Did you remember?

Riley Smith

Well-Known Member
Riley Smith walked through the door of is and Cyndi's apartment. He was here for two reason, well three actually. One was to see his best friend. The other was to tell her that he and Adele were back together and married again. And the third probably linked with the second. That he was going to move back in with Adele so he could see Lowan, and her, on a more regular basis. He feel guilty about moving out again, he hated having to go through this or a second time when the first had been hard enough. This had been his first home since he moved here from England. He had practically grown up her considering everything that had happened since the move. It just felt wrong to move out of here, again. At least he could still see Cyndi at work and when he had a break for a few hours from being a dad. Or even when he didn't they could just go out with Lowan, he knew she would like that.

Closing the door behind him once he was in the cool building he stretched out before walking to his favourite room in the house, the kitchen. It was his birthday very very soon and Riley was curious to see if Cyndi had remembered. He assumed she would but he liked to think he could remind her then bug her about how she forgot. He always found that fun. He looked over to Midnight who was sat under the table across the room eyeing him. "Good thing im getting a dog soon." He said to himself as he got a glass of water. He still thought it funny how one morning the cats loved him then by the evening they wouldn't go near him. It would be even more so once he started to smell of dog as well as Werewolf when ever he cam around. They would probably run away and ever come back if he did that.
Cyndi rolled over in her bed as she heard a noise coming from the other room. It was the door shutting, but since she was half asleep, she simply assumed that it was the cats knocking something over. With a yawn, she considered sleeping some more. It was a change to be in her nice, comfortable queen sized bed and since she didn't get to sleep in it that often, she tried to take advantage whenever she could. She opened one eye halfway and when the sunlight streamed into it, she groaned, suddenly more awake. Slipping out of her bed, Cyndi threw on her robe and put on a pair of slippers. Her hair was a bit of a mess, but she wasn't expecting to see anyone so she didn't care.

As she made her way to the living room, Cyndi waved her hand, glad she could perform enough wandless magic to at least get the pot moving so she could make herself some coffee. It was the only thing that got her started some mornings and frankly she liked the smell and felt that it woke her up even more. As she entered the kitchen, Cyndi jumped when she saw that Riley was in the room. She didn't even know that he was in the house. He hadn't been last night when she'd arrived. "Riley!" she exclaimed as she pulled her robe shut, covering up the camisole and shorts she had on underneath. "Long time no see" she smirked as she ran a hand through her hair and headed for the cabinet to pull out two cups. She saw him nearly every day at work but it was times like these that she enjoyed most because it reminded her of when Riley had first moved in and they'd become good friends.
Riley looked to his side towards the doorway as he heard someone walk down the stairs. He assumed it was Cyndi so he waved his hand to stick the kettle on. He may have had a glass of water in his hand but he couldn't pass up an opportunity to have a good coffee. When Cyndi appeared in the doorway where he was looking he couldn't help but notice what she was wearing, he was only male after all. He looked away just before she shut her gown and he looked back. "Yep thats my name." He said with a chuckle as he took the milk out of the friedge for her. He waqs glad too see his best friend again outside of work. Even though they were not inb lesson when they saw each other they still had to be sort of professional towards each other and that was so fake for him to do. "I know what have you been doing for like a few days." He said grinning as he leant on the counter top as he watched her.

As he leant on the counter he took a deep breath. He couldn't believe that he wopuldn't be teenager soon. He wasn't sure that he liked that idea much. He liked having an excuse to be immaute. "So anything new with you?" He ashed wondering if anything of any interest had happened since they had met last time. There had been a few new developments in his life since then but then again when was there not something going on in his life. "Lowan loved the gift by the present by the way. He spent like ten minute not even driving it but he sat there and just clapped his hands laughing." He said with a chuckle as he remembered the day. That was also when Adele said that she wanted him back and the kissed under mistletoe.
Cyndi rolled her eyes at Riley's comments and smirked. He knew just as well as she did that they saw each other every day, so it was a joke between them whenever they saw each other. In school though, they couldn't be as free and as casual as they were in the apartment. There were too many students around and as the Head of House, Cyndi felt like she should be setting an example for her Gryffindors and the other students in the school. She was already conscious of the fact that she was the youngest of all of the Heads and she didn't want them to think that she wasn't up for the job. "A little of this, a little of that" she said with a chuckle. "How about you?" she asked her friend as she pulled out the mugs.

She knew that it would be another few moments before the water was good and boiled so she turned and leaned against the counter, listening to her friend as he told her about Lowan. "That is so cute. I'm glad he liked it" she smiled, imagining Lowan doing that. The baby was growing so fast and she was glad to hear that he liked his present. "I did some shopping the other day and went to go see my Seer friend, and she told me the craziest thing." Cyndi shook her head and chuckled. "She told me she saw me getting married to somebody soon" she laughed as if it were the craziest thing she'd heard in a while because it was.
Riley smiled widely as he listened to her spoke. A little bit of this and that was just what he and personally been up to, the other half of the family on the other hand now that was different story all together. "Oh abut the same really. Nothing much too exciting." He sad with a sigh. "Me ad Adele made up over Christmas though so that good right. Im a married man again. Ugh I feel so old again." He said with a giggly laugh. He had tried to ease in to it slyly but he wasn't sure how sly it was seeing as he knew Cyndi never missed anything he said, a fact which he found annoying at times.

With another deep breath Riley started a new conversation off. "Out of curiosity do you teach Loan Blackwood?" He asked biting his lip. Riley had started to teach him this term and he was actually surprised at how much of a good student he was, he could show Mark a thing or two anyway. When Cyndi began to speak again Riley was suddenly more interested at the mention of a Seer. He was friends with a Seer but it wouldn't be the same one seeing as his friend was a guy and not a chick. He was going to ask her what happened but she spoke before he could get a word in. "Wow Cyndi thats great. Too who though? Are you and Cam back together now?" He asked giving her a huge hug. He was glad to hear that she was going to be wed soon, she deserved it.
Cyndi walked over to the fridge as she listened to Riley speak. Opening it, she rummaged inside as he spoke about his Christmas with Adele. She pushed aside some boxes and finally found the bag of grapes she was looking for as he told her that he'd made up with Adele. Her eyes widened and as she closed the door and looked at her friend, bag of grapes in her hand, they remained that way. "I must've heard wrong" she smiled. It was pretty early, for her anyway. "Did you just say you and Adele are back together?" she asked. It wasn't that she thought it was a terrible idea, but she definitely hadn't seen that coming.

She gave him another curious look as she walked to the sink to wash her grapes. She actually had to think about his next question. The young professor taught so many students and had dozens more in her house, so thinking about one name was a bit difficult. "Um...maybe?" she guessed with a shrug. "The name sounds sort of familiar. Why?" she asked as she popped a grape into her mouth.

Riley seemed to take the news she was telling him about her friend's vision a hell of a lot better than she had. Unfortunately, he reacted just the way she didn't want. As he hugged her, she groaned and then frowned slightly. "Is it really? I dunno. She wasn't sure. She said it looked like Cam, but she didn't get a good look" Cyndi looked down at the grapes and popped another into her mouth. She shook her head sadly. "No. I mean I saw him the other day and we spoke, but that's a long ways from anything matrimonial" she was more confused now than ever. "He's got a lot going on with Kiera...and I'm worried about her too. I'm certainly not going to add any more drama into his life. He's probably had enough of that from me anyway." she shrugged and chewed on another grape.
Riley watched Cyndi route around the fridge carefully watching her face. He wanted to see how she responded to the news first before thinking about it. When she closed the fridge door and looked at him Riley curiously stared at her as she commented. He wondered why she sounded so surprised then again he had not let on a single hint that he had plans to get back together with her and had not actually thought about it properly until the option was tossed at him. It was then that he thought it was the best option for the three of them. "Yep. It was when I went to the house to spend Christmas with her and Lowan. She asked to kiss me under some mistletoe and I did then she said that she wanted to back together. And seeing as my feelings for her are still live and kicking and not to mention I had to think about Lowan too I thought that getting back with her and becoming a proper family again was the best option for all of us." He said watching her wash the grapes before starting to eat them one at a time. "He is my Cousin. Mark had just adopted him and he is going to be living with me and Adele and Mark and Lowan. We are going to be having a full house."

He walked over to her and put his arm around her. "Well you know even if it isnt him and some other dude il still be happy for you. As long as your happy il be happy." He said kissing the top of her head in a friendly way. "How could it not be good news. Even if its Cam or not this shows that your going to be with the love of your life soon. How can you not be excited about that. Even if you did just speak recently thats not to say nothing else will happen, I mean do you still like him?" He asked her still with a smile on his face at this news that his best friend had given to him. "Drama doesn't last forever you know. It comes then goes like the seasons." He said trying to show her the bright side of this situation seeing as she didn't come across to him as so sure about it.
Cyndi listened to Riley as he explained how he and Adele had finally gotten back together and how exactly Logan Blackwood fit into it all before speaking. "I can't say I'm too surprised about you and Adele getting back together" she said with a smile. If Adele was one thing, she was definitely determined and Cyndi knew just how badly she'd wanted to right the wrong she'd done to Riley. It made sense that they'd end up back together though because Lowan kept them tied together and they would always have to spend time near each other to remain in his life. What better way to do that than by actually being together. And the way Cyndi saw it, they were pretty much even now and she hoped that was the end of both of their cheating ways. "Wow....you're right. It will be a full house over there" she nodded as she offered Riley some grapes before continuing to eat some herself. "I'm happy for you Ril...all of you" she added honestly.

Leaning into her friend as he put his arm around her, Cyndi felt some of the tension ease out of her shoulders. She listened to him speak, a soft smile crossing her face as he kissed her and spoke the words of a true friend. It was the same way she felt about him. Whether she agreed with his decisions, Cyndi only wanted to see her friend happy. "I...I never thought about it that way to be honest" she said, looking up at her friend, a curious expression on her face. All of this time she'd been so busy focusing on the fact that the prophecy couldn't have meant Cam, that she'd lost sight of who the prophecy was about. Her. And her future husband- the love of her life as Riley put it. "When did you become so wise, Riley Smith?" she teased. His words held so much wisdom and she couldn't help but see the bright side of all of this.
"Do I still like him?" she asked aloud, repeating his question. "I don't think I ever stopped..." she let out, having come to that realization only after she'd spoken to Cameron on that day.
Riley pressed his lips together as his eye brows raised for a few moments. He didn't think that she would be too surprised to hear it seeing as she probably knew him better than he knew himself. "Didn't think you would be to be honest." He said with a crooked smile on his face as he spoke. He wondered how Cyndi would behave around Adele now they were together again, he wondered if they would continue to just tolerate each other for him and Lowan or if they would actually end up being real friend with each other. He didn't see why they couldn't be. Adele had grown up a lot in such a short time and he thought they were actually good enough to get alone in terms of personality. "Yeah full house indeed but the scary thing is that im the oldest out of them all and im living with three teenagers now." He said with chuckle. He hoped that didn't mean he got stuck with the problems of three teenagers, because that was enough for even the most mature people to handle. "Thanks Cyndi, it means a lot to me knowing that your behind me the whole way. I have seriously no idea where I would be without you. I assume probably in the bed of some strange girl." He said laughing at his last comment.

Riley smiled softly at Cyndi as she told him that she had not seen her situation like he had said it. He knew she would have blown the whole thing out of proportion and thought way too much into it and made it something which it wasn't. But that was what he was here for, to calm her over active mind down and to make sure she didn't have a break down when people told her she would get married in a few years. Information that applied to a lot of people. "Thats what im here for." He said quietly He hoped she got married soon, he would give anything to see her happy and he knew she would be happy with the man she loved. A laugh escaping him at her next comment. He shrugged before answering. "Well iv kinda gone through this. Iv got married to the person I love so I have a different view on it all. And also I think it comes with having kids." He said with a thoughtful expression on his face as he mentioned kids. "I mean I have to calm Adele down when she has her extremely over the top girly hormonal moments about the most simple of things when it her time of the month. I mean if I can calm her down then, I can calm you down everyday of the week." He said jokily with a cheeky grin on his face. "Then what are you waiting for, tell him how you feel. So what if there's drama, I find having someone there helps more than people think." He said giving her yet more tips
"That is scary" she said with a mock shudder. The last time she had lived with three teenagers was back when she was a teenager herself and it had been no picnic then. Sure, the girls had mostly gotten along but there had been ocassional brief spats between them that had been dramatic, loud and usually involved tears. "At least two of them are boys" she said, giving Riley a pat on the back. Continuing to listen, Cyndi smiled. "Of course I am behind you the whole. I'll always have your back" she responded even chuckling a bit at his comment about the strange girls that she had the feeling would be true if she weren't around for him.

Waving her wand at the boiling water, she continued to listen to her friend as in the background, their coffee was made. She barely paid any attention to it until two cups hovered over towards them along with a bowl of sugar and a carton of milk. She put some milk into one cup and then grabbed it in her hand to take a sip. "I guess" she said with another smile. Riley had definitely changed and matured a lot since she first met him. As he told her what she should do about Cameron, Cyndi shifted nervously, the coffee sloshing in the cup. "Oh, I dunno Riley. We agreed to be friends. I don't want to ruin that. I'd rather have him as a friend than not have him at all" she said. Usually, Cyndi was all for being impulsive but in this case, she wasn't sure. What if he didn't like her like that anymore let alone love her? She'd be devastated. "Maybe..."
Riley nodded. Yeah he had to agree it was good that two were boys and Adele would soon be twenty as well so he wouldn't be the only non teen in the house, except for Lowan but he was a baby so therefor thebyoungest which would come to haunt him in later years. He had planned so many funny and evil things for him when he was a little older. He was going to get so many laughs out of child raising as he could. He needed something to make him laugh when he felt so dow. no matter how much he pretended he was fine he knew that he wasn't the whole werewolf thing had not gone down well with him and he still hated himself so much because of it but what choice did he have. He couldn't show it because of Adele and Lowan and the rest of his family. He had to be the role model for them all and show no weakness. "Yeah i know you are, just like il always have your." He said with a smile in her direction. He knew that she would always be there for him and he would return the favour always.

Watching her take her sip first before he picked up his own cup and took an small sip he sighed as he enjoyed the strong taste. He only even bought the best brand of coffee, mainly because he was so pcky about it. A crookid smile crossed his face as she spoke. She really needed to see this through his eyes to be able to understand fully just where he was coming from. He knew that when he had been with Ana he had wanted to marry her but now he knew that he would not have gone through with it and would have regretted it for a long time, Adele was truely the one for him and that was clearer now than ever before. "Well what can i say. If you just want to be friends with him and never know then go a head. I know which i would rather do. I mean worst case is he say s no and freaks out and leaves. Your sad for a while but you meet someone new and then you forget all about him and fall for the other guy." He said casually as if it was common knowledge what he had just said. He knew that that was what he would do but then again healways liked to follow his feeling in situations like that. A girl was a girl and there were always plenty more where they cam efrom to replace teach other
After another sip of the coffee, Cyndi made a face. It wasn't because of the coffee though. The coffee tasted amazing as usual. Whatever type it was that Riley bought for them was great. "Ugh...I hate when you make sense" she groaned. Riley was correct of course and she knew deep down that this was what she had to do. "I know, I know" she sighed, knowing it would kill her if she didn't find out soon. "Honestly, I don't think I can be just friends with him. If I find out he's dating another girl, there's no way in hell I can sit around and be happy about it" she added. If this was what being love sick was, she was ready for just let him know so she could find out either way.

The coffee was warm in her hands and as she looked up at Riley, she smiled. "It's going to be so quiet without you here." When Riley had moved out the first time, it had taken Cyndi a while to get used to the silence whenever she was home. Having the privacy was a good thing even though Riley was really good at leaving her alone when he thought she wanted to be. He was a good roommate and she was really, really going to miss him. "I may be moving as well. It's as good a time as any especially if you aren't going to be here anymore."
Riley shrugged smugly, taking in the feeling of being right for once, it really was quite a rare thing for him. Or at least it used to be anyway, now he seemed to be right about most things all of the time. It was starting to annoy a few people now as well. "Yeah well im only doing it for your own good. Make you see proper sense and not just Cyndi sense." He said with a grin before laughing. He did think that she must have her own personal sort of sense sometimes. "Well then there's your answer. You know what your heart wants better than anyone ever could. When it comes down to it, its really about what you think and feel." He said taking a sip of his coffee to stop his throat from being dry.

With a nod of his head Riley agreed with Cyndi's comment. He was responsible for a lot of the noise around here, especially when Adele used to come around before they lived together. "Yeah i know but il probably be here a lot anyway. I want my son to be seeing his crazy aunty on a regular basis. Your the main good influence on him." Riley said only really half joking about it. With his new super low self esteem Riley didn't think much of himself in the term of being a good role model for Lowan. He didn't really think himself much of himself in any respect. "Well if you do move make sure to show me where you live. I dont want to have to go all in to it to have to find where you live." He said with a big grin on his face
"Maybe I won't" she said and crossed her arms across her chest as if she was upset with him. "I do not have Cyndi sense" she said, her eyes narrowing even though it was hard to stay upset with Riley for long. She didn't know what he meant by that though. Was she always trying to twist things to her way of thinking about them. As she thought about that for a second, she realized that she actually did. But, she couldn't help it. Cyndi didn't like being wrong so if there was a way to convince herself and others that her way of thinking about things was right, why shouldn't she?

Cyndi was not about to admit that Riley was right, so she did the next best thing in her eyes. She stuck out her tongue and then giggled. "Of course I'll let you know. I don't think I could keep you, Lowan or Adele away for long anyway" she said with a raised brow. She and Adele had become not friends exactly but definitely much more cordial to each other over the year that they'd known each other. "And I'll probably need some help moving..." she hinted."It won't be for a while though. I'll probably wait until school's out."
Riley pulled a knowing and sarcastic face as he looked at her for a few moments when she spoke. "Uhhuh. Its Cyndis and there is no other way. Luckily im too stubborn to follow your way and make my own way." He said grinning widely at her. Of course he was only messing around with, he wqas used to her always trying to be right and he didn't really notice it anymore. He just did the manly thing and nodded his head and agree. He knew bette than to get in to a fight with Cyndi, he knew who would loose and he didn't like loosing to girls.

Laughing and rolling his eyes he knew what that action meant. He was obviously right, for once. "Yeah thats true I dont think you could. Especially Adele." He said with a chuckle. He wondered if he should bring up his own person game with Adele about not doing it. Of course it would be inappropriate but then again he was a guy. "Hey who do you think could last longer not being in bed, me or Adele. Im seeing who has the most self control in our relationship and i think its me." He said smiling at her with a laugh following shortly after. "Il help dont worry, you dont even have to ask." He said nudging her shoulder before taking a sip of the coffee in his hand
Cyndi narrowed her eyes and made a face at Riley. She wasn't going to dignify that with a response of any sort. But, then she couldn't help it. "You are a stubborn one" she muttered, finishing up her coffee and placing the mug beside her. Riley knew her well enough though so when he saw her stick her tongue out at him, she knew that he knew it was because she knew he was right but was not willing to admit it. It would go to his head if she did.

Cyndi didn't follow what Riley was speaking about at first, because she wasn't paying close enough attention to the first part of what he said when he mentioned their bed so she answered the question innocently. "You wish. My galleon's on Adele. She's got loads more self control than..." her expression changed as what he was actually speaking about dawned on her and she smacked his arm. "Gross Riley. Is this about your sex life?" His laugh told her that it was and she rolled her eyes. "My galleons are still on Adele" she repeated, a smirk appearing on her face. She figured that neither one of them would last longer than a month anyway.
Riley nodded happily as she said that he was a stubborn one. It was a trait which had run through his entire family and he hated to say it but he thought that Lowan would too have the stubborn trait too. He hoped now, he didn't want a stubborn child. "Yes. Yes I am. As are you." He said giving her a smug smile as he spoke.

A smile worked its was slowly across his face as he listened to her say that she thought Adele had more control. He begged to differ. It was usually always Adele who made the first move on him and he just ended up following suit. He had matured a lot and he could do without it for a while. He would be happy just being in a kiss and cuddle relationship until she cracked. He laughed as it finally clicked in her head about what he had meant. "Oh Cyndiloo, when do i ever not talk about sex." He said still laughing. "Oh i dont know. Adele usually always makes the first move on me. I reckon i could last longer because i dont exactly have a big desire to do it at the moment. I have more important things to do." He said almost in a professional manner as he crossed his arms over his chest
Cyndi covered her ears and pretended that she couldn't hear what Riley was saying as he continued to speak about whether he or Adele had more self control. "I am soo not talking about this" she chuckled as she playfully smacked Riley in the arm. Cyndi hopped off the counter and headed to the sink to wash her mug. As she put the water on, Cyndi continued speaking to Riley. "So...what are these super important things you need to do?" She was smirking but sinced her back was to Riley, she was sure he wouldn't be able to see. Shutting off the water, she shook her hands off and then turned around, an amused expression on his face. "Anything I can help with?" she asked.
Riley half smiled at her as she said that she was not going to talk about it. He knew she wouldn't before he had even said anything but her reaction just made him laugh which was why he said it in the first place. He watched Cyndi as she came off from the counter and washed her cup. Riley was too lazy to do that, a quick spell would suffice for him. Biting down on his lip as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. He wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about what he needed to talk about with her, she would only disagree and he wasn't sure that would help. "Oh you know, just work stuff and family stuff. Its nothing i can't handle." He said passively brushing the topic aside. It was kind of to do with what he had said but it was more his family than his jobs. In Rileys eyes he had no idea why Adele loved him and why she was with him. He didn't even see himself as human any more and the work load with three jobs and a family to look after was taking its toll on him so much. What had originally been for the best was now for the worse. He could not cope with so much work
Cyndi's eyes narrowed slightly as Riley brushed off her question, answering her in such a way that she knew that he was obviously hiding something. "Hmm..." she said, pursing her lips for a moment. She knew her friend was going through some things at the moment, what with finding out he was a werewolf. That couldn't be an easy thing to deal with. In fact, she knew it wasn't easy because she had another friend, who had bitten by a werewolf and she'd had lots of trouble coming to terms with her new life as well. Riley also had some good things going for him now and she hoped it would help him.

"Riley..." she said, putting her hands on her hips and preparing to stare her friend down if he didn't talk. "So, everything's fine?" she asked, a bit skeptical about it all especially since he didn't seem to want to talk about it.
Riley sighed as soon as Cyndi spoke, well half spoke. Hmmm wasn't exactly a real word in a dictionary. more of a noise. He knew that she would not let it go and he didn't like lying to her and he knew he would have to lie to get out. He wasn't ready to talk to any one about any thing just yet. Besides Adele would be the first to know and she could tell Cyndi if she really wanted to. He straitened up as she mentioned his name. He nodded slowly. "Of course everything is fine. When is anything not fine in my life." He said pretended to be his old self and winked at her with a cheeky laugh. "Seriously. Life is good. I have an amazing family, amazing friends and well paid jobs so i have a lot of money coming in." He said smiling to sow his white teeth. He hoped that he had convinced her enough but if not then he hoped she would leave the obvious sensitive topic alone so that he would not need to lie to her any more
Cyndi stared at Riley as he spoke. She couldn't believe that he was blowing her off but in her mind that was exactly what he was doing. She was pretty sure he wasn't fine even though he was smiling and winking like normal. There was just something off about his response. It was nothing she could put her finger on but knowing Riley for several years, she had come to know when he was doing well and when he wasn't.

A hurt expression crossed her face for a moment and then she quickly looked away. When she looked back at him, her expression was as normal as she could make it even though she was hurt that her friend couldn't trust her with whatever this was. She forced a shaky smile. "Great" she said in an overly cheery voice. She headed for the door of the kitchen and pushed it open with a little more force than usual. "I have to start getting ready. Cam told me he'd be here at about noon."
Riley felt his heart breaking as he looked at Cyndi's expression. No matter how quickly she had looked away from him Riley had seen the hurt plastered all over it. He looked down away from her, not able to face her. He hated lying to her, she was his best friend and he told everything to her but this was something which was for his wife to know about first. It affected her the most and he needed her to know about what he had been going through and why he had acted oddly towards her at Christmas.

He knew she was hurt and her cheery tone did nothing to change his mind on the matter but who was he to ask her why she was upset with him when he knew the reason full well. "Right well I guess I should leave you two alone then." He said quietly as he moved passed her in the door day. and headed for the main door. As he opened it he looked back at her. They both knew he was lying. "Cyndi im sorry but I need to talk to Adele first. You understand right." He explained to her, not wanting to leave knowing she was upset with him.
Cyndi nodded her head as Riley spoke. It was probably best that he were gone by the time Cameron came. Even though they were only 'friends,' Cyndi didn't want him to think she was involved with anyone and seeing Riley again might bring about everything that had happened, something she wasn't looking to remember or repeat. "Well we're going out, but yea, I do need to get ready" she spoke, her arms crossed over her chest.

As he walked towards the door, Cyndi hoped that he would simply walk through. Of course he didn't though. When he turned, Cyndi listened to what he said and then nodded curtly. "Of course" she said with a shrug. She did understand. It was just that she wasn't used to not being privy to the details of everything that happened in Riley's life. This was especially the case when he was bothered by something like she knew he was now. "Don't worry about it. We're good" she said, holding her hand up to wave goodbye quickly.

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