Closed Disappointment

Hamish Reid

Cook- Protective- Sensitive- Seeker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
7/3/2052 (19)
Hamish had to admit he was... beaten down. Did family mean so little to everyone? He had been silent, not saying anything as he walked home with his brother. He didn't go to the kitchen when they returned, though he knew he would need to soon enough. He trudged back to their room, sighing and falling into bed. What had been the point of going? If he wanted to be shunted off and ignored he would have just tried to make plans with their parents. What a waste. He sighed, dejected, and stretched out on his bed, wrapping his arms around his pillow and staring dully at the wall.
Seamus could've predicted how it would go with their uncle. He had thought it might be okay but he knew that it would go bad. He was related to their mum of course they'd be like each other. He walked into the house and watch Hamish retreat to his room. He was sort of itching to expend some energy but he was sure that Hamish needed him more than he needed a run. He just waited a few minutes getting some tea and then walking into the room. He placed the tea on the bedside tablpe and he sat down looking towards his brother. "You okay?"
Hamish sighed heavily, turning his head to peek at Seamus. "Why do people suck?" he asked softly. "I mean, what, we just... raise ourselves and never talk to anyone?" He sat up, running his hand through his hair. "How are you always so cool with this? It's like mother and father can't upset you," he couldn't help the twinge of jealousy in his voice. Why did he have to care so much? You would think after all this time he would just stop being hurt by the other people in his life. Sometimes it just felt like he and Hamish were truly alone in the world.
Seamus shrugged slightly, "I mean we go to Hogwarts soon, then it'll just be easier, even there is raising themselves," he said. They would be able to talk to people and engage with kids their own age and never have to think of parents until the breaks. Seamus then shrugged again, it was not that it didn't affect him, he just pushed it away. Tried to not let it get to him as much as it had in the past. "I just stopped expecting anything from them, don't need them. I've got you and that's all I need," he said plainly. He knew too that when he went running, in sports that tended to be how he vented frustration out. So maybe that was why too.
Hamish was quiet a moment, before letting out a soft sigh. "Yeah, yeah you're right," he smiled and folded his hands in his lap. "It's going to be fine as long as we stick together," he stretched before standing up. "Do you want to go out to get some food somewhere?" He asked, too tired now to start cooking anything. "I'll make you a big breakfast. I just want someone else to cook something tonight," he gave his brother an impish grin. "No offense, but your cooking might kill us," he laughed lightly.
Seamus was pleased that Hamish didn't seem too upset about, seemingly taking his words and what he was saying with it seriously. He nodded in agreement. "Exactly, no matter what happens out here or at school, we stick together," Seamus was sure they'd end up in the same house but he knew he would stick to it even if they didn't. He nodded as Hamish then suggested they go get food, "You don't have to make a big breakfast tomorrow, I'll be going for a run early on so porridge'll be fine. But let's go out," he agreed. He wasn't a cook, could barely string a meal together so it made sense that they would go out. "Maybe that three broomstick's place?" he suggested.
Hamish smiled, running his hands through his hair and tousling it. "I wonder what school will be like," he mused. "Are you going to go out for the Quidditch team?" He asked, curious. He already knew how to feed Seamus properly if he did, he'd done a lot of research into an athlete's diet. "I might find a different club to join," he mused, though he couldn't think of anything off the top of his head he really wanted to do. He nodded as Seamus said porridge would be fine. He'd get up earlier then. When his twin suggested the Three Broomsticks, Hamish got a wicked grin. "Actually, we should go back. Buy something from that stupid Hog place." he winked playfully at his brother. "Show what's his face we can handle ourselves without his stupid charity," he walked over to the dresser, pulling out his coin bag.
Seamus moved to sit more comfortably, crossing his legs under him and looking back at his twin. He gave a little shrug, "Maybe..." the maybe was probably a little closer to a yes but Seamus didn't want to get his hopes up, it would be unlikely that he'd be able to join as a first year. He knew there would be plenty for Hamish to join too. "Maybe there's a cooking club," he said, there were bound to be. He frowned a little, he wasn't sure it would be the best idea, he didn't really want to get to know another useless person but it would be nice to throw it in his face and be annoyingly visible to him. "Okay, let's," he thought it would be pretty funny that they would just walk back the way they came but he knew it would make a good point.
Hamish grinned, pleased that his brother was going to go along with his plan. "Great!" Hamish pulled out his leather coin pouch and stuffed it in his jacket pocket. "Let's go stick it to him, yeah?" he winked, turning and heading for the door. "Adults are useless, aren't they?" He rolled his eyes. They didn't need anyone but themselves.
Seamus grabbed his jacket and then put it on. "Absolutely useless," he said in agreement. he smiled at his brother and started walking beside him to the hogs head. He was sure the food would probably be terrible but he wouldn't mind eating maybe a bit badly to just stick it to that guy.

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