Closed Dinner Delivery

Cooper Gates

Kind- Sweet- Puff- Chef- Stubborn
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
8 inch slightly bendy straight oak with essence of belladonna core
5/12/2033 (28)
Cooper had been out of country for a few months. He had a few Asian dishes in a bag, leaning on Emilia's front door and waiting for her to come home. He hadn't seen her in a bit, though they'd met up for lunch and written a few times since he'd met her. She was fun, and sweet. He liked spending time with her. The only issue was that they were both just absolute workaholics. He hummed, one hand in his jacket pocket and his foot crossed over the other. He watched the sky, music blaring in his headphones as he waited.
Emilia had slowly gotten used to working at the ministry, though it was still a bit overwhelming at time. She felt like she was slowly starting to get a grip on it all, but still felt entirely exhausted most days when she got home. She apparated in a spot near her house, walking the last bit to enjoy the nice evening. She pulled her hair out of the bun she had put it in, stopping as she saw someone at her front door. Emilia faltered, but then realized who it was. "Cooper?" She asked, wracking her brain. "Did we have plans?"
Cooper smiled as he spotted Emilia coming, taking his headphones out and straightening. "Nope!" He declared cheerfully. He held up his bag. "But I brought dinner." He winked playfully, offering out his arm. "I was in the area and I couldn't resist stopping by to say hi," he told her, smiling brightly. Emilia always looked very pretty, even when she was tired.
Emilia was at least glad she hadn't forgotten plans she had made with Cooper, though it didn't seem unlikely. She had been swamped and overwhelmed with work for a few weeks now, still feeling like she was settling into her work even after months. "Oh, thanks." She said, smiling as he said he had brought dinner. "That's very kind of you." She ran her hand through her hair and unlocked her door. "Come in..." She said, feeling oddly shy. She hoped she had cleaned up and hadn't left anything embarrassing lying around.
Cooper smiled, starting to walk in the door. "I brought your favorite," he told her, looking around once he was inside. It was a nice place, a small home. There was a small kitchen and the table was in the living room. It was nicely decorated with light colors and kind of girly, but it felt... delicate, soft, sweet. Like her.

He set the food on the table and began to unpack it. He'd brought along two plates, some silver cutlery, a few glasses and a sweeter red wine. "By the way, your hair looks really pretty today," he looked up, giving her a gentle smile. "Kinda like, artfully disheveled. Of course, you're always pretty, I just think you look pretty cute right now," he winked playfully before turning his attention back to the food he was setting out.
Emilia laughed lightly. "You know my favorite?" She asked, leading him to the living room so he could put the food on the table. She had to admit it smelled delicious, and she started to grab plates and cutlery before she realized it wasn't necessary. "I do own those things, you know." She said with a slight smile, though she appreciated how prepared he had been. His compliment made her blush, and she shrugged and ran her fingers through her hair distractedly. "I'm sure it's a mess." She said quickly. "But thank you." She added quietly.
Cooper chuckled lightly. "Of course," he gave her a wry grin. "I want to know the things you like, and the things you don't," he set out the food before pulling out her chair for her. "I know you do, but I just thought it would be nice to have everything," he winked playfully. He sat down in his own chair, pulling out the wine. "Would you like a glass?" he asked, pouring one for himself.
Emilia blushed a bit and smiled at Cooper. "That's nice of you. What did you bring for yourself?" She asked him, now curious what sort of food he liked. Emilia took her seat at the table and nodded at his question. "I'd love one." She said. She wasn't usually the type to drink wine with her dinner, but she liked the idea of it. It felt fancy and grown-up.
Cooper smiled at her question. "The same. I wanted to share a meal with you, I thought sharing the same meal would be nice," He poured her a glass of wine and handed it over to her. He put his chin in his hand and smiled at her. "How have you been?" He asked.

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