Open Disappointed Rock Skipping

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
After having to send off the mandrake she had spent the whole semester caring about to get chopped up Chloë had made a point out of it to ask her parents if she could finally take Fergus to school with her once the break ended. They said no. She had expected them to be okay with it since they knew how much she missed him and was quite surprised when they said no. They actually said no. Said a ferret wasn't on the list of school approved pets. It had made her a bit annoyed really. Not at her parents, but at that stupid list. As if a rat was so much better than a ferret. Still slightly glum about the fact that she had to leave him behind again the gryffindor had found her way down to the lakefront. She picked up a smooth looking rock and tossed it into the water. Then another. And another. It was a nice way to get that bit of frustration out of her and somehow she even managed to have fun doing it.
Herbology was interesting about mandrakake learning and Jenna when out from shcool and go to the lakefront. She needed some fresh air and today was sunny and a little clody day. The young hufflepuff girl see some familiar face and fhat was Chloe. "Hey, Chloe! How was your day?" Jenna asked the girl and take some rocks.
The eel had been sleeping for so long, deep, deep down in the lake where even the merfolk did not bother it. But the eel had slept long enough. It swam languidly through the water, enjoying the stray beams of sunlight drifting down from below, opening its mouth in a long, languid stretch. The eel had not been this close to the surface in many years, and it had nearly forgotten about the creatures that walked the shore above until something broke the surface, small and hard sinking below the water. The eel had been sleeping for so long, but even after all these years, the denizens of the castle above sought to disturb the peace. With a quick flick of it's body, the eel sent the offending rock sailing from the water, back to the shore it had come from before sinking back into the depths, far from the reach of further disturbances.
Chloë was just about to throw another rock when she heard someone greet her. She turned around to see Jenna. "Hi Jenna!" She smiled at the other girl, before skipping another rock. "It was fine I guess. What about you, done-" Chloë stopped mid sentence as the rock she had just thrown towards the water now came flying back out of it. How was that even possible? "Did you see that?!" She turned back to Jenna, surprise written all over her face. "That stone just flew back onto the shore! How does that even happen?" She hadn't seen any students entering the water close to them, so it couldn't be someone playing a prank. So then what was it? Stones don't just fly on their own, did they?
Jenna take some rocm and listened Chloe words and she smiled to her
Today was a realy nice weather and she was outside. "That's good to hear! It was fine to! Just a little bit bored!" that was true words and she have a little bored day. "Yes, what was that?" She asked the girl with a warm smile and droped some rocks to. " Not sure!" She looked to the girl and was a little surprise.
Chloë chuckled when Jenna told her her day had been a little bit boring. At least she wasn't alone in that, even if for her it might have just been that she kept dwelling on the fact she isn't allowed to bring Fergus to school. "I don't know.." She responded confused. "Do you think it was the squid?" She asked the other girl. Chloë had heard talk of a giant squid living in the lake but she had never been quite sure whether to believe it was actually there. And if it was, would it spend its time throwing rocks back onto the shore? Surely not. "Or do you think there might be something else in there..?" The gryffindor continued as she moved closer to the waters edge, peering out into the lake to see if there was any movement going on below the surface.
"Not realy! Mayby that was a big ugly fish?" Jenna laughded and looked the Gryffindor girl with a warm smile. Then she asked anothrr question and Jenna was thinking about that but she think that was something else. "I think that would be something else. "She told her.
Chloë snorted at Jenna's remark, but she still wasn't quite settled on what had caused the rock to be thrown back out of the water. "Has to be a skilled fish then." She joked as she tried to imagine how on earth a normal fish, even if it was a big and ugly one, would be able to throw a rock out of the water with the force it had. She had now gotten as close to the water as she could without getting her shoes wet and picked up another couple of rocks. "Maybe if we throw in some more whatever it was will come to the surface?" The gryffindor almost stated more than she actually asked. Although she wasn't sure whether annoying some unknown creature in the lake would be the best idea her curiousity did take the upper hand over her logic sometimes.
"Yes!" Jenna agrreed about fish. She looked the water and hoped she would be seen that big ugly fished who scared Chloe. "Where, are you from?" Hufflepuff girl wanted know little more abput Chloe and she was nice friend wnd maybe she get another good friend. Jenna know she was friend of Nicol and she wanted enyoi all this with Nicol and Iris. "You think? We can try do that!" Jenna smiled and take some rock and waited Chloe.
Chloë had to hide her excitement when Jenna asked where she was from. She knew there were people who didn't like the question or didn't really care, but she actually enjoyed answering it. "I'm actually from France." She happily answered the hufflepuff's question. "My mom is French so I was born there." She smiled, now curious about where the other girl was from. "What about you?" She knew a lot of people at the school were from Australia or New Zealand but there were also plenty that came from different countries, or were at least born or used to live somewhere else. "Would be cool if it did!" The gryffindor smirked before she started to throw some of the stones into the water. One a little closer to shore and then another as far as she could. If she threw the stones in different directions maybe they had a better chance of reaching the creature. If there even was a creature.
Hufflepuff girl was so much surprise about her and she was born France. "You are so lucky born France. I never been there!" Jenna told her with sad voice and she hoped mayby later she would be going the Francr with her Friends and be some biggest party?"I'm and my twin brother from Turkey. I was live there and when my mom dead, then with my father trip New Yourk and i now live there but Nationality is Turkey!" She was so proud be Turkey girl and she always missed her home Turkey but she was lucky girl live there New Yourk and she missed her best friend Daniel. "Then we need crush our fingers for luck!" Jenna smiled to hear and take some rock and droped the lake.
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Chloë couldn't help but smile a little at Jenna's words. She felt pretty lucky to be born in such a beautiful country, but it was also something that could get her mood down from time to time. She always proudly told others where she came from, yet she hadn't been back to the country since they moved away years ago. "That's pretty cool as well!" She had never been to Turkey, but it had always sounded like an interesting country. "Sorry about your mom." The gryffindor softly continued. She wondered if she should ask about it more, but since she didn't really know Jenna that good yet it might be weird. "Definitely!" Chloë crossed her fingers on her one hand whilst she continued throwing rocks into the water with her other one. "Hey! Big ugly fish? Lake creature? C'mon show yourself, whatever you are!" She chuckled as she called out towards the lake.
"Can you teach me please French? I can be a good student?" She asked Chloe and she wanted learned so many things and mayby later that would be help hear be a realy good draganologiats. "I'ts okey, somtimes i miss my mom but then i always try be positive in my life!" She told hear and she remember as Thomas say she maybg was foult about mothers death but she tryed be not thinking about that. She giggled when Clhoe says words about the fish. She wanted say don't called fish ugly becouse she can fealings to if fish can't talk as humen but still she was a fish. "What you think? Mermaids live her lake? I just curios about magical creatures and read so many books." She asked the Chloe with warm and gently smile and she wanted hope she don't sand a craizy.
Chloë cocked her head to the side a bit as she thought about Jenna's question. She was sure that the girl would be a good student, she just wasn't quite sure whether she would actually be a good teacher. "I could teach you some things for sure, but I don't think I could help you with like- the entire language." She explained. She'd be happy to teach Jenna some words and phrases and maybe when they were older she could teach her even more, but right now she didn't think she could do more than that. "Yay for positivity!" Chloë smiled. She was sure losing a parent would be devastating so she was glad the hufflpuff said that when she felt sad she also tried to stay positive. "I'm not sure, maybe?" She answered Jenna's question. In all honesty she had never thought about what might be in the lake that much. "Yeah, there's some pretty cool creatures. Do you have a favourite?" The gryffindor nodded before throwing a couple more stones into the water. Nothing really seemed to happen and she pulled her gaze away from the lake to turn sideways towards Jenna. "I don't think anything is gonna show." She said slightly disappointed.

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