually seemed like the type of person Antoine would taken an interest in. She was serious, stubborn, and preferred more simple things. It was easy to see why part of him drew to her. But now that Antoine was awake, he wasn't able to listen to his subconscious as well as he should. 'He doesn't remember how much he likes her.' Astoria thought to herself sadly. Astoria wanted her brother to stop the killing. He was already wanted by the Aurors and the Ministry, this was only going to make it worse. She didn't know if she could make it without her brother. He had to be safe or Astoria would never be able to forgive herself for letting him get caught. But how was she to keep him from getting caught if he kept bringing himself into that situation? On top of that, she wanted him to have a good life. Antoine and Astoria had never quite had a happy life. But if he had the chance at one, Astoria thought he should go for it. He deserved to be happy. But he was going to ruin his shot at happiness if he didn't stop that. There was no way to get that through to him either. Astoria turned away so she didn't have to look at her brother. At least not until he revealed the fact that that he was going to kill the baby too. "Antoine!" How could he be so heartless? That was his son he was talking about! Astoria knew that one day she wanted a family of her own, but it was proving to be more difficult than she had imagined. She practically repelled men at times. But it was her dream to one day have that. Antoine already had this, and he didn't seem to care at all. Not only did it make Astoria jealous that her brother got something she wanted without even trying, but the fact that he seemed to care so little upset her. He needed to appreciate the fact that he had something special. He cared for them both. Astoria knew he did. He just couldn't remember that he did. As soon as Antoine left the room, Astoria could feel Theodore's eyes on her. It upset her that this was all his fault to begin with too. "F*ck you, Theodore." Was all Astoria could say to him before she rolled her eyes and followed after her brother. She had to stop him from doing this. He was making a huge mistake! If she couldn't stop him in time, he was going to ruin a lot of things for himself. This was his chance art happiness. Astoria just had to make him see that.

They ended up somewhere in a town before Astoria had finally caught up with him. They were probably in New Zealand because it looked nothing like France did right now. New Zealand was where Astraea was currently living as well. "ANTOINE!" Astoria screamed as she ran after him. Astoria finally found herself close to him and brought her arms out to shove at him. He was a lot bigger than she was, so it was likely that he wouldn't even move an inch. But hopefully it at least got his attention. Astoria had been doing that shove thing since they were kids. Astoria never had a chance at taking her brother out, but she tried. Astoria stood in front of him, blocking his path. Or well, trying to block his path. "Antoine you cannot be serious about this! You're actually going to do what Theodore says and kill them? He's your son! I refuse to let you do this." Astoria knew she could do little to stop him. She was smaller and less skilled with magic. But she had to try. A part of her knew she had to stop the killing. The killing made her sick. Her brother was going to get into trouble. Somehow, this had to end. It had to end fast before something happened. Astoria crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her amber eyes. As much as she loved her brother, she hated his decisions.​
Despite the fact that Antoine could hear his sister calling out toward him, Antoine continued to walk. He could care less about what she thought. He was doing what he was told, seeing as that was the only thing functioning in his brain for the time being. Having the potion ingredients to assist with his sleeping issue, he left the Snow Manor, and before long he was in New Zealand with a hood over his head, and his skeletal features hidden from everyone. He did not want to be recognized, seeing as he was wanted in more countries that he could count on his two hands. Antoine was not going to stop killing either. By now, it was the only thing he knew. Bringing harm to others helped him with his inner turmoils which were complex. Antoine could only feel so much, as the rest was damaged. His morals were twisted around. The only thing he did care about was his sister, and if he was not dealing with Aurors and things on his case, he would help her out the best way that he could. Just right now it seemed impossible. Antoine looked about the town in New Zealand that he was in before he heard a scream of his name, before he flinched slightly, and he turned around to see that his sister had managed to follow him. He could not help but be impressed with her skills of being able to follow him. She seemed to know his tricks better than any other person. Antoine stopped walking, and he stopped to let her catch up. He narrowed his pale, blue eyes that lacked any sort of life anymore, and he wondered why she wanted to stop him more than anyone else. She must have felt like she was apart of this somehow. Antoine folded his arms across his chest, and he felt her hands upon his body, but he stood firm, before he looked down at Astoria through icy blue eyes into amber that looked somewhat frantic. She must have really cared for Astraea and the kid more than he did. He still felt that they should die however.

The Death Eater listened to what his sister said, and he smirked slightly when she said that she refused to let him do what he believed would be the overall right thing to do. Antoine shrugged with his shoulders, before he said in a cold, almost bored voice, "I have never been a joking person, Astoria. I figured you would have known this. I was debating on killing them myself because Astraea has something wrong with her, and I don't remember having a son. I doubt Orion knows anything about our family, or else I would have heard of him from other members of the family, even you." Antoine would have received some sort of letters, while he was awake and conscious, asking about his son and how he was doing, but there was nothing. Antoine continued to look down at Astoria and he started to wonder if she really cared about their lives. Did she know them? Would their deaths bring her sorrow? Or was it something else, something that he had and she possibly wanted? Antoine wondered what she was thinking anyway. What could she possibly do to stop him? He would overpower her, and keep her away as he did what he believed. Antoine was simply curious to see why she cared so much. She must have had something within her that he did not have for anyone. "What does it matter to you anyway? Their lives are meaningless. Astraea doesn't mean anything to the family, and I doubt even you would befriend her, and Orion is a mistake from my sleeping issues. I'm already wanted with my head on a platter, so it can't get any worse." Antoine's voice seemed to have leveled, and sounded rather tired. He was exhausted, and he wanted to get to a hotel with another fake alias, and get some sleep.
Astoria huffed and had to resist the urge to frown when she saw her brother smirk at her for telling him that she refused to let him do this. As much as she loved her brother, it bothered her with how sadistic he would be with things. It scared her that she might be the only thing he would keep close to his heart, and there were times when even she felt distanced from him. Astoria had done so much to keep him safe. Even as far as lying to Aurors about his whereabouts. It could get her into trouble. But without her brother she would truly be alone. "There is nothing wrong with her Antoine! She is just confused! You write to her, and want her to be around you, then the next minute you act as if you don't remember her and want her to get away. She's confused by you! By us! Of course you don't remember having a son! Antoine I don't think you realize this yet, but you live a completely different life when you're tired." Astoria tried to explain. She didn't know what was up with her brother but he did strange things when he was tired. He didn't even have to be fully asleep. Just tired. He would say unusual things, do unusual things. It was maddening. She didn't blame Astraea for being confused by all of this. "I didn't say anything because Theodore told me not to!" Astoria hissed. She didn't like to listen to Theodore but out of fear she did it anyways. Astoria didn't want to die. Nor did she want her brother to get hurt either. There had to be some way that she could save this woman's life. Astoria didn't mind Astraea. She was quiet and she didn't harshly judge Astoria for the mistakes she made. In fact she was one of the few people that found Astoria's actions to protect the only family she had admirable. Orion was cute as hell too. Couldn't Antoine see this? Astoria was envious. Her brother had a lot but he wasn't happy. While Astoria had nothing and she was growing content with knowing that she was still alive for some reason.

"You're lucky. You have a little family. You have people out there who actually care about you. I've been trying to get my life back together and start a family myself. But it looks like that just isn't going to happen. If you think I'm going to let you throw away something that important you have another thing coming!" It was true. Astoria never really had a family other than Antoine growing her. Her real parents were nowhere to be found, and her adopted parents wanted nothing to do with her or Antoine. Astoria got whatever she wanted so she would leave them alone. Astoria wanted to have a family that loved and appreciated her. Astoria thought that, she could become a good mother. Hell, she couldn't cook but she could learn. She would try every day to get better. Astoria just wanted a family of her own. Her life was a mess and she wanted to put it back together. But it seemed that this wasn't going to be something she got. Every guy she tried to have a happy ending with only ended up breaking her heart in the end. No matter how hard she tried, it always ended the same. Astoria was not going to let her brother throw away something she wanted so badly. "Besides, what if you get into trouble. I couldn't bare it if the Aurors took you away. You're all I have left Antoine. Please don't do this." Astoria pleaded. There had to be a way when she could stop this from happening. Antoine was making a mistake. She knew that if he let the two of them live, he would be happy in the end. They would make him happy. Astoria would be happier too. She would know her brother was actually protected too. Astoria grabbed Antoine's wrist and tried to get him to come back with her.
Antoine knew that his sister had gone a long way just to protect him, and he would be forever grateful, but when it came to thinks like this, he was not the best of brothers. He was sadistic, he knew this. He didn't so much as lift a finger to change anything about him. It was pointless. After school, he became a Death Eater, because he thought that it was right, although he could not feel anything. He did not know right from wrong, good from evil. He just was. The only thing he knew was protection, and the only one that he would allow in that little circle was Astoria. He was starting to forget what loyalty was, which on its own could be dangerous. Antoine listened to what she had to say, before he rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. She wasn't there when the woman exploded on him for something he couldn't help. "I think differently. If she knew about my condition, then she would have attempted to try to get me to remember. But no. She could have saved her own life and her son's if she had not reacted the way she had. Besides, if she even liked me, wanted me around, then she'd never would have left. Sound familiar? I know what confusion is. I also know what insane is. I believe she is on the latter, with a side of bipolar." Antoine was hinting slightly at their own parents, and their adoptive ones. If they were wanted around, they would have tried. Antoine had a condition, so he was just now seeking help. But it was too late to become a family with her. Perhaps if she had not screwed things up. Antoine gave a light shrug when she said that Theodore had told her not to. While he was alone, Astoria could have. Theodore was not a Legilimens, and Antoine did not speak about everything to the little brat. It would have been easy to locate him and tell him what was going on. Antoine did not care in the slightest though. It was just too late, for the woman and her mistake. That was all there was to it. There was nothing that one could do to even change his set mind.

The more that Astoria went on, it sounded like she was making this about her. How he had this and that, and how she did not have anything. Antoine narrowed his eerie pale blue eyes before he questioned, "Are you sure this is about saving them, or something about you? It isn't like I can raise a kid, and be with a bipolar, insane woman. I can barely stand the to be around the Snow family for more than five minutes. It might be important to you, but it obviously isn't to me." He was just done with people. None of them were worth as much as one can throw them. He thought differently about his sister, but even he hated the choices that she had lived with. Everything to him was starting to make more sense. In a way, he was believing that perhaps she was envious of what he had but did not want. Well, she could have them. He certainly did not want him. With his lifestyle, he would not be in one place for long. Then she went on to say what if the Aurors took him away. He was all that she had left, and not to do this. He looked at the ground, before he shook his head, "No. If the Aurors take me away, I'll get what's coming to me, which is a Dementor's Kiss and a lifetime sentence. Just worry about yourself. I know where my path ends." Antoine felt her grab his wrist, which he jerked it away, and he backed a few steps. She wouldn't be able to stop him. He didn't want to have to shove her to the ground to make a point, but he would if he was forced to. "Touch me again, and I will have to shove you to the ground if you try to stand in my way. I don't want to have to do it, but I will," warned the Death Eater before he turned and started walking.
Astoria couldn't believe that her brother was being like this. It was obvious that he cared little for the fact that he had a family and that he had a successor to carry out his name in. He was so f*cking lucky and he didn't even care. He didn't give a damn what happened to his life. What did he care about? Was there anything within Antoine that was good, or pure, or not filled with utter hatred? There had to be something in there because he did seem to still care for her. Astoria knew her problem was that she still had her heart. Most people born into a family like hers, hardened their heart to keep from feeling remorse, or misery. When they didn't they often ended up like her. Always miserable. Astoria detested the horrible things people did to one another in this family. Sighing softly, Astoria rolled her amber eyes. "Antoine, I knew about your condition and I didn't get you to try and remember either! Because you're a stubborn ass sometimes. No offense but you can be a little difficult to deal with sometimes, I don't blame her for leaving. You probably scared her or something. It's like she's ever associated with you in your normal state. Plus, you're always on the move. How is she supposed to contact you if she never knows where you are?! Think about this Antoine! Is it really her fault?" Astoria asked. She knew. She knew damn well what Astraea was going through because she went through it every time she was around her brother. For one, Antoine was difficult to keep tabs on. He moved around so much. Half the time no one knew where he was until he contacted them with the location. Astraea was the same way. When he was suffering from his condition, she was one person to him. But when he wasn't, she appeared to be a stranger. Astoria knew it was wrong to meddle. But she was just trying to fix things. But how was she supposed to fix anything when no one would give her the chance to fix things? Astoria rolled her eyes again when Antoine called the woman insane and bipolar. Did he even know what those two things meant before he went around throwing his damned accusations? Probably not. Astoria was getting angrier and angrier, which wasn't good. She was close to shaking in an attempt to keep her anger hidden within. She needed to keep herself calm in case others were to come, or she was to do something stupid. Though what Antoine said next, wasn't exactly helping her keep calm.

"It is about both. I just want things to get better for us. We've suffered enough, don't you think? I want to stop having to worry about you, and I want to stop feeling alone. Okay? The only way things will get better is if we stop doing things like this and start settling down? It doesn't have to be with kids. Just enough killing. It makes me sick Antoine. I figured that if you found a way to connect with your son, you'd have something to be proud of. To take care of. I'd have an adorable little nephew to spoil...." Antoine probably didn't understand. Astoria wanted a simpler life. If she had to she would give up all that she owned. Astoria would live in a freaking shack if it meant that she could live a moment without feeling like a horrible person. Waking up one day without feeling the need to drink the feelings she had away. "Don't talk like that. You know I can't. You're the only person I have left. Whether you remember this or not, your my big brother. We're supposed to take care of one another." Astoria tried to remind him, her voice quivering as she tried not to cry. The thought of her brother being taken in and losing his soul to the kiss, it killed her. Losing her brother was the last thing she ever wanted. He was her only family technically. He was the only one that did not treat her like she was some flimsy mistake. Though he did have a tendency to treat her like crap from time to time, Astoria was used to it. He was only following what the rest of the world seemed to do so well. Astoria had one plan left. It wasn't her best plan but she was running out of options. This one would be harder for him to ignore too. Unless, well one never knew with the Death Eaters these days. Astoria bolted so that she was standing in front of him, and blocking his path once more. "Fine. You want to do this, do whatever. But you'll have to kill me before I let you get to them." Astoria pulled her wand from out of her pocket and raised it up a little. To be honest, Astoria couldn't be sure that he wouldn't either. Her brother was cruel and unpredictable. He could kill her right then and there, or curse her. Astoria was ready to fight him though. She loved her brother, but she wasn't going to let him keep killing others while she had the chance to stop it.
Antoine looked over at Astoria before he waited for whatever she had to say to come rushing out. He had better things to do than to stand around here in plain sight where someone could spot him. At least he had his hood covering his skeletal face. Antoine just did not want to have anything to do with anyone, and wanted his friends to be done with it. His pale blue eyes went to her amber ones as she sighed so very softly, and he listened to what she had to say. Why didn't she try to get him to remember? Antoine had to think on that before he shook his head. What was she saying? This couldn't be his fault. Perhaps he had scared her at first. But when he had asked what she expected from him, all hell broke loose because what he was seeking was some guidance on what he would need to do. Not for an explosion. Antoine shrugged, "I can't be that difficult. I doubt I scared her, I was not even aiming my wand at her when she exploded. I honestly don't know how she managed that, but apparently it happened because it has been going on for so long. Like I said before, if she really wanted to do whatever, then she would have tried harder than acting like some heart broken winch." Antoine shrugged but there was some tension there. Areas of his life were missing, but he didn't particularly care about the missing areas. Not right now anyway. There were more important things to worry about for the time being. He would worry about what he had missed after he had done the deed. He doubted that he would feel any sort of regret or remorse. He never knew what it felt like anyhow. Antoine was a strange fellow, but not many would get to know that side of him. Astoria did not really know much that went on in his mind. He hardly shared it with anyone. However this was his lifestyle, and he did not want to change it, not for anyone or anything. He had been living like this for a long time, why would he want to change? Antoine could tell that she was getting angrier, but he still did not see why this was any of her business. This was his life, and he never meddled with hers. Antoine did not judge his sister like many others had, and he did not want to do so. His sister meant a lot to him. Antoine hated the press that hunted her down like an animal. More often that he found out which, they often vanished.

Listening to her reason, Antoine was starting to understand, but he did not see why their lives, Astraea's and the brat's, had anything to do with it. "Get better? Perhaps for you, if you stop with the drinking and the countless prince charmings that you want to go after. You won't find someone until you stop looking. My fate is sealed. My face is shown all over the place, on posters. I have no way out, no way of settling down, and I am content with moving about. I cannot describe to you why I do what I do, but I'm not stopping. You've had so many years to connect with Astraea's son, why you haven't done so already is beyond me. But like I said, it is too late now." Antoine was truly a lot more troubling than many would have figured. There was not an ounce of compassion in his cold eyes, there was not any sympathy. What she wanted for them was not what he wanted. He just wanted Astoria to stop with her alcohol, and to get over the fact that she won't get married if she keeps trying to. Antoine shrugged before he stated, "I doubt the Auror's will take that into consideration. I'm not able to take care of you. You are a grown woman now. You can handle yourself. If I on the other hand attempt to do so, will have to stay in one place for too long, and then I get captured anyway." Antoine knew that if he did stay around her, with the press, he would end up in Azkaban faster than he can say 'No'. He had ruined his chances of settling down, and he knew it. He accepted the consequences and the fate that would hold for him. It was time for Astoria to accept that too. Once more, Astoria was standing in front of him, and he heard her pleas. She also had her wand out. Antoine had a rough decision, to go on and fight his sister, or to do what she said. Well, neither choice sounded good to him. Antoine merely walked toward her, and he used his arm to shove his sister out of his way, opposed to hitting her and whatnot. After all, he didn't want to hurt her. "Astoria, I don't want you to get killed in vain, trying to save what can't be saved." He then apparated off without warning. Perhaps he would find them soon, perhaps not. There could be a chance that something would stop him like last time. He did not have anger last time, but only fate could tell.

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