
Gabriel Rosenberg

Thundelarra's Chaser | Funny | Hotheaded | Social
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Sturdy Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
The young Lion was finding his way around Hogwarts more and the Great Lawn was a place he liked going to. Everything outside was better than inside of the castle. Ofcourse there were much secrets in the castle to discover but the blonde decided to begin with exploring outside. So far he didn't liked the lessons and was not really busy with homework and stuff he should be, but from what he heard Sofia wasn't too. She was too busy with boys and with her dancing. So perhaps the studious people weren't in their family. At least not in their part of the family, since the Rosenberg family was a big family. As he made his way to the Great Lawn he thought about the flying lessons that he did liked. It was so unfair that other houses did took first years in their quidditch team at least as alternatives, but Gryffindor didn't. But Gabriel would practice until he was old enough to participate into the team.

The Swedish boy searched for a spot at a bench where he could sit and look at the Quidditch Pitch from here. Being here alone made him think about his dad at home. He must be pretty happy to have some free time with their younger siblings. Giselle and Novalie would attend Hogwarts in the future too, he was curious if they would all be together in Gryffindor. He was proud to be a lion just as his mother was once, the boy still missed his mother very much and was still angry about it. Recent information about her death they had heard and they confirmed it was just a accident that she fell from her broom at a Quidditch game, but Gabriel just couldn't believe it. His mother was the best player he thought and she sure had seen that bludger coming, and if she didn't that bludger wasn't acting normally. He was sure someone had to do with it, and thinking about that made him angry so he threw the football he brought with him away, and saw it landing on a girls head that was turned with her back to him.
Sophie generally preferred being inside to being outside, but sometimes even she needed to get out and get some fresh air. She was starting to get used to life at Hogwarts, and didn't really miss living at home. Avoiding her sister was surprisingly easy so far, it really helped that they weren't in the same house. She could just imagine Amber making sure she woke up on time and brushed her teeth and went to class on time with her homework done. She shuddered, how awful.

She wanted to find a place to sit outside to write a little. In a moment of profound wisdom she had decided to sign up for the paper, though now she was wondering if it had been a smart idea. If her pieces for the Hogwarts Monthly were awful, the whole school would know it at once. It was stressful, so it had priority over homework right now in her mind. She was carrying her notebook in which she wrote whenever she had inspiration, hoping that it would help her with her creative muse to write in the same notebook. Just as she decided to go sit under a nearby tree, she was hit in the back of the head by something round and hard. With a startled cry, she dropped her notebook onto the damp grass. Angrily, she whirled around to see who had thrown the ball at her. Her anger only increasing when she saw the one person that could have done this. "YOU!" She snarled, pointing at him. "You did that on purpose, you.. you... absolute troll booger!" She grimaced at her choice of words, clearly not her best insult ever. Quickly, she bent down to pick up her notebook and then also picked up the ball, glaring at him. "I hope you weren't attached to this." She told him, clearly with no intention of giving it back. "It will be fine target practice for the day we learn how to set things on fire with magic." She paused. "Unless I'll be allowed to use your head instead, but I doubt that."
As Gabriel wasn't intending on hitting someone he was quiet proud he could threw so good and hit a head. Perhaps he would try out for chaser after all, he prefered beater more but his mother was once a chaser. But when he saw who he hit after a face was turning to him he wasn't that happy. Of all people he should hit his worst enemy ofcourse. But he burst out of laughing, he couldn't help it her face was so funny right now. She got what she deserved right? And when she called him troll booger he had to laugh harder, he couldn't resist it. '' I've just learned I can hit a target pretty well. Thanks for being a target today.'' the Swedish boy said while hearing some accent as he spoke. He thought directly of a game he could make out of this, but if he got something like this on his head he wouldn't be happy too so this wouldn't be a game for the future he guessed. '' But honestly it wasn't on purpose.'' he said while the laughing had stopped.

And when she showed that stupid face with some anger or something he followed her and frowned to her. What would she do? Put it on fire? She didn't even knew yet how to put things on fire. And when Sophie said his head could be a target he got angry. He walked closer to Sophie and crossed his arms. '' Give.. it back, NOW!'' he said more irritated. He knew Sophie would want to make him angry and she could get it if she wanted it. The Swedish blonde was just hot headed and he couldn't help it. '' I shall use your head when I become Beater, for a target of the bludger.'' he didn't know if Sophie knew what it was, she didn't seemed like a sporty girl as he could tell of the flying lessons.
It wasn't often that Sophie was actually angry, even though she was often grumpy. Gabriel's stupid, smug, arrogant face was just making her blood boil right now. She didn't buy that it wasn't on purpose for even a second. "Sure it wasn't." She snapped. "That's why you were laughing so hard and that's why it landed on me of all people. I take back what I called you, you aren't a troll booger. You are simply, a troll."

She was honestly glad to see him get angry at her, at least it no longer seemed like he felt superior to her with his smug smile and annoying laugh. She smirked at him insead, holding the ball close. "What if I don't?" She challenged. "How will you live without it? I'm sure you'll die of boredom without having a stupid ball to throw around. The concept of opening a book once or twice is probably completely unfamiliar to you, isn't it?" She had no intention of giving the ball back willingly, though she also had no illusions of managing to keep hold of it much longer. Gabriel was bigger than her, and definitely stronger. If she had been closer to the lake, she would have thrown it in there. But she was sure she couldn't reach it from all the way over here.

She rolled her eyes as he basically stole her own joke and threw it back at her. Typical. "If you're as good at being a beater as you are at coming up with your own threats, I won't be very worried you'll hit me." She said coolly. "I'll be more concerned about the person next to me."
It was Sophie that made him so angry, but if it was somebody else he would be pretty quickly angry too. He had it since he was little, he couldn't really react well on jokes even the ones from his sister made him grumpy. But to see jokes with others made him laugh, because this was very funny because it was Sophie. Gabriel looked at the Ravenclaw girl and came a bit closer. '' I was laughing, because it is funny. And your insult is as bad so even funnier.'' Gabriel had to laugh about the insult he was first a troll booger and now a troll, how awefull.

But the fact she hold his football was something irritating and not funny at all. Was she really making a challenge out of this, what could she do? It was so irritating that she asked what he would do, because he could do a lot and if he didn't calmed down he was gonna slap her pretty fast. '' I can play on with your head as a football. I want to kick at something you know.'' he said a bit more irritating. Was she really gonna play it that way,he liked challenges and he wasn't gonna lose today. '' A book is boring and so are you.'' he answered shortly. Why reading books that was a waste of time you had to experiance yourself. The blonde had a idea of something but wasn't sure she was gonna go for it. It could be something what would be even funny too and Gabriel was sure he was gonna win. '' If you want to make a challenge out of it, you can throw it and see who get's the football first.'' he said while putting his arms across eachother. If she didn't agreed he was just gonna pull it out of her arms until he had it. What would she do forever hold it?

As Sophie continued he raised his eyebrows. '' Let's hope you never find out. Because I will join the Quidditch Team next year.'' He was sure Sophie would never make the Ravenclaw team. So if she was in the crowd he would send a bludger to her in stead.
It was almost too easy to get Gabriel angry, and Sophie sort of enjoyed doing it. When he was busy getting mad about nothing and she herself kept a cool head she felt like she was superior to him. She shrugged when he told her he would use her head as a football and wanted to kick it. "I want to kick you too, but some people can control themselves and aren't total neanderthals." She said with a tilt of her head. "Those are usually the same people that don't say books are boring, just for your information. I hope it's fun being a caveman with just one purpose in life, but to me it seems sad and empty." She was exaggerating a bit but she hoped to rile him up more. When he told her they could have a competition on who got the football first, she knew he was going to win before she even started it. But if she didn't he was just going to take it from her. She considered it, snorting at his comment about Quidditch. "How surprising." She said sarcastically. "I hope you enjoy being a sad alternate on the bench for a few years."

She shrugged. "Alright, lets make a challenge out of it." Without warning, she threw the ball as far as she could. She wasn't actually going to run after it, but she took a few steps as if she would, waiting for him to run past her.

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