Open Disco Funk

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Molly Burke

irish ☘️ | bubbly 🫧 | 61' grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
20 (04/2043)
Molly was super duper excited for the Halloween party. She always loved to dress up and talking to people. However, the girl had been struggling with what she wanted to dress up as. The Hufflepuff had found some sparkly clothing one day and had decided it could somewhat be a disco-themed costume. She knew her brother was attending this Halloween party, but he wouldn't tell her what he was dressing up. Molly quickly skipped her way towards the Great Hall, excitedly waving and saying hello to random students on her way. Not caring if it was odd. Once she had arrived inside, she stopped in her tracks and gasped, looking around in amazement. It all looked so pretty but scary at the same time. Molly hadn't noticed that she was starting to move again, as she was still looking up and about at the decorations when she had suddenly bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"
Evie was more than excited for her first Halloween Feast. She hadn't been as prepared as she would have liked to be, but she was pleased with the last minute effort she had made. She had a helmet on and a skateboard and was ready to be a skater girl. She entered the Great Hall, her eyes instantly landing on the snack table. She wanted some dinner, and so began to make her way over there on her skateboard. She wasn't the best skater, she had to admit, but she really needed to be in order to fit her part. Suddenly, someone collided with her, and the girl tumbled, her foot sliding off the board, resulting in her landing on her backside and the skateboard flipping upside down. She should have put padding there. Was that was skateboarders did? Looking up, she beamed when she saw Molly's face and quickly forgot about her fall. "Oh, Molly!" she exclaimed, quickly getting up and brushing herself off. "You're a disco girl, right? I'm a skater girl! I wish I had more time to prepare. You look great!"
Molly giggles when she notices one of her friends she had bumped into. "Oh my gosh! Evie! Hi!" Molly says with a giggle and wave. "I'm sorry, again. Are you hurt?" Molly says with slight guilt and worry. She knew she should've paid more attention to her surroundings. The Hufflepuff giggled as Evie spoke about her costume. "Yeah! That is me! Thanks! I'm a bit shiny." Molly says with a giggle, as she twirls around, her wee costume shining about as she turns. "You look awesome! Do you know how to skate? I don't know how to skate myself. But a skater girl is cool!"
Evie wasn't sure why Molly was so concerned about her, especially since she managed to get up just fine. She didn't like to be fussed over. "Yeah." she replied simply in response with a shrug. She giggled as Molly twirled in her costume for her. She definitely looked better than Evie did, and admittedly she was a little jealous, and even more angrier at her sister for not telling her anything about the event until last minute. "Did you make it yourself?" she asked, finding it rather impressive. "I don't really know how to skate, no, but I'm not too bad at it. It's like an alternative to quidditch, and since we can't do that yet, I think it's cool too."
Molly nodded when Evie mentioned that she was okay, satisfied that she wasn't hurt or anything. She shook her head in response to Evie's question. "No, I didn't. My mum and I found it somewhere in a store ages ago. She thought it would be cool for me to wear it for Halloween" Molly explained with a small giggle. Molly liked how sparkly and colourful she was. There was some pink mixed into her costume and the girl loved pink. The Hufflepuff giggled a little when Evie had explained about skateboarding. "It looks like surfing but on the ground," Molly says with a giggle, as she inspected the skateboard. "Can I try?"
Evie nodded as Molly explained where she found her costume. She was a little disheartened and jealous that her own parents hadn't helped her at all. It would have been nice to have some help and Evie would definitely be looking better than she was. She nodded when Molly asked for a turn on her skateboard. "Yeah!" she exclaimed, glad that she was taking some interest in her stupid costume. "Do you know how to do it? You just have to put one foot on the board and then the other pushes off the ground and gets it moving." she explained, showing her how to step on it. She then stepped off it and gave it to her. "Your turn!"
Molly giggles as Evie agrees to let her try out the skateboard. The Hufflepuff nods as she listens to her friend explain how to skate on the skateboard. She smiles as it was then her turn to try it after Evie gave her a small demo. Molly slowly steps onto the skateboard a little nervously, and the board shakes a little under her feet. She then slowly pushes herself with one leg when her other leg is placed firmly on the board. "I'm doing it!" Molly says with a giggle as she turns to face Evie as she trialled her skating. But before she turned to face straight ahead, she had lost her balance and fell on the ground again. Her clumsiness was taking over her tonight. Luckily she only ended up landing on her bottom, so there weren't any serious injuries. "Oh my gosh, that was so fun! I'm sorry!" Molly says with a giggle as she then apologises to the people around her, thinking that she had hit them.
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