Difficulties and Hardship

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Jaden West

Apothecary's Owner ☠️ Potion 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Well Jaden's girlfriend just broke up with her and she really down to the point she doesn't even know her own sexual orientation. She still going through that phase that what the HELL is wrong with me phase and who AM I phase. Kinda sad but true. What I'm looking for is a possible rp partner, a friend or anything. Maybe someone in the same year so they could do lessons together. I dunno really, I'm just posting since her girlfriend (my friend) didn't want to play IC anymore and since Jaden still struggling to see what she is, straight. Les, pensexual? I don't know, but if your interested post here. I'm really into doing lessons since I'm like blah right now. If interested let me know, can't get into something right now but I'm up for plotting
Yeah course! I have to check what she had selected but yeah since Jaden helped her out before, they can become good friends :D plus she be more sensitive sometimes but not to much cause she being a meany to other people
Want to rp? Maybe in the great hall?
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