
Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
((Sorry for the bit of godmodeing))

When Zazuka entered the great hall for dinner she was still attached to Andrew which was not such a rare thing seeing as she was growing a lot closer to him as of late. She made her way to the Slytherin table looking at all there was to eat and hoping that something sweet would be on the table. Zazuka was hopelessly addicted to sweets in all their forms. She found a sticky bun on the table and waisted no time in taking it then looked up at Andrew with a blush on her face. "Sorry." She said embarrassed.
Andrew walked in the hall, Zuka's hand into his and approached the Slytherin table, when zuka picked a bun and ate. "Its K, I understand hunger"he said with a smile towards Zuka. "Welcome, to the Greens" he said to her rembering later that Zuka wouldn't know that they had pet named the Slytherin table as the ''Greens''.
Zazuka nearly choaked on the large bite she had taken after Andrew said it was Ok. She swallowed and smiled. "The Greens? Is that what you call your table? I should come up with a group name for the Ravenclaw table but then I don't think there is anything wrong with calling it that." She said her voice going all the dreamyer.
"Yeah"he said with a smile. "Its just a term we use for fun"he explained."So what do you feel like eating.I feel like hot tomato soup and bread."he said serving himself soup and hot bread.
Zazuka looked around then picked up a bowl if white soup the took a spoon full while sitting down. "It's clam!" She said happily. It was rare when she got to eat seafood one because it was expensive and two because her brothers would always say that they didn't want to eat it not because they didn't like it but because they knew that Zazuka loved it. "I must be fun to call it something as colorful as the Greens. Very cleaver." She said smiling brightly at Andrew.
"You like seafood? Me too"he said with a smile.As he ate and Zuka said that he was clever to name the table Greens, he said"It wasn't me alone. "Like we were thinking of a name for ourselves as well as the Slytherin things so we came up with Greens."he explained.

"Zuka, would you like to come to my house one day in the holidays for dinner?"he asked her hoping she would agree.It would be fun to have her over.She would also meet Caina and Jacob.
Zazuka nodded. "I love it but I can't often have it. You know poor girl little money." She said shrugging. She didn't mind that she had to work for everything that she had. It was just a fact of her life. Zazuka took another spoonful of her soup. "I would love to come to your house this winter. I can bring your present for this year too." She said with a bright smile. She had to think of something that Andrew would like. Maybe something from Devilish and Bangs. That place had all sorts of curios things.
Andrew nodded and smiled at Zuka thinking what gift he'd buy her. Maybe something uselful this time, like a book."Thanks for saying yes"he said grinning more."So will you come on the first third saturday on our holiday because we are going for a hiking trip before that?"he asked her.
Zazuka smiled wide. "Well of couse I would say yes. I mean I hope that the Paramore's wont think me forward or something. I've grown to like them a lot. I'm not like part of thier family or something but still I'm kind of safe there." She said taking a bite of the sweet bun she had picked up. "Are you really looking forward to the Yule Ball now?" She asked with wide eyes. She had been putting and taking away touches from her dress all week but she wouldn't let anyone know that.
"Yup, I have got a black dress robes, the last year dress robes colour was sea green, ugh.."he said remembering his dress robes."What about you? What colour dress will you wear?"he asked her as he ate.

(whats touches?
and u know this will be our first anniversary?? :wub: )
((Details. Small things that she thinks are imperfict.
I know and if nothing chainges I think Zuka's last name will end up being Bruke :p :wub: ))

Zazuka nodded thinking of how Andrew was dressed last year. Then the memory of thier first kiss under the tree in the forest came to her and she blushed crimson. "P,p,purple. I think purple seems to fit well." She said struttering a bit. It came from the memory so she shook it out of her head.
(k.Yeah we need some misunderstandings so my status can change to its complicated.)

"Purple's cool"he said with a smile as the same memory came into his head and somehow he knew Zuka was thinking the same.
((We could blame Pez. I had a sort of idea... I'll tell you over PM))

Zazuka looked down then back up at Andrew. "You it was magic under the tree in the forest that night." She said her cheeks turning pink again. It had been a year since they had gotten together and a happyer girl she couldn't be. She loved Andrew with all her heart.
"Yep"he agreed as he saw Zuka blush.He picked up his spoon and drank some more soup before he said "So you go to the Paramore's every year?" They must be very close to her."Do you have any other relatives who are wizards?"he asked her curiously.
Zazuka nodded. "Well they have taken me in so yeah I go to their house every year. Almost all of them are magic except for the father. He's kind of nice about it though. I wouldn't know. I don't know all of my family except for my mother, father and brothers. You already know that they are the works kind of Muggle imaginable." She said with a sigh. For Zazuka Muggle did not mean one without magic, it meant one that did not tolerate magic of any kind. She felt sad for that kind of person. They could really benefit from having a witch or wizard as a friend.
"Are you the only one going there or has Kailey invited other friends.I know she has a sister and a twin, do they like you too?"he asked her wanting to know more about kailey."Is she your best friend after Andy?"he asked more.

"I know I am questioning you to death, but I cant help it."he said with a grin.He ate some more soup than he wiped his hands in a tissue and looked at Zuka."So you are preapred for the exams?"he asked her."I'm sure you must have got a vision of the papers by now.tell me please"he joked and laughed mischevously
Zazuka shook her head laughing. "I don't mind really. No, I live with the Paramores because I told Kailey my story who then told her mother a little bit about it so she has sort of taken me in. Your talking about Trista. Yes she likes me but the one the wants or needs the most attention from me is Briana. She's such a cute girl too. Kailey is like a sister to me but no one will ever take Andy's place." She said with a sigh. Even though Andy was here in the castle, she still missed her. Andy hadn't come down in such a long time now.

Zazuka bumped Andrew slightly. "You know it doesn't work like that. I get visions whenever something really big has happened. I would not get a vison of something as minor to the greater sceam of things like test papers." She said in mock outrage then laughed. "But if I did get them you would be the first one I'd tell." She said said laughing into her hand slightly then taking a bite of a roll she had dipped in the soup.
Andrew nodded as he listened to Zuka's explaination about the Paramore family."Chill girl" he said giving her a grin."I was just jokin."he said with a smile.Than being serioud for a bit he ate some more food and than bending towards Zuka he wisphered in her ear."But serious if you have that kind of vision share it. Don't be scared"he said giving her a serious look and than holding his stomach which pained from the laughter that followed.

Zazuka shook her head and kissed Andrew on the cheek. "I know you where joking and I was too. I promise if I get any sort of feeling or something liek that you will be first one I turn to." She said. Happyness ran though her at the moment. Andrew believed her and was willing to help her with the probloms she was having with her things that ran though her head. "Quite honestly I can't remember most of the things that come to me and when I do they are just bits and pieces that never give you the whole picture." She said with a sigh. "Enough of that though. I want to know when a good time would be for me to go to your house." She said putting an end to all the Seer talk. She wasn't even a full one yet according to the Ministry.
"Anytime, I think a breakfast together will be the best."he said thoughtfully. "How about a breakfast on the first day of holiday, that way I can give you your Christmas present."he said with a grin.
(Join in once we Rp comin down)
Zazuka nodded then got a bit of a wicked grin on her angelic face. "What'd you get me?" She said bumping him. She wasn't expecting him to tell her but Zazuka suddenly wanted to bug him a little.

((Will do))

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